What female, male middle name will be in children if Father Bogdan will be: how correctly what does it mean?

What female, male middle name will be in children if Father Bogdan will be: how correctly what does it mean?

What will be the patronymic of the baby on behalf of Father Bogdan? If you want to know the answer to this question, then read the article.

Bogdan - a fairly strong (energy -plane) Slavic name, often used in Ukraine (along with Taras). However, it also occurs in many citizens of our country.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "What kind of patronymic will children have if Father Arseny?". You will learn how to correctly write how it is to write.

That is why the question arises: how to write a middle name from this name: Bogdanovna or Bagdanovna? It is worth remembering that the root of the name Bogdan is God. Therefore, the right option for writing can be considered the use of the letter "about". There is also a female name Bogdan - But it is rarely used, and mainly in Ukraine. From this article you will learn, if a father named Bogdan, what kind of female and male middle name will be. Read further.

If the father named Bogdan, what will be the female patronymic?


Name "Bogdan" very spiritualized and means "Given by God". Often so called long -awaited boys. In the case of the daughter of a father by name Bogdan, her patronymic will have a letter on the first syllable “O” - “Bogdanovna”.

Examples of female patronymic:

  • Oksana Bogdanovna She was proud that she was born with such a middle name.
  • Vika has always been shy about her middle name ( Bogdanovna), so she asked her to call her Borisovna.
  • At one time, Irina had many problems with the embassy due to the fact that at first her middle name was written through "A" (Bagdanovna) instead of "O" (Bogdanovna).
  • Bogdanovna - not Bogdanovna, and something divine in you is definitely.

Below is a male version of such a middle name. Read further.

Male middle name on behalf of Bogdan?

If in the case of her daughter, the middle name will be pronounced and written as "Bogdanovna", then in the case of male middle name on behalf of Bogdan, the ending is changing (for male —Ich). It turns out, Bogdanovich. Suppose, let's Timur Bogdanovich, Pavel Bogdanovich, Konstantin Bogdanovich. Of course, in the case of the name Bogdan and patronymic BogdanovichIt is very important that they sound beautifully and combine among themselves. For example, among young parents, the names Milan, Marseille and other “foreign” words are unlikely to approach the typically Ukrainian name Bogdan.

Here are examples of a beautiful combination:

  • Alexander Bogdanovich I tried to prove to everyone that his middle name should be written and stressed correctly - Bogdanovich, but not Bogdanovich. But office workers often made mistakes.
  • What is the middle name of your child? Bogdanovich. Although Bogdanov Little enough, in our family they grow Bogdanovich and Bogdanovna.
  • Peter Bogdanovich He considered himself a native Petersburger, as he lived in this city for many years.

Let's take a spelling below how to write correctly. Read further.

How to write Bogdanovich or Baghdanovich, Bogdanovna or Bagdanovna?

Write Bogdanovich correctly
Write Bogdanovich correctly

The spelling of the name is considered generally accepted and correct Bogdan and its derivatives (including patronymics) with the letter "about" On the first syllable. That's why Bogdanovichi can not be Baghdanovichi. It is easy to remember, if you proceed from the meaning of the name. Bogdan - Man, given God (not a "bug"), which is why his children will be Bogdanovichs and Bogdanovna. Stress is possible like on the letter "A" (Bogdanovich)and on the letter "about" (Bogdanovich). However, an option Bogdanovich It is often used on the territory of the former CIS as a surname.

For example:

  • If you need a good dentist, I recommend Elena Bogdanovna (middle name).
  • Pyotr Bogdanovich was a famous trumpeter (surname).
  • Victor Bogdanovich - Do you think it sounds harmoniously or not?
  • It seems to me that Tamara Bogdanovna is not the best combination of the name and patronymic. What do you think?

Want to know what this middle name means? Read further.

 What does the middle name mean?  

The name Bogdan means "Gift of God", "granted by God", and, therefore, and "Long -awaited", "parental hope". The children of Bogdan are quite stubborn, emotionally stable. They rarely come to the forefront, but at the same time, and are not lost in the crowd. Bogdanovichihardworking - however, they prefer not to be managers, but by performers. Also, such people can be bold, ideological and real masters of their craft. They may be perfectly given accurate sciences. However, this does not mean that Bogdanovichi They cannot be people of art.

Video: The meaning of the name Bogdan - Karma, character and fate

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