Healthy cream for joints: composition, action, application, reviews of patients and specialists

Healthy cream for joints: composition, action, application, reviews of patients and specialists

The use of the cream "Health" for pain in joints is extremely effective. Let's look at this drug in more detail.

Pain in joints brings real suffering - mobility is limited, forces are lost every day. In order to help the body in the fight against the disease, it is recommended to use the “healthy” cream in the treatment of joints. The product contains the products of the life of bees and plant extracts that will help remove the inflammatory process and restore the functionality of the joints. Positive results from the use of cream by patients, as well as clinical tests of the product, confirm its uniqueness.

Cream "Health" for joints: Composition

In case of obvious edema, impaired activity, pain syndrome, it is advisable to use the “health” cream based on natural wax. An indisputable plus of the product is the ability to help the body in the fight against many ailments, due to the presence of natural ingredients.

This product contains exclusively natural components saturated with the vitamin-mineral complex. Their effect has a favorable effect on the affected areas, restoring them.


The main ingredients of the Cream-Vosk "Health" refers:

  1. Oliva oil - fuel joints, softens the skin.
  2. Smile cedar - contributes to the supply of blood tissue blood, opposes inflammation.
  3. Bee wax - stimulates the processes of recovery in the tissues.
  4. Propolis - eliminates swelling and pain, stimulates tissue healing.
  5. Vitamins (C, B1, B5) - increase the strength of the joints and blood vessels, contribute to the restoration processes in them.
  6. The poison of bees - relieves spasms, restores blood flow.
  7. The extract of the bee -firing - increases the density of the synovial fluid, reduces the friction of the surfaces of the joints, and gives elasticity to the veins.
  8. Hoods of horse chestnut - relieves inflammation, confronts the formation of blood clots.
  9. The extractor of the bee -free bees - reduces pain, eliminates exacerbations.
Useful components
Useful components

The components of the “healthy” cream penetrate the body, thanks to the oil of olive, which is almost identical to the fat layer in the human body, accordingly is perceived by organs and tissues as something natural. In addition, this type of vegetable oil actively resists the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant.

  • Wax extends the effect of healing ointment. Molecules, the size of more than average, cannot “break through” the safety barrier of the dermis, for this reason, there is wax in the cream.
  • A film made of a mixture of oil and wax creates a “greenhouse effect”, preventing oxygen to penetrate into the skin at the site of exposure to the “health” cream. Thus, blood flow and lymph flow begin to work more actively, contributing to the expansion of pores.
  • In addition, the beneficial substances of the propolis balm penetrate the capillaries, thanks to the osmosis and affect the stagnant intercellular fluid (eliminated by vessels), which leads to minimizing edema.
For joints
For joints

The therapeutic substances of the Health cream are enclosed in a wax capsule, which gradually releases all the components for the absorption of them by the body. The effect of this effect lasts much longer, managing to bring more benefits. Consider the components and their impact in more detail.

The action of the cream "Health"

  • Often, inflammation is triggered by harmful microbes, which can cope with plant antibiotics - propolis, containing flavonoids, benzoic and feralic acids capable of exterminating staphylococcal sticks (can cause arthritis) and viruses.
  • Substances that enhance the antibacterial effect - the cedar resin of the Zhivitsa and the busts of bees.
  • The product of the life of bees is able to block the pain syndrome before the signal about it to the nervous endings. All this happens thanks to the resin of the cedar, which acts as an irritant to the epidermis, creating a distracting impulse.
  • The action resembles the effect of the injection of novocaine, suppressing sensitivity. The poison of bees affects the functions of the nerve node (ganglia), without missing the nerve signal further.
  • So that the pain does not arise as long as possible, adolapin in the composition of the bee poison “spur” the process of developing hormones of happiness: endorphine and ecephalin, “turning off” pain receptors.
  • The cream-first contains all useful components for bone regeneration and cartilage: vitamins and minerals, amino acids stimulate the production of collagen, bone-skin tissue and articulation shells.
  • Metiononin and glutamanic acid in the pile of bees help to remove the salt salts in the urine, thus preventing them from deposition (useful to patients suffering from gout).
For joints
For joints

The cream promotes:

  • removal of pain and inflammatory process.
  • reduction of edema.
  • bringing blood flow to normal.
  • filming of joints with useful components.
  • restoration of affected areas.
  • stimulation of the production of hyaluronic acid and synovial fluid by the body.
  • prevention of salts deposits.
  • tightening tissues after injuries.

