Altea root: therapeutic properties and contraindications. Altea syrup: Instructions for use during pregnancy and children

Altea root: therapeutic properties and contraindications. Altea syrup: Instructions for use during pregnancy and children

The article describes in detail how the root of the alteen acts with colds, gastritis, what contraindications it has. So find out how you can lose weight with the help of alteen.

Altey is a healing plant that the ancestors used in the last century. It is most often used to treat colds, or rather cough. To date, in pharmacy points you can buy the root of the alteus in the form of a collection, tablets, syrup, etc.

The plant itself is a 1.5-2-meter stem with pale pink flowers and velvety leaves. The healing root has several branches, has a greater density.

Altea root - therapeutic properties

The root of this plant is used to treat many diseases. It includes:

  • Mucous membranes Components from polysaccharides
  • Colloidal substances, rutin, pectins, fixed oils, fitosterin, vitamins, tannins
  • Minerals: calcium, copper, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium
  • Carotene, firm oils
What useful components are there in Altey?
What useful components are there in Altey?
  • Thanks to this composition, the root of the Altea it has a therapeutic effect, it refers to mucous components. Acts envelopingMore precisely, when the mucous membrane of the plant enters the body, it is placed on the irritated human mucosa, thereby it does not allow it to be annoyed for a while. Which favorably affects the healing of the human mucosa, softens the flow of pathology
  • In addition to the softening effect, this panacea facilitates expectorant With wet cough
  • It can apply for gastritis, dysentery, ulcer, others gastrointestinal diseases
  • Multin based on alteen is used as an auxiliary treatment bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia
  • Removes he inflammation with stomatitis, tonsillitis, effective for urinary tract infections
  • The decoction is used for wiping the eyes with conjunctivitis
How is Altea root useful?
How is Altea root useful?

Altea syrup. Instructions for use for adults, pregnant women and children

As part of the syrup "Alteyka" there are plant roots. As a rule, syrup is used to treat cough in children.

Now more about this medication:

  • Doctors recommend it to eliminate sputum viscosity
  • Well, he calms the irritated throat with inflammation
  • Heals the following pathologies: tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, enuresis
  • As mentioned above, Altie helps to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis, enterocolitis, gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers
Alteyka - cough syrup. Application, beneficial properties, contraindications
Alteyka - cough syrup. Application, beneficial properties, contraindications

IMPORTANT: Before using this drug, consult a doctor and study the instructions, especially contraindications, doses.

Altea root - syrup. Dosage of the drug, how to take?
Altea root - syrup. Dosage of the drug, how to take?

Dosage of the drug:

  1. Firstly, do not give infants syrup, if they have not yet been a year old. Sometimes a drug is possible, but only according to the prescription of a pediatrician
  2. Kids, starting from one year to six, are recommended to drink a ½ small spoon of five times a day.
  3. From six to twelve, again drink five times a day but already on a teaspoon
  4. Starting from the age of twelve, take alteen syrup on a tablespoon five times a day
ALTEY is a cough syrup for children and adults. How many years can you drink?
ALTEY is a cough syrup for children and adults. How many years can you drink?


  1. The use of this syrup is not recommended at the first stages of pregnancy
  2. Children who have not yet been another year
  3. Diabetics
  4. Patients with an allergic reaction to alte or other components of the drug
  5. Do not drink syrup if you suffer from constipation and violations of the respiratory system of the lungs
Is it possible for pregnant women an alteen root with coughing?
Is it possible for pregnant women an alteen root with coughing?

Althee root when coughing to children, adults, pregnant women

Another name Altea is the Prosvirnyak. Doctors often prescribe it to children with colds, coughing to accelerate sputum removal. The current component of Altey is mucus, it either dilutes this sputum and effectively stimulates the operation of the respiratory tract. For children, syrup is most often used. Still, bitter, not tasty teas, you will not make you drink the baby. Syrup can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

Cough treatment in children with mud
Cough treatment in children with mud

How to make a syrup from the root of Altey to children?


