Therapeutic properties of oak bark. When and how to take oak bark for adults and children?

Therapeutic properties of oak bark. When and how to take oak bark for adults and children?

The article discusses the healing properties of oak bark.

In nature, there are a huge amount of plant drugs. They help to cope with many diseases. Often, in ignorance, we buy expensive drugs, without even paying attention to the composition.

But if you carefully read it, you can understand that the basis of many drugs are the plant components available to everyone. One of these herbal preparations is oak bark.

Useful properties and contraindications for the treatment of oak bark

The useful composition of this raw materials determines its healing properties. The bark contains:

  • Tannins (they have a astringent effect)
  • Pentosa (have an anti -inflammatory effect)

In addition, there are other useful substances in the composition:

  • Pectins
  • Flavonoids
  • Squirrels

Thanks to its rich composition, oak bark has a positive effect in:

  1. Burns
  2. Hemorrhoids
  3. Praise
  4. Bleeding gums
  5. Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, as well as the throat
  6. Potings of the legs
Oak bark has healing properties

Despite the fact that the oak bark has almost no significant contraindications, it should be treated carefully:

  1. With personal cortex intolerance (allergies)
  2. With constipation (if we are talking about decoctions for oral consumption)
  3. During pregnancy
  4. Children under 2 years old

Important: one of the important restrictions in the treatment of oak bark is the duration of the course. The course of treatment should not last more than two weeks. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening smell.

Can an oak bark for children?

  • You can not take inside children under 2 years old
  • Older children can do infusions for rinsing the throat with angina, as well as for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis, with slight bleeding of the gums
  • If the baby has a sweatshirt, you can bathe it in a weak infusion of water with a bark

How can I use oak bark?

To obtain medicinal raw materials, it is not necessary to go to the forest in search of perennial oaks. You can purchase a bark in pharmacies in the form of powder.

However, if you decide to prepare the bark with your own hands, you should take into account certain rules:

  1. It must be harvested in the spring before the appearance of foliage. During this period, it contains the greatest concentration of beneficial substances
  2. Better to harvest the bark of young oaks
  3. The collected raw materials should be thoroughly dried, chopped, stored in a dry fabric bag
Oak bark is sold in pharmacies

The bark for therapeutic purposes is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, lotions inside and externally.

The difference between the decoction and the infusion:

  • When insisting, the bark is poured with boiling water, this mixture can withstand for a while
  • To make a decoction, boiling bark flooded with boiling water must be boiled for about half an hour

You can use oak bark both for medical purposes and in cosmetic.

AT cosmetology Oak bark serves:

  • To restore weakened hair by washing or rinsing with a decoction
  • With alopecia (hair loss)
  • To give a natural dark shade to hair
  • The lotions made on the basis of oak bark take care of oily skin, prone to inflammation and acne rash
Oak bark is used to care for the hair and oily skin of the face

Oak bark in gynecology

Thanks to antiseptic, healing, anti -inflammatory properties, oak bark is used during the treatment of gynecological diseases. It:

  1. Kolpit
  2. Thrush
  3. Cervical erosion

To restore the vaginal microflora, it is necessary to douch with infusions.


  • 2 tbsp. bark powder pour 200 ml of boiling water
  • Then leave to infuse
  • Strain, cool the infusion, then proceed to douching

Important: during the filtering of the infusion, make sure that not a single island gets into a solution for douching.

With the help of oak bark, you can normalize the vaginal microflora

Bark for throat

Oak bark is a good remedy for the treatment of sore throat. A decoction of the throat is 3-4 times a day.

Oak bark for sore throat:

  • 1 tsp bark pour 200 ml of boiling water
  • Boil the mixture for 30 minutes
  • Wait until the decoction has cooled
  • Strain through several layers of gauze

Important: with angina, you cannot self -medicate. First of all, medical treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. Rinse with a decoction of the bark serves as effective local therapy.

Oak bark

The positive effects of the oak bark are affirmed by the ENT doctors. You can rinse your nose with sinusitis with infusion.

No need to do a steep infusion, the tannins contribute to the dryness of the nasal mucosa.

After washing the nose, drop 1 drop of vegetable oil in each nostril with infusion. You can simply wipe it inside the nostrils with a cotton swab moistened in vegetable oil.

Sulfur oak

With hyperhydrosis of the feet (or simply with sweating of the legs), it is recommended to make baths for the legs. By the way, such baths help not only with sweating legs, but also with sweating hands.

You will need:

  • 50 g of bark
  • 1 liter of water

Bath for the legs and arms with sweating:

  1. Pour the bark with boiling water
  2. Insist
  3. Hold your legs or arms for about 20 minutes in heat

A positive effect will be noticeable through several procedures.

Baths with oak bark help reduce foot sweating

Oak bark at hemorrhoids

For the treatment of such a delicate and unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids, oak bark is used in the form of ointments, baths, fees for oral administration.

Important: refrain from taking oak bark inside if hemorrhoids are accompanied by constipation. Use ointments, lotions or sitting baths better.

To prepare the ointment will need:

  • Bark in the form of powder
  • Water pepper
  • Flaw flowers
  • Salo


  • Melt the pork lard, mix with the rest of the components
  • The mixture should be pasty
  • Insist ointment of a day, periodically mixing
  • Make a candle - apply an ointment to the bandage, insert it into the anus at night
  • Keep the ointment in the refrigerator

Inside infusion:

  • Mix oak bark, dry chamomile, flax seeds in a proportion of 1: 2: 3, respectively
  • Pour 1 glass of boiling water 1 table. a spoonful of this mixture
  • Let it brew for 10 hours
  • Take 0.5 cups per day half an hour before meals no longer than 2 weeks
  • First agree with the doctor

Important: not everyone can be taken.


  1. With stones in the gall and bladder
  2. With prostate cancer in men
Oak infusion

Bark for an oak for intestines

This raw materials helps with various gastrointestinal diseases. For example:

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Duodenal ulcer and stomach
  3. Chronic colitis

If you have a liquid chair, pour 1 tbsp. crushed bark 200 ml of boiling water, wait until it cools down, strain, and then take 1 tsp. 2 times a day. After a short time, it will be possible to note a positive effect.

Sometimes traditional medicine is significantly more effective than traditional. However, do not relate to traditional medicine, as a panacea from all diseases. Do not forget to coordinate your actions with doctors.

Video: Healing properties of oak

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