When is it better to baptize the child after birth, on what days? What do you need to buy for the baptism of the child, what to give? Rules for the Baptism of the child in the Church for a boy, girls, godparents, parents

When is it better to baptize the child after birth, on what days? What do you need to buy for the baptism of the child, what to give? Rules for the Baptism of the child in the Church for a boy, girls, godparents, parents

Baptism of the baby is a special sacrament that requires careful preparation. Some rules should be followed when planning the date and determining the godparents for the newborn.

Why is the children baptized, what is it connected with?

Even a long time before the child plans to be born, parents begin to think that he will need to be baptized. Since ancient times, it was believed that only the nervous of the baby, he gains his name and joins the people of God, becoming closer to the Lord Himself. The baptism ceremony frees a small person from sins, because all children are born in sin.

In any case, this is a matter that requires compliance with many rules.

Why are children baptized?
why are children baptized?

Passing the rite of baptism, the child becomes higher on the spiritual step, he joins the church and gains a name before the Lord.

  • Baptism is a special solemn sacrament. During the christenings of a small child, a real miracle occurs. The church persistently claims that at this moment the real gate is opened into heaven. Epiphany rinses sins from a person, making him clean before the Lord.
  • If you think about it, this is a way to warn your baby in the future from evil, problems and misfortunes.
  • The church persistently believes that religion is not chosen “like clothes”, so parents should take care of the rite of baptism in advance, choose godparents and “be“ from the diapers ”to engage in the spiritual education of the child.
  • Baptized people admit the church and you can put candles and read prayers for them. This is another reason for the timely baptism of the child in the church.

Church calendar: When, at what age is the newborn to baptize?

  • The most optimal time for baptism is the days when a woman has blood postpartum discharge, that is, after forty days.
  • After this period, you need to carefully prepare for the rite and calculate the date.
  • Many choose certain days in which they honor the holy apostles and give the baby their names.

Since ancient times, it was believed that baptism could be carried out on the eighth day from birth, provided that the umbilical wound has completely healed.

There are situations when parents do not wait for forty days for baptism. The reason for this is not the good health of the baby, his opportunity to die from the disease, difficult and traumatic birth. In situations where it is impossible to visit the church to the hospital is invited by the clergyman and conducts the ceremony. In extreme cases, mom herself reads a prayer and sprinkles the child with holy water.

After hospital baptism, repeated baptism in the temple should be carried out.

  • According to the rules, the sacrament is held on a fortieth day after the birth of the baby and this is not by chance.
  • This is the time that should put in order the mother of the child and the newborn herself.
  • It is believed that it is not worth it to postpone the date of baptism for a long time, and if someone was sick of relatives or could not come, the church does not accept this.
  • If a post falls on the date of baptism, that is, on the fortieth day, this does not become an obstacle and prohibitions on church holidays do not exist.
  • Only large church holidays can be exceptions, in such cases, the Church may not be held by baptism because of the strongly employment of the clergy.

Preparation for the baptism of the child - the choice of godparents, the rules and responsibilities of the processions

The christening of the child has always been considered a special holiday in the life of every family. This is the purification of the soul and body at the same time. Due to the lack of the ability of the child to bow to God, this obligation for him is fulfilled by his godparents. It is for this reason that the godparents should be chosen carefully, because they will become spiritual parents to the baby until the end of his days.

Cross for a child must be mandatory for Orthodox people and should not have any intimate relationships with each other.

Preparation for the baptism of the child
preparation for the baptism of the child
  • Baptism of the baby should be carried out only in the walls of the church. During the baptism of both parents, I read the prayer “The Symbol of Faith”, which serves as their proof of the Orthodox faith and the observance of the duties of the godparents. In their prayer, both parents completely renounce Satan and promise to take a full part in the spiritual Christian education of their child.
  • It must be remembered that Christianity is a voluntary and conscious choice. So with the choice of godmother parents, they should not abandon their fate and fully give their strength to all this process.
  • By tradition, it is believed that if a girl is baptized, she must have a godmother, and a boy - a godfather. The role of the godfather can be asked to fulfill the priest himself.
  • Cross parents must read every holiday to prayer for their godfather and before bedtime. It is customary to ask God every time forgiveness and blessings, to desire health to the child and thank for every day of life.
  • The obligation of the godparents also introduce the child to the Bible and communion with him.
  • Cross parents must take on the load of “motherhood” and facilitate the work of the mother, giving her a vacation.

Ideally, before baptism, both parents should come to the church for confession in order to ask God for forgiveness for all perfect sins and take communion. Before baptism, godparents need to spend the day in calm, prayers and abandon any intimate relations with their spouses. You should also limit yourself in food.

