What are the reasons for the low speed of the Internet? What should be the speed of the Internet, how to check it yourself? How to increase the speed of the Internet on a computer, phone, via wi-fi, on Windows 7, 10? How to increase traffic speed: special programs, tips

What are the reasons for the low speed of the Internet? What should be the speed of the Internet, how to check it yourself? How to increase the speed of the Internet on a computer, phone, via wi-fi, on Windows 7, 10? How to increase traffic speed: special programs, tips

In this article, we will consider how to increase the speed of the Internet on a computer, phone and via wi-fi network. And also give some tips and the names of delicate programs, which will help maintain high speed of traffic.

When choosing an Internet provider for connecting the Internet at home or in the office, you must definitely pay attention to the quality of speed. Speaking more specifically, the Internet speed is equal to the number of outgoing and incoming information on your computer in one second, which is considered an hourly unit of speed measurement. The reasons for reducing speed can be different, which we will talk about next. And also tell you how to independently increase the speed of the Internet.

Causes of low Internet speed

Learning the tariff from the provider, we hear the maximum speed indicators that will be possible when connecting. For example, knowing the distance and speed of the car, we are roughly predicting the time of arrival, but force majeure often arises on the way, stops, detours of bad sections, etc. So the connection speed is rarely maximum. It decreases, given the extraneous facts, cable quality, network downloading and even weather conditions. Let's look at the main reasons for the speed reduction.

Important: in the information world, the unit of speed measurement is bit and a. Bit is the smallest measurement, already in one bait as many as 8 bits. If there is a prefix kilobyta, it is 1000 bits, megabytes are 10,000 bits, well, gigabyte is 1,000,000,000 bits. Programmers know that in fact it turns out a little more, thanks to the control bits. It looks something like this: not 8*1000 \u003d 8000 bits, but 8*1000 bits + 200 control bits \u003d 8200 bits. When determining the speed, we often hear the expression of MB/s - megabit per second.

  • Sometimes it happens that the Internet browser is old, is not updated or hanging. In this case, the speed can be excellent, and it will be impossible to work or just sit on the Internet. The problem is solved simply. Remove old browser And download the new Google Chrome, Opera or, at worst, Internet Explorer.
  • The allocated access strip may be busy. Moreover many open programs On a computer, which, in turn, transmit or download information on the network. For example, any Windows-renewal can be downloaded the same name, play music from the Internet and talk on Skype, and also connect the antivirus with a check. And then the speed will be lower than even the required indicator.
  • One of the reasons for the low speed of the Internet can be 100% loading processorand what is bad for connection and for the technique itself. You can check this by launching the task dispatcher using the Del, CTRL and Alt key combination. You will have the opportunity to see the boot percentage, and what exactly the processor is loaded. Simply speaking, the problem is not in the provider, but in the computer software.
The declared Internet speed of the Internet rarely reaches maximum indicators
The declared Internet speed of the Internet rarely reaches maximum indicators
  • Computer overheating It can adversely affect the speed of the Internet. This may occur as a result of high temperature in the room or with poor quality fan operation. Remember - the technique should be cooled, the room is ventilated, and the laptop cannot be placed on a bed or sofa.
  • There is a concept "Hardware restrictions". Here, the computer does not cope with large streams of information. The owners of netbooks and other models of computers with "lightweight" processors are faced with such a problem.
  • Block and overload the access channel can virusesWhich is infected with your computer. Viruses such as Trojan and Spam-Bot can change Windows settings, Internet settings, send spam and download files, overloading the processor. The computer is not safe from this option, even if an antivirus is installed. Therefore, do not forget to periodically update the antivirus itself and regularly check the computer.
  • A very common reason is banal fault on the line. That is, on the site between the device and the server itself. Moreover, such a problem may occur throughout the line, in an apartment or behind the house.
  • Loaded server Or setting speed restrictions on the site from which information is swinging can reduce speed.
  • And one more advice. The most banal reason is dust, or rather, its accumulation inside the computer. This can be checked by removing the cover from the device. If so, sprinkle and clean it, then compare the speed of the Internet.
Dust is the worst enemy of not only the speed of the Internet, but also the work of all technology
Dust is the worst enemy of not only the speed of the Internet, but also the work of all technology

What should be and how to find out the speed of the Internet on a computer, phone, through Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi is convenient and wireless access to the Internet. Not so long ago, wireless routers were novelty, but now it is an important part of life, work and even rest. The speed of such a connection can also be measured how to do it and what it happens, let's talk further.

Important: often a router and sets the speed of the Internet. Therefore, take into account its characteristics even when buying!

