Fold porridge with pumpkin on milk and water: recipe on the stove, in a slow cooker, pot, lean, calorie content

Fold porridge with pumpkin on milk and water: recipe on the stove, in a slow cooker, pot, lean, calorie content

Popular porridge recipes using pumpkin: on water, dairy, prepared in a slow cooker, pot and ordinary pan.

Pumpkin - “gold” vegetable for healing and nutritious properties. Pumpkin porridge is not only useful, but also extraordinary tasty. Add the pumpkin to any porridge and the result will not be long in coming. You will gain the potential of vital energy, a beautiful complexion, a joyful attitude to life. A selection of various ways to make pumpkin cereals will help expand your diet and raise the quality of life.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a multicooker on water: Classic recipe

Pumpkin porridge in a ceramic bowl
Porridge in ceramic

Healthy porridge “without trouble” will help to prepare modern household appliances, namely, a slow cooker. Preparing porridge in this “miracle-frame” gives pleasure: you should only lay the prescription ingredients of porridge in a container, set the desired mode and then do your favorite business, without fear of burning. The slow cooker is complicated by a delicious dish and will turn off in time.

Water recipe (classic)

Need to take:

  • millet grain - 300 g
  • water - 600 ml
  • pumps of pumpkin - 200 g
  • salt - 1 \\ 2 teaspoon

Important: for delicious and high-quality porridge, you should take a selected “polished grain” without black impurities, bright yellow staining.

  1. Millet is washed in good faith
  2. The pumpkin is crushed into pieces
  3. Washed cereal with crushed pumpkin is laid in a multicooker container, salt and covered with water
  4. Prepared in the cooking mode of porridge
  5. The dish is seasoned with vegetable oil

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker on the water: the recipe "Satter"

Recipe on the water "Satter"

They use products indicated by the method of classic porridge with the addition of 1 head of red onion and 3 pieces of potatoes.

  1. Onions and pumpkin cut into pieces
  2. Fry in a bowl of multicooker, using 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil in "Frying/Baking" mode 7 minutes
  3. Lay potatoes chopped and washed cereal
  4. Products are poured with water, salt
  5. Prepared in mode " Porridge", The finished dish is watered with oil

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker in milk: Classic recipe

Classic milk recipe

Need to take:

  • millet - 300 g
  • pumpkin pulp - 300 g
  • water - 200 ml
  • milk - 400 ml
  • sugar - 100 g
  • salt
  • butter
  1. Washed millet is laid in a multicooker container
  2. Pumpkin pulp is crushed and laid out on top of millet
  3. Millet and pumpkin is poured with liquid ingredients
  4. Salt and sprinkle with sugar, close the slow cooker, turn on the "porridge" mode for 30 minutes
  5. Porridge will be tastier if it is “tired” after cooking, turning on the “heating” mode for 10 minutes
  6. The finished dish is seasoned with oil and decorated with fresh berries or pieces of fruit if desired
Muscate varieties of pumpkin with bright orange pulp are suitable for cooking milk cereals
Muscate varieties of pumpkin with bright orange and sweet pulp are suitable for cooking milk cereals

IMPORTANT: For dairy cereals, choose sweet varieties of pokes of nutmeg with bright orange pulp. Such cereals with a nutty and natural sweetness are especially useful for patients for diabetes and children.

Fold porridge with pumpkin on water in a pan: a recipe with fried bacon and onion

Fucking porridge with pumpkin is an ancient Russian food that has not lost its relevance today. The Russian poor people prepared, as a rule, such a dish on the water, languid porridge in the stove in cast iron. As a festive option, cow or goat milk was added to the porridge. Nowadays, cook millet porridge with pumpkin does not provide special trouble if you observe the proportions of products and some of the cooking nuances.

Important: depending on the amount of liquid taken for cooking millet, you can get a different consistency of porridge for every taste.

