Lily of the valley: therapeutic properties and contraindications, use in folk medicine. Landysh tincture - instructions for use

Lily of the valley: therapeutic properties and contraindications, use in folk medicine. Landysh tincture - instructions for use

The valley is not only a beautiful and pleasantly smelling flower, but also a medicinal plant with a unique property. It will help from many diseases, but with improper use can lead to death.

When the valley bloom, it becomes immediately clear that spring entered into force. The aroma of this wonderful plant spreads far around the district, and sophisticated flowers are collected in fragrant bouquets.

But not only with its beauty The lilies of the valley are famous. In many countries, they are officially recognized medicinal plant. The valley has a huge number useful properties. Let's try to figure out what this fragrant flower is so useful.

Lily of the valley: medicinal and healing properties

Since ancient times therapeutic propertiesthis flower is known to humanity. Tinctures of its flowers are used to treat diseases hearts and in ophthalmology. At the beginning of the last century, a pure medicine that gained the name received from the valley controloxin.

Lily of the valley are not only beautiful, but also healing
Lily of the valley are not only beautiful, but also healing

Despite the fact that people knew about the usefulness of the valley for a long time, in official medicine this plant came relatively recently. In the middle of the 19th century An article by a professor was published in one of the scientific magazines Inozemtsevaabout the wonderful properties of the valley. But no one paid her due attention. And only a few decades later a famous doctor Botkin He introduced into his practice tinctures from the valley for the treatment of heart disease.

A few years later, pharmacists were allocated from the valley a powder that had a beneficial effect on the heart.

When the production of powder was launched, it was not cleaned enough, so patients began to complain about side effects. After that, they forgot about the valley for some time. And even after the powder began to be effectively cleaned, people cautiously referred to this drug. Only a few decades later, Botkin again returned the Landysh a well -deserved recognition.

Most often the valley is used to treat cardiovascular diseases
Most often the valley is used to treat cardiovascular diseases

This flower contains substances that are beneficial affect the heart muscle. Its composition also contains various acids, such as citric and apple, starch and aspargin.

Lilies in their composition have substances acting on the heart, due to which the heart rhythm is stabilized,they also affect the vessels.

The valley is used in the treatment of heart disease, neurosis and vices. It has the ability to expand the vessels, so it is used with hypertension. With its help, blood circulation processes improve, toxins and harmful fluids are excreted from the body.

It is advisable to take lilies of the valley as a sedative
It is advisable to take lilies of the valley as a sedative

Also, this wonderful plant is used with nervous breakdowns, as a sedative. In the arsenal of the beneficial properties of the valley, sleeping pills. It is used to treat epilepsy, thyroid gland, with headaches and paralysis.

Acting On the renal vessels Substances in the valley expand them, due to which the outflow of fluid increases. It helps to cope with swelling during pregnancy and eliminates symptoms with menopause.

Video: Maisky valley

Landysh tincture - instructions for use

Folk healing For several hundred years now, it has not been complete without the beneficial properties of the valley. Tincture from this plant can be prepared independently, this will not be difficult. It is recommended to take it with:

  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • urinary tract ailments
  • cardiovascular diseases and tachycardia
  • to wash the eyes with strong conjunctivitis
  • insomnia and nervous excitability
  • feverish states, malaria and rheumatism
  • epilepsy
  • intestinal colic and asthma
The assortment of pharmacies has many lily of the valley.
The assortment of pharmacies has many lily of the valley.

In any pharmacy you can purchase alcohol tincture of the valley. To use it, it is necessary to dilute ten parts of water.

There are also tinctures of lily of the valley with the addition of other medicinal herbs, such as hawthorn or valerian. In combination, these agents are used for diseases of the thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, nervous system disorders and insomnia.

The unique tincture of the valley is considered a potent agent. Therefore, before using it to treat any problems, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Landysh: Application in folk medicine

Traditional medicine has long been familiar with healing properties of the valley. It contains a huge amount of useful substances. They are mainly used plant flowers and leaves. Raw materials are dried in a shady place, and then taken if necessary.

For the preparation of medicinal tinctures, powders, oils, flowers, leaves and stems of the valley are used
For the preparation of medicinal tinctures, powders, oils, flowers, leaves and stems of the valley are used


A tablespoon of dry matter is poured with a glass of boiling water. Then this solution is insisted for a couple of hours. The infusion must be filtered and taken by fifteen milliliters every two hours.

You can use brewed the valley and as a sedative and decongestant agent. In this case, it is taken four times a day in a tablespoon. The course of such treatment should not exceed two weeks.

The valley can be brewed like tea and drink as a sedative instead of valerian or motherwort
The valley can be brewed like tea and drink as a sedative instead of valerian or motherwort


The valley is able to slow down the disease and Reduce intraocular pressure. In this case, the valley is mixed with nettle. A tablespoon of dried lily of the valley and half a glass of nettles is poured with thirty milliliters of boiling water and allowed to brew for eight hours. It should turn out to be a porridge. She is applied to the bandage and approach for half an hour to centuries. The course of treatment is two weeks.

The valley in combination with other plants is used for eye diseases
The valley in combination with other plants is used for eye diseases


In the prevention of this disease, you will need alcohol tincture from the valley:

  • grind the flowers and leaves of the plant
  • pour ten in parts of alcohol solution
  • withstand the infusion for a couple of weeks in a dark place and strain
  • dilute a teaspoon of medicine in a glass of water and wash the eyeballs twice a day with this mixture.

Heart diseases

For treatment heart problems An infusion of lily of the valley, dill, mint and valerian is used. Each drug is taken on a tablespoon, brewed in a liter of boiling water and left to infuse for an hour. Filter and use inside, 150 milliliters per day for two weeks.

