L-carnitine: Why is it needed, how to drink, in what products are contained, how to apply for weight loss, drying muscle, what is the opinion of doctors? The best L-carnitine is what is: sports, liquid, in tablets, powder, acetyl, fumarat, propionil, tartratet, Solgar, Evalar, 3000? L-carnitine deficiency: What is dangerous?

L-carnitine: Why is it needed, how to drink, in what products are contained, how to apply for weight loss, drying muscle, what is the opinion of doctors? The best L-carnitine is what is: sports, liquid, in tablets, powder, acetyl, fumarat, propionil, tartratet, Solgar, Evalar, 3000? L-carnitine deficiency: What is dangerous?

This article describes the drug L-carnitine. In what cases it needs to be taken, what side effects are there and how to apply for weight loss - you will read the information about this below.

We all know about dietary supplements that perform various functions for our body: maintaining health, rejuvenation from the inside, recovery and so on.

  • But there are substances that are produced by our body, and with different negative factors, their failure arises.
  • In this case, you have to use these substances additionally.
  • Such additives include L-carnitine. Why is it needed? Which is better to take L-carnitine and what products are contained?
  • Answers to these and other questions, you will find in this article.

L-carnitine: What is it for?


In sports nutrition, L-carnitine is vitamin B11. It is produced by the body when using protein. This vitamin helps to process fats into energy. It is indispensable in metabolism and enriches our body with various nutrients, contributing to the production of energy.

Such a substance is necessary for transporting fatty acids around the body. Read more:

  • Mitochondria -These are small organoids that generate energy at the cellular level and helps them in this L-carnitine.
  • Therefore, many people think that L-carnitine is a fat burnerBut this is not entirely right.
  • This substance is a transport system of fat cells In muscle layers, if the body is lacking in the body.
  • That is, too thin a person, when taking a substance, will stock up on the necessary fat layer, and a person will begin to lose weight with excess weight, but if he intensively burns accumulated calories, for example, running around or in the gym.

Our body itself produces L-carnitine, but it is so small that you often have to take in the form of additives or get from food. However, food also, when preparing and digesting our body, loses many useful substances. As a result, we use food, for example, rich in L-carnitine, but our body receives only thousandths of nutrients, which is catastrophically small.

L-carnitine: indications, dosage, instructions, contraindications


This substance is used as a corrective metabolism system. This is an excellent anabolic and an activator of fat metabolism. Also, such a substance promotes regeneration and increases appetite.

Here are some more advantages:

  • Actively supports Coenzyme Q10.
  • Mobilizing fat from fat cells, displacing glucose and launching fatty acids and metabolic shunts.
  • It is restored by the structure of nerve cells.
  • It is an alkaline reserve of the hematopoietic system.
  • Does not affect blood coagulation.
  • When taking L-carnitine, glycogen begins to be spent economically and an increase in this substance in the liver and muscle tissue occurs.
  • Perfectly restores strength and muscles after heavy physical exertion.
  • The tissues become resistant to the effects of toxins and anaerobic glycolysis is activated.

The indications of the use of L-carnitine should include the following:

  • Various types of L-carnitine deficiency.
  • The need for a cardioprotector in the treatment of statins and other drugs from this row.
  • Ischemic stroke - with restoration, acute period for prevention.
  • Blood circulatory disorder.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Different brain lesions: injuries, toxins and so on.


  • It is installed by the attending physician in the presence of a particular pathology, or by a personal coach, if it is necessary to improve the quality of training.
  • The daily dose ranges from 0.5 to 3 grams per day.
  • The duration of treatment is determined in each case individually. Depends on the indications and the desired result.

Side effects:

  • The appearance of allergies
  • People with uremia have a weakness in the muscles

Contraindications There is no L-carnitine. The only thing you have an increased sensitivity to this substance, then you should refuse to receive an additive and give preference to food products containing this substance.

