Who is a fatal woman and how to recognize her? What are fatal women and how do they affect men?

Who is a fatal woman and how to recognize her? What are fatal women and how do they affect men?

The fatal woman is always shrouded in a secret and it is difficult to understand. In our article we will figure out who it is and how it affects men.

Many men are afraid to meet a fatal woman, but at the same time, on the contrary, try to find her. Relations with such a woman can cost life. Such women are considered fatal and it is impossible to hide from them. At least life will definitely not become the same.

What's the secret? Why do men attract such women? What does a fatal woman mean and how can you recognize her?

Who is a fatal woman?

Who is a fatal woman?
Who is a fatal woman?

Even in ancient times, the girls realized that they had a special influence on men. After all, one cannot deceive the man's eyes when he sees a beautiful woman in front of him. But only the girls themselves could not understand what attracts men so much. They evaluated friends, but they could not. That is why they often considered themselves unattractive.

When the mirror was finally invented and the women were able to admire themselves, their confidence increased. Often, ladies trained facial expressions and gestures to be more attractive. That's exactly how the power of fatal women began to increase. The expression itself began to be used only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Many cannot understand why this type remains very popular. How does a fatal woman catch a man so? Does she just have such a lifestyle or is it inevitable? Those who had the opportunity to know the fatal woman claim that they are endowed with this feature by nature, and did not raise these qualities in themselves. One thing is good that not all of them are dangerous.

Some men believe that the main sign of fatal women is skill in intimacy, but this is only one side of their multifaceted personality.

How to recognize a fatal woman: signs

How to recognize a fatal woman: signs
How to recognize a fatal woman: signs

Fematic women can also be recognized by other signs, not only by her masterful behavior in bed.

  • Independence

Such a feature is inherent in a fatal woman who has even a little force. She never searches for a man and does not allow him to be responsible for her life. The man should not have the thought that she is completely his. She is able to fend for himself and his freedom if a man allows himself more permitted. She always has goals and plans, and therefore she will not agree to anything, only to achieve the right one.

  • Mind and rationality

Others cannot but admit that she is smart, educated and she has a character. Still, by nature it is soft. She does not need to deceive the man, he sees her through. It differs from others with rationality and the ability to plan in advance. However, romance is not peculiar to her, it is better for her to think over everything in advance. There is no quick relationship with her, because she is careful and careful.

  • Independence

If you try to put pressure on it, then nothing will work out. An ordinary woman all surrenders without a trace for a loved one, but there will be no fatal one. She knows herself the price, time, as well as aspirations and desires. She never listens to men. Usually occurs the other way around.

That's just this clings to men, because they need to win to make sure of their abilities. Some, by the way, attribute such a manner of the bitch. This is not an offensive word, but a feature of character. The highlight of the fatal woman is her character, which leads to love and passion.

  • Confidence
Self -confident woman
Self -confident woman

To those who can present themselves with dignity, people always stretch. Of course, confidence can manifest itself differently, depending on the floor. The fatal woman has a high self -esteem, because she knows her price and is always ready to overcome difficulties.

  • Courage and stiffness

Everyone should be able to defend their position. At the same time, without hitting others. As a rule, self -esteem is very vulnerable. A fatal woman lives on her interests and does not follow the society. She always remains herself, and therefore is so attractive.

  • Always different

It can be strict, and after 10 minutes to become soft and supple. Men really like this game, because they can never understand in advance what will happen next. Such a trap allows you to keep the man at a distance and not let go.

What tricks do fatal women use?

Fematic women have several basic techniques that allow them to drive men crazy. We will talk about them further.

  • Victimic
Victimic fatal woman
Victimic fatal woman

She is a poor and defenseless girl who arouses fatherly feelings in men. As a rule, such tactics work for men who do not have children or they have a son, but they dreamed of a daughter. Although, he may have a daughter, whom he paid little attention in childhood. In other words, there are a lot of development options, but all this leads to one - when a man meets a defenseless woman, he seeks to help her in everything. Next to such women, men feel strong, their self -esteem increases and vanity is amused.

In such a situation there is no simple care. The thing is that a woman does not cease to actively fuel in a man confidence that she needs care. She always touches him so touchingly that he is happy. But inside there is a feeling that it does not quite reach the desired level.

