Cervical connation: why do they do and what methods are used for it? Pregnancy, menstruation and the rate of discharge after the connation of the cervix

Cervical connation: why do they do and what methods are used for it? Pregnancy, menstruation and the rate of discharge after the connation of the cervix

What is a cervical cone and why is it being done? How is the cervical cone of the cervix? The postoperative period and the ability to get pregnant after the connation of the cervix.

The cone of the cervix is \u200b\u200ban operation to remove the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe cervical canal. This manipulation owes its name to the form that has a cross section - it is performed in the form of a cone.

Why do the cervix make a cervix?

Why do the cervix make a cervix?
Why do the cervix make a cervix?
  • The cone of the cervix is, both therapeutic and diagnostic in nature. After removal, extracted from the surface of the uterus, the material is sent to the laboratory for examination. In the process of studying this material, it will be found whether the cancer cells are present in the carved part of the tissue. In other words, conilization is one of the types of biopsy
  • Another purpose of the cervix of the cervix is \u200b\u200bthe excision of pathological tissue. If a woman has detected dysplasia, cyst or other neoplasms, then she shows such an operation. It allows you to not completely remove the entire organ, but only free it from its affected part
  • In case of excision of the required section of the uterus, additional and healthy tissues are captured. This is done in order to avoid the spread of the disease to healthy flesh. Then, in the laboratory, experts carefully examine the edges of the cut to make sure that there are no affected cells

Methods of carrying out the cervix of the uterus

Methods of carrying out the cervix of the uterus
Methods of carrying out the cervix of the uterus

To date, there are four main methods for carrying out the cervix of the cervix:

  1. Knife. This method is already considered quite outdated, and its use is practically less and less practically. With the knife method of conncing of the cervix, excision is carried out using medical scalpel. In this case, the healing after the procedure lasts quite a long time. Also, after him, a woman may experience quite painful sensations. In addition, the consequences of an operation carried out by the knife method can be quite serious, up to the impossibility of becoming pregnant, not recycling a child or even a relapse of the disease
  2. Laser. This method of conical cord of the uterus involves the use of the latest achievement in medicine - laser. With the help of a laser, doctors have the opportunity to accurately and carefully exclude the affected section of the cervical canal. During the operation, doctors have the opportunity to regulate and change the initially planned dimensions of biopsy (research material). The consequences of laser excision are minimized. The postoperative period is characterized by short painful sensations and the absence of strong or the presence of weak blood discharge. The probability of getting pregnant and taking a child when using this method is many times greater than with a knife method. The only drawback of the laser connation of the cervix can be called its high cost. This method may not be everyone pocket
  3. Loop The method can be called a golden middle between laser and knife. Its cost is much lower than laser, and technicality is in no way inferior. In addition, the postoperative period with the loop method passes quite easily for a woman - she practically does not feel pain, and she is not concerned about severe bleeding. With the loop method, a special electrode wire loop is used, which allows the necessary section of the cervix as neatly as possible. At the same time, biopsy tissues are practically not damaged, which is very valuable for laboratory research
  4. Radio wave The method is based on the coagulation of the cervix. In other words, radio waves sent to the affected areas of the cervical canal completely kill them. In this case, the probability of bleeding after surgery is practically reduced to zero. In addition, this method is considered the least traumatic and more encouraging, since the child’s childbearing function is preserved as much as possible

Complications after the connation of the cervix

Complications of cervical connation
Complications after the connation of the cervix

Complications after the connation of the cervix are rare today. All this is due to the fact that the latest devices and technologies are already used to conduct this operation. However, this fact does not guarantee one hundred percent probability of lack of negative consequences.

The most common complications after the connation of the cervix are:

  • strong and prolonged bleeding
  • genital tract infections
  • stenosis of the cervical channel or its external pharynx
  • ICN during pregnancy
  • premature birth
  • scars on the uterus

What does the cervix look like after a cone?

What does the cervix look like after a cone?
What does the cervix look like after a cone?

With a knife and loop method of conging cervix, there is a possibility of a small scar formation on it. A similar scar should in no case bother the woman and bring her any discomfort.

The laser and radio waves procedures do not leave behind any traces at all - uterine tissue heals and drag them very quickly. At the same time, painful sensations and bleeding in such operations come down to zero.

How is the healing of the cervix after the connation?

How is healing after the connation of the cervix?

How is the healing of the cervix after the connation?
How is the healing of the cervix after the connation?

On the next day after the operation, the patient can already be released home. With laser and radio waves, women are prescribed on the same day. However, the patient will still need to regularly visit the doctor as he prescribes him.

During the healing of the cervix, the following manifestations can be observed after its connation:

  • bleeding over the next twenty days after surgery
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • brown discharge with an unpleasant odor for almost a month after surgery
  • abundant first and second menstruation

In general, the healing process can take from a month to several months. Everything will depend on the female body and its ability to heal.

