When you can plant a child: important nuances, how many months can you plant boys, girls? How to start planting a child?

When you can plant a child: important nuances, how many months can you plant boys, girls? How to start planting a child?

In this topic, we will consider the terms and rules for planting infants.

Newborn children are growing by leaps and bounds. Before I learned how to hold his head, the child immediately seeks to turn over or even sit down. This is understandable, because The baby is not interested just lying. Therefore, he seeks to know the world, study his body and gain new skills. Many parents, observing the attempts of the crumbs, are wondering - at what age you can plant a child. And in such a delicate topic, we will try to figure it out today.

From what age can you plant a child: important nuances

Watching the development of your baby for newly made parents is a pleasure itself. But no matter how much I wanted the baby to grow up as soon as possible and learn to be more independent, do not rush it in any case. Moreover, one cannot interfere in the physiological development of the baby, trying to quickly plant a child. Therefore, the main rule is not to plant a baby too early.

If you start planting a child early, how is it dangerous?

  • In newborn children, the muscle system is poorly developed. Moreover, His spine is still too weak to withstand his own weight, And the bones and cartilage for a long time remain soft. Therefore, any load, and even more early planting can negatively affect the further development of crumbs and its physical condition.
  • It is categorically not to “help” the baby using supports under his back, And also take hands from the pose lying. The fragile spine of the baby without a muscle corset is subjected to large loads, which is subsequently fraught with such consequences as lordosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other curvature of the spine. And also complements the list of curvature of the bones of the pelvis and violation of the work of internal organs.
Do not rush such natural processes
Do not rush such natural processes

Permissible deadlines when you can plant a child

  • Closer to 6 months, the baby actively begins to own his own body, and the muscles of the back and abdominal cavity are quite developed to keep himself in a sitting position for some time. By this time, the bones will also become stronger and will contain a sufficient amount of calcium so as not to deform.
  • Usually, at the age of 6-8 months, children sit from a position lying on their own, without much help from others. In addition, this process does not bring discomfort and unpleasant sensations to the child, and playing in this position is much more interesting for him.

Important: even if the baby does not sit at the age of 7 months, then do not panic. Everyone has its own regime! But it should be alarmed if the baby does not hold the back at all, even in your arms. This may indicate either the presence of pathologies, or for the lack of exercises from the parents.

  • If you notice that the baby is rapidly trying to sit down at the age of six months, he needs to create optimal and comfortable conditions. Do not rush to run to the baby and rush him. This process should take place as naturally as possible, the baby should learn to independently keep the balance and navigate a little in space.

During the planting, you need to take into account the characteristics of the baby, in this matter, boys and girls are different.

Forget the grandmother's method with pillows!
Forget the grandmother's method with pillows!

At what age can the boys plant?

First of all, you need to determine whether the body is ready to sit. This can be accurately established by an experienced pediatrician after a full examination of the baby, but also attentive parents can also do it.

  • If the baby itself is not very active, for example, he does not like the warm -up, various exercises, he reluctantly turns from back to his stomach, then this is definitely the indicator that his muscles are not yet strong enough. And development occurs a little slower than in more active children.
  • In no case should you think that something is wrong with the child. It's all about genetics, and there is nothing terrible. But such phlegmatic boys are better Do not land until 6 months, or rather, we strongly do not recommend doing this before a half -year period.
  • By the way, sometimes this indicates a lack of exercises. Therefore, it is worth not missing daily bathing, evening massages and gymnastic exercises for the right areas.
  • If the child, on the contrary, behaves mobile, actively moves with hands, legs, he tries to turn over and sit down, then quite You can allow the baby to sit for a while, starting from 5.5 months.

Important: but do not try to do this earlier than 5 months, since the boy will not only be unsuitable in the army, but this will be reflected in future sexual life.

  • Sometimes a boy’s physique plays the role and physique. Often, well -fed kids begin to sit on their own later. On the one hand, it is really difficult for such babies to hold their weight, but the most important role is played by the same Temperament of the child.
  • Even if he has slight excess weight, but at the same time he is very mobile and curious, then at 5 months he will feel great, sitting in her mother's arms. But at the same time, the back should not be perfectly flat.
Boys are also not allowed to plant early
It is also insoluble to plant boys early

How much can you plant girls?

