Desire Board: How does it work and how to do it? Collage on the Feng Shui desires board. How to activate the desire board, where to store it, how to make the board work?

Desire Board: How does it work and how to do it? Collage on the Feng Shui desires board. How to activate the desire board, where to store it, how to make the board work?

How to make a desire board to achieve your dreams and goals. Let's find out how to do and activate it correctly.

This powerful tool for self -development and self -programming is also, in fact, collage from the photo. But he is magical, as he helps many achieve their goals and fulfill dreams. Board of desires They also call a dream card, a board of university, or even a map of treasure (after all, it is on it that you keep all your most hidden dreams and desires).

Desire Board: How does it work and how to do it?

Successful people, and behind them and specialists in the field of self -development, psychology and other scientists, have proved an amazing power of visualization. According to statistics, those who record their goals and desires on paper, and then constantly visualize them, re -read and programs themselves for success, achieve their goals much faster than those who do not do this. It turns out that visualizing people reach the goal in one or two years, while people who do not practice visualization to achieve the goal on average are needed for ten years.

In addition, if we really want something, we constantly think about it and concentrate our energy on desire-the Universe answers us to our request by fulfilling desire. Board of desires - This is a tool that allows you to more clearly visualize your desires (which is very important to achieve the goal) and achieve them.


To correctly make a desire board, you need to understand how it affects the subconscious:

  1. If you think what you will do board of desires, and the space around yours will immediately begin to transform under your desires, and you will only have to lie on the couch and enjoy - leave this venture right away.
  2. Board of desires First of all, allows you to put things in order in your head, creating it you can clearly understand and determine your goals. But dream specifically. For example, you need to specifically write how much money you need for happiness. The universe is like a man - she perceives only specific numbers and pictures. Yes, and do not forget to determine the date of receipt of the amount you need. Remember the story with Jim Kerry and his dream of the first money for acting? When Kerry was still not known to anyone, and the desires of the desires were not so popular, he wrote out a very specific check for a very specific amount of ten million dollars, he wrote “for acting services” in the column and in the column the date of thanksgiving. He looked at this check until he earned his first acting fee a year before the time indicated by him in the check. And the amount was exactly ten million dollars! He later said that visualization with the help of a check helped him concentrate on a specific goal and not to turn off the path under any circumstances, applying all his spiritual and physical forces to its achievement.
  3. Don't think that board of desires - This is an object with which you need to meditate. This is rather your plan of action for specified deadlines. She is a reminder of the priorities and goals that you set for yourself. And how to achieve this is to choose you.
  4. If you relate to visualization with irony or sarcasm, you will not succeed. This method needs to be believed. And in general, in order for at least something in your life, you need to believe that it will turn out.

You will need:

  • the foundation
  • glue
  • scissors
  • marker

Pre -prepared collage from the photo Your desires (money, house, car, etc.) and your photo. In addition, you need a certain amount of free time so that you can concentrate all your internal energy in creating boards of desires. If at the moment when you are going to do this, you know for sure that someone will distract you, it is better to transfer this lesson for a time when you will be at home and you can put the phone for soundless mode.


There are many services that offer the ability to create and store their board of desires Online.

  • As a base, you can use paper for drawing any size, cardboard, wood or cork board (now there are a lot of different sizes in the stationery).
  • Also think about where you will keep your board of desires - Perhaps you will need a frame to hang it on the wall or put it on the desktop.
  • Then start from the size of the frame when choosing the size of the board itself. Although, in fact, its size is limited only by your imagination. It is strange that there are people who are sure that the larger the board, the stronger its effect on your life.
  • To make it beautiful, select pictures and your photo according to the size of the board.

Your photo. For a desire board, choose a photo in which you are healthy, happy and joyfully smiling at the camera. The fact is that it will become the energy center of the board. You can’t put a photo on which you are sick, have recently lost a loved one or are simply upset by something. And one more important point - you should like this photo, because it will be before your eyes for a long time.

Pictures.Prepare the pictures of your desires in advance. They can be cut out of the magazine or found on the Internet and printed. Pictures in which you, together with your dream, work perfectly. For example, lie on the couch in the house of your dreams or sit behind the wheel of a car.

  • They can be made in Photoshop or simply cut your head out of suitable photo and combine. You can also do if you want to lose weight - choose the figure of your dreams in the magazine and put your head to it.
  • You can draw yourself if you draw well. It is important not to overload the board with pictures and sign all the photos - for example, “My house”, “My car”, “My garden”, “I travel”.
  • Desires should only be your, not imposed by anyone’s opinion or fashionable media picture. For example, if you have dreamed all your life and still dream of becoming a clothing designer, and your parents made you study as an accountant - do not add a picture of a boring office or a 1C logo: accounting.
What would you like?
What would you like?

For creating boards of desireschoose the days when the moon is in the growth phase or full moon. Ideally, the first days of the new year or after your birthday. Do not start creating boards of desiresif you are sick, someone upset you or in the days of eclipses of one of the luminaries.

