What calcium is best taken to women and men after 50 years: recommendations of doctors, the best drugs

What calcium is best taken to women and men after 50 years: recommendations of doctors, the best drugs

List of the best calcium preparations for women and men after 50 years.

In order for a woman to feel good after menopause, calcium preparations are often prescribed. In this article we will talk about the best calcium preparations for women and men after 50 years. 

What calcium is better to drink after 50 years?

There is an opinion that calcium men do not need calcium after 50 years, because they do not have menopause, and the number of hormones does not change. However, studies show that the number of hormones in men with age also decreases, but not spasmodic as in women, but gradually.

At the same time, a decrease in testosterone in the blood also contributes to the development of osteoporosis and the deterioration of calcium absorption. Therefore, both men and women after 50 years, calcium is simply necessary. Drumming of healthy food, which contains a lot of calcium, such as dairy products, is not enough to make up for the deficiency of trace elements. That is why additional drugs are prescribed, as well as biological additives. 

Which calcium is better to drink after 50 years:

  • All doctors believe that not every calcium drug is able to absorb well enough. Many associate this with the fact that with age, both in men and in women, the acidity of the stomach decreases. Because of which, calcium does not completely dissolve in it, therefore it is not absorbed to the proper degree and measure.
  • Accordingly, in order for the medicine to be completely absorbed in the intestines, and to benefit, it is necessary to choose the most successful forms. It is believed that the best options are certain formulas and compounds.
  • However, in most cases, people acquire cheap options, such as calcium gluconate. The main disadvantage of this drug is that it can be absorbed in insufficient degree due to the absence of group D vitamins, as well as other trace elements in the nutrition.
  • Therefore, calcium gluconate, in order for it to be well absorbed, is best taken with trace elements, vitamins, as well as to take Vitamin D. Otherwise, you will waste money, since this option is not absorbed in the body.
Therapeutic pills
Therapeutic pills

Calcium for women after 50 years

The fact is that with osteoporosis in women, several other forms of drugs are prescribed than with a lack of calcium. An ideal option calcium for women after 50 years There will be drugs that contain not only calcium, but also zinc, but also magnesium. It is these trace elements that are involved in the formation of the bone, and prevents its fragility.

Please note that some sellers, in order to attract a large number of buyers, very often on packages with drugs write an organic version or contain organic calcium. What does this really mean? 

In most cases, organic calcium can be mined in two ways: 

  • From a shell 
  • From bones 

In the first version of the shells, mollusks are grinding into small flour and biological additives are made based on them. In the second version, the bones are dried, washed and ground on bone flour. It is believed that such organic calcium is best absorbed. In fact, you should not be very seduced at the sight of such advertising. Yes, indeed, organic calcium options are absorbed much better, but it may not be about the safety of speech.

Calcium preparations
Calcium preparations

Calcium after 50 years - how to drink organic or inorganic?

Some drugs of synthetic origin are much better than those made of organic products. This is due to the fact that a shell may not be obtained at all in environmentally friendly areas, and inert flour contains additional impurities, which are also not always useful for the body.

In order to choose the most successful drug, it is necessary to evaluate not only what is written on the package, first of all, pay attention to the concentration of clean calcium. The more it is, the better. 

Calcium after 50 years, which is better to drink:

  • One of the most affordable is calcium carbonate that can be found in any pharmacy. It is this compound of calcium that is contained in the eggshell and is often recommended by popular healers as a source of calcium.
  • Many generally advise insisting the shell on the water and taking it inside. It is believed that in this way most calcium enters the water, and is easier to absorb by the body. This is actually a myth, since calcium carbonate- this is The compound that is insoluble in water, so no calcium ions pass into the water when the egg shell insists.
  • However, despite this, calcium carbonate is perfectly dissolved in gastric juice in an acidic medium. In order to choose a good drug, it is necessary to improve its absorption in the body. To do this, very often, lemon juice drip on calcium carbonate tablets. Thus, it is believed that the process of splitting the connection begins before use, and the dissolution of the substance continues in the stomach. 
Calcium after 50
Calcium after 50

What calcium preparations are better absorbed?

Many patients have a question regarding the price of drugs, and what it should be. There is an opinion, the more expensive the drug, the better it is. However, as practice shows, this does not always correspond to reality.

