What vitamins to drink for bones, cartilage, joints and ligaments? Vitamins for joints and bones in a pharmacy: Names, List. Joints for the elderly

What vitamins to drink for bones, cartilage, joints and ligaments? Vitamins for joints and bones in a pharmacy: Names, List. Joints for the elderly

A list of vitamins for the joints of athletes and the elderly.

In order to impede the development of serious ailments of the joints, it is necessary that the body be constantly protected by useful minerals and trace elements, as well as vitamins. In this article, we will tell you which drugs should be taken in order to avoid diseases of the joints, ligaments and muscles.

What vitamins to drink for bones, cartilage, joints and ligaments?

First of all, the body, as well as the musculoskeletal system, requires calcium. It is this trace element that strengthens the bones, prevents their fragility. In addition, it contributes to the growth of nails, as well as hair. But the fact is that this trace element is very easily washed out of the body and is difficult to absorb. About 80% of total calcium leaves the body with the urine. This is due to the fact that in the body there are not enough other trace elements, vitamins, to absorb it.

In order for him to learn, the presence of vitamins D3, as well as K, and E., respectively, is necessary for this, a balanced diet is necessary for this. But there are certain groups of people who are not able to eat as necessary for the body. This mainly applies to athletes and bodybuilders who monitor their weight and do not seek to gain fat mass. Accordingly, for such categories of the population, as well as for those who suffer from joint diseases, special vitamins and mineral complexes for bones, joints, muscles and ligaments have been created. It is worth noting that other substances are accepted to strengthen bone tissue and obstacles to fractures than those that are necessary for ligaments and muscles.

Vitamins for the joints
Vitamins for the joints

Vitamins for joints and bones in a pharmacy: Names, list

I present a list of the most effective bones:

  1. Complivitis. This drug is prescribed mainly for those who have some specific fractures or arthrosis of the joints. This vitamin complex helps to restore bone tissue, and also makes the bones more elastic, flexible. Effective for those who suffer from osteoporosis and a lack of calcium in the body.

  2. Collagen ultra. This drug is prescribed for ligaments, muscles, as well as cartilage tissue. It restores cartilaginous meniscuses, and also promotes the regeneration of tissues of the musculoskeletal system. It is made of animal bones, respectively, the use of gelatin is the alternative to this treatment. How to deal with joint diseases with gelatin, you can find here. This is a great replacement for expensive drugs and vitamins, which contain gelatin.

    Collagen ultra
    Collagen ultra
  3. Orthomol Arthro Plus. This drug is mainly prescribed for people who do not have enough calcium in the body and bones become very brittle. The drug restores calcium balance. Basically, calcium is in the composition, as well as vitamin D3, in order for it to be absorbed. This significantly reduces the likelihood of fractures, bruises in adulthood.

    Orthomol Arthro Plus.
  4. Antioxycaps. It is prescribed mainly after serious injuries, fractures, to restore bone tissue after an accident and fragmentation. The composition contains a wide list of vitamins, as well as microelements and minerals, directly to restore bone tissue and rapid fusion of bones.

  5. Calcemin Advance - This drug contains calcium, as well as vitamin D3, which contributes to the absorption of a trace element. The fact is that this is almost a complete analogue of calcium D3 Nicomed. It is mainly prescribed just after fractures and women after 50 years, for the prevention of osteoporosis. Please note that such drugs can cause constipation. Accordingly, during the use of such vitamin additives, you need to eat properly, as well as increase the amount of fiber, vegetables and fruits in your diet.

    Calcemin Advance
    Calcemin Advance

Joints for the joints for the elderly and athletes

Please note that only vitamins and minerals are not enough to restore bone tissue. It is necessary to balance the nutrition, as well as perform physiotherapy exercises, which is aimed at rapid recovery and restoration after any injuries. It is also worth noting that the joints of the joints and problems with them contribute to just overweight. Accordingly, it will have to be reduced. Because it is on the knee and hip joint that the entire load is carried out, if the person is thick, and its body weight is above the norm.

We will have to balance food, refuse fatty foods and smoked meats, as well as high -calorie, carbohydrate foods. Replace some products with protein, and also choose a large amount of fiber and plant foods. It is of low calorie content, contains a small amount of carbohydrates, while helping to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, and helps to reduce weight.


Please note that it is best to take chondroprotectors to athletes. Because it is they who restore the joints that impede their damage. At the same time, people of the elderly need completely different substances that are no longer produced in the body.

Because of this, calcium, as well as some minerals are not absorbed. Accordingly, bones and joints suffer first. They are characterized by increased brittleness. For the elderly, several drugs have been developed that help introduce all the necessary substances for joints and bones into the body.

Among them are the following:

  • Doppelgerz Sensation
  • Fish fat
  • Omega 3 vitamins
  • Attro artilo attro plus
Sick joints
Sick joints

For athletes, they recommend:

  • Chondroitin and glucosamine. These drugs interfere with the occurrence of crunch during heavy physical exertion. In addition, the joints are restored, prevent their lesions and damage.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids are useful to athletes, we also recommend drugs containing sulfur to restore muscles and ligaments.

For the prevention of joints, we recommend that you eat properly and take vitamin preparations during the off -season.

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  1. I take calcium reeds from Evalar+a simple multivitamin complex with calcium courses. This is quite enough ... In any case, I never even experienced on myself what fractures are, but this is an occasion for pride)

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