A bump on the forehead of a child: the causes of the appearance, what concomitant symptoms should alert parents, which doctor to contact, a memo for parents for the prevention of head injuries in children, infants. How to remove the bump on the head of the child after the blow: first aid, folk remedies

A bump on the forehead of a child: the causes of the appearance, what concomitant symptoms should alert parents, which doctor to contact, a memo for parents for the prevention of head injuries in children, infants. How to remove the bump on the head of the child after the blow: first aid, folk remedies

In this article, we will consider the causes of a cone on the forehead of a child. And also give recommendations on what to do in case of a hit and how to avoid such incidents.

Small children are quite active in nature and are constantly in motion. And no matter how carefully the parents watched their child, it is still not always possible to do without incident. Kids can fill a bump or bruise just getting up, leaning or running with friends. What can I say, situations sometimes just go beyond the possible. Therefore, we propose to consider first aid and further care of the bump, as well as give recommendations when it is worth contacting the hospital immediately.

Possible causes of cones on the forehead in a child

Parents react very acutely to all damage to their babies. After all, when it hurts the child, parents hurt even more. In any cases with injuries, bruises, bruises of the child, you need to remain calm. So that you can soberly assess the situation and provide proper assistance if necessary. Since there are not always cases when a doctor is mandatory.

If you find the swelling of the forehead into your child, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the edematous part of the body. After all, a bump that does not always arise on the forehead can be a consequence of a blow. To this end, we bring to your attention all the main aspects of this neoplasm.

  • The most common cause of the appearance of the cone on the forehead is a blow or fall. But, unfortunately, these are not all the reasons. Sometimes a bump can have a different nature of education.
  • It can act as a kind of innate structure of the skull. The very cause of the bulge is not treated. The bump can manifest itself and completely disappear with age.
  • Or be an allergic reaction of the body to cosmetics. For example, on shampoo, soap, cream or lotion. Symptoms can take place after termination of the use of funds. In case of repeated rash, we advise you to contact specialists.

Important: a small recommendation - do not clutter up the children's body with various chemistry from the inside for smooth skin and silky hair. They still do not need it!

  • Sometimes the formed wen may be the reason. The main root of its appearance is the clogging of the sebaceous glands on the skin. Such manifestations may not bother a person and disappear over time.
  • But there are times when the bump increases in size and changes color. Do not postpone an appeal to the hospital, thanks to modern medicine, you can quickly cure this problem. And even prevent the formation of deplorable consequences.
  • Rarely in childhood, but acne becomes the reason for the formation of cones on the forehead. The cones of such a plan develop from ordinary eel into a red swollen bump. This is due to the ingress of infection into the clogged pores of the skin. More often this problem is already bothering adolescents.
Most often, cones arise as a result of falling or impact
Most often, cones arise as a result of falling or impact
  • Supervision of the previous injury cannot be excluded from this list. There are times when the injury was not completely treated, and after a while it again makes itself felt, but already in the form of a cone. Such types are treated with surgically, or with the help of medical remedies. But in no case do not self -medicate!
  • Atheromers, which is associated with the problem of the patency of the sebaceous glands, is a little consonant with two of the above causes. The glands are also clogged, and due to the penetration of bacteria, the place may swell. A person can independently squeeze out purulent inflammation, but, preferably, they will turn to the hospital so as not to bring the infection.
  • Fibrioma or benign education On the forehead is also expressed in the form of a cone. Treatment is established only in medical institutions.
  • A benign formation, which consists of condensed adipose tissue - lipoma. Another type of cones, which requires examining a doctor.
  • A bump on the forehead of blood vessels of a benign nature - hemangioma. Another education that is subject only to treatment by a doctor.
  • Hormonal disorders, As a result of which a liquid can get under the skin or salt will also lead to the appearance of a cone on the forehead or other parts of the body. During treatment, a priority test of the thyroid gland is carried out.
  • The bump can occur as a result of the appearance of a cyst of the sebaceous gland. Or there may be a consequence of increased sebaceous of the skin or improper care of the child. That is, it is a blockage of the skin of the skin gland.
  • And completes the list of disturbed metabolism. Guly is a derivative of excess substances, which was not eliminated on time by the body.
But injury is not always the reason, sometimes this indicates serious disorders in the body
But injury is not always the reason, sometimes this indicates serious disorders in the body

Concomitant symptoms of cones on the forehead of a child

If you find a bump on your forehead in your child, but did not follow the nature of the appearance, remember - an ordinary bump gradually passes in 2-5 days. If, unfortunately, you noticed the long -term nature of the neoplasm, you must visit the hospital with the child. Especially in cases where the child begins to complain about unpleasant feelings.

