What size of the cap to buy a newborn in the hospital?

What size of the cap to buy a newborn in the hospital?

When a young couple is expecting a child, he already begins to prepare for his birth in advance. And not only morally, but also financially. After all, various things and objects should be brought to the hospital, both for the woman in labor and for the baby. In this article we will talk about clothes, or rather about the headdress for the baby. We will learn how to choose the size of the cap to the newborn. If you approach the case with responsibility, then the memories of the birth of the baby will only remain positive.

To be superstitious, you should not buy things before the birth of a baby. Modern mothers and dads do not know such superstitions, but simply make purchases throughout pregnancy, so as not to leave this process for later. After all, for purchases you will need not small money. Better to prepare for the arrival of a new person in the family in advance. However, in order not to buy unnecessary things that may turn out to be a small newborn, their size should be taken into account. Further, we will talk about how suitable the size of the cap for the newborn.

A hat for a baby is one of the main elements of the wardrobe. Indeed, in the first years of life, thermal regulation in the baby also occurs through the head. That is why it is recommended to choose a cap maximally convenient and suitable in size. The question arises, how can this be done in advance before childbirth? It is interesting that this is quite possible to do on the third ultrasound, which is carried out before childbirth. It is enough to read the description of the picture, there are sizes not only of the body, but also the heads.

Capel size for a newborn

Before the birth of a baby, you will need to buy many things, which you can’t do without. Before the birth of a child, you need to buy all the necessary things. This is also included in caps. They come in different sewing and sewn, knit from different materials. But this is not the point. Choose a headdress not only according to these characteristics. You should also know the size of the cap for the newborn. It will be convenient for the baby if you guess with the size, then he will not be moody.

A cap to the baby

Caps are called the first hats of babies. They are sewn according to a certain pattern so that it is convenient for the child to wear it, and they do not fall from the small head of the newborn. The material for the headdress is chosen natural. The child is most comfortable in caps made of cotton, linen, bamboo materials. Thanks to such fabrics, the scalp of the crumbs breathes, the child does not sweat, does not freeze.

IMPORTANT: In addition to the useful characteristics of the carpet described above, this wardrobe item still protects the fontanel of the newborn. After all, it is open in babies up to a year. It is in the appearance of the fontanel in the baby that pediatricians can establish the state of health of the child, namely, whether the amount of water in the body is sufficient.

If the baby was born in the cold season of the year, then it should be noted that in addition to the cap, the baby will still need to put on his head and a warm hat. But the cap in this case is better to use from the bike. Try to avoid the use of clothes and hats from synthetics for the child. Otherwise, irritation may appear. Choose the correct size for clothes and hats. Too free caps will sit poorly on the child’s head, this will bring discomfort to the baby.

Baby in a cap without ties

When the child begins to move, twist his head, the cap can simply move out and cover the baby's face. This discomfort will spoil the mood of the baby, he will cry. Therefore, the ties on the hat should be sewn correctly, not interfere with the newborn, do not rub the skin, do not crush, and the size of the accessory should be selected as follows:

  • First of all, measure the size of the head. More precisely, a centimeter ribbon measure the circumference of the head, which passes along the forehead above the eyebrows, above the ears, on the back of the head. But these measurements can be installed after the birth of the crumbs.
  • If you only expect a boy or a girl, then this size, or rather a circumference of the head, you can install on the latest ultrasound, it will be written in the picture.

The size of the cap for the newborn - table

If you do not sew a hat yourself, then to buy it in the store you will need to figure it out in the dimensional grid of products. The size of the cap for the newborn is determined by the girth of the baby’s head and in height. See the table below:

The growth of the newborn Head circumference
48-56 36-38
57-58 40-42
59-71 44
72-77 46
78-80 48

Sometimes the dimensions do not converge in the tables. For example, the head of the head is 39 centimeters, not 40. In this case, you will need to round the number 39 to 40 centimeters. One centimeter of a big role does not play, but it is better to choose a cap for a centimeter more than less so that it is not small.