  • Chopped, dry, clean root of the alteen - 2 grams
  • Wine alcohol - 1 gram
  • Water - 45 grams
  • Sugar - 61 grams

Preparation order:

  1. Pour the root with water for 55-58 minutes
  2. Strain the cake, squeeze it
  3. Add wine alcohol, sugar
  4. Put on fire until the sugar dissolves and the syrup does not boil
Preparation of alteen syrup at home
Preparation of alteen syrup at home

IMPORTANT: Kids who are not six years old can give syrup on half a teaspoon five times a day with a strong cough. Still, it is advisable to breed it into a third of a glass of water. The duration of the root of the alteen is two calendar weeks.

Altey syrup for pregnant women

During pregnancy, of course, it is better not to get sick. But no one is safe from infections, especially in the autumn-winter period, when epidemics of acute respiratory infections, flu. Well, if such an infection is “bored” to you, then do not rush to engage in self -medication and prescribe drugs for yourself. After all, you are now responsible not only for your condition, but for the health of the baby that develops inside you. Contact a competent doctor, let him examine you better and prescribe a course necessary for speedy recovery.

Is it possible to syrup from mammers from mammers?

The instructions for this drug say that there are no data about the use of this medicine with pregnant women. Therefore, if mom has acute bronchitis, tracheitis in the stage of exacerbation or acute respiratory viral infection, then the doctor can prescribe this drug. However, the dosage will be sparing both for the fetus and for the mother.

Treatment of bronchitis, SARS, tracheitis in pregnant women from alteen syrup
Treatment of bronchitis, SARS, tracheitis in pregnant women from alteen syrup

IMPORTANT: Even if there are no contraindications of such a drug as pregnancy in the instructions. Anyway, your doctor should appoint it to you. If you occur, allergic manifestations urgently stop taking this product and inform the doctor about what happened.

Alteen root for infants

Always any disease of your crumbs is a reason for anxiety. Still, treating such diseases as a cold to the baby is problematic. After all, not all drugs are allowed to give to infants. In particular, the root of the alteus is also not desirable for the use of children until the one -year period. However, with strong colds, doctors can prescribe Altie to children to a year, if it is advisable. The doctor selects a dosage, as a rule - this is a 1.5 milliliter of syrup or ¼ small spoon.

Is it possible to be infants?
Is it possible to be infants?

IMPORTANT: When taking the drug, follow the condition of the baby. If a rash appears, stop giving an allergy to the drug.

Altey root for gastritis

The most effective root with increased acidity of the medium of the stomach. It is introduced for the "mucous membrane of the diet", as one of the components of the nutrition. Most often it is drunk in the form of an infusion.

Use of the root of therapeutic alteum for gastritis
Use of the root of therapeutic alteum for gastritis

Recipe for cooking infusion:


  • Chopped root - two tablespoons
  • Purified water - 525 milliliters
  • Honey - two spoons

Cooking order:

  1. Mix the root with boiled water
  2. Place tea in a thermos for six to seven hours
  3. Then strain
  4. Add honey
Altheus infusion for gastritis
Altheus infusion for gastritis

IMPORTANT: Drink the resulting drink half a cup three times a day with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, abdominal pain.

How to take the root of the alteum for weight loss?

Many prefer weight loss precisely to plant drugs, and not tablets. Altie is one of them. It is effective in the fight against excess weight. It is an auxiliary component with proper nutrition.

Altie is a medicinal and dietary drug. Promotes suppression of appetite
Altie is a medicinal and dietary drug. Promotes suppression of appetite
  • Its effect is based on suppression of appetite
  • The mucus of the plant envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby preventing the absorption of fat components from food
  • Pectins improve the function of intestinal motility, still fight toxins well
  • The starch that is part of the alteen contributes to the effect of saturation, enhance the effect of plant mucus
How to use altie for weight loss?

Tea recipe:


  • Crushed root - one tablespoon
  • The water is ordinary, cleaned - one cup

How to cook?

  1. Pour dry root with hot water
  2. Take in a water bath for thirty minutes
  3. Then strain
  4. Take a third of the cup half an hour before eating no more than a month

Video: Ways to use the root of Altey

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