Collage from the photo for the holidays, as a gift, on the desire board: design ideas

Collage from the photo for the holidays, as a gift, on the desire board: design ideas

Memory moments will be pleased to capture on the collage from the photo. And if such a collage is sent to board of desires, then you can achieve many goals and dreams.

In the modern world, when every house has a tablet, a computer and a smartphone, people print photos less and less. You can already see huge albums with printed photos, probably only from grandmothers. And the truth - why pay for the seal and then store all this so that it dusts, if you can view the photo if desired on a computer? Moreover, we have not so many time to turn albums and even photos on the computer. Remember, when was the last time you got albums from the closet and looked at family photos?

Nevertheless, a photo method as a photo collage is gaining popularity. Thanks to him, you can not only save money for printing photos, but also make a very pleasant and original gift for a holiday to a loved one.

Why is the collage from the photo become popular?

  • If before, only professionals made such images, today on the Internet you will find a lot of ideas, programs and tips that will help quickly and easily make it yourself.
  • Collage from the photo It looks bright and modern - it is much more interesting to show photos in such a form than in boring dusty albums.
  • A collage from a photo can easily become the basis for decor for the holidays.
  • Beautifully decorated and printed collage from the photo - A great idea for a gift.
  • A selection of photos is easy to decorate as you wish or according to the style of the holiday.
  • As collage from the photo You can draw up a photo report after the holiday - a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions will be provided.
Used for holidays
Used for holidays

Most often technology collage from the photo Used to design holidays, invitations for holidays, for advertising companies and for popular popularity today boards of desires.

What holidays can you create a collage from the photo: ideas, photo

Where can you use the collage from the photo.

Discharging from maternity hospital

This is the first real holiday of your crumbs. Do not miss the opportunity to take good photos. In addition to happy parents, grandfathers and grandmothers, and a baby’s face, a little scared by such attention, take a photo of small sweet heels and pens against the background of an adult hand of mom or dad. Such images are especially touching.

For a newborn
For a newborn
  • After discharge from the hospital, a photo collage can become a memorable gift for people close to you. Grandpa, grandparents, aunts and uncles will be happy to watch and remember how they took their beloved grandson or granddaughter from the hospital.
  • To design such a collage, in addition to a photo of a child, you can use images of storks, balloons, boots, dummies and other lovely objects.
  • Complete the collage with a photo of the tag and make comments under the photo - the names of the meeting, date.
  • A wonderful and cute element will be data about the baby - height, weight, hour and date of birth.
For crosses
For crosses

After the cross The baby’s mother can also make a collage and give it to those who were at the festival and those who could not visit for some reason.

Collage from a photo for a child's birthday

Kids under three years old are especially interesting to consider and recognize themselves in the photo. It happens that they wear their photos and hug them all day, or proudly show them to the photograph and pronounce their name. Also, children love to recognize loved ones in the photographs.

If the crumbs (or not even the crumbs) is soon a holiday-think about making a printed poster-reconnaissance. Everyone will really like postcards in the form collage from the photo And invitations issued in this form.

For a year
For a year
  • If your favorite child is performed a year, then on the poster it is appropriate to place a photo of how the child grew up and developed throughout its first and such important year. For example, in the center, place a photo of which baby is now, and around - a photo of each month of life starting from the first photos in the hospital.
  • Another option collage from the photo For a year - a questionnaire for those present: "To whom I look (similar)." In the upper part of such a poster, you can place images of mom and dad in childhood, and between them - a photo of the crumbs. Under the photos, place a table-comparison table-let the guests vote. At the bottom, at the edges of the poster you can add photos of the baby with mom and dad.
Who looks like
Who looks like

The kids are a little older The poster in the form of a family tree will be delighted, on which they can recognize dad, mother, adored by grandfather and grandmother, and other family members.

Family Tree
Family Tree

Thematic thematic are also appropriate collages from the photoSupporting the theme of the holiday - with the heroes of your favorite cartoons, for example. You can make a template of such a postcard, and after the holiday, give them to the kids along with their photos so that they themselves can glue their photos on the postcard - they are fascinating, and the memory is good.

Great idea is to make collage from the photo With the image of your favorite toys, things, flowers, cartoons of the baby every year. This will be a good help in preparing the holiday and will help you track and subsequently with a smile to remember how the child developed and his tastes changed.

If you are doing a birthday poster teenage child - Add photos of his beloved friends to him. And be sure to leave a place where they can write wishes to a friend at the holiday or after the holiday. If you still do not know everything about the tastes and addictions of your child’s friends, explore before the holiday, what they are still fond of-you can add images of your favorite games, the sports achievements of your child, the heroes of your favorite films.