  • If we talk about the speed of the Internet, this is an indicator of the maximum possible speed in a second of time. The maximum indicators indicate the providers, The output is always reduced. Through Wi-Fi almost half. There are approved standards of such a connection: 802.11a; 802.11b; 802.11g; 802.11n.
  • The data transfer rate directly depends on the above standards. A few examples of how much the declared Wi-Fi speed from real indicators can differ:
    • 802.11a declared speed 54 MB \\ s, and real indicators only 24 MB \\ s;
    • 802.11b the declared speed of 54 MB \\ s, but the real indicators are only 20 MB \\ s;
    • 802.11g the declared speed as many as 150 MB \\ s, and real indicators are dropped up to 50 MB \\ s;
    • 802.11n the declared speed sounds very impressive - 300 MB \\ s, but real indicators will be up to 100 MB \\ s.
  • You cannot give accurate instructions, what speed should be. After all, it directly depends on your requirements on the Internet. For example, for social networks, only 1 MB/C speed will be enough. True, the workload of format pictures and videos is excluded.
  • To view small videos online, you will already need a speed of 10 MB/s. But for games it will take from 50 MB/s. Of course, it is already for overall games, and not for light online arcades.
  • We bring to your attention the simplest ways how to find out the speed of Wi-Fi connection. The first option is the following scheme. In the command line enter the word "Ping" You can still add "Test". Go to any site and start checking. By the way, it is not necessary to prescribe in English. The maximum and real speed data will be shown, as well as your IP address.
An example of checking Internet speeds through the Ping test
An example of checking Internet speeds through the Ping test
  • There are special programs that check the performance of the computer itself and the speed of the Internet. But you need to be confident in the safety of the site and the program itself.
  • Therefore, it is much more convenient and easier to use the services of online wi-fi connection. To do this, just prescribe the desired request in the search bar. The choice of sites is wide, just enter one of them and press the “Start test” or “start” button. The system will analyze the data and display the indicators on the screen. As you can see, nothing complicated.
  • By the way, do not forget to disable all the programs that can spend traffic. Each site will depict the necessary data in its own way. For example, some show the speed in a percentage, and others in the schedule, which even gives data for a certain period (below the photo is visible). But their general and most important advantage is the lack of cluttering a hard drive, because you do not need to download anything.
And this is what the Internet checks on another site look, by the way, the indicators are slightly different
And this is what the Internet checks on another site look, by the way, the indicators are slightly different

How to increase the speed of the Internet on a router?

If you need the Internet for simple surfing on sites or a little watching films, downloading pictures, then the question of increasing speed on the router occurs infrequently. But, when programs are more complex, for example, a torrent client, and data transfer barely reaches 20 MB \\ s, then this is already a problem. At such moments, you need to look for the opportunity to disperse speed to maximum indicators. It depends on the tariff, the model of the router and foreign factors, which we have already mentioned above.

  • The habit of saving sometimes does not bring benefits. The evidence visible to this is the purchase of an inexpensive router. For example, you bought D-Link, TP-Link models, or maybe DIR-615. Say right away, there is no need to wait for high indicators from such models.
  • The reason is simple - a lack of RAM, a processor with weak characteristics, chips of not better performance and low -power antennas. All this together adversely affects the final speed of data transmission.
  • Network maps work with the same principle. Good routers, with a qualitative level of signal receiving, are expensive. And from the options "cheaper" you can expect unpleasant surprises and low speeds.
  • Keep in mind that the information refers to stationary computers. The laptops are already built in a wi-fi adapter, and this fact must be taken into account when buying it. In other words, it will not be possible to shift the guilt for the low speed of the Internet only to the router.
  • A few tips on how to increase the speed on the router, we give a little lower. But before you use them, you need to update the firmware, adjusting to the latest version. In most cases, this is 50% success. Now let's move on to other options for increasing speed.
    • Transfer your device to the standard that most 802.11n support. Given the 2.4 MHz range, the standard is faster and better. To do this, go to the menu “The main parameters of the Wi-Fi device”, find the “wireless mode” and select the right one.
    • WEP and WPA/TKIP methods have long been outdated, they cannot be used. They not only slow down the wireless network, but also often break. We return to security settings again. The column "Network Authentification", install WPA2-PSK, select the algorithm-encryption WPA AES.
    • Using the standard 802.11n mode should be WMM. This will allow you to get Internet speed of 54 MB \\ C and above. Look again in the settings or turn on on the router itself.
    • Many models of routers have automatic channel width settings. Working at the standard 802.11n, the width should be 20 MHz if your 40 MHz settings change them forcibly.
  • When maximum speed indicators are set on the modem, and it is located near the computer, then, for example, on the system unit, indicators can decrease, and the Internet may disappear. It is better to reduce the power of this access point.
Internet speed directly depends on the number of users wi-fi
Internet speed directly depends on the number of users wi-fi

How to increase Internet speed on a computer?

