What effect does trime on the body of patients have? Trimedat: how to take before or after eating: the form of release of tablets, readings for use, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

What effect does trime on the body of patients have? Trimedat: how to take before or after eating: the form of release of tablets, readings for use, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

There are many drugs from such unpleasant symptoms as bloating, belching, vomiting, abdominal pain. Consider one of them in detail. We will find out how the trimedat acts on the gastrointestinal tract, and how to drink it, before meals or after.

This drug can regulate the intensity of intestinal motility, other digestive organs. They use a trivigate to eliminate the symptoms of various gastrointestinal diseases, in particular, vomiting, flatulence, pain in the abdominal, diarrhea and constipation.

The dosage form is produced in a tablet form, and can have two items: Valentine's trimedate or just a trimed. Next, in detail, we will study the instructions for the drug and find out how to be treated properly by pills.

What is the effect of a trimed on the body of patients: the form of release of tablets

As already mentioned, there are different names of the drug, but in essence there are no differences in the tablets, just the medicine is produced by various pharmaceutical companies and the word Valentine is used to unique the name. This is done with the aim of obtaining documentation by factories for the further design of the trademark by the manufacturer.

Pill may have 100 or 200 milligrams of the active substance. The shape of the tablets is flat -cylindrical, the color is white. The drug is attributed to the group of drugs that take part in the regulation of motor functions of the esophagus. The active acting component serves - trimbutin Maleat. The substance is able to influence the peristalsis of the esophagus, normalizes the sphincter, effectively acts on the work of the large intestine, and helps the removal of feces.

The effect of the Trimedate consists in the equation of the esophagus and movement forces in all areas of the intestine. Thanks to this, the movement of the food lump with the required speed occurs. Food does not delay in different parts of the esophagus, and, moreover, it does not quickly move around the entire site. Which leads to the normal functioning of the organ, and in the future all symptomatic reactions that are associated with various pathologies are eliminated. In particular, these are such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, colic, pain in the peritoneum.

Tablets - Trimedat
Tablets - Trimedat

IMPORTANT: Therapeutic influence of the product is reduced only to eliminating the symptomatic manifestation of various ailments. Therefore, it must be used in combination with other drug forms. It is undesirable to engage in self -medication. Before using pills, you need a mandatory consultation of a specialist who will establish a correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment scheme.

Trimedat: how to take before or after eating - indications for use

Before you start drinking pills, you should study the means of receiving the product and other data from the instructions. This medicine serves to eliminate the following symptoms:

  • Elimination of obstruction (paralytic), which sometimes occurs after surgery.
  • Reducing the syndrome of irritable esophagus, if it is manifested by pain, intestinal spasms, diarrhea or vice versa - constipation, unpleasant sensation of bursting in the peritoneum.
  • Reducing the manifestations of reflux gastroesophageal disease, dyspeptic signs of gastrointestinal tract disorders, which can occur with intestinal motility defects.
  • Getting rid of such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, vomiting, both in adults and in children.
  • These pills are also prescribed by medical specialists in preparing for various types of endoscopic, radiological examinations of internal organs (esophagus, stomach).
Features of the impact of the Trimedate
Features of the impact of the Trimedate

IMPORTANT: There are many means of this category, because each patient needs to select a certain drug, taking into account the individual state of health. In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the stomach and intestines, before taking the drug, you need to carefully study the instructions, including contraindications, so as not to aggravate your condition.

Trimmedat - instruction

In order for the pills to act correctly on the body and contribute to the rapid recovery of the patient, take the drug exactly with the instructions. Typically, tablets swallow, washed down with liquid (enough - water cups). Tablets are used three times a day for 100 or 200 milligrams. This dosage is recommended for adults and children over twelve years. It is enough for children to eat 50 milligrams three times a day to eleven. Bigs from three to five need 25 milligrams three times a day.

The treatment course is determined individually. For example, with manifestations of an irritated esophagus syndrome, a four -week course of taking the product is enough. For preventive purposes, tablets of one hundred milligrams per day are used for about three months. In diseases of the digestive organs (in particular: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, GERB, gastritis, ulcers), the drug is used until the symptoms disappear or for two to three months. After which it was necessary to take a break for about three months.

