Cream with urea for legs and heels from corns, cracks: rating, list of the best with recommendations for use, reviews

Cream with urea for legs and heels from corns, cracks: rating, list of the best with recommendations for use, reviews

Long time on the legs, especially with excess weight, causes cosmetic problems with the feet, concomitant factors are poor -quality shoes and the lack of conditions on the roads. In pursuit of beauty, women are ready to walk in high heels for days, as a result of which corns and cracks appear on the active part of the legs.

For productive legs, you need to use foot creams on an ongoing basis. Untimely elimination of discomfort distorts the gait of a person and can provoke injury when moving.

Creams with urea (urea) for legs and heels are popular among consumers. Cosmetics are suitable for both daily hydration and eliminating skin diseases.

Cream with urea for the legs and heels: how is urea useful?

A healthy skin contains a natural component in a small amount urea. The lack of this component leads to dryness and peeling of the skin. Different types of inflammatory processes are formed on the feet. Treatment cream with urea For legs and heels eliminates eczema, dermatitis, allergies on the feet.

The properties of urea
The properties of urea

Consider the beneficial actions of cosmetics with carbamide:

  • Skin nutrition, regulation of the water balance of the upper and inner layers of the skin.
  • The mitigation of dry, rough, rough areas on the feet, eliminating itchy discomfort.
  • Protecting the feet from drying out, the negative impact of detergents and surrounding factors.
  • Activation of the regenerating properties of the skin.
  • Healing effect on cracks, preventing repeated manifestations.
  • Dullance of uncomfortable symptoms.
  • Scrubbing and rejuvenation of keratinized skin layers.
  • Rejuvenation of gross skin.

Cream with urea It is rapidly absorbed, makes dry skin soft and elastic. The protective film smoothes the superficial shortcomings. In the presence of bleeding wounds and severe inflammations, the application of the cream can aggravate the situation.

Cream with urea for legs and heels from corns, cracks: cream names and percentage content of urea

At the time of buying urea creams It is very important to carefully choose the percentage of urea. For each cosmetic problem, the product is selected individually.

  • For preventive purposes, it is enough to feed the skin of the foot in a timely manner. For frequent use, a cream with a small percentage of the active component is suitable. A cream with 10-20 % urea content will cope with peeling or rash on the legs. This concentration is made in the following cream names:
  • Avon moisturizing agentFoot Works. 10%
  • GEHWOL MED 18 %
  • Diaderm Intensively 10 %
  • Foot cream«Evo» 10 %
  • Healer Cream

By this link can be selected for yourself the foot cream on the herb website.



  • For healing and moisturizing cracks on the heel, eliminating corns, and means of 30-40 % of urea with 30-40 %. The following creams are suitable:
  • Keratosane 30, uriage
  • Aquapyling Foot Means 25 %
  • Numis Madcream 25%
  • Uroderm 30 %


  • Creams with 40-50 % content of urea will help cure fungal diseases on the foot. The following means have antiseptic and antimicrobial effects:
  • Xerial 50 Extreme, sVR 50 %
  • Cremobaza 50 %
  • Mikostop 40 %
With high content
With high content

Creams with the same percentage of urea have a similar composition and lead to the same result. The main difference is individual tolerance, duration of action and the creator. The urea has a brightly exposed irritating effect, so creams with urea need preliminary testing.

What are the best legs with urea: the list with names, the way of use

The market presents a wide variety of creams with urea. The means of both imported and domestic manufacturers have an effective action. In demand, creamy products with an optimal ratio of cost and therapeutic properties are in demand.

Consider the best legs with urea:

Aravia cream.

Aravia cream
Aravia cream

Cream Preventin. The corns and corns will exfoliate, soften and moisturize the skin of the heels. It has regenerative and soothing properties. Relieves fatigue from his feet.

