Life hacks for home with your own hands: for home and kitchen, bathroom, cottage. Useful life hacks for a house made of plastic bottles, glue, wine traffic jams

Life hacks for home with your own hands: for home and kitchen, bathroom, cottage. Useful life hacks for a house made of plastic bottles, glue, wine traffic jams

Overview of the best life hacks for home, bathroom, kitchens and cottages.

There are a huge number of life hacks for the home that will help to significantly simplify your life. In this article we will talk about the most interesting of them.

Useful life hacks for a house made of plastic bottles

Every day we throw a huge amount of garbage, as well as seemingly absolutely unnecessary things. One of them is a plastic bottle. However, in fact, it is a storehouse and the main material of life hacks for the home. Using plastic bottles, you can make many interesting devices that will greatly simplify your life.

Options for using plastic bottles:

  1. Sitz for tea. In order to make it, you need to take a bottle of juice, cut it in half. Now, using a hot screwdriver or awl, you need to make several holes in the lid. Rinse the lid thoroughly, screw the bottle to the neck, lower it into the cup, and just pour the tea leaves. All garbage and large particles of the tea leaves will remain directly in the neck of the bottle, and in the cup there will be clean, transparent tea.
  2. Using a large plastic bottle, a capacity of 5 liters, you can make a simple a content for a summer residence. To do this, you need in the lower part of the bottle, not far from the bottom, make a small hole with a diameter of about 5 mm. Now, all that needs to be done is to close the hole with your finger, dial water through the neck, and then just close it. Please note that with a closed neck, due to the lack of pressure, the water will not flow out of the holes. In order for the roar to work, it is necessary to put the bottle on the bench, and slightly unscrew the lid. The stronger the lid is unscrewed, the air falls faster, the more pressure the liquid will flow out of the bottle.
  3. Using a plastic bottle, you can make interesting pencil stand. It is necessary to cut the bottom, and to the wall, using an adhesive gun, glue a small magnet. Gather in a glass of pencils and attach it to the refrigerator door. Thus, you can regularly leave your households on the refrigerator.
  4. Dispenser for bulk products. If you like to store cereals, also bulk products in bags, then a plastic bottle will help to simplify the process of rashes of these products during cooking. To do this, cut the neck of the bottle, leaving a small part of the plastic. Now stretch the tips of the package through the neck, screw it with a lid. Thus, when unscrewing the cover, turning the package, a bulk product will easily pour into the necessary container for cooking. In this case, you will avoid waking up, which often happens using a package.
  5. If you don't have in the country drip irrigation, you plan to irrigate plants in this way, you can make the device yourself. To do this, take a large bottle, make a lot of small holes in it. After that, connect the hose. It is best if he is wrapped with adapters on the neck of the bottle. Now turn on the crane, as a result, the water will not pour not a continuous stream, but in small flows, which will significantly increase the irrigation area and save water.
Plastic bottles
Plastic bottles

Life hacks for home with your own hands from wine traffic jams

You can simplify your life not only with the help of plastic bottles, but also of ordinary traffic jams from wine, that is, a crust.

Useful traffic jams:

  1. If you have a pot in the house with a metal lid, which has the shape of an arc, it is quite difficult to take, without using a tack, you can simplify your life. You need to enter the crust between the lid and the handle. Thus, you can easily remove the lid without taking.
  2. The second method of using traffic jams is a hot stand. Put several plugs on the table so that the area is equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe pan or kettle. Now, using a large screed, connect all the plugs. You will get a large stand for hot.
  3. The third option for using a traffic jam is a kind of float for keys. The ideal option is that you relax at sea, and for some reason you forgot to remove shorts, put the key from bathing panties. It is necessary to fix the loop on the cork and attach the key to it using the ring. As a result, if you swim in the pool or at sea, then the key will just come up and you can easily see it. For ease of identification, you can paint the cork in some bright color with paint.
Wine traffic jams
Wine traffic jams

Useful life hacks for a house made of glue

There are a lot of other life hacks that will help to simplify life using an adhesive pistol or ordinary glue.


