Candide - Instructions for use

Candide - Instructions for use

Candide is a drug with an antifungal effect of external use from a group of Imidazole derivatives. It is successfully used both for the treatment of adults and in pediatric practice.

This tool is used in the treatment of such diseases as: candidiasis of external genitals, skin and anus.

Candide of the form of release

This medicine is available in the form:

  • Vaginal tablets (Candid-B6 is written on the package). The active substance of these pills is Clotrimazole. They are used to treat women's thrush.
  • Solution (1%). It is used for antiseptic vaginal treatment before childbirth, as well as in the treatment of genital infections.
  • Powder (1%). It is used to process the affected skin and nasal mucosa. It can be used as a baby powder.
  • Gel (2%). It is used in the treatment of vaginal infections.
  • Cream (1%). It is used for the treatment of thrush, erytrages and lichens.

The recent suspensions and injections that have appeared under the brand of this drug have nothing to do with it. Also in illegal Internet apages, you can find such drugs as K. Plus, K.-2, K.-D, K.-5. All of them are fakes or drugs that want to “cover up” a well -known remedy.

Vaginal tablets Candid-B6

The tablet form of this drug is presented in the form of standard pills
The tablet form of this drug is presented in the form of standard pills

With the symbols “V6” engraved on one side, and on one “g”. Active substance is Clotrimazole.

Dosage: 1 tablet every day. The course of treatment is 6 days. A repeated course can be assigned after consulting with a gynecologist. For cleaning and disinfecting the birth canal, a single introduction of a tablet is used.

Candide solution (1%)

The liquid form of this drug is represented by a 1%colorless solution. In one milliliter of this product, 10 mg of Clotrimazole.

Candide powder (1%)

Antifungal powder derivative of the imidazole. Changes the structure of pathogenic organisms and leads to their death.

To get rid of fungal infection, it is necessary to apply a powder 2-3 times a day for a affected place.

Candide gel (2%)

The drug in the form of white gel is used to treat vaginal infections. Active substance is Clotrimazole. In one gram of gel 10 mg of active substance.

Dosage: an applicator filled with gel (5 g) is inserted into the vagina daily in the evening before bedtime. Headquarters: 6 days.

Candid-B cream (1%)

The ointment that is used to combat the fungus and inflammations of various nature.
The ointment that is used to combat the fungus and inflammations of various nature.

Dosage: applied to a clean and dried affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin 2-3 times a day. Course: before the disappearance of eczematous symptoms.

Candide indications for use

All forms of drugs are used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Candidiasis of the skin
  • Candidiasis vulvit
  • Stomatitis
  • Trichophytosis
  • Mycosis of nails
  • Epidermophytius
  • Candidate candidiasis
  • Candidiasis of paronichia
  • Erytrazm
  • Intodallic fungal erosion
  • Multi -colored lichen
  • Dermatophytosis of the legs, body and face.
  • Multi -colored lichen
  • Microsporia
  • Dermatomycosis
  • Fungal film dermatitis

In addition, this drug is used to sanctify the birth canal.

Candide dosage

This medicine in the form of gel and ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucosa 2-3 times a day.
This medicine in the form of gel and ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucosa 2-3 times a day.
  • Before this, it is necessary to pre -remove pollution and moisture from the skin. Only after such preliminary procedures can this drug be used in the form of ointment and gel
  • As for the solution, it is used after exactly the same preliminary procedures. Therapy with a liquid form candidate passes longer than treatment with ointment (2-4 weeks). It is better to use it in skin covered with hair
  • For the treatment of genital infections, candida in the form of a cream is used. The dosage for one procedure is one full application (about 5 g). He is introduced into the vagina before bedtime. Course: six days

Important: you can achieve a positive effect from the Candide cream only if both partners use it at the same time.

  • Vaginal tablets have the same effect. With a single introduction of such tablets, their dosage is 5 mg. But, the greatest effect can be achieved when input 200 mg within three days
  • If treatment has not given the desired effect, the course can be repeated
  • Before childbirth, with the help of candida tablets, the birth canal are reorganized. To do this, use 500 mg.
  • In order to get rid of thrush and other fungal infections, one local application is not enough
  • It is necessary to restore the microflora of the genitals. To do this, use tampons or candles with lactobacilli. In addition, it is necessary to restore the body's immunity with vitamins A, E and ascorbic acid

Candide to children

Children's thrush is quite common.
Children's thrush is quite common.
  • If the mucous membranes in the mouth are covered with a white coating, then children's candida is indicated for the treatment of this ailment. The active substance of this drug is able to fight molds, Candida, dermatophytes and various harmful bacteria
  • The oral cavity with thrush is treated with a 1 percent solution of this product. To do this, apply a few drops of the solution to the cotton stick and treat it with the affected mucous membranes in the oral cavity. This procedure must be carried out 2-3 times a day after the child has eating

Important: Candide is a local drug. Unlike some analogues, it does not absorb into the skin and does not enter the bloodstream.

  • To combat fungal lesions of the skin on the body, a solution, powder and ointment of candida are used on the body. Such a drug treats the location of the fungus. In such places you can notice swelling, redness of the skin and white plaque

Processing of the affected places is carried out 2-3 times a day within 3-7 days.

Side effects

During the local use of this drug, itching and irritation may appear.
During the local use of this drug, itching and irritation may appear.
  • Such side effects do not require additional treatment and, as a rule, pass on their own
  • When treating with this drug, burning and itching may appear. With allergic reactions to the active substance of such a tool, swelling of the mucosa and the discharge from the vagina may appear
  • Headaches, discomfort during intercourse and rapid urination are also side effects in the treatment of candida


  • This drug cannot be taken with sensitivity to its components. First of all, to the active substance - Clotrimazole
  • You can not take candid in the first trimester of pregnancy and during menstruation
  • With caution, you need to take this drug when breastfeeding

Candide overdose

  • Data on serious consequences and a threat to life when taking the drug is no more permissible
  • In case of accidental overdose, nausea and impaired liver function may appear. In rare cases - hallucinations and allergic rashes on the skin
  • Relieve symptoms of an overdose with activated coal

Candide or Clotrimazole

Both drugs have the same composition.
Both drugs have the same composition.

The only difference is the price. Candide is several times more expensive than Clotrimazole.


"Oronazole." A product in the form of tablets for the treatment of fungal infections. It is used in the treatment of multi -colored depriving of dermatomycosis, candidiasis and mycosis. It is produced by Vidal.

  • Dosage: 200-400 mg/day per appointment. Course: + week after the disappearance of symptoms

"Diflazole." Antimicrobial agent in the form of gelatin capsules. It is used to treat candidiasis of the mucous membranes, bran -shaped lichen and deep endemic mycoses.

  • Dosage: Course: 400 mg/day. Course: 6-8 days

"Vokadin." Antiseptic drug with bactericidal and antiviral effects. Available in the form of a solution, ointment and candles. Active substance: Povidon-iodine.

  • Dosage: Course: 2 candles/day. Course: 1-2 weeks

Candide: tips and reviews

Treatment of thrush
Treatment of thrush

Irina. I often get colds. The body gives all his strength to fight them. Immunity weakens that it pours out in the thrush. I tried many means. The greatest effect was achieved with the help of "candidate" in the form of a gel.

Olga. There was a thrush. I went to the doctor. He appointed Candide or Clotrimazole to me to choose from. She took Candide, but then he was not in the pharmacy and Klotrimazole was advised me. I did not find differences. Now, as soon as I feel itching, I immediately run to the pharmacy for Clotrimazole.

Video: Candide a solution for local use for candida stomatitis (thrush) from 0+ years

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