Who does the elongated annual basic paid vacation?

Who does the elongated annual basic paid vacation?

In this article, we will talk about what category of workers the extension vacation is entitled.

Riddle is laid for all employees who are officially issued. After all, this is, first of all, the need for our physiology. After all, who needs a tired employee, that neither mentally nor physically able to fully perform his work from accumulated fatigue fully. Therefore, the legislation strongly recommends that temporary "reloading" of the body. But there are categories of citizens whose conditions require elongated leave. And what does he represent from himself and to whom he put, we will consider in this topic.

Who is the elongated vacation?

It is generally accepted that 1 time a year 1 month can be rested on a legally, and even for the money of the enterprise. But to be a little more accurate, then this is an incomplete month, and 28 days. But elongated vacation has a slightly different stretching and is suitable for special groups of workers.

Important: elongated vacation cannot be adjusted by management. After all, it is protected by law of 2 parts of 115 articles!

2-4 groups are attributed
Especially taken into account 3-4 classes

Elongated vacation has the following typification

  • Run for harmful or dangerous working conditions3-4 nets. Recreation in this case should be at least 6-7 days. An increase in the basic vacation is established in the employment contract depending on the conditions, as the article 117 says.
    • By the way, employees of the Ministry of Emergencies have the opportunity to increase such norms. For example, up to 10 years of work is entitled to 30 days of rest, and already in 15 - 35 days, but more than 20 years - you can relax for 40 days.
    • And if the work is based on contact with chemicals or weapons, then, in general, there should be 49-56 days.
    • Customs officers, prosecutors, judges and drug police officers should rest for 30 days.
  • Additional annual vacation for special working conditions. This list includes:
    • educators of kindergartens, teachers of the school or higher educational institutions. By the way, teachers and educators can count on 42 days. But teachers of specialized institutions, for example, when working with orphanages or disabled children, should dispose of 56 days. Also, employees of psychological institutions can count on such a quantity;
    • medical workers who work with HIV-infected patients and other hazardous health conditions. Regardless of qualifications, that is, it is a doctor or a orderly, they are supposed to be 36 days;
    • conducting managers should rest 35 days, but ordinary employees - 30.
Not only physical, but also moral severity is taken into account
Not only physical, but also moral severity is taken into account
  • Also workers of scientific or research work Get a vacation extension. Candidates of sciences have 36 days, but doctors - 48 each.
  • Working pensioners Get out the vacation in excess of the norm. But they need to take off at least 2 weeks. On average, the vacation should have 30 k.
  • Residents of the Far North Calculate vacations according to their regional coefficient:
    • if an employee lives there or is on an ongoing basis, then a base number is needed for a base amount of 24 days;
    • on a close area or temporary workers are laid from 16 days;
    • but in other, more distant areas, vacation is already extended by 8 days.
  • Such a rabble is supposed to be who works with an irregular schedule.In this case, an employee can count on extending a standard rampant for at least 3-5 days.
  • There is another special category that has been concluded since the time of the USSR:
    • disabled people of any group can count on 30 days of a place;
    • athletes and coaches of this direction have an additional 4 days;
    • employees in the internal affairs service, depending on the height of the working stage, can extend the basic debris for 3-15 days;
    • all victims during the Chernobyl accident, depending on the degree of certificate, extend the vacation period for 7-14 days.
Each group has its own vacation duration
Each group has its own vacation duration

Employees should also know their rights and control such conditions. If you do not want to be used all these days, then it is worth writing a statement to the leader in order to receive monetary retribution for unused days. By the way, how can you do it correctly in the material "How is compensation for unused vacation?".

Important: you can only count on elongated vacation if the employee has worked at least 10 months in one place. In the case when the vacation is supposed to be 56 days. If the time off is set in the amount of 42 days, then the total length of service should reach 11 months. In other cases, it goes according to the standard scheme from six months.

But the employer has the right to refuse, and send an employee for a proper rest. This should be taken into account, but if it does not provide either money compensation or additional days of elongated vacation, then it is possible to impose a fine or even imprisonment for a period of 3 years.

Video: When can extending leave be replaced with monetary compensation?

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