Therapeutic properties of milk thistle. The use of milk thistle and scrota for liver diseases, gastritis, psoriasis, cholecystitis,

Therapeutic properties of milk thistle. The use of milk thistle and scrota for liver diseases, gastritis, psoriasis, cholecystitis,

Ways to use milk thistle for the treatment of gastritis and cholecystitis. Instructions for use of milk thistle.

Priropers is a plant that is one of the varieties of a thistle. This grass contains more than 400 active substances that allow you to fight diseases of the liver, intestines, skin and female ailments.

The composition of the milk thistle (thistle)
The composition of the milk thistle (thistle)

What treats milk thistle? What effect does a milk thistle have on the human body?

Composition and properties of milk thistle
Composition and properties of milk thistle

Priropers is a unique plant, it is often used independently or as part of herbal gatherings to treat many ailments.

The effect of taking a milk thistle:

  • Anti -inflammatory. Thanks to saponins and analgesics, the plant relieves inflammation.
  • Immunomodulating. The grass contains compounds that stimulate the production of interferon.
  • Choleretic. The composition of the medicine has a bitterness that stimulates the outflow of bile.
  • Hepatoprotective. Due to the presence of silimarin, the processes of liver regeneration are activated.
  • Protection of the liver, in case of violation of metabolic processes, overweight.Silimarin protects liver cells  from dangerous poisons, including from alcohol poisoning, during the oversight of the liver during fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Cleansing effect on the body.
  • Laxative.
  • Diuretic. Thanks to alkaloids and flavonoids, it stimulates the outflow of urine, removes excess fluid.
  • Removing spasms and pains.
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Has an antioxidant effect on the liver and blood.
  • Prevention of metabolic disorders.
  • Disinfectant, antimicrobial.
  • Wound healing. The drug contains a whole list of vitamins and minerals. It is they who stimulate the restoration of the mucosa and fight with ulcers and erosion
Flowers of milk thistle
Flowers of milk thistle

Which is better: oil or a sprouts oil?

Fool is cake or flour, it is production waste. Vitamins in Shrot are much smaller than in a milk thistle, the composition is like that of the original product. But the sand is softer, it has a slightly exposed choleretic effect. It should be used in such cases if:

  • It is necessary to clean the intestinal walls from old feces. There is a lot of fiber that swells in the intestines and removes feces.
  • In case of ban on the use of milk thistle.
  • When you need to gradually strengthen the outflow of bile.

What side effects do milk thistle have?

Of course, despite the natural origin, the milk thistle has a number of contraindications.


  • Anemia. This plant removes iron from the body, therefore it is prohibited with anemia, low hemoglobin.
  • Reception of oral contraceptives. The grass reduces hormone absorption, because of this, the effectiveness of contraceptives is reduced. The risk of unwanted pregnancy increases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. The choleretic effect can provoke additional nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
  • Taking such drugs: erythromycin, St. John's wort, nizoral, triazolan, methadone. Proopsha holds these substances longer in the body, which can cause poisoning
  • Ambrose allergies and others are complicated. Proopsha also belongs to the family of compounds, so it can cause an allergic reaction
  • Stones in the gall bladder. If the size of the stones is large, then the use of the plant should be abandoned. Otherwise, stones can provoke blockage of the bile ducts
  • Endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia. The drug contains substances similar to estrogen. They can provoke an increase in estrogen -dependent tumors

How to take a milk thistle in capsules?

It is most convenient to take a milk thistle in capsules. In this case, you do not need to mess with the brewing of tea and its insisting.

Instructions for the use of capsules:

  • You need to consume 2 capsules three times a day 25 minutes before meals
  • Enough a course of treatment 30 days
  • After that, a break for 1 month is made
  • Do not take the drug for more than 40 days, as it is addictive

How much do they drink a milk thistle?

It all depends on the product you use. For decoction, schrota, alcohol tincture, there are different periods of use.

