Porridge "Friendship" on milk and on the water: recipe in the oven, slow cooker, stove. How to cook the most delicious porridge “friendship”, as in kindergarten, in milk, with pumpkin, buckwheat, rice, corn: recipe, ratio of cereals and milk. How to properly cook the porridge "friendship" crumbly, viscous, liquid?


All the secrets of Porridge "Friendship": from the compatibility of cereals and the nuances of cooking to the calorie table.

What is the porridge of friendship: compatibility of cereals

The classic version of porridge consists of a mixture of millet and rice cereal. The approximate ratio of cereals: polished millet - 2 parts, round -grained rice - 3 parts.

The beneficial properties of the most popular cereals: semolina, rice, pearl barley, buckwheat
The beneficial properties of the most popular cereals: semolina, rice, pearl barley, buckwheat

In addition, the following combinations are allowed:

  • buckwheat, corn, oat, wheat, millet, rye and barley
  • buckwheat, millet and rice,
  • corn and rice
  • corn, oat, wheat, rye and barley,
  • oatmeal, pearl barley and rye,
  • wheat and millet,
  • wheat and barley,
  • wheat, wheat and oatmeal,
  • wheat, millet and rice,
  • millet and corn.

The ratio of cereals is selected based on individual preferences.

Important: modern nutritionists agree that cereals from a mixture are much more useful than monokashi.

Useful properties of the most popular cereals: oatmeal, corn wheat
Useful properties of the most popular cereals: oatmeal, corn wheat

How to cook the most delicious porridge "friendship", as in kindergarten: recipe, ratio of cereals and milk

A collection of technological standards, recipes for dishes and culinary products for DOW offers the following recipe for cooking porridge.

Ingredients for one portion weighing +/- 205 g:

  • rice round -grained - 15 g,
  • polished millet - 10 g,
  • milk - 102 g,
  • water - 70 g,
  • sugar - 5 g,
  • salt - to taste,
  • butter - 5 g.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Rinse each of the cereals in a large amount of cold water. Ideally, after washing, the water should remain perfectly clean.
  2. Furned additionally scald with boiling water. This will help remove the light bitterness, which appears in cereals due to long storage.
  3. Bell each of the cereals separately. Millet is cooked for 15 minutes, rice - up to half -consumption.
  4. After cooking, drain the excess fluid and combine the cereals. Pour milk, add salt and sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat. After boiling, reduce the fire and cook the porridge until the liquid is absorbed by almost 50%.
  5. After that, put the container with porridge in a steam bath and bring it to readiness. The finished porridge is moderately spreading, homogeneous consistency, white.
  6. Before serving, the porridge is cooled to a temperature of 65 ° C and butter is added.
Beneficial properties of millet cereal
Beneficial properties of millet cereal

How to properly cook the porridge "friendship" crumbly, viscous, liquid?

Important: given the requirements of the technological map of the collection (see above), it must be taken into account that the porridge of “friendship” should be more liquid than crumbly.

For those who love another consistency of porridge, the table below shows the ratio of cereals and liquids for the preparation of cereals of different densities.

Group, 100 g Fully column, g Sugar number, g Sum of salt, g Number of finished porridge, g


a) crumbly

b) viscous.


a) 150,

b) 320.


a) -

b) -


a) 2,

b) 4.


a) 210,

b) 400.


a) viscous,

b) liquid.


a) 270,

b) 420.


a) 10-11,

b) 15.


a) 3-4,

b) 5.


a) 350,

b) 500.


a) crumbly,

b) viscous,

c) liquid.


a) 220,

b) 370,

c) 470.


a) -

b) 13-14,

c) 16-17.


a) 3,

b) 4-5.

c) 5-6.


a) 300,

b) 450,

c) 550.


a) viscous,

b) liquid.


a) 320,

b) 370.


a) 12,

b) 13-14.


a) 4,

b) 4-5.


a) 400,

b) 450.


a) crumbly,

b) viscous


a) 240,

b) 370.


a) -

b) 13-14.


a) 3,

b) 4-5.


a) 300,

b) 450.


a) crumbly,

b) viscous,

c) liquid.


a) 180,

b) 320,

c) 420.


a) -

b) 12,

c) 15.


a) 2-3,

b) 4,

at 5.


a) 250,

b) 400,

c) 500.


a) crumbly,

b) viscous,

c) liquid.


a) 180,

b) 320,

c) 420.


a) -

b) 12,

c) 15.


a) 2-3,

b) 4,

at 5.


a) 250,

b) 400,

c) 500.


a) crumbly,

b) viscous,

c) liquid.


a) 210,

b) 370,

c) 520.


a) -

b) 135,

c) 180.


a) 3,

b) 4-5,

at 6.


a) 280,

b) 450,

c) 600.

