When is the name of the hope for the church Orthodox calendar? Day of name name for church calendar: Dates by month

When is the name of the hope for the church Orthodox calendar? Day of name name for church calendar: Dates by month

Name days in the saints for hope.

According to the ancient tradition of the Orthodox faith, the newborn was assigned the name of the saints revered by the Church on the day of his baptism. To choose a name according to the shrines, you need to contact an Orthodox calendar, which reflects all the names and days of the angel according to the dates.
About 1,700 male and female names are listed in the holy. It happens that on the necessary day, the church does not dream of a saint, whose name they wanted to name the newborn parents. This is not a problem. You can choose the name of another saint whose name day will be celebrated on the next day.

Consider the list of name day reflected in the Orthodox calendar for the name Nadezhda

Name Hopes in January

  • There is no name day for this name in this period

Name Hope in February

  • There is no name day for this name in this period

Name Hope in March

  • 14. 03 - Nadezhda Abbakumova, martyr
  • 03.20 - Nadezhda Kruglova, Rev. Martyr

Name Hope in April

  • There is no name day for this name in this period

Name Hope in May

  • There is no name day for this name in this period

Name Hope in June

There is no name day for this name in this period

Name Hope in August

  • There is no name day for this name in this period

Namely Nadezhda in September

  • 30.09 - Nadezhda Roman, martyr, lad out

Name Hope in October

  • 21. 10 - Nadezhda Azhgerich, Martyr

Name Hope in November

  • There is no name day for this name in this period

Name Hope in December

  • There is no name day for this name in this period
The secret of the name

Video: The meaning of the name. Hope

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