Who are the millennials, the selfie generation, Nekst, echo-towers? The ruined generation of the nineties

Who are the millennials, the selfie generation, Nekst, echo-towers? The ruined generation of the nineties

Who are millennials, echo-boomers?

The generation of millennials are people born in the period from 1980 to 2000. This phenomenon was distinguished by sociologists back in 1987. They considered that people who finish the school and organize a graduation ball by the two thousandth year will differ significantly from the previous generation. That is, these are people born at the junction of two millennia. In this article, we will tell in detail about this generation and its characteristics.  

Who are millennials?

Millennials are people of the new millennium who want to live in peace and crave comfort. It is worth noting that this generation is significantly different from the previous, so -called generation X. In it, the main categories were competition, as well as the competition and struggle for the place of championship.


  • With millennials, the situation has changed totally. The fact is that people of the new millennium do not want to compete with anyone. This is due to the fact that they are born in a relatively calm time, when everything was tired, there are no consequences of the war or some serious military conflicts.
  • Accordingly, people feel relative security, and they have no psychological need to fight for the championship with someone. The main characteristic is that millennials do not have their own heroes and leaders.
  • Yes, they have idols and some people who impress, but they have no heroes and leaders. The main feature of this generation was that they want to express themselves. That is, the main task is to be eccentric and differ significantly from everyone else. They have more than other generations have a need for self -expression. They do not want to be like others and want to stand out from the crowd.
  • This is what causes the variety of currents, as well as religions in the generation of millennials. It cannot be noted a specific, prevailing religion. In the generation of millennials, long -forgotten religions that are not very common in the world have become more popular. Among them, Buddhism can be distinguished, as well as atheism. These people independently create religions and sects for themselves.
  • But in most cases, many of them are far from religion and worship, since they are more adherents of new technologies. The main feature of echo-boomers is the need for constant communication on the network. The fact is that this generation was faced with a kind of breakthrough and the appearance of the Internet. Now the information has become accessible to everyone, and a person can choose what to watch and listen to him.
  • That is why most television and radio companies were faced with a kind of crisis. Their number of spectators has significantly decreased, because millennials practically do not watch the TV and do not listen to the radio. These people can freely go online and find the necessary information. Now for millennials, the main sources of information obtained Facebook, Twitter, as well as YouTube.  

Features of the selfie generation

The generation of millennials led to the crisis of recording companies. If earlier in some countries they fought with piracy, now many artists do not release records, but what they do are immediately drained into the network. Millennials are not used to paying for music, films or some kind of information. They are often called a selfie generation, as young people are prone to self -love and often expose their lives.

The nature of the millennials:

  • It is much easier for them to find a pirate copy on the network and enjoy new music or a film. Accordingly, these are those people who do not buy discs, and do not spend money on purchasing new film. This generation is called echo-batter. This has been due to the rise in the United States since the 1980s.
  • This time is quite calm, the war passed and some rebirth began. There was a desire of people born in the fifties of the sixties to get offspring. Indeed, some Baby boom was observed, but not as powerful as immediately in the post-war period. That is why the generation was called echo-batter.  
  • This generation spends more time on the network, communicating with messengers, unlike the previous generation X, which is used to constantly being in motion and come to visit, communicate with each other. Echo-butumers prefer to settle all issues with email, as well as instant messengers, such as WhatsApp or Viber. These people also have a peculiar attitude to work. The fact is that the main task of generation X (our parents) was enough at a young age to find a job and get a family.
Generation of a selfie
Generation of a selfie

Network generation - the phenomenon of the new millennium

Therefore, most people of generation X, who were born in 50-60, acquired offspring up to 25 years and found work. However, the generation Y or millennials, absolutely differently relate to the search for work and family. They see the results of the choice of generation X daily, looking at their parents.

Values \u200b\u200bof millennials:

  • They see and understand that their parents go to unloved work, and by the 40th or 50th year they managed to divorce. Accordingly, they do not want such a life. Most millennials want to create a family, they are not against it, but they want to make a choice once.
  • That is, once, in order not to get divorced, and not to change the relationship. In the same way, generation y refers to work. That is why in 2008, during the global crisis, about 40% of young people were unemployed. This is due not only to the crisis, but also by the increased requirements of millennials to work. Now most people aged 30 do not want to adjust their life stability to work. They do the opposite.
  • They want work to adapt to their personal life and preferences. This significantly bothers employers, under because the youngest, talented people, and representatives of the generation of millennials, quickly say goodbye to working conditions and work that they do not like. At the same time, companies lose fairly valuable frames, they can’t do anything about it.
  • The generation of millennials is people who want to spend their time productively and not sit in the office from 8:00 to 17:00. Such work is not suitable for them, which is why there are a lot of freelancers in the generation of millennials, as well as people working at remote work. Among them are a lot of network managers, as well as accountants, freelancers, webmasters and programmers. That is, these are the works that require knowledge of new technologies, and also allow you to work at home, and not in the office.  
Generation of a selfie
Generation of a selfie

