Beautiful presses of girls. How to download the abdominal press? Food for the press

Beautiful presses of girls. How to download the abdominal press? Food for the press

How to pump up the press at home? Three conditions for a flat abdomen.

What depends on the quality of the press?

We look at the beauties from magazines about fitness with envy. They boast not only a thin waist, but also with embossed cubes in the press. But when we try to pump up the same for ourselves, we are faced with problems. Despite the endless lifts of the case, “bicycles” and lifting the legs, fat from the abdomen does not go anywhere.

This is biology. The state of our press depends on several factors, among which not only physical education:

  • correct exercises for a beautiful abdomen
  • corresponding diet
  • genetics

Below all this will be said in more detail. But heredity should not be discounted. Someone can eat rolls at night, do a couple of exercises per day and be in shape. In others, each extra spoon of soup-puree is laid on the sides.

If you eat correctly, you have a normal mode and you have not abandoned sports, you will inevitably come to good physical shape. Another thing is that a beautiful figure intended for you by nature may differ slightly from the one that glossy magazines are imposing on us.

Proper food for the press for girls

We cannot change genetics. It remains to work with two remaining points: food and sports. You may already have cubes. They are just hiding a layer of fat.

It is worth noting that the wider the person, the more reluctant the body part with a few kilograms of fat. We perceive it as excess weight, and the body considers it for an invaluable supply of calories for an emergency.

There are many diets. It remains only to choose. But having survived two or three weeks of weight loss and returning to the usual diet, you will gain excess weight again. Therefore, it is better to try to smoothly improve your diet as a whole. Here are some rules.

  1. Refuse animal oils in favor of plant. Instead of frying morning fried eggs in butter, take olive. By the way, not all vegetable oils are equally useful. The most common sunflower is not a standard of quality
  2. Replace meat and poultry with fish. This does not mean that you need to become a vegetarian. But often we underestimate the benefits of seafood. Eat fish as often as meat
  3. Replace “quick” carbohydrates with “slow”. The first is sugar and sweets, the second is cereals and cereals. Every time the body whispers to our ear: “Let's eat this cake,” he just yearns without morning oatmeal. You will see, if you start eating in the morning porridge, then there will be much less sweet
  4. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. They have few calories, but a lot of fiber. Thus, they will not add extra pounds to us, and, in addition, they will “clean” the intestines well
  5. Come up with harmful products. We all know that semi -finished products, sausages, margarine and chips are harmful. Nevertheless, it is difficult to delete them from your diet. If you started the struggle for a beautiful press, it's time to do it

How to pump up a beautiful press? How to download the press for girls?

The next step to the beautiful press is physical exercises. But do not rush to raise your legs out of the position of lying. Loads should work at once for several tasks.

The beautiful appearance of our abdomen is not only a press, but also posture. If we lead a sedentary sedentary lifestyle, then our posture inevitably deteriorates. The shoulders fall, the chest bursts, and the stomach protrudes out. It is very difficult to discern cubes in this position. Therefore, the first thing we should do is the exercises for beautiful posture.

It is also useful to keep the stomach tightened not only during classes, but also in everyday life. In many ways, a flat press is just a habit.

With the help of a simple exercise, you need to strengthen the inner abdominal muscles. This is not a press, but they do not allow internal organs to hang out in the abdominal cavity, like in a bag. The exercise is taken from yoga, where it is called "Uddiyan Bandha." In European practice, it was called "vacuum in the stomach." The point is that you need to exhale all the air from the lungs as much as possible, and then drag the stomach inside, as if under the ribs.

Press exercises for women in the gym

In advertising, you can constantly see simulators and devices that supposedly help us to pump up the press without effort. This is a lie. Efforts are perhaps the only thing that will help us achieve a flat tummy. At the same time, simulators are not able to radically change the situation. They can only complicate the basic version of the exercise a little.