With friends
With friends

After the holiday, do not forget to make a collage-report and distribute to everyone who was with you on a memorable day. The photo collage will be appropriate and after first day of September - This memorable date will change your life and the life of your child for a long time, and memorable photos from it will cause tears of tenderness with you and your relatives. Get cute collections as a surprise to loved ones.

Photo collage of graduates

After graduation at school, university or even kindergarten, do collages from the photo For a child as a keepsake. Take a picture of all the friends of the child, teachers or the teacher, and then distribute ready -made collages as a gift. Everyone will be very pleasant.


Other use options collages from the photo For children's holidays - the design of the script of the holiday, menu, games and tasks for guests.

Collages for holidays and events for adults

Family celebration, such as anniversary or birthday, rarely takes place without viewing photos. Representatives of the older generation will be very happy with a poster with the image of people close and dear to their hearts.

  • Options collages from the photo Mass - for example, you can make a poster in the center of which to place the image of the protagonist (or heroine) of the holiday, and around the photo of friends and family, leaving a place for wishes from the guests of the holiday. Let everyone write something from the heart. Then such a poster can be placed in the frame, and for a long time he will delight the birthday girl (birthday).
  • Another option is on a poster next to the image of the anniversary to post photos of key events of his life. Do not forget to make signatures under each photo.

And the option that all relatives of all ages without exception will appeal is the family tree of the anniversary. Of course, to make it sweat - today we know so little about our relatives and their history. If you have a family of a family or you just know what, who and how is good. If not, go to reconnaissance in the archive. Relatives will be grateful to you for such a gift. It can be presented not only to the hero of the day, but also to other family members.

A gift for a loved one

A beautifully designed selection of photographs is an excellent option for a gift for a beloved for a birthday, February 23, February 14, or another date for him (for example, the day of returning from the army or graduation, the anniversary of your wedding).

In order to arrange a birthday collage, make a selection with photographs of friends, relatives, favorite work. Add in the photo the images of objects that he loves and which he is fond of. Auto or motorcycle of his dreams, photos from the sports section, etc. If you live together and you have a baby, attract him to create a pope collage. The smallest can decorate the collage with a bright image of their handle, older children - glue a photo or write to dad.


On February 23, if your beloved served, try to get a photo of colleagues, his photo on the day of dismissal, a photo of the passing military unit. Only to begin with, make sure that his memories of the army were pleasant and there was nothing there that he would not want to remember.

February 14 - here your fantasy can definitely take a walk. Your joint photos, hearts, romantic wishes are everything that seems sweet and pleasant to you. Do not hesitate to express your feelings - it is for this that this holiday has come up with.


Another holiday on which collage from the photo It will be very helpful. Moreover, in everything - in the form collage from the photo With your Love Story, you can arrange an invitation to guests, a candy bar at the wedding itself, the room in which the wedding will take place. You can also give collages with a photo of the holiday guests after it.

  • Invitations. To do this, it is enough to make a collage of the required size so that the image remains for the signature. Take photos for him with a love story shot before the wedding (Love Story) or go to a special photo shoot in the salon. You can simply arrange a delicate collage on a white background, or you can add images of wedding paraphernalia - pigeons, rings, hearts - everything as you like. Just remember that the color of invitations ideally should coincide with the general color style of the wedding.
  • Candy bar. To do this, it is enough to do collage from the photo Good quality, in the center, write the names of the bride and groom, print it and put it in a frame among sweets and sweets that you have prepared for guests.
  • For the design of the premises. Make a few posters on the walls of the hall with your photos - it can be either Love Story or a special photo shoot, or your joint photos from travel, from holidays and others. Sign the selection so that the guests understand where the photo came from, and interesting. You can add some cute comic signatures.
  • Questionnaire-wishes. Make a beautiful plate questionnaire on which guests can write wishes on you on the wedding day. It can be both your photos and images of guests.
  • Accommodation scheme.The guests will pleasantly surprise a visual scheme for placing them at the table with their photo - this is both fun and original. And if you sign a photo, guests will also be able to get acquainted in absentia thanks to this scheme.
  • After the wedding. Choose the best photos in your opinion and make a photo collage from them, decorating with various elements to your taste. Such a selection can serve as an excellent reminder to guests about the wedding and a memorable souvenir for those who sent congratulations, but for some reason could not be with you on this important day.

Video: Collage of desires from the photo

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