When can a child sleep on a pillow? At what age the child needs a pillow: the opinion of doctors, doctor of Komarovsky

When can a child sleep on a pillow? At what age the child needs a pillow: the opinion of doctors, doctor of Komarovsky

Age standards for the use of pillows in children.

Children are the most expensive little men for parents. As children grow up, many questions arise regarding education and health.In particular, A lot of attention is paid to the musculoskeletal apparatus of the crumbs. In this article, we will tell you at what age a pillow is needed for a child. 

Why shouldn't children sleep on a pillow?

The fact is that initially a child is not born with the proportions that an adult has. Its head is much larger, and is approximately 1/4 of the whole body. As they grow older, the child’s shoulders grow, the head also grows, but much slower. Thus, the difference between the width of the shoulders and the head increases.

Why do children should not sleep on a pillow:

  • Until reaching the age of one year, in no case should the baby purchase a hefty down pillow, which translates his head, almost to a vertical position. For babies, from two to five years old, a low pillow or sheet, folded like a roller under a mattress in a crib, would be an ideal option.
  • Thus, a certain hill above the body level is created. This allows you to breathe much easier. In addition, pediatricians recommend slightly increasing the height of the pillow if the child is sick. This will greatly simplify nasal breathing.
  • However, if the child is healthy, then the height of the pillow should be equal to the distance from the ear to shoulder. It is this height of the pillow that is optimal, if the child sleeps on his side. The position of the head is aligned relative to the spinal column and becomes on one horizontal line.

How many years can you sleep on a child’s pillow?

Up to 12 months it is better to refuse to use the pillow. If the pillow is high, then the head will be at an angle relative to the spinal column. This, in turn, will cause a lot of troubles, diseases that are associated with the cervical spine. In turn, this provokes the occurrence of scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis in children. If a child from birth suffers from a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, consultation withpECIALIST. How many years can you sleep on a child’s pillow? A healthy baby can sleep on a pillow from 2 years old. Provided that it is correctly selected.


  • With crooked, pillows in the form of horseshoes are often prescribed, which fix the head and do not allow it to turn right and left. Thus, the head is in one position all the time. This contributes to the restoration of muscle tone, and levels or reduces muscle clamping from a certain side. 
  • During the cold and sinusitis, when a large amount of mucus is released from the nose, you can change the child with a higher pillow. This will stimulate the slight discharge of mucus from the nasal sinuses, thereby facilitating breathing at night. However, if the child has bronchitis, with the accumulation of mucus, obstruction, in this case it is necessary to completely remove the pillow, and substitute books or other objects under the crib so that the head is located below the level of the legs. This contributes to the outflow of mucus. 
Day sleep
Day sleep

When a child sleep on a pillow: Komarovsky

Doctor for kids without violations recommends the use of pillows from 2 years old.

When a child sleep on a pillow, Komarovsky:

  • For kids who were born with head injuries, hematomas, also dents of the skull, special pillows with a deepening inside are recommended.
  • This allows you to align the bones, and make your head visually even.
  • Do not worry, up to a year of the child’s bones in the head are very soft, so they are easily leveled with proper therapy and a true pillow. 
Quiet hour
Quiet hour

At what age do children sleep on a pillow?

Upon reaching the child, the age of 2-3 years can purchase the first pillow for him. Its optimal height is 2-4 cm. Such a small height is enough to normalize the position of the head during sleep.

From what age children sleep on the pillow:

  • Do not rush to purchase pillows filled with pen and fluff. These are excellent natural, environmentally friendly materials, but pathogenic microorganisms, as well as ticks, can live in them.
  • The dust mite is very small, it can be seen exclusively under a microscope, and it is not visible to an ordinary person. However, the excrement of this insect cause a large number of allergic reactions.
  • Therefore, even if your child does not suffer from allergies, give preference to artificial fillers for the pillow. Well suited products filledhollofiber, silicone. They are quite dense, fluffy, keep their shape well, while they can easily be washed in the car.
  • They quickly dry out and do not accumulate dust ticks in themselves. You can also look at the pillows made of smart foam. They take the position of the body, around the bulge. Thus, the position of the head is aligned relative to the body and is in an anatomical position. 

The child sleeps on an adult pillow - what will happen?