  • Previously, than in six months, and even better about 7 months, it is not worth planting girls categorically. In this case, we are talking not only about the load on the spine, like in boys, but also on the genitourinary system. Due to the sudden landing at an early age, girls at the future may have changes in the development of internal organs, which negatively affects reproductive activity.
    • Although many pediatricians argue that the baby’s early planting does not in any way affect the bend of the uterus, it is still worth it to play it safe and not rush events.
  • Of course, the issue of landing remains individual for everyone. One can sit on your own and at 5 months, and the other-7-8. It all depends on the temperament of the girl and her activity, as well as in boys.
  • If the baby is diligently trying to sit down at 4 months, The task of parents is to warn it as much as possible on early landing. It is necessary to lay out the baby away from the sides so that she does not have a support that can be grabbed, and then sit down. Also, do not put a pillow or anything under your back, which can hold it in a sitting position, etc.
With little princesses and do not rush at all to 6-7 months
With little princesses and do not rush at all to 6-7 months

How to start planting a child?

It is important to remember that the first attempts to “sit” should last no more than 2-5 minutes.

  • You can’t do without falls! It is unlikely that the baby will come out on the first time to sit on his own. He will fall on his side, while trying to grab onto something. You need Only take care that during the falls the baby does not hurt.
  • It is also worth remembering, even if the baby tries to sit on his own, for her it is still physical activity. Therefore, in order to facilitate the task of the child and help him acquire a new skill as soon as possible, you can Make light massages, charging (turns, inclinations, flexion of the elbows and knees, etc.). The main thing is not to overdo it.
    • And here is one of the most optimal exercises for any baby. Put the baby on the stomach on the floor. Before that, be sure to cover it with something not very soft so that the baby is not cold! A meter from the child, place a bright toy (ball, little animal or something multi-colored). Children are by nature a very curious people. Therefore, the baby will definitely want to consider the subject. And he will try to crawl to him. This will be very useful for him! Every day of such classes will bring much more benefit than routine landing of children and your thoughts that it is supposedly time!
  • At first, you need to plant on pens to parents, and several minutes. You can adjust the angle under which the baby sits on your knees. And over time, align it, which will allow the child to straighten the back gradually, without loading it.

Important: the optimal angle for the first landing is 45 degrees.

  • The prevention of dysplasia and the strengthening of various muscles will be wearing in the sling, in which the child accepts the “M-position”-the priest is lower than the knees. But do not confuse with a kangaroo, because in such a carrying the baby is in a completely different position.
In this process, rely on the independence of the baby as much as possible
In this process, rely on the independence of the baby as much as possible

Is it possible to use modern "assistants" to plant a child?

To facilitate their fate, many parents resort to the use of various walkers, slings, kangaroo, etc. Of course, closer to six months, the baby is rapidly gaining weight, and wearing it becomes much harder. But, according to many pediatricians, it is worth postponing using such devices, or minimizing the pastime with them.

  • Kangaroo It is allowed to use from 3 months. In this case, you need to choose a model with a headrest and a hard back. In such a "device" you can wear a baby in a day for no more than 2-3 hours. T.K. Basically, the baby does not sit in him, but “hangs”, leaning on the crotch. Which in turn can negatively affect posture in the future.
  • For use Studyankov The baby should get stronger well, learn to sit or crawl on his own. Despite the fact that the walkers are very convenient to use, bright and really like children, they should be no more than 40 minutes per day. For boys, a long pastime in this device is fraught with improper development of sexual function, and in girls the development of dysplasia.
  • The same goes for and jumpers or hanging swings. In them, the baby is not planted until the back is getting stronger. Remember - in such things they do not teach a child to sit!
Refuse such cunning guns for another couple of months
Refuse such cunning guns for another couple of months
  • Of course, the kids are very annoying in the first months of life to just lie. And already at the age of 4-6 months, they show activity and interest in the world around him. Therefore, they are trying to learn to sit. To delay this time as much as possible, at least until the performance of six months, mothers can use various sun loungers and chairs.
    • In a chair or even a car chair The kids are in the position of half -sitting, which allows them to consider everything around. Moreover, this position does not interfere with the normal development of the pelvic organs and minimizes the load on the back.
    • But again, they need to use them only after the child’s attempts to sit on their own. This is a sign that the muscles and the inert system of the baby is already ready for the position of reclining.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the best way not to harm everything related to the physical development of the child is not to rush events and trust nature. Let the muscles and the bone system get stronger, then the child will be able to sit on his own, then stand up, holding on to the supports, and then go.

Video: when you can plant a child - deadlines

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