Jealous and kutia made of rice, wheat, wheat, pearl barley Memorial and Christmas: the best recipes, photos. How to prepare a delicious Kuta from wheat and juicy in a slow cooker?

Jealous and kutia made of rice, wheat, wheat, pearl barley Memorial and Christmas: the best recipes, photos. How to prepare a delicious Kuta from wheat and juicy in a slow cooker?

With the help of tips and recipes in the article, learn to prepare a traditional Christmas dish - kutu.

A series of funny winter holidays will begin soon. One of them is a great Orthodox Christmas, the symbol of which is the ritual dish of Kutya. If you have never prepared this special porridge, it's time to practice. Then it will turn out to be incomparable to the Holy School!

Jnowly and Kutia - Christian ritual porridge: what is it?

The memorial dish of Kutya - this porridge is not simple. According to the rules, it is prepared from whole wheat grains, although other cereals are often used today (rice, barley, corn, so on). Honey and poppy seeds are necessarily added to the dish. All these ingredients of Kuti are very symbolic:

  1. The grains, falling into the ground, are revived by seedlings, so the person after death is resurrected for the kingdom of heaven.
  2. Honey is sweet as all the benefits of eternal life.
  3. Mac is a prosperity. Previously, they believed, the more poppies are put in Kuta for Christmas, the richer the harvest, respectively, is better than the life of the family.

Important: the Slavs are prepared for Kutya for a long time. It is believed that the Baptist of Russia Vladimir the Great introduced them to this dish. He, in turn, borrowed the tradition of remembering the deceased with this porridge among Christians Rome and Greece. Although references to something similar to Kuta were still in the pre-Christian era.

Rozhdestvenskaya thick kutia with honey, poppy and raisins - Kolyovo.
Rozhdestvenskaya thick kutia with honey, poppy and raisins - Kolyovo.

Traditionally, they are served on the table:

  • on the wake
  • in the Holy of Christmas
  • on the old New Year
  • on baptism
  • on the memorial days of Great Lent

It is interesting to know what happens to the kutia of several types:

  1. Lenten hungry, which is prepared on the water from cereals and sweetener, for the holiday of baptism.
  2. Lenten rich, in which honey, honey, nuts, dried fruits, poppy milk, candied fruits, fresh berries and fruits, so on are added. Christmas version of the dish.
  3. Generous, which is boiled on milk, with butter or cream. Such is prepared, for example, for christening.

There can also be different consistency:

  • like a greasy crumbly porridge, then it is called Kolivo
  • liquid or semi -liquid, juicy
Liquid Kutia is juicy.
Liquid Kutia is juicy.

After familiarizing yourself with the recipes, it seems that Kutya is preparing very simple. But really tasty, this ritual dish does not get every housewife. To cook the cereal of the desired consistency and correctly calculate the number of additional ingredients, you need experience.

VIDEO: How to choose products for kuti?

Kutia from rice with raisins Memorial and Christmas: Recipe

Kutia is the first dish that should taste at the memorial table. Ideally, it should be consecrated in the church after the funeral service for the deceased or morning aquine. If it was not possible to get into the church, in extreme cases, you need to read over the dish “Our Father”, sprinkle it with sacred water and only then serve.

The same recipe is suitable for Christmas Kutya.

Important: traditionally the basis of Kutya is wheat. But in Soviet times, they learned to cook a ritual dish of rice. This is done today.

Memorial kutia with rice and poppy seeds.
Memorial kutia with rice and poppy seeds.

Kutia is a hearty dish. It is not necessary to prepare it according to a full portion for each present at the table. A small bowl or several spoons is enough.

So, for 8 people, they are prepared with a memorial kuta from:

  • rice grinded, elongated - 2 cups
  • water - 4 glasses
  • raisins - 200 g
  • honey - 100 g
  • cinnamon - 2 teaspoons
  • vanilin - a pinch
Memorial Kutu is eaten with your hands or spoon.
Memorial Kutu is eaten with your hands or spoon.
  1. First engage in rice. It is sorted out, leaving only whole grains, washed enough times until the water after washing is completely transparent (the flushing of the finished rice will depend on the thoroughness of the flushing), pour into boiling salted water and boil on weak heat until cooked, and this is about 25 minutes. A loose porridge should turn out.
  2. At this time, raisins are poured with boiling water and left to soak for 5-10 minutes.
  3. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water, cinnamon and vanillin, and after a raisin, soaked, thrown into a colander.
  4. A honey mass with raisins is added to the finished hot rick and thoroughly knead with kuta.

IMPORTANT: If desired in kuta from rice, lost poppy seeds are added.

VIDEO: Kutia is memorable

Kutia from wheat grain to Christmas Eve: Recipe

You can prepare a rich kuta for the holy man, very tasty, sweet, beautiful from wheat. But necessarily lean, without milk, butter, other products of animal origin. After all, the post is still on the Christmas Eve.

Preparation of Kuti for Christmas is an old tradition.
Preparation of Kuti for Christmas is an old tradition.