Appointment to children It is performed with growth retardation and heart diseases. L-carnitine can be used for anorexia, muscle tissue hypotrophy.

How to drink: If you were prescribed L-carnitine in liquid form or tablets, then drink it on an empty stomach (better in the morning) half an hour before meals. Bioods are usually used during eating, and many people think that L-carnitine should also be drunk, but this is a mistake. The substance is destroyed under the influence of hot, acute and other food. Therefore, it is worth consuming it on an empty stomach, allowing a little absorbing, and then you can take food.

It's important to know: L-carnitine has a slightly acute-acid taste, and some patients cannot drink it in its purest form. In this case, you can dilute it in a small amount of clean water at room temperature.

L-carnitine functions


From the foregoing, it is clear that L-carnitine performs important functions in our body. Many processes do not pass without the involvement of this substance. Such a “bio-carrier” helps the kidneys and lives to remove toxins, burn fatty acids to release the energy balance. Such energy is needed by many cells in the body, and not only liver and kidney cells. The heart muscles also cannot do without L-carnitine. As a result, the heart works poorly, fatigue, poor appetite and sleep appear.

Of course, in the body there are reserves of this substance, but minimal-20-25 mg. If a person does not receive it with food or as an additive, there is a deficiency, which leads to different genus infections and other diseases associated with lipid exchange and fertility. Here are what other important functions are performed by L-carnitine:

Supports immunity:

  • The substance helps lymphocytes to stimulate the disposal of pathogens.
  • L-carnitine also activates phagocytic cells acting as an antioxidant.
  • This vitamin protects the nervous system, preventing the development of serious diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson.
  • It has long been proven that the drug Levocarnan (L-carnitine) increases physical and mental activity. The athlete is recovering faster after reinforced classes. In addition, fat is actively burned at this time.

Helps in the fight against diabetes:

  • Diabetes mellitus leads to increased oxidative stress of the body.
  • In 2008, an experiment was conducted among patients with diabetes.
  • The result of this experiment: L-carnitine lowers the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, reducing the process of oxidation of the body.

Burns fat:

  • This vitamin is needed to burn lipids. It helps transmit the energy of muscle tissue.
  • Therefore, L-carnitine is used during diets, sports to reduce fat.
  • Besides the drug is left -carn (L-carnitine) helps to gain a mass of muscle tissue.
  • In older people, it reduces the feeling of fatigue and increases vitality.

Helps in the work of the heart muscle:

  • With the help of L-carnitine, more than 70% of energy is formed necessary for the heart.
  • Using it during diseases such as angina and various heart disorders, the likelihood of complications is reduced.
  • A drug Levocarnan (L-carnitine) protects against arrhythmias and prevents heart failure.

Improves the work of the male body:

  • Increases the activity and quality of sperm.
  • Provides the integrity of the DNA cell.

L-carnitine is an indispensable substance in orthomolecular medicine. Without it, not a single processes of the female and male organism are complete. It is well synthesized, and high doses do not harm the body, since the excess of this vitamin -like substance is excreted in the urine.

Use of L-carnitine for weight loss


As mentioned above, it makes no sense to just take L-carnitine for weight loss. You need to drink this vitamin before training. Only in this case there is an active burning of fats. Here are a few rules for the use of the drug Levocarny (L-carnitine) from Evalar for weight loss:

  • The daily dose prescribed by a sports doctor must be taken in 3 doses.
  • Usually this is 5 ml - for ordinary people and 15 ml - for athletes.
  • You need to drink pills or syrup half an hour before meals or before training.
  • The duration of use is 1-1.5 months. Then a break of 2 weeks is made and the course is repeated again.

Important: Levocarnan In liquid form, it is absorbed faster, but syrup with this substance may contain dyes and flavors. Therefore, if there is an allergy to coloring substances, it is worth giving preference to another type of such additive.

Many specialists and ordinary people prefer L-carnitine tartratet. It is believed that it breaks down fats much more effectively, even better than a pure 100%drug.