  • In order for your board for cutting vegetables not to slide along the countertop, it is necessary to clean it of pollution and simply apply several strips of glue on the back. Let it dry, now you can safely start a cut. Glue is embossed, which will greatly simplify the task and the board will not move off the countertop.
  • Knife case. It is suitable if you are going on a trip, but you do not have a cover for cutting objects. Thus, it is necessary to lubricate the surface of the knife with vaseline and completely treat it with glue. After drying, you can easily remove the cover and put it on again if necessary.
  • Creating a cover for a lighter. It is used if you are going on a hike, and you need to make a light -legged lighter. For these purposes, you just need to cover the surface of the lighter, in the area where flint is located, as well as a wheel, glue from a pistol. After the glue dries, if it is necessary to use the lighter, you can easily remove the glue and use the item as intended.
Glue gun
Glue gun

Life hacks for home and bathroom


  • With the help of glue, you can make yourself rubber slippers for bathing in the shower. This is a very fast option that will allow you to use non -slip slippers. Suitable for older people who are afraid to slip in the bathroom due to great weight and fall. To do this, you need to take old shoes, spread its sole with vaseline and completely cover with glue from a pistol. After drying, remove the sole, and cut a straight strip for the legs from the remains, glue it to the sole. Such slippers do not look very pretty, but they are very reliable, and will help prevent the fall in the shower or in the bathroom.
  • Using a conventional plastic kapron cover for a can, you can make a stand for the toothbrushes. It is suitable if you do not have a special cup. To do this, you need to cut several holes under the toothbrush with a stationery knife, and put the lid on a half -liter jar, lower the brushes. If necessary, water flowing from the brushes will be easily removed from the container after open the lid.
  • You can easily facilitate bathing in the bathroom using ordinary sticky hooks for clothing, which are usually attached to the door. They are also called towel hooks. It is necessary to attach two hooks at a distance, which is slightly less than the length of the segment from the edge to the edge of your tablet. Now, during the bathing, it will be possible to simply install a tablet on these hooks and watch any film or transmission. In order for the tablet not to get wet, and is not covered with a layer of steam from hot water, condensate, you can cover it with cling film on top.
Life hacks for the bathroom
Life hacks for the bathroom

Life hacks for home and kitchen


  • Using a food film, you can also simplify your life. This is a great option if you make homemade sausages. The film serves as a shell, of course, it is impossible to fry in it, but it is quite possible to cook in boiling water. In addition, the food film will help you if you like to drink drinks near the laptop, but spilled the liquid on the keyboard more than once. If you do not want to spoil your technique, just pull the baking film on top of the cup and insert a tube. In this case, even if your cup rolls over, you will not shed anything.
  • Toothpaste is not just a means of cleaning the oral cavity, but also a real cleaner. Please note that there are small abrasives in the composition, with which you can clean not only the teeth. In order to clean the phone screen of small scratches, you can apply a little toothpaste, moisturize the surface, and wipe with a flannel. After that, erase everything with a soft cloth. In exactly the same way, you can clean the camera lens or remove small scratches on the phone’s camera or on the lens of the camera.
  • Using a toothpaste, you can clean the sink and toilet. To do this, in a bottle with Coca-Kola, leaving somewhere in it about 200 ml of drink, you need to add a few peas of toothpaste. After that, it is necessary to shake the bottle, put on the sprayer and spray into contamination. The scale is perfectly removed, as well as the urinary stone in the toilet.
  • In exactly the same solution, you can cope with the cleaning of the glasses. This is an ideal option if you do not have a windows for washing windows. You can also cope with pollution using ordinary Coca-Cola. Many recommend pour 2 l of the drink into the toilet to clean the toilet inside the plumbing device and leave it all night. Rinse everything in the morning. Due to the fact that orthophosphoric acid contains, it perfectly cleanses the toilet from scale, as well as urinary stone.
Life hacks for the kitchen
Life hacks for the kitchen

Life hacks for home and cottage

There are also several life hacks that men can use in order to put their house and cottage in order.


  • If the hook from the door fell off, then it can be screwed. Despite the fact that the hole was ill, you can restore it with a match. It is necessary to insert a match, and re -screw with a screwdriver with a screw. The match will compact and make the holes less, which will help to fix the hook.
  • If you do not want to drill some kind of canvas through, then you can make a home-made limiter. To do this, just attach a piece of bright tape or island to the drill. It is until then that you will drill.
  • You can simplify your life with a plastic bottle. To do this, the bottom is cut off, a hole is made and the lid is put on a long drill or punch. In the course of the work, the limiter will work, that is, the drill will enter the wall or board until the limiter will be located.
  • You can use the roulette in order to measure the same distances. To do this, it is necessary to roulette, to attach a pencil to the clamp, which is attached to the belt. Now you can easily measure with a roulette, and make marks on the necessary segments.
Life hacks for a summer residence
Life hacks for a summer residence

Life hacks for the home, they will make some home responsibilities easier, and also speed up the cleaning process.

Video: Life hacks for home

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