What patronymic will be on behalf of Nikita male for a boy and female for a girl? The names are female and male, suitable for patronymic Nikitich and Nikitic: List

What patronymic will be on behalf of Nikita male for a boy and female for a girl? The names are female and male, suitable for patronymic Nikitich and Nikitic: List

The article refers to how the middle name sounds to the name of Nikita correctly. What names of boys and girls will be combined with them.

Parents, before giving the child a name, always think. After all, with this name their child live all their lives. In addition, it is part of the essence, affects the processes taking place in fate. The name has an impact on human actions and even forms certain character traits.

In particular, Nikita translated from the ancient Greek - the winner, is suitable for certain personalities who were born in the constellation Taurus, Virgin, Gemini and Libra. But choosing a name to a person is an important thing, no less primary - to take care of how the middle name of his children will sound in the future.

How does the girl’s female patronymic sound on behalf of Father Nikita correctly?

If the girl was called Dad Nikita, then her middle name will sound correctly - Nikitic. At first glance, it is a little old-fashioned and sounds in the industrial. However, the correctly selected name of the girl will be successfully combined with such a patronymic.

Many people mistakenly think that it is right Nikitovich or Nikitievich. Such statements do not comply with any rules of the Russian language. It is enough to recall the hero of the Russian epics - Dobrynya Nikitich.

By the way, they believe that young people who have the name Nikita are very reverent to their relatives, love children, parents, family, hardworking. Even despite the fact that they can not settle disputes at all, they do not bend under someone else's opinion. It is difficult for those women who have leadership features of character with such a man.

How does it sound: Nikitovich or Nikitich?
How does it sound: Nikitovna or Nikitic?

How does the boy’s male patronymic sound on behalf of Father Nikita correctly?

The right middle name of the boy on behalf of Nikita will be Nikitich.

Part of the Name of Nikita is also transmitted to the boy with a patronymic. In the future, such a baby will grow stubborn, strong, healthy, achieve his goals. No wonder Nikita is a winner.

Of course, a lot directly depends on the chosen name of the child. If you call the baby Alexander, then his middle name will sound Nikitich. These two names are perfectly associated not only by sound, but also in characterization.

As already mentioned, the middle name of Nikitovich, Nikitievich is not used in Russian, although in colloquial speech sometimes these words can be often heard. Therefore, when they give you a child’s birth certificate, carefully check if it is filled correctly. Otherwise, in the future, errors will have to be corrected.

The patronymic of the child is nickidist
The middle name of the child is Nikitich

Male names suitable for patronymic Nikitich: List

The impact of the name on the character, the fate of a person has repeatedly been proven on examples. Observation ancestors in ancient times amounted to general features for a particular name or another that can be traced in Tesko. Also, the word called a person has an influence:

  • For self -realization, development of personality in society
  • For family well -being, personal inclinations and even health
  • On the harmony of fate, the formation of character, achievement of heights in a career
  • For emotional development, intelligence

For the middle name, Nikitich is good for the names:

  1. Sergey, Evgeny, Mikhail
  2. Alexey, Stanislav
  3. Yaromir, Svetozar, Svyatoslav
  4. Ilya, Afanasy, Andrey
  5. Miroslav, Timofey, Pavel
  6. Peter, Roman, Matvey
  7. Ivan, Savely, Victor
  8. Maxim, Oleg, Dmitry

Female names suitable for patronymic is Nikitic: List

When a girl is born, it is important to give her a name so that it is not only beautiful, but also has become harmonious with a surname and patronymic.

For the middle name, the following names will be consonant:

  1. Daria, Anna, Maria
  2. Arina, Katerina, Alena
  3. Alina, Sofia, Darina
  4. Vasilisa, Marina, Zinaida
  5. Elizabeth, Victoria, Olga
  6. Diana, Julia, Kira
  7. Milana, Valeria, Polina

It can be very difficult to choose the right name to the baby, especially since parents rarely think the same way. Everyone has different tastes, preferences. However, to argue, to be categorical and quarrel for young mothers and dads. Better do the following:

  • each on a piece of paper, choose several options for the names for the crumbs so that they sound good with the surname, patronymic
  • change these lists, maybe you will immediately have a common name of the name you like
  • if not, then do not rush to immediately discuss the written when it passes for several days, only then you can come to a common consensus.

Video: Choosing a name for a child in patronymic

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