In stores you can find bids with sizes that are noted not by numbers, but by the Latin alphabet. These standards are used in China, Korea and other foreign manufacturers. Below, see the table, which means these Latin letters.

Head circumference The size of the caps
40, 42 - XXS
44, 46 - Xs
48, 50 - S.
50, 52 - M
54, 56 - L.
56, 58 - XL

The size of the children's cap for newborns boys, girls - differences, features

Moms and dads who have experience in raising children know that boys and girls can develop differently. Girls most often have smaller sizes of clothing and hats than boys. Even in children's clothing stores there are separation of things. Below is a table with dimensions for girls, boys. The size of the caps of the newborn can be selected according to it:

Age for months Circle of the head of the baby-boy (in cm) The circumference of the head of the child-girl (in cm)
0-2 about 34 About 32
3-5 about 42 About 40
6-8 about 44 Approximately 42
9-11 about 46 Approximately 44
12 About 50 About 48

Thanks to this data, it is easier to cope with the choice of capture for the crumbs. However, these data do not always coincide. In any case, the personal characteristics of the baby should be taken into account when you determine which cap is more suitable for the child.

What size to take the cap to the newborn in the hospital - tips

Buying things in advance for kids are usually not advised, and you can make a mistake with the size. But the cap is not such an expensive thing, so you can buy a couple of pieces of hats of different sizes, then you will certainly not be mistaken, what size the cap to take the newborn.

White knitted cap

You should also consider the quality of the product when you choose the product, then pay attention to the following characteristics of the cap for the newborn:

  1. Choose only natural material, no synthetics in the fibers should be present.
  2. Pay attention to the seams of the product. Children sew things with outer seams so that they do not rub with delicate skin.
  3. What color to choose is your business, but many advise you to take not very bright colors, muffled, such products, as a rule, do not melt better than better dyes.
  4. If the cap is used daily, then choose the product without frills, and so that all sorts of accessories are as few as possible.
  5. Give preference to fabrics with a simple structure in weaving, the remnants of milk or a saline of the baby will not accumulate there. Such fabrics are easier to wash.
  6. Consider and sewing the products. If the hat is with buttons, then pay attention to that this button does not crush the baby and rub the delicate skin.
  7. Look so that there are no all sorts of ties from behind, or fasteners, because they will interfere with the child. Babies sleep a lot, because these ties, fasteners will bring discomfort to the baby.
  8. Avoid all sorts of ruffles, embroideries that can crush or chop the skin of the child. Despite the fact that the product looks just wonderful, it can bring many inconvenience to the kids. Due to the large number of seams, ruffles, embroidery on the skin of the baby will remain dent or gratitude.
  9. Do not buy caps in places where people who are not responsible for the quality of their products are trading, cannot provide certificates for products. The product may not correspond to the dimensional grid and is sewn from low -quality material. Despite the fact that the price for it is not much and lower than at the proven points of trade in children's things.
  10. The product purchased in the store is not recommended to measure for the baby. At first it should be extended, and then ironed. The skin of babies are highly sensitive to allergens, bacteria, viruses, etc. After all, clothes are not sewn in sterile rooms - this is impossible to provide. It is made in simple sewing workshops.
  11. If you order caps online, also carefully approach the choice and compliance with sanitary-hygienic conditions. Upon receipt of products by mail or at any other point, check its quality, treat this with responsibility. In online stores, there should also be quality certificates, if this is not provided, then it is better not to cooperate with such implementers.

As you can see, it is not difficult to determine the size of the cap for babies, but you should also take into account the rules for choosing quality products. As a rule, in factory products, dimensional nets strictly correspond to the tables provided above. And therefore, you will not have problems with the choice of headgear. And the child’s health will be in full safety if you take into account all the tips and rules of the choice of products for children above. Both comfort and health, and the safety of the baby depend on your choice and solution.

Also here on the portal read articles on similar topics:

  1. How to sew a carp a baby?
  2. Knitting a cap and other clothes for babies crocheted.

Video: Dimensions of caps for newborns

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