Mild porridge with bacon and onion
Mild porridge with bacon and onion

Millet porridge with pumpkin on water with fried bacon and onion

Need to take:

  • millet cereals - 200 g
  • pumpkin pulp - 100 g
  • water - 600 ml
  • a piece of bacon - 100 g
  • onions - 1 head
  • salt is a pinch
  1. Washed a millet to a transparent water state
  2. Group is cooked on a small flame, after salt consolidated
  3. Spread grated pumpkin pulp, stir and prepare until the upper layer of water is evaporated
  4. Remove from heat and wound the pan into the blanket for 30 minutes
  5. Bacon is cut into slices and extinguished with onions
  6. “Rested” porridge is laid out on plates, decorating with fried bacon with onions

Fold porridge with pumpkin in milk in a pan: Recipe

Millet porridge with pumpkin

The recipe for an ideal healthy breakfast is easy to prepare and is not spent in time.

Need to take:

  • millet - 200 g
  • piles of pumpkin without crusting - 300 g
  • milk - 600 ml
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • cinnamon is a pinch
  • salt is a pinch
  1. Pumpkin flesh is cut into slices, covered with a small amount of boiling water and allowed on a minimum flame for 5-7 minutes
  2. Thoroughly washed millet, pour boiling water and withstand for 5 minutes
  3. Filter cereals through a strainer and added to a pan with pumpkin
  4. Когда вода практически выпарится, кашу заливают половиной необходимого количества молока, перемешивают, солят и посыпают сахаром
  5. Porridge is cooked over low heat, stirring, adding the remaining milk as it absorbs
  6. Finished porridge let them brew for about twenty minutes under a warm cap
  7. A piece of butter is added to the dish and sprinkled with chopped cinnamon

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a pot?

Pumpkin porridge in a pot is a healthy dish for everyone and also looks beautiful and original when serving on the table.

Porridge in a pot
Porridge in a pot

Melted milk in melted milk in pots

Need to take:

  • millet cereals - 200 g
  • mustard milk - 600 ml
  • pumpkin pulp - 500 g
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - 1 teaspoon
  • brown sugar - 10 g
  • butter - 50 g
  1. Washed millet to clean water and pour boiling water
  2. Pumpkin pulp is cut and lowered into boiling salted milk
  3. Bring to a boil and lower the washed cereal, cook porridge on a slow flame, for about 20 minutes
  4. Lay out porridge in portioned pots, sprinkled with brown sugar
  5. Paid on a piece of oil on top
  6. Potles are placed in the oven and languished for 30 minutes at a temperature of 150 °

Fold porridge with pumpkin Light: Recipe for walnut milk

Pumpkin porridge in a pot: a lean version
Pumpkin porridge in a pot: a lean version

For lean days, we offer:

Pumpkin porridge recipe for walnut milk

Lenten porridge can be cooked on water, but an unusually tasty dish will turn out to be a dish on walnut milk.

Need to take:

  • millet cereals - 150 g
  • pumpkin - 100 g
  • nut milk or water - 750 ml
  • salt

Preparation of nut milk

  • A glass of any peeled nuts or seeds soak 3 glasses of water in the evening.
  • Water nuts are grinded with a blender until a white homogeneous mass is obtained
  • Milk is filtered through a strainer

Preparation of porridge

  1. Rinse the cereal several times and can be kept in boiling water for some time (so as not to grieve)
  2. Millet is lowered into boiling nut milk or water
  3. The pumpkin is crushed on a grater and added to the croup, salt to taste
  4. Porridge is boiled over minimum heat for 20-25 minutes and laid out in pots
  5. They languish in the oven for about 30 minutes, and if possible, then in the Russian stove
  6. Porridge is sprinkled with cinnamon mixed with sugar and served with baked apples

Millet porridge with pumpkin: calorie content per 100 grams

Millet and pumpkin - the perfect combination of products for healthy eating and weight loss
Millet and pumpkin - the perfect combination of products for healthy eating and weight loss
  • Pumpkin-milled porridge can be recommended as a healthy diet with low calorie content. So in 100 g of porridge with pumpkin cooked on water, it contains 158 kcal
  • Millet occupies a leading place among cereals for weight loss. And symbiosis with pumpkin only enhances the ability to keep the figure in shape. Pumpkin enriches millet porridge with many vitamins and minerals, fiber enhances intestinal motility and accelerates metabolism
  • Many diets recommend using a millet with pumpkin to reduce weight. Such porridge is a great option for an energy full breakfast

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to remember: adding butter, fatty milk, cream and sugar sharply increase the calorie content of the dish.

Video: delicious millet porridge with pumpkin from Irina Kuking


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