When a woman completely masters a man, his constant desire to become better and give more, dulls the rest of the feelings. He makes rash things, concludes risky transactions. Thus, he ceases to perceive reality as it is. And it always ends badly.

  • She is the goddess and walks through life with a smile

This is a strong self -sufficient woman. She knows very well that a man wants to possess and does everything to arouse this desire. She will never ask, because it is considered humiliation for her.

It is distinguished by a good mind, education and ironicism. She is neglecting with men and does not miss the opportunity to pin them, but so as not to offend. This type of woman has the following type - well -groomed, similar to a cat, a low voice with rich intonation. The appearance of a woman will not necessarily be perfect, but it will be very much to pull to her. Makeup is swinging the same. It is not necessarily bright, here someone likes more.

It is a little eccentric and can show it in manners, clothes, hairstyles and so on. Fatal women love unusual outfits, often experiment on their appearance and create a unique style. They do not follow fashion - they create it.

The man tries to possess such a woman, but at one point he understands that the opposite is true. She will never ask for anything. She commands. And when a man cannot resist her anymore, she loses interest and finds another.

  • Mother
Femme fatale
Femme fatale

When a man does not receive love from his mother, this woman can fill her in full. Looking at her once, he completely surrenders to her power. As a rule, successful men move away early from their mothers. And it turns out that he looks strong in appearance, but inside he really needs affection and warmth.

Such women show softness, but despite this, they are strict. They ask a lot about childhood. A fatal woman is an excellent psychoanalyst. She is able to behave like a mother, but not quite, but better. She always finds out the details of the child’s childhood in order to play in this way on his feelings.

This behavior leads to the fact that a child is turned on in a man. Very often he ceases to be independent and gives the main role to the woman. If she becomes bored with him, then she will leave. And the man remains with crushed will and with broken feelings.

  • Siren

For example, a man wants to achieve great success in politics or learn how to jump with a parachute. That is, the achievement should be such that it involves losses. And everyone to whom he is not indifferent, discourages him to do certain things. But here appears the one who supports him contrary to everyone else.

And he is strengthened in his thoughts that she alone understands him. And she tries, supports, helps in any endeavors and becomes just a friend who understands the best.

Of course, very rarely such women become the wives of politicians or paratroopers. It also happens that they become rich widows. And they may just leave when they will not be interested.

It is important to understand that regardless of seduction scheme, the action is essentially the same. That's just the behavior of each type is different. For example, Sirena will admire the siren and say which man is unusual, and the goddess nods the maximum.

After that, interest is already manifested. The conversation begins and there is always a motive that says that only she sees the uniqueness of a man. After that, the fatal woman makes it clear that only she will help to become better. Moreover, the man notices only good, because she is so good with her, she knows what he needs and is ready to support. And the man disappears - falls in love and goes to the occasion.

Everyone who loves and appreciates himself can become a fatal woman. But are you only ready to conduct endless novels?

How does a fatal woman affect men?

How does a fatal woman affect men?
How does a fatal woman affect men?

Of course, the main goal of a fatal woman is not to collect broken hearts. She can do nothing with what attracts men, but she does not even need their attention. You can’t buy her love with money. She herself can use anyone for her goals.

Since this woman is not deprived of attention, she is not looking for anyone. She is surrounded by men without this. Its inaccessibility causes excitement and interest. As a rule, when a woman becomes fatal, this means that she has experienced a lot.

It is also important to note that it is always sincere and can be compared with fire. Despite this, she herself rarely becomes happy. Her inner world does not tolerate calm. She likes the raging sea.

She is not very interesting with ordinary men. She only needs special. It is not difficult for them to part - today such a couple are together, and tomorrow - apart. The advantage of such lightness is the experience that a woman acquires with every new relationship and becomes smarter, drawing conclusions.

What exactly means the concept of “fatal woman” is more difficult to understand over the years, because there are very few of them. And today it is not even a fact that they exist. High feelings today are not valued and modern girls are more simple and understandable. Anyway, the classic image of fatal women was simplified before a sex symbol.

If you think very well and try to search, then fatal women can be found in different subcultures and bohemia. Most likely, these are simple bitch, which do not have at least a drop of mystery that is inherent in fatal women.

Video: Fatal women. What women do men choose?

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