Good Internet helps to solve many problems. In our information world, you do not need to leave home to buy clothes, sell goods, transfer funds or pay for bills. All these operations can be held online. Therefore, they make various braking or network problems nervous. There are several ways to increase the network speed on the computer.

  • Change of tariff plan. If the contract indicates the speed of the Internet, for example, 15 MB \\ s, then that it is not wise, it will not become higher. If the needs have increased, the tariff must be changed, raised to another level. Together with the speed, the fee increases, but these are justified expenses.
  • Do not open a lot of tabs at the same time, especially if the speed of your Internet is below 1 MB. The tabs can slow down, because they simultaneously load ads, videos, pictures and music.
  • Updates of everything and immediately fall under the taboo. Programs that require update can currently be disabled. So the communication channel will not be overloaded, and the network will work faster.
  • “Torrent” works and in full swing is the loading of series, music or entertainment applications. If you want the Internet to work faster, complete all the downloads in forced order.
  • Advertising is now everywhere. It is she who takes a lot of traffic, but it can be blocked. Antivirus KIS 2013 will help better known as Kaspersky Internet Security. In the settings, put the desired box and you will not show you so many unnecessary banners. Although this is only an example, now there are many advertising blockers. Check them only for viruses and download only on proven sources.
  • Turbo-mode another opportunity to increase speed. Suitable for quick surfing on the Internet, but not for downloading files, as this process will be slow.
Block advertising, it also affects the speed of the Internet
Block advertising, it also affects the speed of the Internet
  • Check the reliability of all connections, including wireless networks, if you get data via wi-fi. The location of the router matters. Put it higher and closer, and then check everything again.
  • Do not forget that the data transfer speed that Wi-Fi provides for you will be divided into all connected devices. You have nothing unnecessary, but a neighbor can use your network without any restriction. Install or change the access password. This will be a reliable protection and a good method of increasing speed.
  • Outdated computer And its components are the reason why the Internet cannot work at full speed. Here programs or provider are powerless. You need to change the device or update its complete set. You will have to buy a new processor, hard drive or RAM, which is very expensive. By the way, it also applies to the router!
  • The right decision may be a request for help from your provider. Experts will be able to go to the place and evaluate the scale of the "tragedy". Services can be paid if it is a replacement of a cable or damaged parts. But specify this information during a conversation with the representative of the company.
  • Sometimes it happens that the provider does not fulfill the terms of the contract, the connection is bad and the connection is poor -quality. You have the right to change the operator at any time. Before you, be sure to ask friends or read reviews about the quality of the services of other providers on the Internet.
Sometimes the providers themselves act as culprits of low speed
Sometimes the providers themselves act as culprits of low speed

How to increase the speed of traffic on the phone?

The phones of our time have opportunities that are not inferior to stationary computers and some laptop models. The Android operating system expands the boundaries of the possible, opening the world of applications with which you can learn, relax and work online.

  • Each smartphone has a functional set of applications from the manufacturer. And such programs as Play Market give a wide selection of additions of any nature. Of course, such a phone needs high -quality Internet connection, the speed of which is not always pleased. But there are several ways to increase it.
  • You many applications open in the background, which are not used often. But they use the capacity of the communication channel, and reduce the speed of the Internet. Close such applications, and speed will increase noticeably.
  • For the Android operating system, there are many applications for managing the data of a smartphone, for example, Opera Max. They will be able to optimize the work and reduce the use of data.
  • Remove those applications that you do not use. They not only reduce the speed of the Internet, but overload and fill the memory of the phone, which leads to the overload of the processor. As a result, the operation of the device itself is reduced. And this will affect the speed of traffic again, and may even cause a smartphone breakdown.
  • Block advertising, here it is enough too. To do this, look for special applications on Play Market. By the way, do not forget about antivirus and on the phone. Download also with caution and testing. And do not forget sometimes to “clean” the phone itself from accumulated information.
  • In the era of high -speed Internet and 4G, access to networks is not everywhere. In such cases, switch the phone to available Wi-Fi networks.
  • Internet accelerators may come in handy - specially designed applications. For example, Internet Booster and new products of SPED-UP-INTERNET.
On the phone you can also increase the speed of traffic
On the phone you can also increase the speed of traffic

How to speed up the Internet depending on the installed Windows?

Windows is the most popular operating system for laptops and computers. Some models of a smartphone also work on such software. Constant updates do not guarantee stable Internet throughput, speed can decrease for various reasons. You can increase it yourself. How to do this is considered below.

