How the word "on foot" is spelled correctly. Verification word, analysis of the word, an example of sentences.
When writing the word " on foot" Difficulties may arise. It is quite easy to make a mistake in the first syllable, because when pronouncing it is clearly heard: “P andshkom ".
In order to doubt, you should choose a test word, according to the pronunciation of which it will become clear which vowel to write.
For "walk" the word "foot" is verification, with vowel "E" fundamentally.
The one -rooted words for "on foot": "Foot", "foot".
Analysis of the word "on foot": « pesh" - root," " com" - suffix.
Suggestions with the word "on foot":
- The children went to school on foot.
- Having parked the car, Andrei went to visit.
- We walked several kilometers on foot.