  • The signs that should cause the concern of the parents include:
    • the child turned pale;
    • lost consciousness;
    • prolonged pain in a damaged place for more than 20 minutes;
    • or the pain is increasing in nature;
    • headache, which is aching and long -term;
    • disorientation in space;
    • pain in the eyes;
    • extended pupils;
    • or different sizes of the pupils;
    • the appearance of strabismus;
    • bleeding anywhere for no reason;
    • nausea or even vomiting;
    • general weakness;
    • constant sleepy condition;
    • soreness when walking;
    • severity in the turn of the head;
    • the appearance of seizures;
    • blue lips;
    • the child cries for a long time;
    • highly damaged skin on the bump;
    • as well as constant anxiety, excessive excitability and constant crying of the baby.
  • The appearance of at least one of the above manifestations after the formation of a bump on the forehead requires an urgent visit to the doctor. Since the presence of these symptoms in aggregate or separately directly indicates the presence of a serious problem, without the identification and treatment of which serious complications may occur.
  • Only a specialist can establish the cause of the appearance of a cone on the forehead. Since, in case of need, the necessary manipulations will be carried out to improve well -being and eliminate the cause of the disease. Sometimes some tests and examinations may even need
  • There are cases when the bump on the forehead and the painful accompanying symptoms can not be detected immediately. They appear after some time, maybe even a day later. At the first detection of the first symptoms, see a doctor immediately, since a concussion in a child is not excluded. With poor health, do not leave him alone for a long time and constantly monitor health and behavior.
  • No one is safe from falls. It happens that an adult was full of a bump on his forehead. But adults, unlike children, can better explain their condition and understand painful well -being.
Observe the health of the baby, because children cannot always definitely formulate their condition
Observe the health of the baby, because children cannot always definitely formulate their condition

How to remove the bump on the forehead of the child: first aid

The child’s body is much weaker than that of older people. The soft fabric in the baby and his bones are quickly injured. In this case, blood vessels are often damaged. The consequence of the blow is a hematoma that we are used to calling a bump. For maximum elimination of sizes and manifestations itself, you need to provide first aid, the principles of which everyone has known since childhood.

  • We emphasize, if you react to the bump immediately, you can eliminate its manifestation or prevent further growth. If the child has just scored his forehead, we recommend that you such help methods:
    • attach something cold to the place of bruises. The compress from ice or frozen products (any that ended up in the freezer) is best suited. Be sure to apply a compress through a towel or dense fabric so as not to cause frostbite. If it is impossible to attach a frozen item, attach a regular tablespoon. The compress must be kept up to 20 minutes;
    • if the case occurred in nature, then moisten the fabric with cold water and apply to the place of the bruise. Remember, you can not water the child with cold water so as not to frostbite some areas of the body and not catch your child;
    • apply ointment of absorbable action if possible. The most popular creams and gels “Rescuer”, “Traumel” or “Troxevazin” are gels. By the way, gels have a large cooling effect, are absorbed faster and do not leave fat traces;
    • in no case do not panic or scream at the child. Indeed, during excitement and crying, the blood flow to the blow is accelerated, from which the bump on the forehead will only grow;
    • make an iodine grid on the bump;
    • use folk methods that we will consider a little lower.
  • Very often, parents do not immediately reveal the bump on the forehead. Moreover, kids can not always tell about the incident. In such cases, you can use heat, this will accelerate the ascent of the bruise.

Important: if the bump is formed with a wound and blood, then you need to disinfect the wound, without applying a cold compress.

First, attach a cold compress, be sure to use the fabric
First, attach a cold compress, be sure to use the fabric

Traditional medicine for the elimination and absorption of cones on the forehead of the child: recipes, tips

A fairly effective way to eliminate the cone on the forehead is traditional medicine. Moreover, such funds can be used as first aid and for further care for the bruise. We bring to your attention good recommendations for the treatment of cones by folk methods. By the way, it should be noted that every housewife always has the main part of the products at hand.

