Concor - Instructions for use

Concor - Instructions for use

We will reveal the effect of the drug "Concor", indications for its use and in what cases this tool is contraindicated.

« Concor» instructions to application

« Concor» belongs to group selective betta1adrenergic shutters. Applied Concor in composition complex treatment such pathologies, how ischemic disease hearts, hypertonic disease and heart failure chronic forms.

Means enough effective, but costs remember about volume, what it it has row restrictions for reception.

« Concor» it has action on the rhythm heart abbreviations, helps reduce arterial pressure and expand spasmodic vessels.

"Concor" Instructions for use
  • The main components substance medicines is bisoprolol. If a a patient, suffering IBS, but not having chronic heart insufficiency accepts the a drug, observed next mechanism impact
  • Bisoprolol reduces frequency heart abbreviations and reduces volume blood, which the in time abbreviations throws it away in system blood circulation heart
  • AT connections with this load on the heart reduces and heart muscle requires smaller provision oxygen, consequently, ischemia myocardial it comes down to minimum
  • At all these processes is happening decrease loads on the kids, which, in my turn, reduced amount emissions renina in blood flow. it more one factor, contributing decrease HELL

« Concor» the form release

Means produced in form tablets, which covered shell. Dosage, produced tablets it is 5 and 10 mg.

« Concor» indications to application

"Concor" indications for use

Bisoprolol it has three basic indications to application, often in composition combined treatment pathologies:

Hypertonic disease and arterial hypertension with frequency heart abbreviations (tachycardia)
Ischemic disease hearts with presence stable angina pectoris
Presence chronic heart insufficiency u patient

« Concor» dosage

Naturally, for everyone diseases dose assigned individually in dependencies from progressions and severity diseases. That's why we consider general indications and standard appointed doses, according to instructions application.

Reception funds should realize in morning time day before, in period or after reception food. At this medicine need wash down not big volume water, not mourning pill.

At treatment HELL and angina pectoris a drug accept next way:

Dosage for reception selected with taking into account Heart rate patient. More often total medicine assigned in initial dose on 5 mg 1 once in day. Maximum dose, which can apply for therapy hypertension and angina pectoris corresponds 20 mg bisoprolol in day.

For therapy chronic heart insufficiency applied schematic systemic therapy. it treatment must pass with application others, incoming in complex, drugs, appointed doctor. Before beginning treatment a patient must pass the, so called, phase titration drug, which produced under control treating doctor.

Condition for conducting treatment this medication is absence stages exacerbations diseases.

Treatment start with small doses, for togo, to a patient passed period adaptation to medicine substance. Then dose can increase.

  • For beginning phases adaptation means assign in dose from 1.5 mg in day, thenthere is on half tablets in morning time day
  • At observation the doctors, conducting well therapy dose gradually raise first before 2.5 mg, then before 3.75, further 5 mg in day and so before necessary for therapeutic effect doses
  • Each subsequent increase doses carried out on expiration 14 days and more. At this, if increase dosage poorly reflected on the general condition patient, then maybe decrease doses funds
"Concor" dosage
  • Permissible dose medication at therapy not must exceed 10 mg in day. AT phase titration necessary conduct regular measurement HELL and Heart rate, turn attention on the changes degree severity symptoms diseases
  • At beginning phases titration maybe offensive deterioration states. More often total this is is temporary effect adaptation patient to therapy
  • AT this case necessary or temporarily reduce dose medicines, or on the defined time cancel his. Then renew treatment with initial dose and pass the new well titration funds

« Concor» contraindications

Concor contraindicated in the following cases:

Acute phase heart insufficiency
Chronic SN in decompensated phase
Shock cardiogenic geneze
AVblockade 2 or 3 degree, at condition absence vitriocrostrum
Blockade synoatriotic
Bradycardia with quantity abbreviations below 60 in a minute
Decrease arterial pressure below 100 mm rT art
Disease Reino and serious violations peripheral blood supply
Chronic diseases lungs with bronchial obstruction
Age patient less 18 years
Acidosis metabolic origin
Hypersensitivity to components medication

« Concor» side action

"Concor" contraindications

it means it has big amount side effects:
Progression symptoms heart insufficiency (temporary)
Decrease frequencies heart abbreviations
Feel cooling and numbness limbs
Dizziness and head pain
Excessive decrease HELL
Depressive states
Hypotension ortostatic
Violations sleep
Drying out mucous membranes eye
Violations hearing
Nausea and vomit
Possible development bronchospasm
Violations digestion and chair
Convulsive states muscles
Muscle weakness
Itching skin
Violations potency u men

« Concor» application at pregnancy and scrolling breasts

"Concor" use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Use given means in period bearing pregnancy allowed only in case, if effect from application medication exceeds risk complications for child
  • it means capable reduce blood flow in placenta, and call violations development and nutrition child. That's why reception medicines should produce only under thorough control the doctors
  • By capabilities better produce alternative treatment pathology in the period. At reception Kondora after birth baby, his necessary thoroughly examine, so how in the first days life there is probability development hypoglycemia and reduction rhythm heart abbreviations
  • Research on reason penetration substances drug in breast milk not produced, but costs to refrain from his application

« Concor» special instructions

Therapy this substance it is forbidden sharp stop reception and change used dose on one's own. So how this is maybe provoke aggravation well -being patient.
Carefully should assign « Concor» sick with sugar diabetes and patients, which follow strict diet.

"Concor" analogs

Concor analogues
"Concor" analogs

Aritel Cor

Video: Concor and Bisoprolol from hypertension and heart disease

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