For Kuti, they take it to Christmas Eve:

  • wheat grain is whole, without shells - 1 cup
  • honey - 3 tbsp. tablespoons
  • mac - 100 g
  • walnuts - 100 g
  • raisins - 50 g
  • prunes - 50 g
Classic kutia with millet.
Classic kutia with millet.
  1. The basis of the Christmas Kuti you can take the traditional grain of wheat. Many are afraid of him, because they do not know how to cook properly, so that the porridge turns out to be soft and “edible”. It is correct to start preparation the day before the Holyness: wheat is soaked for the whole night, the water is not pity for this. After water is drained. They also put porridge in large amounts of water, the fire is made minimal. So the basis of Kuti languishes for several hours. It is better to digest it than to leave too hard.
  2. A refueling for Christmas Kuti is made from poppy milk. To do this, the grains are first soaked in warm water, then drained and thoroughly rubbed in a mortar.
  3. Mac is mixed with honey, sugar is added if necessary.
  4. Walnuts are added to a gas station or also in the form of milk (it will turn out if you crush them in a mortar for a long time).
  5. Mix dressing and crumbly wheat porridge.
  6. Raisins and finely chopped prunes, as well as any dried fruits are added in Kuta after preliminary steaming.
Kutia with millet step by step: selection of products.
Kutia with millet step by step: soaking millet.
Kutia with millet step by step: combination of ingredients.

Important: on Christmas Eve, it is customary to fast to the first star. At the festive table, they first try with kutu. The Christmas meal ends with her. Separately, a plate with ritual porridge for relatives who moved into another world is put on the table.

VIDEO: Kutia from wheat

Christmas version of Kuti with barley: recipe

On Christmas, kutu is often made from pearl barley. For a festive dish you will need the following products:

  • palovka - 1 cup
  • tolved Mac - 50 g
  • crusted walnuts - 50 g
  • raisins - 100 g
  • honey - 2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • sugar if necessary
Kutia with barley step by step.
Kutia with barley step by step.
  1. Perlip is soaked for 1 hour in warm water. To properly cook it, 2.5 cups of water are taken for 1 cup of cereals. Pour the cereal into the boiling and a little salted water, boil over low heat.
  2. Raisins and other dried fruits, which will also be delicious in Kutier, soak in hot water for 5-10 minutes.
  3. In cooked to a loose state, honey with sugar is placed, porridge is mixed well. Ideally, honey should completely dissolve.
  4. Twisted with poppy seeds, raisins and chopped nuts.
Kutia with barley.
Kutia with barley.

Christmas version of Kuti with millet: recipe

You can serve for Christmas with liquid kuta, juicy. Its taste will be very unusual if, in addition to other ingredients, take more halva.

We need:

  • millet - 1 cup
  • water - 2 cups
  • mac - 150 g
  • walnuts - 150 g
  • honey-3-4 tbsp. tablespoons
  • halva - 150 g
  • raisins - 150 g
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. tablespoons
Kutia - juicy with halva.
Kutia - juicy with halva.
  1. The millet is well washed, poured with cold water 1: 2 (1 glass of millet and 2 cups of water) and boiled after boiling for 5-7 minutes so that the cereal is crumbly and does not digest.
  2. Mac is crumbling into milk, nuts are passed through a meat grinder or interpreted in a mortar to learn the slurry.
  3. Raisins to become soft and straightened, soaked in hot water.
  4. Halva is crumbling.
  5. Ready millet porridge is connected to half of honey and half sugar, raisins, halva, walnut gruel.
  6. In warm boiled water, poppy milk, the remaining honey and sugar are dissolved.
  7. Pour the dressing with a dressing so that it turns out to be a liquid. Such a dish is served in small, better clay bowls.

Important: Another traditional dish for Christmas, in addition to Kuti, is uzvar, dried fruit drink. It can be served separately, but some housewives prefer to fill them with kuta.

The kuta is poured with a knot, compote from dried fruits.
Kutu is sometimes poured with a knot, compote from dried fruits.

VIDEO: Five magic secrets of the perfect kutya

Kutia made of cereal with honey and honey water

Kutuy on honey water is called the Satness, it is liquid.

It is prepared, as usual, from the base - cereals.

You need to prepare porridge from your chosen cereal using the above recipes.

The fill is done as follows:

  • prepare a honey drink at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of fresh liquid honey for 1 cup of water
  • water should be boiled, warm, but not hot, especially not boiling water, because in hot water the beneficial properties of honey are lost. For the same reason, do not warm up honey in the microwave

The finished porridge is poured with the resulting pouring to a liquid state.
Kutia is ready!

How to cook delicious kuta in a slow cooker?

Previously, in the villages, Kutya was cooked in firewood on firewood, today it is boiled on ordinary gas and electric stoves, and a modern kitchen device is also used - a slow cooker. Times are changing, and traditions are changing. The main thing is that the taste of traditional Christmas porridge remains as unique.

For the base of the kuti they take:

  • wheat -150 g
  • water - 350 ml
Kutia in a slow cooker step by step.
Kutia in a slow cooker step by step.
  1. Pre -chosen and soaked at night, wheat is laid out in a multicooker bowl and poured with water.
  2. They put the device in the "cereal" or "buckwheat" mode, are waiting for the sound signal notifying the readiness of porridge. If it did not boil until the end, insert the timer for some time, add water if necessary.
  3. While wheat is being prepared, they choose a gas station for Kutya absolutely any, as in a classic recipe, for example. You can also use TsUKATKA, Marmelad, figs, so on.
  4. Prepare poppy milk and honey, be sure.
  5. In the finished porridge, right in the bowl of the multicooker, adding, mix with kuta. Brought to a thick or liquid consistency. The device is set in the "heating" mode for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Kutu is served in portions or a large bowl.
Kutia cooked in a slow cooker.
Kutia cooked in a slow cooker.

Of these recipes, you can make a lot of other options for Kuti. Choose a cereal and the corresponding porridge recipe. Choose a recipe for the dressing you like and cook your Kutu!

VIDEO: Christmas Kutia, a recipe from rice and wheat in a slow cooker

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