How to cook “friendship” porridge in milk with pumpkin in a slow cooker: recipe, ratio of cereals and milk

An example of serving porridge
An example of serving porridge "Friendship" with pieces of kuragi


  • crouped rice - 100 g (3/5 of multi -glass),
  • grinded millet - 60 g (2/5 of multi -stopan),
  • milk - 330 ml (2 multistakan),
  • water - 330 ml (2 multi -stacked),
  • sugar-45-50 g (1.5 tbsp. L.),
  • salt - to taste,
  • butter-35-40 g,
  • pumpkin (coarsely grated) –90-100 g (1 multistakan).

Stages of cooking:

  1. Rinse each of the cereals in a large amount of cold water. Ideally, after washing, the water should remain perfectly clean.
  2. Furned additionally scald with boiling water. This will help remove the light bitterness, which appears in cereals due to long storage.
  3. Lubricate the bowl with butter.
  4. Place cereals, pumpkin, salt, sugar in the bowl. Pour water and milk.
  5. Cook in "Milk porridge" mode. Cooking time 35-40 minutes. After the sound signal, you can eat immediately, or you can leave it in heating mode for another 30-60 minutes.
  6. Before serving, cool the porridge to a temperature of 65 ° C and add butter.

Porridge "Friendship" in a pot in the oven: recipe, ratio of cereals and milk

Example of serving porridge
Example of serving porridge "Friendship" in a pot


  • rice is round -grained - 100 g,
  • polished millet - 100 g,
  • milk - 300 ml,
  • water - 300 ml,
  • sugar-45-50 g,
  • salt - to taste,
  • butter-35-40 g.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Rinse each of the cereals in a large amount of cold water. Ideally, after washing, the water should remain perfectly clean.
  2. Furned additionally scald with boiling water. This will help remove the light bitterness, which appears in cereals due to long storage.
  3. Place cereals in a pot suitable in volume. Add salt, sugar. Pour milk and water.
  4. Put a pot in a cold oven. Set the temperature regime +/- 200 ° C. Cooking time is 60 minutes.

Porridge "Friendship": recipe on water without milk on a stove

Information about the beneficial properties of lentils
Information about the beneficial properties of lentils


  • rice is a round -grained or buckwheat nucleus - 180 g,
  • brown lentil - 90 g,
  • water - 600 ml,
  • salt - to taste,
  • butter or vegetable oil-35-40 g.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Cereal and lentils, each separately, rinse with cold water.
  2. Pour lentils with water, bring to a boil. Reduce the fire to medium and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Add buckwheat to lentils, salt. Boil. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Cook until cooked: the liquid should be completely absorbed in cereal. At the end of cooking, add oil to the porridge.

Important: this recipe is basic. To porridge you can add fried onions, carrots, mushrooms, etc.

How to properly cook the porridge "friendship" with buckwheat and rice: proportions, recipe

For a mixed side dish, “friendship” with buckwheat and rice, cereals are taken at the rate of 1 part of buckwheat and 1 part rice.

The amount of fluid depends on what kind of porridge you love:

  • scattered - 210 ml per 100 g of cereals,
  • viscous - 370 ml per 100 g of cereals,
  • liquid - 520 ml per 100 g of cereals.

Salt is added to taste.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Cereals, each separately, rinse with cold water.
  2. Put buckwheat and rice in boiling water. Salt. Wait for a re -boiling fluid. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Cook until cooked. At the end of cooking, add oil to the porridge (optional).

How to properly cook the porridge "Friendship" with corn: proportions, recipe

An example of feeding corn-eared porridge
An example of feeding corn-eared porridge

To prepare mixed porridge with millet and corn cereal, take 1 part of corn cereal and 1 part of the millet.

Depending on what kind of thickness you like, add the liquid:
• for crumbly - 180 ml per 100 g of cereals,
• for viscous - 320 ml per 100 g of cereals,
• For liquid - 420 ml per 100 g of cereals.

Salt is added to taste.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Cereals, each separately, rinse with cold water.
  2. Furned additionally scald with boiling water. This will help remove the light bitterness, which appears in cereals due to long storage.
  3. Put cereals in boiling water. Salt. Wait for a re -boiling fluid. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Cook until cooked. At the end of cooking, add oil to the porridge (optional).

Porridge "Friendship" in bags "How to cook?

As a rule, detailed instructions for cooking porridge in bags are indicated on the package.

If the packaging is lost, use the following instructions:

Instructions "How to cook" friendship "in bags"

Porridge Friendship: Calorie content

For readers who monitor the energy value of the products consumed, the calorie content of the Porridge “Friendship” will be interesting.

Calorie content of porridge
Calorie content of porridge "Friendship"

Video: delicious porridge ‘friendship’ from super-tuks ‘forest nut’

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Comments K. article

  1. Good article, thanks.

  2. But you should not abuse semolina porridge, because It contains a large amount of gluten and removes calcium from the body ...

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