What products are well and poorly digested and excreted by the body, or not digested at all: a list, assimilation time, a table of digesting products. What food is digested faster: cold or hot?

What products are well and poorly digested and excreted by the body, or not digested at all: a list, assimilation time, a table of digesting products. What food is digested faster: cold or hot?

In order to know how well the products are digested, study our material.

Due to the fact that every day we eat various foods, our body is enriched with useful substances, vitamins and other nutrition elements. However, few people think that different products have different food value, are absorbed in different times and have different effects on our body and the work of internal organs.

In order for our body to receive the maximum amount of nutrients from products, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility, the time for which they are digested.

What products are digested and excreted well and badly, or not digested at all: the time of assimilation, a table of digesting products

As already mentioned earlier different products are digested and excreted from the body for a different time. It is worth noting immediately that there are many factors that affect this process and for the time for which this process occurs.

Among the main ones, one can highlight:

  • The state of human health and its digestive system.
  • Food intake mode.
  • The number and quality of food.
  • Method of cooking.
  • The temperature of the food consumed.
  • Compatibility of eaten food.
It is forbidden
At night
Not for the night

In general, such food categories are distinguished based on the time of its digestion:

  • Fasted food. This category most often includes carbohydrate food, for example, most fruits, juices from them, also vegetable juices, some berries.
  • Food that is absorbed in the average time. This includes dairy products with the exception of solid cheese and cottage cheese, almost all vegetables, dried fruits and pre -soaked nuts.
  • Food that is absorbed for a long time. This category includes cereals, cereals, no previously soaked nuts, hard cheese and cottage cheese, as well as almost all fatty foods, and fatty foods in combination with protein.
  • Food that is absorbed for too long or practically not absorbed by our body. This category includes tea, coffee with milk, cream, meat products, pasta and canned food.

Regarding what products are digested by our body well or bad, the following must be said - with proper preparation and consumption, almost any food will be digested and absorbed well.

So, let's look at what time various fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat products, seafood and cereals are quickly or slowly digested.(Below is the time of stay and assimilation of food in the stomach):

  • Pure water - Drinking on an empty stomach water does not linger in the stomach and immediately enters the intestines.
  • Juices from fruits and vegetables, including pulp, as well as broths from vegetables are absorbed in about 20-30 minutes.
  • Fresh fruits are in our stomach for about 20-40 minutes.
  • Dried fruits Digested for about 2-3 hours.
  • Vegetable salads Of fresh vegetables, on average, they are absorbed for half an hour.
  • Welded, stewed or steamed vegetables will linger in the stomach a little longer-40-50 minutes.
  • Groupsas well as beans and legumes are absorbed for about 1.5-2.5 hours.
  • Pre-not processed seeds and nuts will be digested by our stomach for about 2.5-3 hours.
  • Loof milk products On average, they are in the stomach for 1.5 hours., Bold-2-5 hours.
  • Meat It is digested for 1-5 hours.
  • Fish Depending on the type and fat content, it is digested by the stomach in 30-60 minutes.
  • Eggs On average, they are absorbed in 30-50 minutes.

You can look at the more accurate assimilation time of different products in the table below:

In time
In time
Meat and milk
Meat and milk
Long -term time
Long -term time

How much products are digested: a list of easily digestible and hard -to -use products

Based on the above table and information that is indicated there, we can conclude that all products are divided into easily digestible and difficult to digest.

Easily digestible products include:

All fruits and vegetables, if they are used in reasonable quantities. Data products are digested Our body is easier and faster than any others, the fiber contributes to this, which contains:

  • Apricots.
  • Citrus.
  • Banans.
  • Plums.
  • Strawberry.
  • Cherries, cherries.
  • Cherry plum.
  • Watermelon.
  • Melon.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Different types of cabbage.
  • Greenery.
  • Also relatively easily, our body absorbs cereals, porridge, especially boiled rice.
  • Chicken meat and low -fat fish, for example, boiled fillet, pollen, steamed, are easy to digest.
  • It should be noted the fact that vegetables treated in a certain way, for example, steamed, grill, baked are absorbed much faster than fresh ones.
  • The same can be said about fish, chicken meat. Poultry meat is better absorbed if it is steamed or just boiled, the fish is steamed.