Cream of Preventin
Cream of Preventin


  • Cream with urea doctor -an effective tool is produced by the Russian manufacturer of VIS Cosmetics LLC. The cream has a light texture and a pleasant aroma. Thanks to the useful components of the appearance of the skin of the legs, it improves rapidly. The oily concentrate of tea tree softens, the properties of the millennium and oak wood restore activity, delay the injured areas. Optimal for permanent use. The result manifests itself after one procedure.
  • Softening creamEvo. The product is designed to eliminate corns and gross dry corns. It has an antifungal and disinfectant effect. For complete absorption of the cream, you need several hours, so it is better to apply the cream to the feet before nightmare.
For softness
For softness
  • Cream for the feet of Sophia leech extract.The action of the cream is aimed at restoring the water balance and the rapid regeneration of the skin in problem areas. Among the advantages of this tool are the low price with a large volume, a pleasant aroma and high efficiency. The cream is applied twice a day until the complete elimination of corns and cracks.
Super result
Super result
  • Cosmetic product with urea aquapiling.The useful composition is filled with herbal components and oily hoods. The cosmetic product moisturizes the feet well and quickly eliminates allergic rashes. For high -quality moisturizing rough skin, Aquapyling cream is applied within 1 week after bath procedures. During the day, the procedure must be repeated 2-3 times. The result is noticeable only after prolonged use.
With useful content
With useful content
  • Diaderm cream intenses.A means to moisturize the ripe areas of the foot. With regular care, oily components help maintain the tenderness and softness of the skin of the feet. It is applied twice a day for 1-2 weeks.
  • Uprifting product for cracked skin heelsActive Repair K.+ fromTmScholl. Active components penetrate deep into the skin, having a nutritious, protective and smoothing effect. High -quality softening of gross areas of the skin of the feet allows you to quickly get rid of cracks and rude corns. The effectiveness of the cream fully justifies the expensive value. It is recommended to apply on steamed skin.


Effectiveness within 3 days
Effectiveness within 3 days
  • Foam-creamGlatte. A means of imported production to eliminate gross growths and solid corns on the legs. Light texture is quickly absorbed, which allows you to use it at any convenient time. The foam is applied to problem areas, and after a few hours, using the brush, they eliminate soft areas. Daily use allows you to achieve an ideal result in 5-7 days.
  • Cream Urea 3V1. Helps well with corns, corns and cracks. It is quickly absorbed and has a bactericidal effect from the tannins of the oak and celandine.
Urea cream
Urea cream

Cream with urea for heels: how to use?

  • Moisturized skin Promotes the positive effect of the urea cream for heels. Before applying the cream, wash your legs well, remove excess moisture and with massaging movements apply a cosmetic product. Wash your hands well to exclude contact with your eyes.
  • In order to avoid skin irritation on active components, test in advance on any part of the body. In the absence of negative reactions, we use a cream for a problem area. When severe itching appears, it is recommended to postpone the urea cream.
  • In treatment mycose Cream with urea lubricate the focal parts of the foot. For the therapeutic effect, a cream with a large percentage of the active component is required. To eliminate uncomfortable sensations after applying the cream, it is necessary to wait for a complete absorption of the product.
  • To moisten the keratinized areas of the foot well, apply the cream in a thick layer. For better absorption, massage your feet with your hands. To provide meals for deep layers, it is recommended to apply creams with urea on steamed skin before bedtime. The dried skin of the feet must be steamed a couple of times a week.
  • For prevention of cracks in a cream with urea There must be a high content of the active substance. To moisturize, 10-20 % of urea in the composition is enough. Daily use of moisturizers allows you to prevent the fungus infection and make the skin of the feet perfect.

Cream with urea for legs: reviews

  • Ekaterina, 38 years old.“In the summer, I constantly encounter discomfort in the foot area. The healer cream helps to eliminate dryness and peeling of the foot. After the first application, the skin becomes smooth. Long -term use helps to keep his legs in well -groomed form. ”
  • Tatyana, 42 years old.“Against the roughness of the heels and dryness of the feet, I use budget cream fromEvo. For a low price I get 50 ml of active substance. The oily structure is absorbed for several minutes. After 2-3 application, the skin becomes pleasant to the touch. The cream moisturizes well, but does not cope with rude corns. ”
  • Julia, 32 years old.“Elasticity and humidity of the skin of the legs is supported by cream BepantenDermma. The product quickly resuscents dry areas on the feet, but is very poorly absorbed. Classic cosmetic product for night foot masks. Helps heal small cracks. ”

Video: urea from dry skin

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Comments K. article

  1. The cracks helped me cure the cream from cracks to and after, the large plant composition, butter and vitamin also contains allantoin of the urea and is considered an effective emolent, which helps healing and regeneration of cells and cracks healed.

  2. And it helps me a lot from corns and dry corns ointment with urea. And for the prevention of cracks is good.

  3. For me, the best cream turned out to be a pharmacy drill, perfectly nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin of the legs, the legs are soft and delicate no dryness and cracks.

  4. My cream from cracked skin on the feet before and after Twins TEK from cracks in the feet. The cream contains an extract of urea, regenerates, heals, the skin after the cream is soft, so smooth. I use cream now on an ongoing basis. My heels are now always well -groomed

  5. I buy an inexpensive cream from fractures of Twins TEK. It contains an extract of urea, regenerates and heals the cracks on the heels. The keratinized layer exfoliates. Deeply moisturizes the skin of the heels. Cream can be used every day.

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