The effect of the pills does not appear immediately, the patient feels relief only after two -week use. If a person has acute symptoms in the form of nausea, belching, vomiting, intestinal colic, then it is recommended to use the product according to the instructions in therapeutic dosages and short courses. They stop drinking tablets when the symptoms completely pass. Sometimes the use of tablets in the maximum doses reduces the manifestations of diseases to naught during the three -day period.

For preparatory measures for endoscopic procedures or X -ray studies, the pills are drunk in an amount of 100 milligrams twice a day or on the recommendation of a doctor. After surgical interventions, trimeds are also drunk according to the recommendations of medical specialists, usually for adults, the dosage is 100 or 200 milligrams three times a day, until a symptom of paralytic postoperative obstruction goes away. This term can vary within four to six weeks.

How to use the drug?
How to use the drug?
How to drink the drug before meals or after?

Many drugs are taken regardless of food intake, their effect is effective in any case. It is better to use trimedat before eating, both children and adults. Doctors recommend drinking pills 15-20 minutes before the meal, so the product will be more effective. In the event that if you can’t drink the tablet on time, it is allowed to eat it after eating in twenty to thirty minutes.

This scheme is effective for planned use of the drug. If the symptoms (pain in the peritoneum, cramps of the esophagus, colic) occurred suddenly, then you should not wait for twenty to thirty minutes after eating, you need to use the product immediately to facilitate unpleasant manifestations. And the dosage is determined according to the instructions for both adults and for children.

Contraindications of the drug

The dosage form has several contraindications for use. And when prescribing it to patients, they should take into account them, otherwise the patient’s condition can only worsen.
  1. They do not prescribe pills for babies who have not been three years old. This is also applicable for a children's drug with small dosages of the active substance.
  2. Table 200 milligrams cannot be consumed by children under 12 years of age.
  3. It is not recommended to use tablets to people who have allergenic reactions to any component of the drug.
  4. The dosage form is contraindicated in pregnant women on a small amount of up to fourteen weeks of pregnancy.
  5. You can not drink trimedat to patients with a lack of lactose or lactose intolerance, with glucose-galactose malabsorption.

It is impossible to exceed the dosage of the drug so that there are no side effects.

Reviews about Tremidate

If you study the opinions of patients who have already used the drug, you can find many positive responses. They indicate the positive dynamics of the drug in eliminating the symptoms of different gastrointestinal ailments and primarily pathologies associated with intestinal diseases.

Reviews about the trimedrat
Reviews about the trimedrat

In these diseases, the product does not act immediately, but after a certain period of time.

Pavel, 34 years old

I always have this tool in the first -aid kit. We use it for disorders of the stomach, intestines, when the stomach, constipation, bloating hurts. It works effectively, the work of the esophagus is quickly established. In a child, when colic, we also give tablets, on the recommendation of a doctor. After the first trick of the Trimedate, it becomes noticeably easier.

Christina, 33 years old:

After surgery on the stomach, unpleasant sensations were observed in the esophagus, pain, bloating, etc. The doctor prescribed to take a trimed. I noticed significant improvements a few days after receiving the fund. Thanks to this, I quickly got better. Now I always keep the drug in a first -aid kit and sometimes drink it for prevention or drink to eliminate unpleasant symptoms that sometimes I have after overeating.

Stas, 26 years old:

When my child fell ill with pancreatitis, a doctor in combination with other drugs prescribed a trivial due to the fact that the child had a feeling of bloating, pain, vomiting, etc. After taking it, the child became noticeably easier, probably a complex of drugs also affected the condition of his son positively. Still treated with these pills constipation in a child, the drug showed its effectiveness on the second day. Good remedy, I advise.

You and the specialist must decide or not take this medicinal form. In any case, someone can have not only positive effects from the use of the drug, but also negative, due to intolerance or other factors of exposure to the patient’s body systems. The opinions of doctors are reduced to the fact that Trimedat was widespread due to universality, a positive effect during treatment, price, good tolerance of the drug even in young children.

Video: Tables how to take before or after eating

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