Which deodorant to choose? The benefits and harm of deodorant

Which deodorant to choose? The benefits and harm of deodorant
Features of application for men, women, children. Their composition and effect on health.
  • Sweat for a person of any age is just as normal as living, moving, eating
  • Sweat performs a protective function for our body from overheating and simultaneously removes excess moisture and salt
  • He does not have a smell if a person is healthy. It appears as a result of contact with the skin, where the mass of bacteria live, and due to diseases that occur within the body
  • However, the issue of eliminating unpleasant aroma has long arisen
  • People invented and applied different ways to eliminate or neutralize it with other aromas. I think the most effective was a deodorant that we use in our time
Let's talk more about its useful and not very qualities and properties.

What is a deodorant for?

Open ball deodorant
open ball deodorant
Deodorant is needed for several points:
  • refreshing effect
  • giving a pleasant aroma to our body
  • non -violation of the natural process of sweating and the normal functioning of the glands
  • inhibition of the growth of the number of bacteria on the skin subject to moisture
However, if the deodorant has elements that reduce sweat and block its smell, then it is called an antiperspirant.

Are deodorants harmful?

The girl applies a deodorant under the mouse
the girl applies a deodorant under the mouse
  • Since this is a product of chemical origin, it has a harmful effect on your body. Of course, not immediately, but after a time when a critical amount of its constituent elements is accumulated in the body
  • Think for yourself - you apply a deodorant or antiperspirant on the skin subject to hair removal. So here the absorption process is faster
  • To understand it, conduct an experiment - rub the sole or heel of the leg after a scrub with a clove of garlic. In a few minutes you will feel his taste in the tongue
Therefore, it is important to consciously approach the question of whether to use a deodorant/antiperspirant every day.
What is the danger to our body on the regular use of deodorizing agents from the smell of sweat?
  • aluminum and its salts destroy the production of the hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the beauty of hair and skin, optimistic mood and youth. This metal also provokes the development of Alzheimer's disease, cancer tumors. The chances of the formation of tumors of lymphotic nodes, inflammation of the hair follicles increase
  • parabens are chemical preservatives to increase the shelf life of a cosmetic product. Modern scientists have discovered their presence in the tissues of malignant tumors under the armpits and in the chest area
  • the risk of breast cancer increases
  • the work of muscle tissues, including the heart, is violated
  • triclosan stops the propagation process of not only harmful bacteria in the area under the armpits, but also useful ones. Thereby it violates the protective functions of our body

At what age can you use a deodorant?

The teenage girl is concerned about her appearance
the teenage girl is concerned about her appearance
  • It is permissible to start using a deodorant from the moment of hormonal restructuring of the body during puberty
  • Nowadays, many parents notice that their children are developing earlier and faster. Therefore, they should be accustomed to the regular use of deodorants from almost the first classes of the school
  • Remembering the dangers of the components of these tools, give preference in choosing a deodorant for a teenager from natural elements. These are extracts and extracts of plants, kvassets
And also take into account the type of skin of the child:
  • the deodorant of the powder, or talcs, are suitable for sensitive
  • for dry - cream
  • for normal - spray or roller

How to use deodorant, instruction

The girl applies a deodorant
the girl applies a deodorant
Deodorants are our saviors from the unpleasant smell of sweat, especially in the hot season. However, they should be correctly used so that their effect is stable and delights us. How to do it?
  • always apply deodorant only to clean dry skin after a shower/bath
  • remove the hair under the armpits to reduce the amount of sweat and bacteria that give it the smell
  • if you have irritations or scratches on your skin, refrain from using alcohol -based deodorants. Process them with moisturizing and healing means
  • avoid mixing the smells of deodorant and spirits. Better apply the first without aroma or both means of the same series
  • at the end of the day, be sure to wash off the deodorant
  • before going to the bath/sauna, refuse to apply a deodorant. Under the influence of high temperatures and its chemical elements, the development of skin allergies is possible

Which deodorant is the best?

Confident girl with dry armpits
confident girl with dry armpits
To answer this question, the main evaluation criteria should be determined.
After looking at Runet ratings, you will see that they differ in several positions of brands. However, the authors of these ratings were focused mainly on:
  • mass demand of the product
  • its properties to eliminate the smell
  • human security
  • the duration of the fresh effect
  • natural components
  • ease of use
Among the list of deodorants who have passed selections, you will see FA, Nivea, Garnier, GAY, VISHI, Crystals, New Line, Tianda, Oriflame, Veleda, Dry-Dri and others.
Each person chooses for himself the best option according to individual criteria.
Definitely the best deodorant are:
  • regular water procedures
  • change of clothing
  • timely hair removal
  • ability to control your emotions
  • hard food addiction

Safe deodorants for pregnant women

Tummy of a pregnant woman
tummy of a pregnant woman
  • The period of pregnancy is a responsible and important time for both a woman and a baby. Everything that a woman eats and infuriates is reflected in the health of both. Even if advertising affirms the almost complete safety of goods
  • Choose for yourself only natural fabrics, products, cosmetics. So you get used to natural things in everyday life and teach the baby to them
  • Of course, pregnant women also sweat and experience a feeling of discomfort from this
  • For them, there are deodorants based on foreign companies based on natural components, as well as crystals from the mountains of the Earth.
  • The latter have an unlimited shelf life and serve for a very long time
  • The peculiarity of their use is to moistening the surface with water before applying to clean dry skin under mice

The third version of the deodorant for pregnant women is a tool prepared at home. For this you need:

  • butter that does not float at room temperature - 5 tbsp
  • corn starch - glass
  • any essential oil - a few drops
  • soda - half a glass
Add all dry ingredients and essential oil to the melted butter. Pour the resulting solution into an empty bottle with a lifting mechanism. Leave to harden for several hours. So the safest deodorant from natural components, you prepared for yourself.