The duration of the treatment courses is quick:

  • Grass. Grass tea is taken three times a day. The course of treatment - 1 month
  • Fool. Use three times a day in the form of dry powder. It is taken for 40 days. After the course, take a two -week break and repeat the course again. In total, you need to be treated for 6-12 months
  • Tincture. Take three times a day before eating 5-6 times. The course of treatment - 30 days

Gastritis is a milk thistle

The composition of milk thistle contains silimarin and vitamins. They smooth the muscles, tighten ulcers and damage inside the stomach. With gastritis, a decoction of grass and juice from plant leaves are taken.

To do this, you need to collect fresh raw materials and grind in a meat grinder. Porridge must be put on gauze and squeeze the juice. This liquid should be taken on a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Action for gastritis:

  • Restores metabolism
  • Stimulates the restoration of the mucous membrane
  • Relaxes muscles, removing spasm
  • Promotes to reduce inflammation
Gastritis is a milk thistle
Gastritis is a milk thistle

Milk -thistle with psoriasis

Many doctors believe that psoriasis is a manifestation of liver ailments. Indeed, after taking hepatoprotectors, the number of rashes decreases. They become pale and disappear. In order to clean the liver, milk thistle is often prescribed.

Instructions for use of milk thistle for psoriasis:

  • If you use powder, then eat a teaspoon three times a day. Preferably before eating
  • You can cook a decoction. To do this, 30 g of powder pour 400 ml of water and boiled for a couple of minutes. Take 20 ml every hour
  • You can cook tea. 15 g of dry grass pour 220 ml of boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes. Strain and drink half a glass in front of each meal

Milk thistle for cholecystitis

With cholecystitis, it is recommended to take substances that reduce cholesterol. Anti -inflammatory drugs are also shown. Indeed, with cholecystitis, the bile ducts are clogged and damage the mucous membrane. For the treatment of cholecystitis, milk thistle oil is taken.

Ways to use milk thistle for cholecystitis:

  • Oil. It is accepted on an empty stomach. In the morning you can tie a salad of fresh vegetables with this oil
  • Roots. A spoonful of crushed roots pour 220 ml of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Cool and drink in front of each meal
  • Tincture. To prepare the medicine, 100 g of roots is chopped and 500 ml of red wine is poured. It is best to take dry. The jar is put in a dark place for 14 days. Take a glass three times a day
Milk thistle for cholecystitis
Milk thistle for cholecystitis

Baby -thistle from constipation

For the treatment of constipation, a rar is usually used. This is a natural source of fiber, which quickly removes feces from the intestines.

Instructions for use:

  • Mix a spoon of a screw with 120 ml of boiled water
  • Water should be warm. Mix the mixture thoroughly
  • Drink before breakfast
  • After 2 hours, you will feel the urge to defecate. At the same time, the feces will become softer and quickly leave the intestines

Milk thistle for liver diseases

Now, more and more often pharmaceutical companies are resorting to the use of plant materials for the treatment of the liver. This grass can be treated with serious ailments and small problems.

Liver diseases that treat milk thistle:

  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Cholecystitis
  • Gallopolate Discinesia
  • Stones in bile ducts

How to apply milk thistle for liver diseases Article here (link to the article)

More about cleaning the liver with herbs, you can find out here.

How to take a milk thistle: tips and reviews

Before starting treatment, carefully study the instructions for the drug. Talk to the doctor and learn about the feasibility of using the medicine.

  • Do not take drugs based on milk thistle longer than 40 days
  • You can not drink milk thistle and some drugs (see in contraindications)
  • Try to take a decoction or tincture at the same time
  • Usually the liver drugs are drunk before eating
  • If you have cracks in the rectum, do not use the screw. He scratches a little mucous membrane

It is not necessary to use expensive hepatoprotectors to treat serious ailments of the liver. Carsil and Silimar contains a milk thistle extract.

Video: Proophasha for the treatment of the liver


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Comments K. article

  1. To normalize the digestive tract, this is what is needed, of course. I myself often just breed a spray -thistle flame in water and drink in one gulp, usually before meals. In addition, without fail on a regular basis, I drink tea Evalar Bio gastrointestinal, it also helps in this regard. I got rid of gastritis for a long time, thanks to these methods, and even now there are no pains in general, which also pleases))

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