The list of difficult to digest products consists of such food:

  • First of all, difficult to digest food can be called the one that consists mainly of fats. This Pork, beef meat, lard, smoked meats.
  • Our body also does not absorb well sweets, especially poor -quality, like chocolate lipsticks.
  • Any fast food And another “street” food is also poorly digested by the stomach.
  • Although legumes You cannot call poor food for our body, they are absorbed quite difficult. At the same time, it is important to note the fact that excessive consumption can provoke problems in the digestive tract, for example, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

What food is digested faster: cold or hot?

It may seem to someone that the temperature of the food consumed does not in any way affect the time for which it will be absorbed and digested, however, this is not so. Therefore, it is important to know which food is digested faster - cold or hot?

  • Cold food, falling into our stomach, is digested much faster than hot or warm. At the same time, the body spends much more of its energy on the assimilation of such food than warm. However, experts do not see anything good in the use of cold food, since in our stomach proteins simply do not have time to digest and go to the intestines in this form, thereby provoking fermentation in it and, as a result, bloating, discomfort, etc.
  • An interesting fact can be voiced and regarding cold water. Experts strongly do not recommend drinking cold drinks and water, since their use will significantly inhibit the process of digesting food.
  • Based on the foregoing, it could be assumed that it is more useful and better to use hot food and hot drinksHowever, such an opinion is also erroneous. Scientists, relying on a number of experiments and research, argue that the use of too hot food and drinks provokes the development of various ailments of the digestive system.
  • Do not experiment with combining cold and hot food, Since the effect will be obtained as with the intake of cold food, and even this can lead to extra kilograms.
  • Given all the above, we can say that our stomach and the entire digestive system is more pleasant and useful to get warm food.

No less interesting and pressing issues are questions about what products are digested longer - meat or vegetables, as well as what food is digested the longest?

  • Based on the information that was described above, it is quite easy to understand that vegetables, even raw, are digested much faster than meat. And accordingly, our body is much less vegetables than meat products.
  • Well and our body absorbs fatty foods for the longest, including fat pork, lard, hard fat cheese, chocolate and ice cream.

Combination of products: recommendations and tips for good digestion

In order for our body to extract maximum beneficial substances from food, we need to reasonably approach its preparation and use. It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of products.


Here are a few simple tips that will help you combine food correctly and not harm your digestive system:

  • Do not combine food, which digested For different times. For example, potato It is absorbed by the body in 1-2 hours. However, having eaten it with fried pork, you will stretch this process for 2-3 hours. And make the gastrointestrate work extra few hours.
  • Do not get carried away salads, flavored with vegetable oil. Getting into the stomach, the oil envelops food, makes it difficult to digest it, which violates the work of the stomach.
  • Do not drink during and immediately after eating. This recommendation is explained quite simply. By adding excess fluid to the stomach at a time when there is food in it, you dilute the gastric juice and thereby slow down the digestive process. As a result, the digestive tract receives an additional load.
  • Adhere to the rules that we have been taught since childhood - chew the food thoroughly. It is much easier for our stomach to digest well crushed foodrather than poorly chewed pieces.
  • Eat warm, not cold and not hot food. The same goes for drinks.

As you can see, different products are digested Our body is completely different. This moment must be taken into account by making a power plan and menu for yourself.

Video: a combination of products

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Comments K. article

  1. The list of difficult to digest products consists of such food:

    First of all, difficult to digest food can be called the one that consists mainly of fats. This is pork, beef meat, lard, smoked meats.
    Also, our body poorly assimilates sweets, especially poor -quality, like chocolate lipsticks.
    Any fast food and other “street” food is also poorly digested by the stomach.

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