Ruined generation of the nineties: family values

The absence of a family is a conscious choice:

  • Millennials, more than all other generations, are lonely, that is, they are in no hurry to bind themselves to marriage. It is among this generation that there are many old virgins, as well as bachelors. This is not at all non -contact, and the inability to find a soul mate.
  • These people are simply afraid to make a mistake, and do not want to spend their time on non -suitable people, then getting divorced at 40 years old. Accordingly, among these people there are many who marry after 30 years. For millennials, this is absolutely normal.
  • Among this generation, it is not considered something supernatural to marry at 30 or even at 40. A lot of millennials live with their parents. Moreover, this fact does not bother them at all. They appreciate their parents more, love them, and joint accommodation in one apartment is not a burden for them. This generation is called a ruined trophy. This is due to the fact that after the nineties there are a lot of competitions, as well as competitions, is carried out without presenting prizes.
  • That is, as a result of many competitions that organize in schools, universities, friendship wins. These people do not seek to be the first and do not want to be leaders. They want to live in a happy, comfortable atmosphere, expressing themselves, spending time on what they like.  
Generation of the 90s
Generation of the 90s

Who do echo-butimers live and how?

Many employers note that among millennials there are a lot of people who often change their work. This is not due to the fact that they do not want to work. On the contrary, there are a lot of people with high performance and really good talents among millennials.

Professions of echo-boomers:

  • This generation for the most part is hardworking, but they do not want to spend their time, energy, as well as health on a job that is paid in a small amount.
  • Unlike the previous generation, they do not want to work for some position for 20 years, while receiving a penny salary and hold on to this place.
  • Millennials are free and freedom -loving in themselves, respectively, among these people there are a lot of those who travel, go to earn money to other countries, are looking for a better life. These people are not afraid to change the familiar way of life and are ready for various experiments.
  • At the moment, a very large number of companies were forced to adapt to millennials, because indeed only people remain at their absence at work, over 50 years old.
  • That is why many offices made a free working day, or a floating schedule. In addition, in some offices they made comfortable conditions that are similar to home in order to stimulate and delay millennials in this work.  
  • Now about 40%of millennials are engaged in freelance, and work at remote work. Moreover, the tendency to leave the permanent work in the office is growing. People simply do not want to work for a small salary and take all their time with work. In the interests of millennials, anything can be.
  • Many of them are vegans, someone prefers a healthy lifestyle, and also regularly engage in fitness, visiting the gym. Such an active pastime is not in any way with work in the office from 8 to 17. Accordingly, people want to work when they are convenient, including at night.  
Living on the network
Living on the network

Free generation Nekst: work without work

Employers and echo-boomers:

  • 10 years ago, there were practically no free vacancies at the labor exchange. Now there are a lot of free professions that are working and low -paid. If earlier, even at low -paid work, a large number of people could be noted, now the situation has changed dramatically. Millennials do not want to go to a penny work, selecting all their lives.
  • That is why now people with low qualifications and low educational level can easily find work, even with official employment. The most interesting thing is that most millennials do not even want to receive anything from the state, so they do not become on the labor exchange, and are not in an active search for work that takes most of the time.  
  • Now most millennials who work in offices prefer young and developing companies that have radically changed their working conditions and their attitude to employees. Now these are not slaves at all, but partners and assistants. Echo-Bummers love to work in a team, while they do not seek to be leaders. Despite this, due to high performance, many millennial projects become breakthroughs in science, as well as technology.  

As you can see, millennials differ significantly from previous generations in that they are not looking for leaders, heroes, as well as mentors. These are people who live on their own, being quite selfish. First of all, they care only about themselves and their well -being. Also, these people do not imagine their lives without new technologies, smartphones, computers and the Internet. Despite the fact that most of them do not seek to become leaders, according to the latest trends, many of them become really the missions and organizers of new religions, as well as scientific trends.  

Video: ruined generation of the 90s

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