When, on what date in the winter in December, will it start to arrive and increase day daylight hours? When does the longest day come and the longest night of the year? When, on what date, the daylight hours will begin to decrease? From what day do they become longer than the night?

When, on what date in the winter in December, will it start to arrive and increase day daylight hours? When does the longest day come and the longest night of the year? When, on what date, the daylight hours will begin to decrease? From what day do they become longer than the night?

From this article you will learn when the days of the summer and winter solstice come, as well as the autumn and spring equinox.

The shortest and more long, days throughout the year are called days of the solsticethat are summer and winter, and the time when the days and nights are equals is equinoxes, spring and autumn. We learn more about these days.

When, in what month in winter, will it be profitable and start to grow?

Winter Solstice in Central Russia
Winter solstice of medium latitude in Russia

The shortest day in winter - winter solstice - We are on December 21 or 22. On one of these days, the smallest day of the year, in the northern hemisphere, in mid -latitudes, it lasts 5 hours and 53 minutes, then the day will increase and the night decrease.

The closer to the polar circle, the less the day. Behind the line of the polar circle, the sun at this time may not be shown at all.

Attention. According to the old style, the day of the winter solstice coincided with Merry Christmas. In the old days, this time was very honored: they festively decorated their house, prepared a wiper with a wrapper, and pies and gingerbread pies and gingerbread were baked from the flour of a new crop. For the New Year and Christmas holidays, the spring and summer of animals (pig, calf) were fed to score for the Christmas time, and cook delicious meat dishes.

At the equator level, the day all year round is the same as the night (12 hours).

As for the southern hemisphere, everything is different there: when we, in the northern latitudes, winter solstice, they have summer.

It is interesting. For the first time, the winter solstice was established by Julius Caesar. This happened in 45 BC. Then this day was December 25th.

When, what date, the shortest day comes and the longest night of the year, and how long does it last?

Summer solstice in central Russia
The longest day of average latitude in Russia and Ukraine

The longest day meeting in the year ( summer solstice) occurs on June 20, but maybe on June 21 or 22 (depending on the shift in the calendar associated with the leap year). For Moscow, the duration of the day is 17 hours 33 minutes, and then the days begin to be shorter, and the nights are longer.

How can the summer solstice be explained? This is the day when the sun at noon reaches the highest point over the horizon. After this day, the sun begins to sink, and this continues until December 21 or 22.

Beliefs were connected with this day in the old days:

  • At this time, healers collected therapeutic herbs, since the greatest beneficial properties of plants are manifested right now.
  • On the night after the summer solstice, the girls were tossing on the narrowed, he certainly showed up.
  • From this day it was possible to swim in reservoirs, and before it was forbidden, since in the water, according to the beliefs, the devils were sitting. From this day they left for a short while, before the holiday of Ilya (August 2).

Note. According to the old style, the day of the summer solstice coincided with the Ivanov day.

How much will the daylight day start to increase after December 22?

The shortest day in the winter in Central Russia
The shortest day in the winter in Central Russia

The shortest day is considered December 21 or 22, but in fact such a duration and the next few days, and only on December 24-25 is the day is added.

At first, the addition of the day is imperceptibly, since it increases by 1 minute, and then in the evening, and in the morning the sun even later rises, and then an increase in the day is noticeably, and March 20-22, the day becomes the same size as the night, about 12 hours.

Interesting. But on other planets of our Universe, the duration of the day for some planets is similar to the earthly day, for others - it is completely different. The duration of the day on other planets (in the clock):

  • Jupiter - 9 hours
  • Saturn - close to 10 hours
  • Uranus - close to 13 hours
  • Neptune - close to 15 hours
  • Mars - 24 hours 39 minutes
  • Mercury - Close 60 of our days
  • Venus - 243 Our day

From what day do they become longer than the night?

Spring equinox in central Russia
Spring equinox in central Russia

After a day spring equinox, which occurs from 20 to March 22 (every year in different ways, due to the leap shift of days), the day becomes longer than the night.

The Slavs with the Day of the Spring equinoxes are connected by the holiday of forty saints. On this day, birds (larks) were baked from a butter dough, and spring was jammed, and with it from distant edges, and the first birds.

In many countries of Asia (former Soviet republics in Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran), the day of the spring equinox is a New Year.

In Russia (average latitude), from the days of equinox and solstice, the people are usually consistent with countdown and por of the year:

  • Spring - from the 20th of March to the 20th of June
  • Summer - from the 20th of June to the 20th of September
  • Autumn - from the 20th of September to the 20th of December
  • Winter - from the 20th of December to the 20th of March

When the longest day comes, and the shortest night of the year, and how many days it lasts?

The longest day of the year in central Russia
The longest day of the year in central Russia

The largest day, in 2017, came on June 21. Several days, the days were the same long (17 hours 33 minutes), and from June 24, days went to reduce.

When, on what date, the daylight hours will begin to decrease?

The day went to reduce in 2017 on June 24
The day went to reduce from June 24

If we take data for Moscow, then the day, the day was 17 hours 33 minutes.

For Moscow, days will decrease in the following sequence:

  • By the end of June, the day decreased by 6 minutes, and became 17 hours 27 minutes
  • For July - for 1 hour 24 minutes, duration of the day 16 hours 3 minutes
  • For August - 2 hours 8 minutes, the day lasts 13 hours 51 minutes
  • Until the equinox day (September 24), the day will decrease by 1 hour 45 minutes, the duration of the day is 12 hours 2 minutes

When does the night become longer than the day?

Autumn equinox
Autumn equinox

Autumn equinox day It comes from September 21 to 23, when the day is the same in length as the night, about 12 hours. After this day, the night begins to increase, and the day decrease.

After the day of the equinox, the duration of the day decreases even more:

  • At the end of September, the day lasts 11 hours 35 minutes
  • During October, the day will decrease by 2 hours 14 minutes, and will be at the end of the month 9 hours 16 minutes
  • For November, the day decreases not so intensively, by 1 hour 44 minutes, the duration of the day is 7 hours 28 minutes
  • Until the winter solstice (December 21), the day will decrease by 28 minutes, the duration of the day is 7 hours, the night - 17 hours

It is noteworthy that in days equal in duration with nights (autumn and spring equinoxes), the sun rises exactly in the east, and comes exactly in the west.

So, we learned when the longest and shortest day of the year.

Video: days of solstice and equinoxes

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