If you are prescribed the use of levocarnil in powder form, it is important to correctly derive the dose in this packaging in water. It is not recommended to reduce the amount of water, since the substance will turn out to be unsuitable for use.

It is worth knowing: Despite the fact that this is a useful substance for the body, it should not be taken too long. Use for 1-2 months, then take a break for a couple of weeks and repeat the reception again. This clarification does not apply to athletes and those people to whom the doctor prescribed a different regimen of the drug.

The deficiency of L-carnitine can cause obesity. The body is deprived of the opportunity to use fat as a source of energy, both at rest and during physical activity. This leads to a loss of muscle mass and to even greater accumulation of fatty acids. As a result, the metabolism slows down and a feeling of constant fatigue occurs.

L-carnitine triggers the process of fat spending with a pulse of 60% of the maximum for a particular person. You can do not only cardio studies, but also ordinary strength exercises. The main thing is that the heart works well with the necessary pulse performance.

Remember: The duration of training for effective weight loss should be at least 25 minutes. It is after this time that the process of splitting fats that L-carnitine delivers to cells for energy metabolism is launched.

L-carnitine for drying muscles

Muscle drying and L-Carnitine
Muscle drying and L-Carnitine

Many people think that the beautiful relief bodies of athletes are long training with exercises for building muscle mass. Of course, such a result is achieved. But there is an alternative - this is a decrease in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat, so that the muscle pattern is better visible.

The body can receive the missing energy from the muscles. This is much easier than using fat, splitting it into the necessary cells and molecules. L-carnitine during drying, translates the fat into the cell furnaces, where it is burned during energetic training.

What products contain L-carnitine?

This substance is contained in many products, but most in lamb, seafood and in some types of plant foods. In the tables below you will see the content of L-carnitine in certain products. Thanks to this information, make a conclusion and start eating right.

Important to remember: When cooking, during heat treatment of products, up to 25% L-carnitine is lost. This must be remembered when compiling a menu.

L-Carnitine products
L-Carnitine products
L-Carnitine products
L-Carnitine products
L-Carnitine products
L-Carnitine products

As you can see, it is quite possible to replenish the supply of L-carnitine if you eat correctly and balanced. Many people practice raw food diet. But this must be done without fanaticism. No one tells you to eat raw meat or fish. For example, buckwheat can not be cooked, but soaked for the night in boiled water. In the morning, you will turn out to be prepared to use delicious and healthy porridge.

Try to eat many raw vegetables and fruits, dairy products that undergo minimal heat treatment and fish. This will be enough for an ordinary person. Naturally, the athlete, during training, can not do without adding anyway.

The best L-carnitine is what is: sports, liquid, in tablets, powder, acetyl, tartrat, fumarat, propionil, Solgar, Evalar, 3000

Sports L-Carnitine
Sports L-Carnitine

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which l-carnitine is impossible. The type of this vitamin -like substance is selected individually for each person. It is more convenient for someone to drink an additive in capsules, while others need to take it in a liquid form. To choose the most effective drug for yourself, you should know its properties.

Sports L-Carnitine

  • Pure 100%drug, without additives and dyes.
  • This is a classic version of the drug that has high bioavailability.

Liquid drug

  • It is well absorbed.
  • Often in the form of syrups.
  • If you can’t drink it in this form, then you can dilute in half with water.

In tablets or capsules

  • Convenient form for admission anywhere and at any time.

L-carnitine powder

  • It requires breeding water.
  • It is worth strictly observing the instructions for the preparation of the drug for use, as it was said above, its use may be impossible if diluted in incorrect proportions.

L-carnitine acetyl

  • This substance was invented recently.
  • Specialists simply added to the usual L-carnitine preparations of the acetal group.
  • Now this substance can penetrate the brain, activating its activity.

