Who are indigo children, how to distinguish them from ordinary children? How to communicate with indigo children and how to educate?

Who are indigo children, how to distinguish them from ordinary children? How to communicate with indigo children and how to educate?

Nowadays, a lot is said about "children of Indigo". This concept is a designation of some completely new phenomenon, which is noticed by teachers, children's psychologists and parents around the world. So how do children of Indigo actually differ?

What does the concept of "children of Indigo" mean?

The concept of “Indigo Children” was first used in the Nancy Ann Tapping book, dedicated to the study of the energy aura and its influence on the nature and ability of people. When studying the aura of unusual children, it was revealed that it has a dark blue hue.

  • The opinion of teachers from completely different parts of the world comes down to one thing: modern children are largely different from their peers who studied several decades ago. The new generation of children and adolescents is less and less listened to the words of adults - the concept of discipline and norms of behavior is simply lost.
  • Children behave more and more freely and liberated, not paying attention to restrictions. Even 20 years ago it seemed unthinkable that students question the knowledge and competence of the teacher. Now only a few teachers manage to earn interest in their subject and enjoy authority among schoolchildren.
  • There are stable and increase in the scale of changes in the psyche, intellectual potential and attitude, which can manifest itself in early childhood.
Indigo children - a new generation

Psychologist Dorce Verche claims that “extraordinary” children can be easily distinguished from quite ordinary ones.

  • From an early age, such babies have a purposeful character warehouse, a higher level of intelligence and self-esteem, creative abilities, developed intuition, talent in any area.
  • Indigo children often see a more appropriate way to solve the problem or the commission that society can be perceived as disobedience and violation of the established rules.
  • The education system becomes ineffective for them, since the impact with the help of accepted norms of punishment and encouragement is impossible.
  • Indigo children have certain views on everything around that are not amenable to correction. An attempt to change the stable system of the worldview of such a child can turn into aggressive behavior, active protest or immersion.
  • Indigo children do not recognize generally accepted values \u200b\u200bor authorities. This does not happen because of the gaps in education - they pass everything that happens exclusively through themselves and evaluate the personal scale of priorities.
  • Many necessary decisions are made by them on the basis of an intuitive feeling.
  • Indigo children are excessively sensitive, capable of sincere compassion, acutely experienced loneliness, they themselves need constant support and understanding of loved ones. In addition, they often experience deep attachment to animals, love living nature.
  • Indigo is characterized by special mental states - forebodings, prophetic dreams, visions of incorporeal entities, sounds of voices.
  • In the team, such people are quite difficult. On the one hand, they experience an acute need for communication and sincere friendship, but often seem to be surrounded by closed in themselves and unclose, if they do not find their own circle of interests.
  • Indigo is in the tireless search for the meaning of being, understanding the world and their place in it. Search can be realized through an appeal to religion or spiritual practices - the study of special literature and spiritual movements.
  • Indigo children often feel older than their present age, differ from other children with high self -esteem, confidence in their actions, and independence.
  • They always show a protest against imposing opinions from outside or actions in which they do not see meaning. For example, if something needs to be done, because "everyone does this," "be like everyone else."
Indigo distinguishes the desire for knowledge of the world

Indigo children - what are they?

The American psychologist Lee Carroll, who studies the phenomenon of Indigo, described 4 types of people and their life priorities:

  • Humanists. In the future, their professional areas will be: medicine, pedagogy, jurisprudence, scientific field, business, politics. Children of this type are very sociable, they can maintain a conversation with any interlocutor on the topic of interest to them. They are distinguished by increased mobility, immaturity. In their room there is always a mess. Often they grab a few things at once.
  • Conceptualists. In the future, they can become engineers, architects, designers or military. Children of this type have the right physique, good orientation in space, activity, mathematical abilities, and signs of leadership. In the transitional age, problems often arise - a tendency to smoking, the use of narcotic drugs, isolation, depression.
  • Painters. This type is the rarest - future actors, musicians, artists, writers, poets. Children of such a warehouse have to find themselves in everyday realities. They are too sensitive and vulnerable, have a fragile physique, a dreamy and thoughtful warehouse of character. In any field of activity, they use imagination and creative approach.
  • In all dimensions. Children of this type are leaders from birth. They are distinguished by good health and are physically more developed than their peers. Often they become bullying, have all their own opinion on all their own. From an early age they can teach their own parents and other adults, they seek to do everything on their own. Such people can change the world, become the founders of the new direction of philosophy or religion.

It is believed that the appearance of indigo children in our time is not accidental. Their goal is to return to people lost harmony through self -knowledge and self -development.

Important: Indigo children come to this world in order to teach others to control their own consciousness, thoughts and feelings, use intuition to obtain information and interaction with the surrounding reality.

Indigo children show talents in their studies and creativity

How do children of Indigo manifest themselves?

  • The main feature of Indigo people is absolutely their own view of the world around.
  • Indigo children are distinguished by the duality of nature. They combine sincere love for people and nature and the manifestation of aggression, naivety and pragmatism, the desire for certain knowledge and the absolute neglect of others, if they do not see the benefits for themselves.
  • They do not follow templates and do not have idols. Confidence in its own significance is often annoyed by society, but this is the basis of the personality of Indigo.
  • What is of interest to indigo children, they know and remember at a glance, having excellent memory and logical thinking.
  • They are well versed in modern technologies, but can be helpless in everyday life.
Indigo's child strives for self -knowledge in harmony with nature

How to raise indigo children?

  • The essence of the upbringing of special children is not to invest common knowledge and norms of morality in the child, but to show how this knowledge is connected with real life and why the child should adhere to certain rules of behavior.
  • The upbringing of a child should be expressed in the formation of a child's sense of security.
  • Do not put in the first place the achievement of the results - let the child get the joy of the learning process.
  • Avoid criticism and reproaches - let's understand that you support his undertakings, even if not everything happens right away.
  • Indigo children seem to know everything from birth and even teach adults to their vision, so such a child needs constant contact and dialogue. The most important issues that need to be resolved constantly with the baby - “Why do I live?”, “Why is everything that happens this way?” "What to do correctly?"
  • The most important principle of raising children is an example of adult behavior. It is important for a child to explain the laws of nature, society and his own goals in life. Then he will be able to adapt to the reality in which we all live.
  • In the process of growing up, the child should gain knowledge about the world around him and its laws - all the positive and negative aspects of the modern world and society. Thus, he is looking for his place in life and will be able to realize his own potential. If this does not happen, the meaning of life is lost in adolescence, an internal crisis, aggression, addiction to drugs may occur.

Important: the task of the parents of the indigo children to direct the child, and not to manage him. If such children receive support and approval to their own aspirations, they are able to grow truly bright and successful personalities.

The upbringing of indigo children should be built on support and trust

Video: Indigo children are more and more. Check, maybe you are one of them.

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