Who are Childfri and why they do not like them? How to talk with Childfrey correctly?

Who are Childfri and why they do not like them? How to talk with Childfrey correctly?

In this article we will find out who Childfri are and why many do not like them.

Here you live calmly, the career goes uphill, the man is good, and indeed life is beautiful. But over the years, they begin to regret you. How so? After all, everything is fine in life, but still everyone begins to regret you. And this is all because you have no children. Even if you are quite happy and everything suits you, you will have to pay for such a choice with condemnation and constant persuasion to give birth to a baby. Moreover, the second half will not even necessarily do this, perhaps it is completely in solidarity with you. But relatives and friends will not leave this.

A hundred years ago, the contraception was not very good, and therefore the rule worked here - if you have sex, then there will be children. And it was not accepted to do abortions. So, if a person did not have children, then he was considered sick or unattractive for a serious relationship or family life. Of course, such people should have been sparing or advising something, but secretly rejoice that such a fate has carried you.

But, relatively recently, people began to actively control their reproduction without health danger. And from this moment, Childfri began to appear, which broke the usual stereotypes of society. As it turned out, it is not necessary to give birth to children! At the same time, without them is not even bad, or even better.

Who are Childfri?

Who are Childfri?
Who are Childfri?

Childfrey came to us from English and translated as free from children. The Russian language does not even have any special analogue of such a word. Children's homeless are called those who cannot have children. But Childfri themselves do not want to acquire offspring and do not regret it at all.

Each such person is not like each other and for them there is even a certain classification:

  • REDECTORS. So they call those who really do not like children
  • Afervado. These people are simply good without children, but perhaps they will once change their opinion
  • To date, such people are more divided into childfrey and childheit (do not like children)

How many such people are unknown to anyone. In total, approximately 5-30% stands out, depending on which country. But to separately calculate how exactly the Childfri exists, because they should be separated from those to whom circumstances do not allow children to have children. In addition, the position of people often changes.

Why don't Childfrey want to have children?

Why don't Childfrey want children?
Why don't Childfrey want children?

The most important reason is that they simply do not want. But the specific reasons each determine for themselves. There are several common reasons why Childfrey does not consider it necessary to give birth to children:

  • freedom. The birth of a child imposes certain responsibilities for each, the fulfillment of which should be carried out until adulthood, and sometimes longer. The child will not be able to dismiss or leave for a couple of days.
  • A responsibility. Not everyone wants to take care of himself and the child, but someone is scared that he will not cope or simply does not want to take any responsibility. And this is right, if a person does not succeed or he does not want to take something, then you should not give birth to children, because it will be an excessive burden. Not sure, no need.
  • Money. The content of children is quite expensive. Often we hear that parents do not have enough money, and this is an excellent remedy against the birth of children and the additional incentive of Childfrey. This allows them to think that they made the right choice. Someone does not manage to support the child, and someone loves to live well more than children.
What does it mean to be Childfrey?
What does it mean to be Childfrey?
  • Career. Women still have to care for a child, and therefore have to sit on maternity leave. For careerists, this is not the best option at all, because then their work suffers. Moreover, when applying for work, they always ask when a woman is going on maternity leave, after the second, and indeed who will sit on sick leave. If she decides to build a career, she decides for herself that there will never be a decree. Although there are women who are able to cope with everything, but not everyone is given.
  • Lack of career. For the birth of children, a stable and good income is required, it is desirable if it grows, because the costs will also increase. If a person does not have a child, then he does not have to look for a stable job and he can afford part -time jobs or small earnings.
  • The qualities of children. From the scream of children, the head begins to hurt, and a difficult character does not allow to agree. The manifested aggression provokes a fight, and psychological problems disrupt sleep. This can include a bunch of points, but everyone chooses his own.
  • Fear. There are many of them - this is pregnancy, childbirth, a change in status, problems with money, and so on. Ask in the team how they gave birth and you will hear so many stories that you definitely will not want to go there.

Why are Childfri united?

CHILDFRI associations
CHILDFRI associations

Among people without children, different communities have been formed for about 40 years, so they need to defend themselves. The attitudes of society have not changed so much yet - people without children are still not considered not like everyone else.

If the family planning was a personal matter of everyone, then it would not have to be sought by like -minded people and share their experiences with them. But only laziness usually climbs into affairs concerning children. How personal is there.

When a person has a couple, they always ask him when a wedding and children are planned, and if not, when the second half and everything else will finally appear. And besides, they often put pressure on the age that it was time to think about offspring. Although it is tactless, it always happens.