In order to accelerate the healing process of the uterus after conging and avoid complications, a woman needs to adhere to a number of rules:

  • refuse sexual relations for a month and a half after surgery
  • avoid strong physical exertion and weight lifting
  • do not take a bath and not visit the bathhouse, sauna, pool
  • refuse sampling
  • use only hygienic gaskets - completely abandon the tampons
  • avoid taking medications that can provoke bleeding (for example, aspirin)

Scab after a cervix of the cervix

Scab after a cervix of the cervix
Scab after a cervix of the cervix
  • In the process of carrying out the connization of the cervix and the excision of its section, a scab is formed. This process is logical, and it should not be scared
  • The flow of scabs occurs a week after the horseings. It can be recognized by abundant secretions with blood impurities
  • If the discharge is too abundant, the period of their release was drawn for a long time or an excessive amount of blood is present in them, then it is better to get a doctor’s consultation just in case. Only he will determine whether everything is in order, and whether it is worth worrying about this

Discharging rate after the connation of the cervix

Discharging rate after the connation of the cervix
Discharging rate after the connation of the cervix
  • The presence of discharge after the connation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bthe norm. In the process of conducting the operation, a scab is formed above. Its exit falls in the second week after the cone. During this period of discharge, it can become more. They may have blood veins
  • Normally, discharge should last up to three weeks. There should not be very many of them, and they should have a not too intense character
  • If the intensity and saturation of the blood of the discharge are great, then this fact is a reason to consult a doctor
  • It is also worth consulting with the doctor if the discharge began to smell unpleasantly. This may indicate the development of infection

Bleeding and pain after the connation of the cervix

Bleeding and pain after the connation of the cervix
Bleeding and pain after the connation of the cervix
  • Bleeding and pain after the naval of the cervix is \u200b\u200balso the norm. No matter how much the doctors and their patients would avoid this, but, unfortunately, this is impossible. After all, blood and pain are always present during and after any operations
  • Bleeding can be overcome by women after conjunction of about four months. Exactly so much may be needed by the female body for restoration. However, they should not be too plentiful and be like menstruation
  • A great inconvenience in this case is that cute ladies have to regularly use hygienic gaskets for several months
  • As for the pain, he will depend on the painful threshold of the woman and the skill of the doctor conducting the operation. Some ladies do not experience any discomfort at all after the cervix of the cervix. This is especially often observed when using a laser or radio wave method
  • In other cases, women can pull in the bottom of the abdomen. Short and not too intense pains after navalization should not scare the patient
  • If a woman experiences unbearable pain, then she is better off inform the doctor about it. Doctors prescribe additional antibacterial and analgesic therapy to many patients

How do menstruation go after the connation of the cervix?

How do menstruation go after the connation of the cervix?
How do menstruation go after the connation of the cervix?
  • As a rule, after the procedure for conical cervix, menstruation begins within time. They can be more intense and accompanied by pain. So it will last several months - after this time, the woman’s body should recover. Then the usual cycle, as well as the nature of menstruation, will return to her
  • In some cases, delays in menstruation are observed. This can only say that the female body needed a little more time to restore
  • Also, the technique and accuracy of the operation itself affects the period of restoration of the menstrual cycle

Pregnancy after the connation of the cervix

Pregnancy after the connation of the cervix
Pregnancy after the connation of the cervix
  • To get pregnant and take out the child after the connation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bquite real. To do this, you only have to adhere to all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor in the postoperative period, during preparation for pregnancy and the very pregnancy itself
  • In many cases, after the operation of conging, a pregnant woman has to apply a special seam that prevents the premature disclosure of the uterus. The fact is that after conging on the cervix, a scar is formed, and from this it weakens. Then individual cervical deficiency of the uterus may develop. This fact indicates that it is difficult to bear the uterus of such a heavy load and at any moment it can begin its opening. The superior seam, just helps to avoid such a development of events
  • Also, most women who have adopted the cervical of the cervix are shown a cesarean section
  • In addition, the entire period of pregnancy, they should be under the strict control of the attending physician

Reviews about the context of the cervix

Reviews about the context of the cervix
Reviews about the context of the cervix

Most women who have experienced this procedure claim that after the postoperative period, they no longer experienced any discomfort, they were not worried about pain or severe bleeding.

Some women still came across problems to get pregnant, others - with the gestation of the baby. But here it all depends more on the mood of the future mother, because she will have to visit her local doctor more often than other women, undergo more examinations and tests, and in some cases to transfer another operation to impose seams. However, at the end of this difficult path, they can still press the most precious thing that they have - their beloved baby.

Video: Cervical Connection

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