Contraindications - There are practically absent, sometimes there is an allergy to bee products.

Application of the cream "Health"

In any form of articular ailments: A small amount of the product must be warmed up in the hand, and then produce a delicate massage of the problem area along with the cream, until it is completely absorbed. In the case of a neglected disease, this manipulation can be carried out up to three times daily.


For the maximum effect, a full 3-week cycle of procedures is recommended until complete recovery. Subsequently, preferably every 6 months, in the autumn-spring season, to perform procedures with the application of the healthy cream (2 weeks) as a prevention.

Reviews of patients and specialists about the cream "Health"

Larisa, 45 years old: « I am a professional weightlifter with many years of experience. Years of training negatively affected the joints, and there were also uncomfortable sensations in the lumbar region, especially as exchanged the fourth dozen. I myself am surprised how effective the cream on the bee wax "healthy". Using it regularly, began to notice that the pain was reduced over timea c and in the end disappeared completely, the movement became more free. "

Alexey, 35 years old: “The long -standing football injury of the legs began to remind of myself - the knee became inflamed. The doctor recommended that the “healthy” cream and, as it turned out, were not in vain for conventional therapy. After two weeks of treatment, the pain has gone. Now I use it as a prophylactic, it also helps with injuries. ”

Natalia, 58 years old: « My joints have been sick for any weather change for many years. With age, the situation has aggravated. Only the "healthy" cream for the joints helped. Rheumatism can not be cured by them, but I no longer react to the weather change. An excellent analgesic with natural components. ”

Elena, 62 years old: « Buying a “healthy” cream, hoped to reduce pain and elimination of edema. There is discomfort during any physical activity (overcoming several staircases). Outwardly, the cream resembles wax with a pleasant aroma. Before applying the cream on the skin, it should be a little warm in his hands so that he becomes softer. The sensations from use are pleasant, the pain disappears almost immediately, the swelling goes away, the work of the joints is restored. It is a pity that the funds are not enough for a little and for a long time with daily use. "

Miroslava, 22 years old:« The constant staying at the computer led to the fact that extremely uncomfortable sensations arose in the joints, and then arthritis developed - the wrist ached, and gradually the limb almost ceased to function. Search on the Internet solutions to the fact that I came across an article about the cream "Healthy". As a result, I decided to order and, having received the beginning of treatment, I rubbed the sore wrist using the product. Improvements were not long in coming, the pain was released. "

Tatyana (orthopedic doctor): “I am often visited by patients with complaints of joint pain, reducing the motor function of joints, etc. There are many symptoms and diseases, however, the cure process should take place in this way: it is advisable to use complex measures aimed at improving the patient's self -awareness. They include therapy with medical drugs, heating, applying ointments and creams. I would especially like to note the effect of the use of the Great Cream-Vosk. He proved himself well during the complex therapy of joints, is able to eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce pain. Urgently  i will recommend it to my patients. "

As it has already become clear from the above information, the cream "Healthy" on the bee of the wax, managed to prove itself with dignity. However, given the opinion of experts, the greatest effect of treatment with this tool, especially in more complex cases of joint diseases, is observed with a complex effect on the affected area of \u200b\u200bnatural cream along with drug therapy.

Over the centuries, the human body has learned to extract maximum benefits from the consumption of natural products of bees and plants, which, unlike chemicals, are more willingly absorbed by the human body. Applying the ointment “healthy” on the basis of propolis, you can practically not be afraid for the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Video: Healthy cream for joints

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