Lime and lemon is the same or not? What is the difference between lemon and lime?

Lime and lemon is the same or not? What is the difference between lemon and lime?

Lime and lemon: different name of one fruit or different fruits? The differences between lime and lemon.

Lemon is a familiar citrus from virginity. But today in the recipes it regularly skips lime. What is this citrus? Lime and lemon are the same thing, only a green unripe fruit? Or a completely different product? This is what we will talk about in our article.

What is lemon?

So, lime and lemon are the same, or is it different? Lemon is a citrus fruit related to the subfamily of the Pomerantsev. Lemon fruits are from 5 to 15 cm in length and reach a weight of 250 g. There are indoor trees lemons that bear fruit all year round, albeit small lemons. And street trees lemons reach 5-8 meters in height and grow up to 40-45 years.

Lemons in Russia are known from ancient times, despite the fact that Russia was not grown, but were imported. At the same time, in the early sources it is mentioned how ordinary residents were stored by lemons and used, therefore, the lemon was not a delicacy.

Currently, lemons are used as an additive for tea, coffee, for confectionery dishes, as well as for cooking dishes from meat, fish and vegetables.


What is lime?

So, let's now, in the issue of lime and lemon, the same or various plants, consider what lime is. Despite the visual and taste resemblance to lemon, lime is a completely different plant. Lime trees are citrus fruits from the root family. The mass spread of lime appeared in India and spread in many hot countries. Today is the most popular varieties: Mexican, sour and real.

Lyme pulp is many times more than that of the lemon, and contains not only citric, but also apple acid. This does not end in the chemical difference between lime and lemon, since in lime a slightly different composition of vitamin and trace elements.

Lime grows on a bush, or on a very curly small tree. Lima varieties appeared in the 19th century, and the maximum distribution was obtained in the Caribbean, where lime is used in every second dish.


Lime and lemon is the same or not?

Lime and lemon are various plants that are fruiting with citrus fruits with similar genetically and echoing in terms of taste approximately the same as apples and pears, apricot and peaches.

What is more useful: lemon or lime?

Let's look at what is more useful than lemon or lime? In terms of composition, lime definitely wins, but not welcome all due to more sour taste. Therefore, if you look at the composition, Lime wins. But if the taste and love of the people, the lemon wins.

Lemon or lime?
Lemon or lime?

What is the difference between lemon and lime?

And in conclusion, we consider the question: what is the difference between lemon and lime? We have compiled a list of similarities and differences in these two fruits:

  • Visual resemblance in form;
  • The difference in color of the skin and pulp;
  • Lemon is a sweet and sour taste, lime has acidic with bitterness;
  • Lemon grows in subtropics, lime in the tropics;
  • The pulp of lemon is transparent, the lime has more dense;
  • The lemon is famous for the content of vitamin C, but in the lime of this vitamin one 5 times more;
  • There are folic acid in lime, and in lemon it is absent;
  • If a lemon is registered in the recipe, in some cases you can lime in a lower proportion, but the dishes where lime is best not adjusted with lemon.
Lemon and lime slices
Lemon and lime slices

Lime and lemon: tips and reviews

Victoria: At the exhibition I bought Lyme’s tree, without even thinking that this is not a lemon. Fruits grew and remained green, and only then did I read the difference between the trees on the Internet. But we like lime with my husband, excellent to fish and meat. But in tea we like to put lemon, lime bitter.

Maria: Young housewives often change lime to lemon, being sure that the taste of the dish will not change. But it is fundamentally wrong! It is better to spend some time and buy a lime, or cook another dish, but replace a lime with a lemon is equivalent that the duck of pears instead of apples to stuff it. It is also possible, but the taste will be completely different in the end!

Want to know more about exotic citrus fruits? You may like our article:

Video: What is the difference between lemon and lime?

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