Before baptism, the godfather must prepare all the necessary clothes for baptism:

  • kryzhma - a special diaper
  • shirt
  • hat (for girls)

The godfather, by tradition, acquires a cross. The cross should be silver, since this metal is considered pure and is able to attract positive energy. Gold does not welcome the church, because this metal is not from God.

The clothes in which the baby is baptized and should not be washed after baptism. At those moments when the child is sick, he should be covered with a roof. It is believed that she is able to cure the baby and give him relief. Mom should save all the clothes and transfer to her child to be stored already in adulthood.

How to dress for christening to church: Rules of the dress code

The church requires the observance of a special "dress code". Men are recommended not to wear too bright and causing decor clothes. It is best to wear a long sleeve shirt and trousers. It will be solemn and correct. It is better not to wear a short sleeve, some clergymen negatively react to modern T -shirts. Another important point for men is to completely hide all the tattoos on the body. They can have a negative value and therefore be unacceptable in the church.

How to dress on christening in church, the rules of the dress code
How to dress on christening in church, the rules of the dress code

Women must observe a more serious dress code:

  • The woman’s head must be covered with a scarf and, in no case, no headdress.
  • A woman should not be in trousers, she should definitely wear a skirt or dress that will cover her legs at least to her knees.
  • Women's shoulders should also be covered, and the neckline should not open the breasts to everyone.
  • Each detail of the godmother should not cause indignation and condemnation. The woman must ensure that her wardrobe is not defiant: without heels, bright drawings, skulls, chains and spikes. The church is a noble place.

Each godfather must have a pectoral cross on the chest.

What are the rules of baptism?

  • The Orthodox Church says that during the rite of baptism, in no case, there should be not Orthodox people and people of other religions. Therefore, before the christening, carefully check with all their relatives their details.
  • The church is a pure noble place. Go to church with a pure soul and heart. Therefore, if you have conflicts in the family, they must be corrected and communicated.
  • After the baptism of the baptism, parents must set the table for their godparents in order to celebrate the event. It is customary to give the child gifts to leave as many memories of this bright day as possible.
  • Baptism can be carried out in a personal order, or you can combine somewhat together. The rite does not lose strength and acquires values \u200b\u200bin equal strength for everyone.
  • Hair, trimmed during baptism, should be stored to the godfather.
Baptism Rules in the Church
baptism Rules in the Church

Can a child be baptized under a different name?

Modern fashion dictates their conditions, and more and more often parents give their children unusual names: Viola, Aliana, Milan and so on. What to do in cases where the church does not recognize the name? In such a situation, the father offers the child another Orthodox name: either similar to what the child has, or the name dedicated to the Holy Apostle.

In such situations, the child has two names, but only what the Church granted strength. In prayers and petitions to God, it is precisely the church name of the child.

Is it possible to baptize the child if the mother is unbaptized?

The church says that not baptized people do not have the right to be in its walls. That is why, it is forbidden to be not baptized parents during baptism. This whole situation is fundamentally not correct and before baptizing her child, the mother must pass the baptism herself. Only then do her prayers gain strength and significance.

Some churches also do not consider it right to find the mother during baptism next to the child, even baptized. After all, all responsibilities fall on the godmother - and here she is the main one. All this can be understood from the point of view that the child cannot have two mothers at the same time. In such cases, the mother is outside the temple. Some churches allow mothers who do not have blood discharge to be present in the temple and from afar observe the rite.

Baptism rite
baptism rite

Can a pregnant woman be a godmother and baptize a child?

The church categorically prohibits being in its walls “not pure” women, that is, those that currently have postpartum discharge or menstruation. But it is loyal and even favorable to pregnant women who decided to come to the temple. Therefore, a pregnant woman may well be a godfather.

However, you should think that the rite is quite complicated and requires endurance. Sometimes you should stand in a stuffy room for a long time and hold a child in the arms. Whether a pregnant woman will be able to withstand this process, and whether he can do her is another question.

Can you baptize a child without godfather?

Some life situations force parents to make complex decisions about the choice of processive parents. It often happens that there are simply no suitable people. In such cases, the Church itself should come to the rescue and offer its services. The fact is that any father can become a child to a godfather.

The rules of baptism say that the child is obliged to have at least one godfather who will pray for him.

Nevertheless, it is advisable to prepare in advance to find suitable people for baptism. Age and social status should never have values, only the desire to divide the fate of the parent and the Orthodox faith should move people.

Do children baptize in post and Easter?

As mentioned earlier, posts and church holidays do not become an obstacle to the rite. An exception is only the situation when a clergyman who produces the ceremony is too busy on Easter or any other date. You should always specify his capabilities and plans with the priest in advance and only then is preparing for the event.
It is best to choose the day preceding Easter.

Easter baptism
easter baptism

Can a child be baptized in a leap year?