  • Twisting on an inclined bench. To do this, you need to lie down on a bench down. At first, an inclination of 10 degrees will be quite enough. Smoothly tear off the upper part of the body from the surface: first head, floor - neck and shoulder blades. Stretch forward with your hands

  • Exercise "Prayer" on a block simulator. Take your face to your knees to the simulator. Take the rope. The elbows are pressed to the sides. To begin with, the weight of the block should be 10 kg. Get downstairs as if for a bow, touch the elbows of the hips. The pelvis is motionless, the back is rounded.

  • Landings of the legs in the hang. This technique is scientifically recognized as the best exercise on the press for the gym. Take the hornberry bar. Start lifting your legs. The press will begin to work only when the line of the hips is higher than the horizontal level. Moreover, the pelvis should work at the same time

Press exercises on the ball

Fitball exercises are very popular among young mothers who want to return the figure after childbirth. On the ball, you can do gymnastics for the baby, and then do it yourself.

  • Twisting. We go with your back on the fitball. It should be directly under the lower back. We spread the legs to the width of the shoulders and rest on the floor. On inspiration, we begin twisting. The amplitude is much larger than just when twisted on the floor

  • Pulling the legs to the stomach. We take the emphasis lying. At the same time, we place the legs on fitball. The ball should be located under the lower leg. On the exhale, attract your knees to the chest, trying not to round your back. Then we return to its original position

  • The lifts of the ball. Lie on your back. Hand your hands behind your head and take up some stable support. Between the ankles, click the fitball. Raise your legs with a clamped ball up to a right corner

Press exercises lying

Scientific research has revealed the most effective press exercise. It does not require any special inventory. It can be performed at home, independently.

This is the famous exercise "Bicycle". To perform it, you need to lie on the floor on the back. We bend the legs at the elbows, place the feet about heels. Hands behind the head. It is important to ensure that the lower back is pressed all the time to the floor. We need to reach the right elbow to the left knee. In this case, the right leg is straightened. Then we repeat mirror.

Unfortunately, many famous press exercises only harm health, or, at least, do not give an effect. Such “lying” exercises include the ups of the body in which you fix your legs. The same applies to lifts of the legs. Weak muscles and a sedentary lifestyle lead to the fact that in such classes it is not a stomach, but a back. A sad result may be a displacement of the vertebrae.

Press board exercises

The press for the press is a shell that can be used in different ways. If you tilt its surface, then even the simplest exercises will become an order of magnitude more complicated.

  1. "Book". Lie on the board on your back. Bend your hands at the elbows and lean on them. On the exhale, raise your legs up and serve the upper part of the body to meet them
  2. Loons of buttocks. Place the board for the polling press. Lie down your head down. Bend the legs at the knees. Place your feet next to the buttocks. Tear off the buttocks from the board and linger in this position for a few seconds. Then return to its original position
  3. Landing the legs. Lie down on your back. Lower the legs bent at the chest bent at the knees alternately. We make sure that the lower back is pressed to the board. We keep our legs on weight, do not lower it on the board

Statical press exercises

If you are not a fan of waving your feet, perhaps static exercises for the press are more suitable for you. Yoga offers many such options.

  • Chatural Academus Danadasan, or Planck. We take the position for push -ups. Then we bend our hands at the elbows. We hold the pose

  • Navasana, or a boat. Lie down on your back. Raise the legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. We tear off the upper body from the floor. We are trying to maintain balance

  • Ustratsana, or a camel pose. We kneel down. We bend the back back, as if trying to lean our palms on the heels. We hold the pose

How to achieve a beautiful press: tips and reviews

  • when doing the exercises, do not chase the number of repetitions. Good technique is what is really important
  • many exercises can be done using one or other muscles. Make sure that the press always works
  • the famous equipment instructor Bodyflex Marina Corpan gives such advice: "If you want to pump up the stomach, do the exercises on your back." These are the same muscles that work in the opposite direction

So, a beautiful press is a diet and physical education. If you want to put the stomach in order to the summer, try to improve your lifestyle as a whole.

Press exercises at home, video

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