L-Carnitine Tartratet

  • The most active form, since biological availability surpasses even pure
  • Once in the body, this substance breaks down into wine acid and vitamin B11.
  • Therefore, it is believed that such a substance is recommended to use people who want to lose weight.

Fumarat l-carnitine

  • To create such a drug, L-carnitine and fumaric acid were connected.
  • This drug is actively used by people who want to lose weight.
  • It has a favorable effect on the vascular system and heart.

Propionil L-carnitine

  • In this case, L-carnitine with glycine was combined.
  • Thanks to this, the drug has a good vasodilating effect and is actively used in the treatment of cardiac and vascular diseases.
  • It fights perfectly with chronic fatigue.

Today in the pharmacy market there are many different manufacturers of L-carnitine. But there are not many most popular among athletes and ordinary people. Here is some of them:

  • Solgar L-carnitine - This is the drug production. The form of release in tablets and liquid form.
  • Evalar - This is a manufacturer of natural drugs in Russia. Levocarnan From Evalar is produced in liquid form, capsules and bags-sachets.

There are other manufacturers of this drug. Each sports doctor or doctor prescribes the drug of the manufacturer whom he considers necessary. Therefore, if your doctor prescribed you L-carnitine of another manufacturer, feel free to follow the instructions and take the drug.

Another popular type of L-carnitine is L-carnitine 3000. One tablet, drinking ampoule or capsule of this drug contains a daily dose of matter. Therefore, it is enough to drink the drug once a day and the rest of the time can be devoted to training and sports nutrition. This is convenient, since you do not need to take the drug 3 times a day: in the morning, at lunch and evening, constantly reminding yourself that you need to drink a pill.

L-carnitine deficiency: What is dangerous?

As mentioned above, L-carnitine deficiency is dangerous for the body. Cardiovascular diseases, obesity, excess weight and even mental retardation in children can develop. Another symptom of L-carnitine deficiency is chronic fatigue.

In older people, the lack of L-carnitine leads to the development of critical conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. Here are diseases that appear in a person with a critical
L-carnitine insufficiency:

Diseases with L-Carnitine insufficiency
Diseases with L-Carnitine insufficiency

The conditions that a person experiences with a lack of L-carnitine:

States with insufficiency L-Carnitine
States with insufficiency L-Carnitine

As you can see, L-carnitine deficiency leads to deplorable situations, and it is better not to allow. If you decide to train, then consult a sports doctor. If you feel malaise, fatigue and deterioration in working capacity, refer to your doctor.

L-carnitine: Reviews of doctors and patients


It is important to remember that it is not recommended to take L-carnitine for a long time. Be sure to take breaks. If this nuance of taking the drug is not observed, then the cancellation effect may develop and you will have to take the medicine constantly. If you are prescribed by taking L-carnitine, but you doubt whether to take this drug or not, read the reviews of doctors and their patients:

Irina Nikolaevna, cardiologist

It is impossible to overestimate the significance of levocarnil (L-carnitine) in the treatment of heart disease. When there are indications for taking this drug, I always prescribe it to my patients. After the first day of taking the drug, the state of a person is noticeably improved, and the indicators on the ECG also become better.

Anton Sergeevich, general practitioner

I prescribe this drug (left -handed) to the elderly. Improving the general life tone is noted, drowsiness disappears during the day and insomnia at night. A person becomes more hardy, despite his age, energetic and positively configured to life. In general, the quality of life is improving.

Oksana, 28 years old

My son revealed a pathology of the heart - a reduced tone of the heart muscle. The doctor was prescribed drugs for treatment, as well as the doctor advised drinking L-carnitine for a month with a 2-week break. After taking the drug, the child disappeared, he began to develop better, and most importantly, unpleasant symptoms passed.

Video: L-carnitine. How to take for weight loss?

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Comments K. article

  1. Tartrap is best, I checked on myself and on customers :)) I tried a lot of things, but this form works best (l-carnitine contains it). The best results with him. But in any case, you will have to sweat) without physical. loads will not work anyway

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