What calcium preparations are better absorbed:

  • Famous companies take money for their name and prestige, so you can often purchase the drug much cheaper, but no worse. Some women and men after 50 years make mistakes and acquire simply multivitamin complexes.
  • It is worth remembering that in these vitamin complexes there is not enough calcium to smooth out its lack of osteoporosis and problems with bones. Therefore, taking vitamin complexes will not cure osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. 
  • How much should calcium take? It is necessary to conduct treatment with courses in the sequence in which the doctor prescribed. Most often, calcium preparations are taken for several months, after which a break is made in 2 or 4 weeks. After that, taking the drug resumes. Please note that an overdose is as dangerous as a lack of substance. After all, excess calcium can be depressed in the kidney area, forming stones. 
Calcium preparations
Calcium preparations

How and how much to take calcium for men after 50 years?

How to take calcium? The method of use depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But there are certain rules that are recommended to adhere.

How to drink calcium for men after 50 years:

  • It is best to take drugs after 7 pm, as trace elements with bones are washed out mainly at night. Therefore, taking the drug in the evening will slow down this process and improve the condition.
  • In addition, it is advisable to divide the daily dose into several parts to take in several approaches and stages. After that, you can resort to some tricks. As indicated above, calcium preparations are perfectly absorbed and dissolved in the stomach if the gastric juice is quite active.
  • However, with age, the acidity decreases, respectively, and the absorption of drugs may worsen. Therefore, if you know that there is a decrease in acidity or lack of secretion of gastric juice, it is best to drink the medicine with some sour juice.
  • An ideal option would be orange or lemon juice. It is advisable to take calcium preparations during meals, so the element is best absorbed, and get more benefit from taking drugs.
Calcium preparations
Calcium preparations

Inexpensive and best calcium preparations for the elderly

Remember that taking alcohol, coffee also worsens calcium absorption and sometimes the use of drugs can be useless. Therefore, try to combine and refuse for the period of treatment for alcohol, as well as coffee drinks.

Below is a list of the best calcium preparations for men and women after 50 years: 

  • Vitrum osteomag. It contains calcium carbonate, as well as vitamin D. In addition, the composition contains magnesium, zinc, manganese, boron. In total, there are 30 tablets in the package, which will be enough for a whole month of admission. The drug is considered combined and is taken for osteoporosis, as well as for prevention. Ideal for older people of any gender. 
  •   Calcemin. This is one of the most affordable drugs, since the price for 30 tablets is not at all high, and can afford any resident of our country. However, calcium is much less in Vitrum. But at the same time, the drug contains vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, boron. The composition is somewhat worse than the Vitrum osteomag due to the lower elementary calcium content. 
  • Calcemin Advance. It also contains trace elements, vitamin D, as well as citrate, calcium carbonate. Contained as part of 500 mg of elementary calcium. The price for 30 tablets is also low. 
Food with calcium
Food with calcium

The best calcium preparations after 50 years

If you treat antibiotics of a tetracycline group, it is necessary to increase the concentration. Since they are poorly combined with calcium. Warn your doctor, he will give recommendations on what time and in what doses are best taken calcium, and how you can combine with other drugs that you take. 

List of the best calcium preparations after 50 years:

  • Calcium D3 Nicomed. This drug is almost the same as the previous ones, however, it contains 500 milligrams and there is a vitamin D. The main drawback is that there are no other trace elements, which is necessary for elderly patients. 
  • Calcium Sandoz Forte. The composition contains 500 milligrams of elementary calcium. The drug is presented in the form of sparkling tablets, which facilitates their intake. The main advantage is that this calcium is very quickly dissolved in the stomach and is almost completely absorbed. However, it is worth noting the disadvantages, since there is no vitamin D and additional trace elements, minerals. Therefore, they will have to introduce them additionally. 
  • Calciumlactate. The drug is one of the cheapest, however, and the mostlow -dosed. One tablet contains only 65 mg of elementary calcium. Therefore, despite the low cost, you will have to increase the dosage and take several tablets at once to make up for the deficit. 
The benefits of calcium
The benefits of calcium

Video: Calcium after 50 years

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Comments K. article

  1. As practice shows, the emphasis should be made on what is easier to absorb, and concentration is a secondary thing. Calcium Helat from Evalar approached me, this is the simplest form of assimilation. Other options did not like.

  2. I would not just drank calcium, the gynecologist complex Ledis Formula, strengthening bone tissue recommended, is much better in composition and digestibility. In parallel, the laidis formula of menopause, I take an enhanced formula, consisting of plant components, vitamins and minerals, all that we need during this period.

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