Internet acceleration on Windows 7

  • Regular testing on antivirus will not allow harmful programs to get on your computer, which can reduce the speed of the Internet by half.
  • Do not upload the access channels with unnecessary programs, close everything unnecessary at the moment.
  • Check the settings of the router if you use Wi-Fi, maybe the reason here. How to do this and how to improve the quality of his work we discussed above.
  • Windows 7 unlicensed program can be with defects. The settings failure affects the speed of the Internet.
  • The Windows 7 operating system leaves 1/5 part to ensure its own work and upload updates. You can change these settings and reduce the percentage.
  • Use the combination "Win + R". In the line that appears, enter "GPEDIT.MSC"then click "OK". Then select item from the menu t "Local and group policy editor"And open the folder "Administrative templates".
  • Next step - open the folder "Net" and opt for "Planner of QOS packages". And finally go to the menu "Limit the reserved capacity", select the item "Drop to zero" And put the checkplace in the cell turn on.
  • If there is no desire to enter the settings, then use “specially trained” programs. They optimize the settings of the smartphone and make its work more efficiently.
How to increase speed for windows 7
How to increase speed for windows 7

Are there any differences in speed for Windows 10?

This is a new and popular system. But she is also not safe from problems with the speed of the Internet. Let's try to increase it on our own.

  • Windows 10 default installations limit the data transfer speed by almost 20%. To increase the speed of the Internet, you need to change such settings on your own.
  • This can be done in the same method as in cases with the Windows 7 operating system, which we talked about above.
  • I exist speed restrictions in the programs. To speed up the Internet, you need to change the settings specifically for the programs themselves.
  • Using the task dispatcher, check which programs use the access channel for themselves. Use the keys "Ctrl+Alt+ESC". The processor tab will open. Choose "Net" And see the statistics.
  • Another opportunity is a turbo mode that is friends with all systems and browsers.

As you can see, it is not necessary to seek help from specialists. After all, you can use all of the listed points yourself, increasing the productivity of Windows 7 and 10, as well as the speed of the Internet.

Although Windows 10 is a relatively new system, the Internet speed settings do not differ from Windows 7
Although Windows 10 is a relatively new system, the Internet increase settings do not differ from Windows 7

How to increase Internet speed through special programs?

Humanity to love to simplify life. In order not to sort through the settings of a computer or router to increase the speed of the Internet for a long time, special programs can be used. And they have a very wide selection. Consider the robot of the most interesting programs with the ability to increase the speed of data.

  • Throttle - A program with which it is pleasant to work. A convenient interface and a fairly understandable menu. You are only choosing the necessary parameters, such as a modem, and, of course, the operating system. Indicate the type of connection. After pressing the GO button, the indicators will increase by 120% and even higher.
  • Program users Internet accelerator Several obvious advantages are distinguished: its ability to raise speed 2 times and even higher, a convenient interface and stylish design.
  • Program dSL-Speed Compatible with modems of the DSL model. This is a fairly independent program. It can easily set up maximum speed indicators, check your modem and even adjust its settings.
  • Program Befaster He knows how to create the appearance of active activity. In cases where you have to leave the computer, the provider can turn off inactive points. The program will not let this do. Another plus is a Russian -speaking menu, which is not in other programs.
  • Program Internet Cyclone Increases Internet speed to 200% by preventing the fragmentation of incoming data. The program is compatible with all types of modems. High -speed modems were no exception.

Of course, this is far from the entire list of existing programs. Manufacturers are not standing still, interfaces are updated, and opportunities are growing. View user reviews and choose a program that suits you according to the parameters and requirements.

There are many programs that help increase the speed of the Internet
There are many programs that help increase the speed of the Internet

How to increase the Internet speed yourself: tips

Now you can summarize all of the above information. It is worthwhile to highlight the main recommendations on how to increase the speed of the Internet yourself.

  • Often the reason lies in the router, try to restart it. If this did not help, then change your settings for a factory set. If the speed has not increased, then change the standards of its work.
  • The operation of the device must be optimized constantly. Clean the cache and close the programswhich are rarely used.
  • Update the antivirus And check your device. Viruses do not bring benefits, except for a decrease in speed, they also harm the software.
  • Use the program CCleaner, she will clean the device from garbage files and save energy consumption.
  • Update your browsers regularly. If you stop working normally, then download the new ones.
  • The quality of the services depends on the provider. If something does not suit you, the Internet disappears or data is submitted at low speeds, then change the provider.
  • Put licensed programs and often update the drivers.
  • Using Wi-Fi wireless networks, set the password-take care of your personal space.

Simple manipulations will be able to increase the speed of home Internet. Work or rest will be much easier and more pleasant. Moreover, this can easily be done independently, observing even simple rules.

Video: How to increase the speed of the Internet yourself?

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