The sour smell of sweat from the body, legs, under the armpits of the child, baby, women, men: reasons. What is the sour smell of sweat about, what diseases? What to do if the sweat in an adult and child smells of sour milk, kefir? Smells of sweat: What are they talking about?

The sour smell of sweat from the body, legs, under the armpits of the child, baby, women, men: reasons. What is the sour smell of sweat about, what diseases? What to do if the sweat in an adult and child smells of sour milk, kefir? Smells of sweat: What are they talking about?

We determine the causes of the appearance of unpleasant sour smell of sweat in men, women and children.

The smell of sweat is not too pleasant, which people try not to talk about. For some reason, it seems to them that the sour smell appears solely because they devote little time to personal hygiene. In principle, if a person very rarely visits the bathroom, then this can be the reason for the appearance of this little trouble.

But as practice shows, in most cases, the sour smell of sweat provoke pathological changes in the body. We will tell you about what can cause this problem in our article.

Smells of sweat: What are they talking about?

Smells of sweat: Reasons

I immediately want to say that even a completely healthy person has a certain smell. Therefore, if someone begins to argue that you are deadly sick only because your sweat makes a specific smell, then in no case do not believe it. As a rule, if a person develops some kind of internal pathology, then in addition to an unpleasant odor from the body, he manifests some more symptoms.

If you are completely healthy, then your sweat is approximately 90% of ordinary water and only the remaining 10% will be salts, minerals, hormones and various amino acids. In view of this, if you know for sure that the smell of sweat under your armpits has not changed, then you can live calmly. If you started to feel that he began to smell differently, then try to listen more carefully to your body.

It is likely that you will notice some other unusual signs that will help you determine what problem you have. Yes, and remember that some medications can radically change the aroma of fluids secreted by the sweat glands. In view of this, if such changes occurred during the period of treatment, then just consult your doctor. It is likely that some medicine is not suitable for the body and because of this your internal organs suffer.

The sour smell of sweat from the body, legs, under mice in women, men: Reasons

Sour smell of sweat in women, men: Reasons

As you probably already understood, sharp sour notes emanating from the sweat distinguished by the body indicate that you have internal problems. You should also alert a strong increase or decrease in sweating.

If there is too much of it, this may indicate that an inflammatory process occurs inside your body, with which the body is struggling with temperature, and as a result of this there is constant sweating. If sweat, on the contrary, is very small, then this indicates that there was a spasm of blood vessels, which slowed down all metabolic processes.

Other causes of sour smell of sweat:

  • Hormonal failures. Although women are more susceptible to this problem, recently it began to appear more and more often among representatives of the stronger sex. In this case, the sweat will have the aroma of sour milk.
  • Diabetes. With the development of this pathology, the sour smell appears against the background of a sharp increase in blood glucose. The higher this indicator, the stronger the sour fragrance will be.
  • Pathology of the respiratory system. If a person has problems with lungs or bronchi, then substances begin to accumulate in the body, in their smell something similar to vinegar. At first, we may not notice them, but as soon as the disease worsens and the blowing of the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria enters the bloodstream, our body will immediately begin to remove them through the pori and sweat glands.
  • Fungal diseases of the nails, skin and intestines. If the fungus impressed the nails and skin, then an unpleasant odor will appear due to insufficient hygiene. If the intestinal fungus became the cause of trouble, then the smell will appear due to improper operation of the digestive system.

The sour smell of sweat from the body, legs, under the mice of the child, baby: Reasons

The sour smell of sweat in a child, infantry: reasons

Among young mothers, there is an opinion that young children practically do not sweat. In fact, this is far from the case. As soon as the baby is born, his sweat glands immediately begin to work intensively. Thus, they will try to adjust the body temperature, thereby contributing to it does not overheat or not overcool. True, you must understand that the sweat will have almost no smell.