The best deodorants for children

The girl chooses a deodorant
the girl chooses a deodorant
  • As we examined above, since puberty, our children need means that eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat. However, adults and those that are advertised in the media will not work for them
  • The reason is the content in such deodorants of zinc, aluminum, farnezola, triclosan, fragrances, silicones
  • They are too aggressive for young skin. Even Farnesole, which acts softer than triclosan, overdles the skin under the armpits and disrupts its protective function
Therefore, manufacturers of deodorants began to produce special lines of funds for adolescents. Their components are:
  • natural salts and stones
  • extracts of medicinal plants, such as sage, oak bark, mint
  • essential oils with antiseptic properties
  • natural components - clay, soda, starch
The most popular and convenient to use among adolescents are deodorants in the form:
  • cream
  • gel
  • styk
  • spray
By the way, the first two also have a softening skin, but they are more expensive in price.

Women's and men's deodorants, differences

Differences in the morning toilet in men and women
differences in the morning toilet in men and women
  • In terms of physiology and psychology, men and women differ from each other. As for hygiene and care for their body using various means, these differences are less
  • Advertising and manufacturers prove to us that deodorants, shampoos, shower gels, cream should be different in adult family members. Only, judging by the reviews and reviews in Runet, these are just marketing programs to stimulate sales
  • Globally, the difference between male and female deodorants is expressed in smells. For the first, they are more tart and saturated. Surprisingly, it is this moment that attracts beautiful ladies when choosing a deodorant for themselves
You can compare the compositions of deodorants for women and men and find that they are the same according to the main components.

Is the deodorant allergy possible?

Pure, dry and without irritation of a girl's armpits
pure, dry and without irritation of a girl's armpits
  • Since deodorants are chemical products, allergies to them are possible
  • If you have a sensitive or prone skin, then be more attentive to its reactions after using a deodorant
  • With severe itching, rashes, redness under the armpits, rinse it as soon as possible
Less common allergic reactions to the constituent elements of deodorant are:
  • runny nose
  • dyspnea
  • difficulty breathing
  • increase in tearfulness
If you have something like this, change the deodorant and consult a allergist for advice.

How to choose a deodorant: tips and reviews

The girl reads the composition of deodorant
the girl reads the composition of deodorant
  • Carefully study the composition of the deodorant before buying
  • Use antiperspirants rarely and only for the most important events, for example, a wedding, defense of a diploma, a serious report at work
  • Avoid alcohol -containing products if you have sensitive skin or there are irritations on it
  • Pay attention to the smell when choosing a deodorant. Apply a little on the wrist and smell it in a couple of minutes
  • If you are in an interesting position, choose only natural deodorants without smell. Or cook them for yourself
  • For a teenage child, choose deodorants with natural components. Consult him before buying on the topic - in what form it would be more convenient for him to use deodorant
  • If you liked a deodorant for men, buy it. Many women use them because of a more attractive smell for them
Vera, student
I began to use a deodorant from the age of 12. All the nuances and features of its application told me my mother told me. I never had allergies to deodorants, although they tried a lot of them, including male ones. At the most responsible moments, antiperspirants saved me, because the smell of my sweat would spoil my mood and reduce my successes in exams.
Irina Sergeevna, Mathematics teacher
My work is associated with daily communication with children, therefore it is unacceptable for me to “smell”. You understand, there are topics and students who make me sweat. This is where the deodorant comes to the rescue. I preferred the crystal, it is natural and safe for health. Although a couple of years ago I used ordinary store deodorants.

Video: harms and benefits of deodorants

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Comments K. article

  1. Girls! I recently heard some in the program that there are deodorants that we use daily are very harmful and almost causing cancer. I was terribly scared, but not using them it is completely impossible, then I don’t want to smell either! Especially if summer. No way without him. Who thinks what about this?

  2. Ordinary deodorants usually do not help me, especially in the summer. This is all because I have hyperhidrosis. I am saved only by pharmacy antiperspirants. I usually buy control. It’s a grip for a long time, it should not be used every day and at the same time the sweat does not flow in hail and even there is no smell. I advise you if anyone also has such problems as mine.

  3. Yes, with severe hyperhidrosis, ordinary deses are powerless. My husband is just very suffering from increased sweating. I take him at the Formagel pharmacy. The product is cool, “long -playing” - eliminates sweatiness and smell of sweat for at least a week.

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