Who do men look for their eyes on the beach in the first place?

Who do men look for their eyes on the beach in the first place?

In this article we will consider who, first of all, men are looking for their eyes on the beach.

We will not become modest and say that men go to the beach in order to sunbathe. Perhaps to buy, but this is not the main mission. In darkened glasses, maybe even secretly from his wife, men pay attention to girls in a swimsuit. Moreover, for men, such a place is ideal for acquaintance and even a date. But whom men are looking for their eyes on the beach first of all, we learn in this material.

Why do men go to the beach: whom do men look for their eyes in the first place?

  • Oddly enough, but grace and pose - This is the first thing that catches your eye. Femininity is important in a woman! Therefore, all gestures and any of its positions of the body should simply shout about it. Moreover, on the beach it is located without clothes. But only so - without vulgarity, she can even scare away a male look. Modesty No less femininity is valued on the beach. Men are looking for their eyes not only beautifully tanning, but also active girls. But we will talk about this.

Important: posture says a lot. A girl with a flat back not only draws his stomach, puts up the ass and chest, but also radiates self confidence. And men will be given out not only on the beach, but also in everyday life.

Learn to combine modesty and even posture
Learn to combine modesty and even posture
  • As you know, representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to the girl’s beautiful body. Whatever one may say, but so laid down by nature that men love and Look at the female body. But there are a lot of nuances. This is not to say what specific type or skin color attracts them - this is already purely individual.
    • In necessity, it is necessary to dispel the myth of long -legged models. According to statistics, men love little women more. Although this cannot be called the main criteria for their attention.
    • And we will also refute another myth of lush beauties. Men love not sizes, but body proportions. Yes, rounded forms delight more male view, but everything should be in moderation.
    • Cubes on the stomach are not enthusiastic, but a neat and moderately flat stomach, over which the ribs do not stick out, will attract more male views.
    • It is worth touching the topic of tanning a little. No, this is not the first and important thing that men look at first of all, but the pale girl on the sandy beach will not cause a desire to get to know her. Therefore, if you did not have time to light up well before the start of the active beach season, then you should use the services of a car zagar.
A swimsuit must emphasize your advantages, not status
A swimsuit must emphasize your advantages, not status
  • Do not forget that men pay attention to you when you stay in one swimsuit. Focus on it. Choosing the right swimsuit You can correctly emphasize all your advantages and delicately hide possible disadvantages. Also, you should not save on sunglasses, beach handbags and a hat - all this helps to create an integral beach image by which everyone will evaluate you.
    • There is still some catch - if you are trendy, then you attract a male look, like an envious female one. But men are looking for their eyes on the beach more just a neat and dressed girl with a taste. Male thought and tag on your swimsuit are directly proportional to an elevated assessment of yourself.
  • Smile - This is your mood and inner world. Firstly, the smile decorates anyone, making the image more fresh and joyful. But the main thing is optimism and lack of problems. A sad or gloomy girl certainly will not attract attention to herself, because with her a man will not be able to relax and just talk. After all, a smiling girl radiates carelessness and joy! By the way, with the princess of a non -humane man they are lost and it is harder for them to start a conversation.
Smile and cheerfulness are the main trump cards not only on the beach
Smile and cheerfulness are the main trump cards not only on the beach
  • Long hair - This is a reflection of youth and femininity. Men are looking for girls with long braids. But an important point - the curls should be well -groomed, without split ends and overgrown colors.

Important: men will not notice your incredible pedicure or manicure, as well as unusual hair dyeing. But the shabby nails and greasy hair certainly will not attract male attention!

  • In no case do not make yourself a complete evening makeup. It will look at least stupid and out of place. It is enough just to emphasize the eyebrows slightly, walk through eyelashes with waterproof mascara and apply softening balm to the lips. Remember men appreciate the girl, first of all, naturalness and naturalness.
  • On the beach, of course, male attention is attracted by the skin. And not even its color, but a condition. Acne and acne are a separate topic, they do not cause enthusiasm for anyone. If you want to establish the reason and find out about their treatment, then look at the article on the topic "Causes and treatment of acne". But men are looking for their eyes moisturized and delicate skin, to which I would like to touch, as if to the puffy cheeks of the baby. Therefore, take care of her condition!
Do not forget about well -groomed skin and hair
Do not forget about well -groomed skin and hair
  • Guys always notice girls who are completely on the beach Passed by active games. The game of volleyball or Frisby is a great way to draw attention to yourself. Do not forget that everything should look natural and relaxed. Nothing should distract from the game itself. Forget for a while about your manicure, hairstyle or makeup. Be yourselfThanks to this quality, someone will certainly show interest in you.

Therefore, you can make a verdict that men are looking for just attractive and well -groomed girls on the beach. What appearance will be - depends on the taste of everyone. But first of all-the girl should be the most in all respects. Indeed, for a man, she should become pride in friends and relatives.

Video: What girls on the beach do men look for their eyes first of all?

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