Church rules have nothing against the leap year for baptism. The christening is a rite that presents the child’s soul closer to God, and therefore, some everyday conventions should not matter. It is not worth postponing baptism on the occasion of the leap year in any case, the child should be attached to the Lord as early as possible.

On what day of the week will children be baptized?

As a rule, baptism can be carried out on any day of the week - you just need to agree with the priest. Most often, the churches are collected in the first half of the week to dubulate them in the second half, but they are always ready to make exceptions and hold a private ceremony.

Baptism is most often carried out on Saturday, as Sunday is overloaded with church services.

Baptism in the church
baptism in the church

How long does the baptism of the child last?

The rite of baptism, as a rule, is a long process that requires thorough preparation and full return. First, the ceremony takes place in a separate room, where the godparents read prayers, and the child is smeared with the world and dipped in holy water. As a rule, this action lasts from forty minutes to an hour. The most important thing takes place in this room - the child is given a name and put on him a cross.

How is the rite of the child baptism?

After the rite conducted in a separate room, the child is allowed to enter the temple and he is solemnly entered in the church. The priest brings the baby to important icons and reads prayers. The priest carries children through the altar, the girls are not allowed to be there. Native mothers are present in the temple and read maternal prayers. It takes another forty minutes.

How long does the baptism of the child last?
How long does the baptism of the child last?

Baptism of the child: Rules for godfathers in the church

During baptism, godparents should carefully listen to the priest. He will read those prayers that should be mandatory when the child gains the Orthodox faith. They are read in an old language, so the exact repetition of some words is not excluded. You should not get lost here. You need not to panic and try to complete the task as best as possible.

During prayer, it is customary at the request of the priest to spit three times into the wall and blow. Here you should not overdo it and do everything symbolically. Every godfather should help each other if the child does not behave calmly. Baptism is a holiday that should not be overshadowed by a poor emotional state. According to the rules, if the girl is baptized, the godmother holds her, and if the boy is a godmother.

Rules for godfathers
rules for godfathers

Who cannot be a child in a child?

There are several rules that should be observed when choosing godparents:

  • godparents should not be in intimate relationships between each other
  • the godfather should not have menstruation during baptism
  • there cannot be people of other beliefs of godfather
  • parents themselves cannot be godfather

This is all requirements. You can baptize several times in your life and cross the children of your loved ones (that is, I will be the godfather of the child of parents who are the godfather of my child) is also not prohibited.

Who should buy a cross for the baptism of the child and what?

As mentioned earlier, a cross for a newborn is obliged to buy a godfather - this is his direct duty. The cross must be consecrated, so prefer the acquisition of this attribute straight in the church. If you have already managed to purchase this part in a jewelry store, try to devote it to the church in advance.

The cross should be the most common, without unnecessary symbols and meanings. It must have the crucifix and the inscription "Save and save."


Rules of the Baptism of a girl in the Orthodox Church

The baptism of the newborn does not particularly differ depending on its gender and still requires some nuances:

  • The girl’s clothes should definitely have a cap - a headdress that will cover her head, as for any woman.
  • It is best to give preference to a long shirt and do not wear a suit for the girl.
  • During the removal of the hat, you should cover the girl’s head with Kryzhma.
  • The girl is not carried through the altar in the temple.
Rules of the Christ of Girls in the Orthodox Church
Rules of the Christ of Girls in the Orthodox Church

Rules of the Baptism of the Boy in the Orthodox Church

  • A headdress for boys does not have such a strong meaning as for girls and therefore you can not hold it on the head.
  • The father brings the boy not only to the icons, but also carries through the altar, leaving this sacrament only for the male.
  • The priest reads prayers, starting with male names.
Boys' christening rules in the Orthodox Church
Boys' christening rules in the Orthodox Church

What is given to the baptism of the child?

The christening is an important date, and therefore it is customary to give a lot of pleasant and useful gifts on this day. Most often - these are clothes for the child, toys or money for which parents themselves decide what to buy.
It is important not to come to the holiday empty -handed. In total, it will be more pleased to get important things, for example, walkers or developing games.

It is not rare, one of the godparents gives the child a silver spoon. Most often this is a godmother.

How much is baptism in the church?

The cost of baptism depends only on the church and your generosity. Rarely churches are appointed a certain amount and most often they simply ask to bring a voluntary contribution to the development of the church. Nevertheless, depending on the size and importance of the temple, the amount may vary from $ 10 to $ 80. This amount includes a ceremony, sometimes attributes, certificate and ordered service in honor of the baby.

The procession should pay for the baptism ceremony - this is his main duty and gift for baptism for his child.

Video: “The Sacrament of Baptism. Rules what you need to know "

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  1. My daughter is 1 year of10 months. Can I baptize it in the fall? I don’t know who to take as a godfather. Please tell me what to do?

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