  • Potatoes perfectly help to remove the bump and bruise from the forehead. You can grind and wrap it in a light fabric, or you can also attach a cut potato to the place of bruises for half an hour.
  • Timyan leaves will also help to provide first aid. By the way, they perfectly accelerate the healing of the wound and the convergence of swollenness. It is necessary to attach to the place of bruise in fresh form. But you can also grind and even use the steamed leaves.
  • Plantain has the best absorbing effect. You can make a slurry or attach a whole sheet to the affected area. Just don't forget to fix it.
  • Another useful and affordable greenery is ordinary parsley. Grind it and freeze it in ice cubes. Yes, for first aid it should be pre -prepared. By the way, such ice with parsley produces a double effect: cools and treats.
  • Cabbage perfectly removes swelling, removes bruises and cones after a blow. It is enough to attach it to the damaged place for a while.
  • Salt and grated onions are sometimes a proven folk method. A compress is made in a ratio of 1: 1 and is laid out on a bump. Do not forget to wrap it first in a light fabric and make sure that the juice of the onion does not go into the baby's eyes.
  • The fastest and most affordable method is a banana peel. It is enough to attach it to the injured place for 10-15 minutes.
  • Also prepare laurel water at home. For 1 cup of water, 2-4 bay leaves are enough. Boil them for 5 minutes. After freezing in the form for ice.
Plantain not only heals wounds well, but also helps to absorb cones on the forehead
Plantain not only heals wounds well, but also helps to absorb cones on the forehead

Which doctor to treat the bump on the forehead of the child?

Remember, if common methods of treatment do not help, then you need to consult a doctor. The therapist always sends to the surgeon with similar issues. Sometimes it may also be necessary to conclude Laura and an allergist, as well as an oncologist. Medical treatment of cones on the forehead occurs in the following methods:

  • tests for identifying the causes of the disease are taken;
  • a surgical solution to the problem is possible;
  • use lotions, absorbing and wound healing ointments;
  • use an antiseptic;
  • can prescribe an antibiotic and immunostimulating drugs;
  • a comprehensive examination will be required.

Important: Remember, treatment methods depend on the cause of the appearance of the bump on the forehead and on the period during which you turned to the hospital. The faster you seek help, the better it is possible to prevent bad consequences.

With any alarming symptoms, show the child a surgeon or therapist
With any alarming symptoms, show the child a surgeon or therapist

Prevention of the formation of cones on the forehead in a child

Although the children are very restless, there are still methods for the prevention of the formation of cones on the forehead. Parents are recommended:

  • monitor the hygiene of the head and skin;
  • do not use independent methods of eliminating suspicious cones, so as not to bring the infection and not worsen the general condition of the child;
  • prepare the necessary medical tools or folk methods in advance so that they are always at hand;
  • do not allow an increase in wen;
  • do not delay the doctor when the symptoms described above occur;
  • it is necessary to explain to the children how to behave in order to avoid injury.

Parents of babies follow some rules

A bump on the forehead can occur in infants, so we offer some rules for preventing injury in children of this category. Parents should always not lose vigilance.

  • Do not leave the baby unattended. The child can turn and fall. It can be a sofa or a swaddling table, or even a stroller. Moreover, the baby may not be able to walk and crawl, but it can already turn on the barrel.
  • For an adult, the height of the sofa is small, but for a child it is very high. And such a fall carries a great danger. Therefore, if you have a need to get distracted somewhere, then be sure to see the security of the child.
  • During games with a child, you can not watch, the baby may fall and hit. Better put soft toys or pillows around the child.
  • During changing the diaper, always hold the baby with one hand. In a couple of seconds, the child can spin and hit even on the side of the player.
  • When walking, especially when the child only learns to walk, put on the baby's socks with special silicone stickers to prevent sliding on the floor. After all, slipping, the baby can fill his bump for even a nearby furniture.
Even small children who do not know how to walk can be injured by their heads
Even small children who do not know how to walk can be injured by their heads
  • While with a baby on the street, be sure to follow his safety. On the site of a small child, other children can easily be pushed or hit.
  • On the steps, be sure to hold tightly in the hands of the child and see so as not to stumble. If the baby wants to walk on his own, then carefully control his every step.
  • It is advisable to arrange all the furniture with sharp corners with something soft or protect with special overlays. Through such items in the house, children are most often injured by children.

These are general recommendations, but remember that having hit or stumbled, the baby can cause a great injury to himself. And it can be not only a bump on the forehead.

It happens that the parents did not see when the child, outside the field of their vision, caused a trauma to himself. Very often it is harmless cones. After all, the children are active. They can hit the playground or in a fight with each other, and to come to you with a bump on the forehead. In such cases, remember our recommendations for first aid. And pay special attention to the symptoms that should alert.

Video: What to do if a child has a bump on his forehead after a blow?

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