If you notice that he began to make a sour smell, then first of all pay attention to the hygiene of the crumbs. It is likely that you just do not care well enough for his skin, as a result of which the problem appears. If you know exactly that you care for the child as correctly as possible, begin to look for other reasons.


  • Incorrectly selected clothes and bedding. If you put your child in clothes made of synthetic fabrics, then be prepared for the fact that he will have a sour smell of sweat from the body. Since such materials poorly pass the air, the body will not be able to correctly adjust body temperature and, as a result, sweating will increase.
  • Food. If you give your baby food, which does not fit it by age, then you will overload its gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, and against this background the blood sugar will increase. He will provoke the appearance of the problem.
  • The deficiency of vitamin D. In this case, in addition to the sour smell, the crumbs will observe excessive nervousness, tearfulness and moodiness. But, perhaps, the most important sign of the lack of vitamin will be abundant sweating at the slightest physical exertion.
  • Teenage years. During the period of intensive growing up in boys and girls, a sharp surge of hormones in the body occurs. Sometimes the body simply does not cope with such a load and begins to remove excess hormones through the sweat glands.

What is the sour smell of sweat about, what diseases?

Possible diseases

As already mentioned at the very beginning of our article, human sweat can be an excellent indicator of internal diseases. True, you must understand that no specialist can make the correct diagnosis exclusively on the smell of sweat.

In view of this, if you notice a similar symptom in yourself, then first contact your local therapist. After passing all the tests and a complete examination, he will be able to determine which pathology of internal organs caused the appearance of sour smell of sweat.

Possible diseases:

  • Helminth infection. Being in the human body, worms constantly distinguish products of their life. They are the reason for the appearance of a specific aroma.
  • Stress condition. With stress in the human body, the level of certain hormones increases sharply. If a person is nervous for a long time, then hormones accumulate a lot and the body gets rid of them through the sweat glands.
  • Pathology of the urinary system. Almost always, against the background of inflammation of the urea, a person’s urinary channels sharply narrow in a person, as a result of which the can be delayed in the body longer than usual. Due to such a delay, she begins to oxidize inside the urea and, as a result, begins to make a sour smell that comes out with the later.
  • Mastopathy. This disease is also closely associated with hormonal background. It occurs due to a sharp decrease in progesterone and an excess of estrogen. It is the latter that is the reason for the appearance of sour smell of sweat.

What to do if the sweat in an adult and child smells of acid milk, kefir?

Recommendations for combating a sour smell of sweat

Before you tell you how to remove the sour smell of sweat, I want to clarify that cosmetic and hygienic methods can help solve this problem for just a few hours.

In view of this, if you want to get rid of an unpleasant problem once and for all, then try to cure the internal pathology that provoked it as quickly as possible. If you do not, then no tricks will help you get rid of a specific aroma.

While you are treated, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Take a shower in the morning and evening
  • In no case do not dress wear clothes again
  • Wear clothes sewn exclusively from natural fabrics
  • Adhere to proper nutrition
  • Do not use fast food, smoked meats and pickles
  • Also completely exclude yeast baking from the diet
  • Take the infusion of peppermint inside
  • Process the skin with ball deodorants
  • Regularly take coniferous and soda baths

Why does the sweat smell like sour: the sour smell of sweat in the child is Komarovsky

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Most of the newly made parents, having learned the sour smell of sweat in their child, immediately begin to get nervous and run to the doctor. As a rule, in this case, most pediatricians write off this for a lack of vitamin D.

Therefore, they attribute this drug to the baby and safely send everyone home. If you have treated a similar problem to Dr. Komarovsky, then he would explain to you that in most cases, completely different reasons cause this trouble.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the sour smell of sweat may appear due to:

  • Banal overheating
  • Features of the body of crumbs
  • Poor ventilation of the room
  • Insufficient humidity
  • Remaking moisture
  • High temperature in the room
  • Complete lack of physical activity
  • The introduction of improper complementary foods

Video: What is the unpleasant smell of sweat about?

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