When is it necessary to sharpen knives for a hair cutting machine? How to sharpen knives on a haircut machine with a grinder, sandpaper, on a machine?

When is it necessary to sharpen knives for a hair cutting machine? How to sharpen knives on a haircut machine with a grinder, sandpaper, on a machine?

Instructions for sharpening knives for a machine.

Many men have not been visiting hairdressers for a long time, they are cut at home. This is especially true for bald men who do not have so many hair on their heads. Therefore, no model hairstyle is suitable. It’s easier for a man to cut his hair under zero or 3 mm. For several years of permanent work, the blades in the typewriter are dull. This situation can be corrected and imprisoned. In this article we will tell you how to sharpen blades.

When is it necessary to sharpen knives for a hair cutting machine?

There are several signs that indicate that knives need sharpening:

  • It is very difficult to derive the line of the hairstyle. It turns out uneven pieces
  • The hairs do not cut down, but crush or think
  • Painful sensations are present, the hair is not cut off, but pulled out
  • Perhaps the appearance of irritation and even cuts on the head. This is especially happening in those who are cut to zero

All these signs indicate that it is necessary to disassemble the machine, clean, and also sharpen the knives.

Sharp knives
Sharp knives

How to sharpen knives on a carriage machine with a grinder or drill?

There are several options for sharpening the machine knives. They depend on what you have in stock. Please note that many want to take an ordinary electric drill or a grinding machine. Such devices are not suitable for sharpening the machine due to large abrasiveness.

In order to sharpen these knives, you need to use devices with grains equal to 4000 grit. This is a fairly small size, very tender. Therefore, in special workshops, laser sharpening is used without the use of abrasives. Naturally, at home there is no way to use this kind of sharpening devices, so they use more affordable ones.

Dismantling of the machine
Dismantling of the machine


  • On the shaft of the device, it is necessary to fix the disk with a size of 4000 grit, take the magnets fix the haircut machines with their knives.
  • Next, turn on the device and keep the knives at an angle of 45 degrees. It is enough 1-2 minutes on one side in order for it to be sharpened. After that, turn the knife to the other side and sharpen again for 2 minutes.
  • Before carrying out these manipulations, it is necessary to remove the knives. To do this, unscrew the bolts on the front of the machine with which the blades are clamped.
  • After that, put all the bolts into a special container or to the side. In order to properly assemble the device, you can remove the video disassembly on the camera.
  • After that, remove the knives, and clean them thoroughly with the help of an old toothbrush. It is necessary to completely remove all the hair. Please note that there may be rust remains on the old machine.
  • If this happened, then use special chemical products for plumbing, which cope with the removal of rust. It is necessary to apply the product for several minutes and rub with a soft sponge.
  • Rinse everything under a strong stream of water. Please note that the knives should not be wet, they must be immediately wiped dry. After that, it is worth sharpening. Many note that even such manipulations are sometimes enough to return the typewriter the previous quality of the haircut.
  • Because most often the knives will not dull, and between them the remains of hair and fine dust are simply clogged, which prevents the normal operation of the device.
  • Therefore, you can try and assemble a machine, test it on a small area of \u200b\u200bhair or on your dog. Check the quality of the haircut, if it suits you, then there is no need for sharpening.
Sharp knives
Sharp knives

Sharpening of machine knife on the machine

If this did not work, then you can sharpen using special devices. It is a metal disk that is attached to a small rotating motor. It is made of aluminum.


  • Abrasive is applied to the surface of this disk, most often it is a GOI paste or another substance that is characterized by a high degree of polishing. Next, the knives are fixed with a magnet and are sharpened for several minutes from each side.
  • After that, a polishing pasta is cleaned. To do this, you can use a regular brush or soft flannel. Please note that the knives after sharpening become quite sharp, be afraid of cuts.

Of course, it is best to sharpen in a special workshop, which is carried out by professionals. In their arsenal, they have special equipment that will help make your blade perfectly smooth and very sharp. Typically, in such conditions, machines with special abrasive, pastes or laser equipment are also used, with which the skates are sharpened and sharp knives are sharpened.

Sharpening on the machine
Sharpening on the machine

How to sharpen knives on a haircut machine with sandpaper?

If the machine is not very tight, you can cope with the help of ordinary sandpaper with small abrasiveness. Buy a skin with a small grain grain size.


  • You need to draw with sandpaper between the blades and turn on the machine at maximum speed. Hold it for a few seconds and repeat the manipulation. Such a procedure will help to slightly sharpen the knives.
  • After that, disassembling the device is carried out, cleaning of rust, dust remains, possibly pieces of sandpaper. If the machine is very dull, then you need to use another way. If you do not have any special devices, glass or mirror is ideal.
  • To do this, take thick glass, apply an abrasive paste on it, which can be purchased in any in a store where glasses are realized. This kind of pasta is used to polish lenses of microscopes and glasses. The paste is applied to the glass, the blade is inserted into the magnetic holder and securely fixed.
  • After that, circular processing of the blade of the machine is carried out. It is necessary to carry out work in a circle until the blades acquire the severity that you need. The remains of the pasta are removed under the strong pressure of the water and removed using a flannel.
Carrying machine
Carrying machine

After conducting such manipulations, you will be able to return the previous life of a haircut typewriter, as well as make your hairstyle perfect. If you are not confident in your abilities, we recommend that you take the device to the workshop and sharpen there. Because such devices can be quite expensive, you should not risk their performance.

Video: sharpening knives for a machine

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