Despite the opinion of pediatricians, many grandmothers still try to convince their parents to use a pillow for children. Try to resist the pressure of grandmothers and relatives, since the use of a pillow at an early age can be harmful. 

The child sleeps on an adult pillow, which will be:

  • The risk of improper formation of the bones of the spine 
  • The ability to worsen the development of the cervical muscles and provoke crooked or incorrect head position 
  • The ability to roll over on the stomach. If the pillow is too voluminous, fluffy, the child will just suffocate. 
  • Filling by natural components cause an allergic reaction. 
After sleep
After sleep

When can a child sleep on a pillow, if there are violations?

Accordingly, the use of the standard pillow, which is used by adults, for children, age under 2 years of age, is unacceptable and harmful, often causes pathologies. 

When a child can sleep on a pillow, if there are violations: 

  • Torticollis 
  • Frequent and abundant regulations 
  • Reduced or increased muscle tone 
  • With rickets 
  • With various diseases of a neurological nature 
Quiet hour
Quiet hour

What pillow to sleep for children?

On which pillow to sleep for children, age older than 2 years: 

  • Small height. The head should only rise very slightly above body level 
  • Artificial filler. This is the best buckwheat husk. With its help, the head acquires an anatomical position. 
  • The presence of pillowcases made of natural and anti -allergic tissues. 
  • The ability to fix the pillow in the crib. 
  • A simple appearance without buttons, lightning, hooks. 

Damage to pillow for infants

The risks of using a pillow among infants and children up to 1 year old are presented below.

The harm from the pillow for infants:

  • High risk of mortality. In the period up to one year, there is the so -called sudden mortality syndrome, which is common among children. It happens most often during sleep. The kid can turn over on the stomach and just suffocate. 
  • Difficult breathing and choking with vomiting. This usually happens among children who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, or neurological ailments. In this case, children usually tear with a fountain or regulate a large amount of milk.
  • If an incorrectly selected pillow is used Or an ordinary pillow pillow for the baby, then the risk of choke on the vomit increases. In this case, the use of special pillows that fix the head and neck turned the set or vice versa, raised at a certain angle, which facilitates the spitting of vomiting masses. 

The child sleeps without a pillow - what to do?

Children under 2 years old do not need a pillow if it has not been appointed an orthopedist or pediatrician. If the baby is over 2-3 years old and does not want to sleep on the pillow, do not force him. You can put a small roller from the sheet under the mattress.

The child sleeps without a pillow, what is doingb:

  • At the age of 2 to 3 years, the height of the pillow is considered optimal up to 4 cm. But it can only be used if the baby prefers to sleep on his side. If the child sleeps on his stomach or on his back, it is not necessary to buy a pillow. 
  • If the child is 3-6 years old, then the height of the pillow can be 6-8 cm. Upon reaching a child of seven years, you can purchase adult pillows that are used among parents and adults. 
  • The optimal parameter is comfort. If it is convenient for the child to sleep on the pillow or without it, while his head does not sink, he is comfortable, it is comfortable, he does not suffocate, then the pillow is quite acceptable. 

Please note that it is best if this product is fixed to the bed using special ties. This will prevent movement when the child will spin during sleep. The perfect filler is synthetic materials. You can use buckwheat husk. However, such pillows are very heavy, and take the shape of the body. But the filler is natural, insects, as well as dust mites, can start inside it. Therefore, it is still preferable to purchase products filled with artificial materials. 

Quiet hour
Quiet hour

How many years can you sleep on a pillow for adults for a child?

If this is a schoolboy who is more than 7 years old, then it is allowed to sleep on an adult pillow. For a small baby and baby, you need to buy special products.

How many years you can sleep on a pillow for adults for a child:

  • The difference between the shoulder and the head of the child is very small, so in a dream the head will be raised up.
  • This is fraught with a deterioration in blood circulation in the brain, which subsequently can cause poor memorization of information, and speech delay.
  • In addition, a high pillow causes headaches, as well as unpleasant sensations in the neck.
  • This is fraught with curvature in the cervical spine, which in turn can lead to serious problems in the future. 
In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

All pediatricians, as well as orthopedists, believe that if the child has no problems with the musculoskeletal system, he is absolutely healthy, then you can forget about the pillow up to about 2 years. 

Video: Why can't children sleep on a pillow?


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