The valley is used to treat cardiovascular diseases
The valley is used to treat cardiovascular diseases


To eliminate symptoms with menopause, take the infusion of lily of the valley with honey. To do this, brew a tablespoon of dry lily of the valley in a glass of boiling water. Then filter and add a spoonful of honey. You need to drink by twenty milliliters five times a day.

But remember, before using folk recipes, be sure to consult with the doctor.

Lily of the valley: Heart treatment

In folk medicine, lily of the valley is deservedly considered heart doctor. This is an effective medicine for many diseases of cardio-vascular system. For treatment, alcohol tincture is used. About how to cook it we wrote above. The main medicinal substance of the valley is capable of:

  • restore the heart rhythm
  • improve the clinical picture with heart disease
  • stabilize blood circulation
Lily of the valley - heart doctor
Lily of the valley - heart doctor


What is the danger of the valley: toxic properties

Along with useful properties, lily of the valley has negative properties. He is very poisonous! Even in the water, where the flowers of this plant stood, a large number of toxic substances are contained.

Lily of the valley not used for self -medication, because this can lead to very unpredictable consequences.

In addition to benefit, the lily of the valley can also bring serious harm
In addition to benefit, the lily of the valley can also bring serious harm

Especially the berries are dangerous. They can cause severe poisoning, heart failures and hallucinations. Therefore, if you use the valley for medicinal purposes, be extremely careful!

Lundy poisoning symptoms

The valley is a poisonous plant, this should be remembered and never do not exceed the dosage. In the case of an overdose, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • first nausea, and then severe vomiting
  • the weakness of the whole organism
  • heart rate, capable of leading to a complete cardiac arrest
  • drowsiness
  • flying begins before my eyes, hallucinations may appear
Doctors do not recommend putting bouquets from the valley in the bedroom and especially in the children's
Doctors do not recommend putting bouquets from the valley in the bedroom and especially in the children's

If you do not provide in a timely manner help with such poisoning, a person can expect fatal outcome.

When poisoning, first of all, the victim needs to call an ambulance. During the waiting period, you can independently make some manipulations:

  • Dilute in warm water manganeseand let the patient drink. This will cause vomiting and cleanse the stomach
  • Give any to the victim sorbent drugs
  • Can make an enema In order to cleanse the intestines

Contraindications to the use of the valley

As already mentioned, the lily of the valley is very poisonous. Therefore, the use of drugs must be carried out only when consulting with a doctor. Necessarily follow the specified doses!

Landysh medicines have many contraindications that should be clarified by the doctor
Landysh medicines have many contraindications that should be clarified by the doctor

Not recommended To use drugs made on the basis of a fragrant plant to people who suffer from problems with kidneys and liver, as well as with pronounced endocarditis.

It is also impossible to use the valley for myocardium, with changes in the vessels and pronounced problems in the cardiovascular sphere. Do not inhale the smell for a long time The valley, as this can also lead to a deterioration in well -being.

How to cook tincture of the valley at home: Recipe

Let's get acquainted with a couple of tinctures that are not difficult prepare yourself.


  • Dry flowers and lily of the valley of the valley in the amount of one teaspoon
  • A glass of steep boiling water
Landysh tincture can be easily prepared at home
Landysh tincture can be easily prepared at home

Pour the ingredient with boiling water, cover the container and let it brew for about an hour. Next, dash fluid and take a tablespoon no more than 4 times a day.


  • Fresh flowers of the valley
  • Pure medical alcohol

In a jar with a container of half a liter we pour the flowers of the plant, so that they occupy a third of the volume. Pour alcohol to the top, tightly close the lid and put in a dark place for two weeks. In this case, the contents of the jar must be periodically shaken.

Then it is necessary to drain the liquid through gauze. You can accept no more than 90 drops in a day. Dilute with boiled water.

Do not forget that before taking drugs from the valley is necessary consult with your doctor.

What is the coil of the valley as raw materials?

For the manufacture of various drugs, only the ground part of the lilies of the valley, and these are leaves and flowers. The collection must be carried out in sunny weather, in no case do this after the rain. The valley must be cut off with a sharp knife or a secateur. Do not tear them out with the bulbs, because it will destroy the culture!

Having broken the valley with the bulb, you will destroy the plant, moreover, for medical purposes, the underground part is not used
Having broken the valley with the bulb, you will destroy the plant, moreover, for medical purposes, the underground part is not used

Drya medicinal plant is necessary immediately after cutting. After it is wound, the medicinal properties will decrease sharply.

It is better to conduct drying procedure in a special apparatus. But if there is no one, then put the raw materials in the shade and turn it over periodically. When the plants are completely dry, they must be placed in a closing container and stored in a cool, dark place.

What leaves and flowers of the valley have medicinal value?

The leaves and flowers of a fragrant plant contain a large number of active substances , essential oils and acidswho have an excellent drug effect on the human body. In the history of drugs, lily of the valley is far from last.

For the preparation of tinctures, use the leaves and flowers of the valley
For the preparation of tinctures, use the leaves and flowers of the valley

In distant times, in the Prussian kingdom, it was invented tincture for cure paralysis. The flowers of the valley were collected in the early morning, they should have been covered with dew. And then they were insisted on wine.

In the foggy Albion tincture From this plant was called "golden water." It was used like a panacea from nervous disorders, used to treat the pain of the head and even saved it from epidemics. And such an infusion was sold only in expensive bottles of gold or silver.

The healing properties of the valley are used to this day and not only in folk medicine. Fragrant doctor helps with a wide variety of diseases,if you use it wisely and under the supervision of a doctor.

Video: Healing properties of the valley

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