You can hang the board over your desktop. This will help you correctly prioritize, operate with your time and do what is really important to you, without spending a lot of time on social networks, correspondence with classmates that you have never communicated before, and other classes that distract you from the goal. Remember - we go to the goal every day and every second.

Collage on the Feng Shui Desires Board

In order to make a desire board in Thai Feng Shui, a sheet of paper or cardboard selected for the base was divided using a pencil and a ruler into nine equal parts. Your photo will be posted in the central sector. Remember that she should simply sparkle with positive and happiness.

Further, in accordance with the cardinal points on the map of desires, eight blocks of life aspirations are placed. Thais call them Ba Gua. Remember that the card for Feng Shui is different from ordinary geographical maps. Where on the north on geographical maps, on a map of desires on feng-ghost-south.

We do it right
We do it right

Each block of such a board has its own color and its own characteristics:

  1. The central sector is a health zone, its color is yellow. It is here that you must stick your image.
  2. Immediately above your photo - south. The color of this sector is red. He is responsible for fame and fame. If you strive for fame, you can choose a photo of your favorite stars and glue your figure into their company. Or find a photo of a person who receives a bonus about which you dream and replace his image with your own using a photo editor. Such a photo posted in the red sector will be very effective.
  3. In the upper left corner is the southeast sector. It should be painted with delicate purple and is responsible for wealth. Put here photos of a mountain of money, chic houses, cars and other luxury items that you want to own. Do not forget that the desire should be specific - under the picture write the exact amount you want to own and in what time to get it. At the same time, all signatures and statements should be in the present tense, for example, like this: “I earned a million dollars”, “My car ...”. Do not write - I want - imagine that everything that is on the desire board already belongs to you.
  4. The sector in the upper right corner is the southwest. This sector should be painted in light brown or pink color. His zone of responsibility is love, family and romantic relationships. A photo of the desires that you associate with your personal life stick here. Just remember - you can glue kisses, hearts, flowers - and in no case can you stick a photo of a particular person who is not yet familiar with. The rules of visualization say that it is impossible to involve specific people in the fulfillment of your desires - perhaps their emotional impulses do not coincide with yours.
  5. The square to the left of your photo is green. This is the East. He is responsible for his family, harmonious relations with friends and relatives. Here you can post family photos, photos of grandparents, mother -in -law.
  6. To the right of your photo is the square responsible for children and the desire for creativity. This is the West, it is white. If you dream of a baby, glue a photo of a stroller or an image of a stork that brings a baby, or a photo of any baby from the Internet. If you want to prove yourself as a creative person - add an image of your hobby, images of things that inspire you.
  7. Under your image - north. He's black. This is a career block. If you dream of career growth, an increase in salary or a new job, place all the necessary images here. You can glue the logo of the company in which you want to work, a picture of a beautiful office, images of people whom you consider authoritative.
  8. The left lower corner is northeast. He is blue. He is responsible for self -development, study. Here you can glue the symbols of wisdom, photos of diplomas-something, which means for you to study. And do not think that you will not need this - in order to succeed, you need constant development.
  9. The lower square on the right is the northwest. This square is gray. Here you can glue a photo of the distant countries that you dream of going, people who are authority or can help you. After all, this is a travel sector and assistants.

How to activate the desire board, where to store it?

By whatever method you create board of desires - It must be activated, charging with the positive energy of the performance of the desired. To do this, it is enough to temporarily attach a card to her with something that you really want, and at the same time you can easily buy yourself right now.

It can be a bracelet, a handbag or just ice cream, or chocolate. Something that will cheer you up and bring joy. Then go to the store and buy it for yourself. Gently remove the picture with this object from the board and stick something new.

Map of desires
Map of desires

If you live alone-store it where you want-on the desktop, on the western wall of the room or in the bedroom (as Feng Shui recommends) or in the corridor to look at it before leaving the house and tune in this way on a productive day .

If you live with your relatives and know for sure that they will relate to your board of desires With irony or even with sarcasm - it is better to hide it away from their eyes.

How to make the board work?

To board of desires I began to work for you, and your subconscious mind began to adapt to your goals and, most importantly, their reality (yes, just like that-your dreams are real!) It is not enough to simply place the board in a prominent place. Select a few minutes a day that, looking at it, visualize the life that you collected there by pieces.

Here you are tired after work drive up by car to the gates of your mansion, the guard opens the gate to you, you park, jump out of the car and run into the house. On the go, take off your clothes, open the door at the end of the corridor and dive into your own pool! Imagine your dreams clearly and brightly, live in them. Present the carpets, the height of the ceilings in your house, the color of the upholstery on the seat of the car, a vase with flowers on the dining table - all to the smallest detail. And the Universe will begin to adapt to give you what you want.


If you do not have enough faith due to visualization - read the history of world celebrities - Jim Carrie, Oprah Winfrey, Denise Lynn, Donald Trump and many other celebrities are happy to talk about the power of visualization that helped them achieve their goals. Their stories are truly inspired, surprised and, most importantly, make it clear that a miracle can happen in the life of each of us-the main thing is to believe.

Video: Creating a desire to desire

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