Kum and Kuma - who are? Is it possible to take a couple of kumovsi? Is it possible to change Kuma and Kuma?

Kum and Kuma - who are? Is it possible to take a couple of kumovsi? Is it possible to change Kuma and Kuma?

In this topic, we will talk about the recipients of a baptized child.

Church rites have long and firmly entered our lives, and now almost every of us knows the meaning of words - Kumovya, Kum and Kuma.

Who are the Kum and Kuma: special meaning in simple words

When baptized in the church, a child appears godfather And godmother. Now, in relation to the family, blood parents of the child, they will kum And kuma respectively.

  • Father and mother will be called the godfather child kuma, A the godfather is kum.
  • And vice versa godfather and godfather will be called native, blood mother of the child Kuma, A native, blood father of the child by kum.
  • Cross parents also become spiritual relatives between themselves and are now called kumovsi.

Determination in dictionaries
Determination in dictionaries

But, choosing godparents for their baby and their future spiritual relatives, it should be remembered that not every person can be awarded such a privilege. In this, parents should follow certain rules that we will consider below.

Who can be chosen in Kumovya?

  • Baptized highly church Orthodox Christians.
  • People, both in the blood kinship with the baby, and his relatives (with the exception of blood parents).
  • Young people who have reached the age of fifteen and girls who have reached the age of thirteen.
  • The decisive value should be Moral qualitiesfuture godparents whom you choose as spiritual mentors for your child.
    • They must love the baby, give him care, affection, warmth and attention, help on the life path, be always ready to provide him with both moral and material support.

Who can not be chosen in Kumovya?

  • The parents of the child cannot be godparents.
  • People with mental deviations, sectarians, foreigners, as well as monks and nuns, are not suitable for the role of KUUMS.
  • You should also take into account restrictions on the age: fifteen years - for young men, thirteen years - for girls.
  • The godfather should not pass the sacrament of baptism in the menstrual period.
  • It is forbidden to choose people as godfathers as godfather, people, who are in marriage or planning to become spouses. An intimate relationship between future kumovs is also strictly prohibited.
Legal charter
Church Charter

Is it possible to change Kuma and Kuma or abandon them?

  • Well, the last thing that parents should remember: The sacrament of baptism is carried out once! Crossing the baby means breaking his cross and all spiritual connection, support. Therefore, godparents cannot be changed, they cannot be abandoned, they forever become the spiritual guardians of your child.
  • And from now on you have to live with Kum and Kuma in close spiritual kinship, often meet, communicate, meet holidays, support each other in joy and sorrows, and help in trouble. So let it be worthy people close to you in spirit!
  • And, of course, in no case should atheists, agnostics or personalities, leading immoral or incorrect lifestyle! After all, even more - the rejection of Kuma or Kuma is considered a sinful thing.

Do not forget that Kum and Kuma are not your friends. Not from these reasons you need to choose them. This is the second, spiritual parents to your baby!

These are the spiritual parents of the baby
These are the spiritual parents of the baby

Is it possible to take a married couple in Kumovya: a dilemma about a marriage or intimate connection between Kum and Kuma

Despite the fact that the above decree gives us clear instructions, there was a lot of doubts. The soil of this was perhaps the influence of other religions. But this issue very often began to discuss.

  • Moreover, surfaced Decrees of the Holy Synod 1810 and 1837, as well as 1873 As a conclusion - about small amendments. They caused a flurry of criticism and protest, but also received many supporters.
  • After all For the godson, an important role is played by one parent who should be with him the same sex. From this, a certain weeding of spiritual kinship between Kum and Kuma went. But you can not pass by the fact that To enter into an intimate or marriage connection is strictly prohibited between the recipients and parents of a baptized child! Moreover, from either side, especially when combining the mother of a boy with Kum and the father of a girl with a kuma.
  • The last instruction of 1873 was a certain explanation for the situations that arose. And let's even say so - this is the ray of conflict resolution in such a controversial case. Although the opposition parties did not come to one denominator.
  • And it is worth noting that Submit a petition to the ruling bishop of the diocese to obtain a blessing You can. But in the event of a refusal, do not wave the printed sheets with conflicting laws. Indeed, even in the notes about marriage there is also a footnote about the exclusion of spiritual kinship. Therefore, the adopted laws sometimes contradicted themselves.
  • In the conclusion of this not completely disassembled question, it should be noted that It is possible to take a married couple by godfathers or enter the legal union Kuma and Kuma with the blessing of the bishop, but it is not desirable! After all, the sacrament of baptism still carries a great power and spiritual connection, primarily between the child and the recipients, as well as before God.
Decrees of 1810, 1837 and 1873
Decrees of the Holy Synod 1810, 1837 and 1873

The role and responsibility of the godfathers in the life of the godson

  • And let's delve into the very essence a little - the godparents become some angels of the keepers and divine parents of the baby. A In the case of any trouble with blood parents, they undertake to take their spiritual child to their family! Thus, the chances of not going to the orphanage are doubled. And from the logical side, and in life there are very often incident and controversial situations, if communication with one of them is lost, there is another spiritual parent.

The sacrament of baptism: the role of the godfathers

  • Receivers can only enter into the status of godparents with noble thoughts. Before the rite They must comply with a three -day post, go through communion and confession.
  • The godfather must prepare a cross for the child, the godmother - clothes and towel, Which can be used in the future only for diseases of the child.
  • During the ritual of baptism, before washing, the boy is in the arms of the future godmother, the girl is at the future godfather. From the font of the boy on a white towel or a sheet for wiping The godfather takes his godfather, the girl - the godmother.
  • Both read prayer "Symbol of faith"and on behalf of the godson, they vow the renunciation of the devil and the combination with Christ.
  • The child is applied to the icons of the Mother of God and the Savior And they change into baptismal clothes, which is a symbol of the purity of the soul.
  • The rite of baptism of the sacrament of anointing in the form of crosses applied by a brush with fragrant oils on the face, pens and legs of the child.

The rite of baptism of the child: the role of the godparents

The rite of baptism of the child was formed with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Although before there were rituals of immersing children in water - it was believed that water symbolizes life, cleanses of the influence of evil forces, protects from future sins. But the sacrament of Christian baptism was acquired by another, the highest meaning - the combination of the soul with God. And in this little person, guides, mentors of his spiritual life need.

  • The ritual of baptism is usually performed in the first year of the child's life and requires the presence The recipients are people who give him vows of abdication from Satan and fidelity to God.As a rule, these are two people - a man and a woman who, from the moment of pronouncing for a child, confessions of faith before the baptismal font, are considered his godmother and father. Thus, they impose the obligation to take care of the future of the child and responsibility for his spiritual development, becoming, as it were, intermediaries between him and God. This spiritual kinship is considered much stronger than a related one, but it binds a lot.
  • Cross parents must pray for the child, carry him to the sacrament, and as he grows up to explain to him the meaning of the Orthodox faith and teach prayers. They must spiritually develop him and feel their responsibility for his future.If something happens with blood parents, they must take the full care of the child.

When it is better to conduct this ceremony and you can read about the rules of the child’s baptism in our article "When and how to baptize the child correctly?"

Video: About Cross Parents

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