Active Childfri are in clear confidence that their rights are infringed, because they live in a “detentric” society where children and parents can afford everything, including at the expense of the childless. So, for Childfrey, the union is considered the opportunity to advance its own views and achieve some changes in the legislation.

Why don't you love Childfri?

Why do not love Childfrey?
Why do not love Childfrey?

People with children constantly argue with the childless and all this, fortunately, in words. Most battles unfold on the Internet. In their content, they are somewhat similar to the disputes of fans of iPhones and Androids. It makes no sense to try to prove to a person that you need to give birth, because children are wonderful if the person himself does not want this. That's just such a war is becoming more and more common.

Undoubtedly, Childfri do not like and, I must say, there is something for:

  • Demonization of parents and children. Entire communities are being created, where it is discussed how badly children and adults behave. Moreover, the reason for this is a child who is allowed anything, because he is small and does not understand what he does. At the same time, parents forget that not everything can be followed by children and they must comply with elementary rules of conduct. This is the wrong position of both those and others, but it has a place to be.
  • Slang. Today, words such as “to be“ to be “to be given”, “ovulyashka”, “larva” and so on are increasingly used. Such nicknames can greatly offend the feelings of any, even the most adequate person.
  • Labels. Childfrey believes that everyone has children, they live badly, they have no money and in general they are poor, and they constantly have to regret what had happened and suffer from a lack of life.

If Childfri could not be so active, then there would not be so many dislike for them. However, it is boring to live in this way and many battles with insults arise on the forums. In other words, Childfrey does not like that they reproach others for the desire to get in where they do not need to and teach them to live.

How can you not talk to Childfrey?

What can not be said to Childfrey?
What can not be said to Childfrey?

If your close friend or simply acquaintance does not want to have children, then this is his personal right and you should not try to persuade him in the other direction. Just accept it as it is. You will not achieve anything. Often, Childfrey has to hear different phrases that are very unpleasant for them. These include:

  • Children are happiness. Undoubtedly, one who already has a child will not understand how you can not want to give birth at all. As for Childfrey, they do not understand why this is generally needed. Happiness is not in the number of children. Each has their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and what makes one happy one can make the other unhappy.
  • Then you will regret it. In fact, you should not worry this at all. The man has already made his personal choice, but to say that he will later repent is at least not beautiful.
  • And who will continue your family? Childfrey does not matter who will do this, and, and, what's the difference to you?
  • You give birth - you will love. This is fundamentally the wrong position. And if this does not happen, then what? To endure all your life and hate or refuse and generally send it to an orphanage? Both situations are equally terrible, and therefore think about before talking about this.
  • We will die out like mammoths. This is unlikely, because the overpopulation of the planet is already observed. Accordingly, a person simply cannot die out. Not one, so the other, will surely give birth.
  • Children are natural. That's just not necessary. The campaign of the birth of children who are not planned is akin to fascism and detonavia. Today there are so many orphans and dysfunctional families, why make these numbers even more?
  • All Childfrey idiots. Well, on the one hand, then it’s good that they do not give birth. After all, then bad genes will not apply to other generations.
  • And who will help in old age? Here, too, the question is ambiguous. Do children help all the old people? And today you can hire a nurse, social services help, and no one canceled friends.
  • God gave a hare - give both the lawn and everything in that spirit. We have a free country and by law everyone can have any religion, so God is far from a good reason for pregnancy.
  • All Childfrey are selfish. Well, if selfishness is healthy, then there is nothing wrong with that, so why not be like that?

Is it normal to be Childfrey?

This position relative to children is absolutely normal. Yes, this is not accepted by society, but it does not mean that it is bad. It decides to become Childfrey or not for himself. This is his personal choice, which he makes consciously.

But the discussion of someone else's life and even bed intervention is very bad and not quite tactful. This applies to absolutely all, both Childfrey and people who already have children. In the end, we have a free society and everyone has the right to take a position that he likes more.

Video: who are Childfri? Large VS Childfri

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Comments K. article

  1. Is healthy egoism something like a healthy acne or a healthy illness? The fact is that selfishness is a disease of the soul. How can he be healthy, in the sense of health? Unless in the sense of size.

  2. If you are syphilitic next to you, then do not bother him to be sick and infect others. He has the right to be like that - this is his personal choice, which he makes consciously, because we have a free society and everyone has the right to take a position that he likes best. After all, I still have mental illness and they are no less contagious, only infect the soul.

  3. Yes, everything is so! Until 30 years old, I wanted a child, but after a number of problems and life situations (miscarriage, illness and divorce), I decided to live only for myself. Children are not the main value in life.

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