What parrots are best learned to say: types of talking parrots. How to teach a wavy parrot of a boy and a girl to talk, how to teach Korella to say?

What parrots are best learned to say: types of talking parrots. How to teach a wavy parrot of a boy and a girl to talk, how to teach Korella to say?

In this article I would like to talk about how to teach a parrot to talk. After all, many start this feathered friend with the desire to instill in him this skill.

Do you know that in Australia there are schools in which Parogoev can be taught to speak? Well, Australia is far away, but to teach a feathered pet the conversation is quite possible for us. It is only important to take into account some nuances.

What parrots can talk: Types of talking parrots

If you want to get a talkative bird, you should carefully approach even such an initial stage as its purchase. The choice may be difficult. However, it should be noted that some breeds are more adapted for aesthetic perception, while others excellently imitate sounds. We are interested in the latter.

Gray Jaco cannot boast of bright plumage, but he will be able to learn more than a hundred words. Or there will even be reproduce phrases. The ability to simulate this bird is amazing: she can both imitate the timbre and intonation of a person, and sing! According to studies, the brain of an adult bird is at the same level of development as the brain of a five -year -old child.

Parrot Gray Jaco is dim, but very talkative
Parrot Gray Jaco is dim, but very talkative

Important: if you want to become the owner of a parrot, who will speak almost in the same way as a person, then Gray Jaco is what you need. However, keep in mind that only a young bird will succumb to taming, and you will have to learn it from the age of the chick at all.

As for the content, the hassle of Jaco will not deliver. But it should be noted that by nature he it can be harmful - It can worry, scream, be offended and gets used to the new habitat for a long time. He always wants to be a leader, and stubbornly conquers leadership positions. But if you manage to get along with a wayward pet, be sure that he will reciprocate.

Perhaps you will have a temptation to acquire an already speaking adult bird at a price about $ 1,000, however, it is recommended to buy young Jaco. He will not be able to say, but it will not be difficult to teach this. And there is such an option two times cheaper.

Build better the chick of the parrot Jaco
Build better the chick of the parrot Jaco

Amazons - are rightfully considered most easily trained large feathered. They are able to remember on average from 50 to 60 words. Pronounce them verbally But they cannot copy the timbre and intonations of a person. But self -learning These birds are not alien.

Amazons will delight and bright plumage. They have feathers of saturated green color in combination with blue, yellow, red and white blotches.

Unlike Gray Jaco, Amazon will quickly get used to the new home and the owner. He it will not scandal And to publish other noise, and it will be very attached to people. Moreover, the latter means that the pet will need to pay maximum attention.

Important: but there are also difficulties. So, Amazons are poorly tolerated by drafts, so their habitat should be as comfortable as possible.

You can purchase a young one who does not know how to talk a parrot half cheaperthan grown and able to communicate. The latter, like Jaco, is worth about $ 1,000.

Amazon is a bright and talkative parrot
Amazon is a bright and talkative parrot

Cockatoothey learn quickly Words that several dozen can learn. Pronounce them verbally and even imitate the style of human speechwhich is trained. If you hear from the side of the cell songs, then do not be surprised - Kacadu is located to such things.

This bird unpretentious in the content and wherein good -natured to people. Plumage brightTherefore, the eye will have a rest on the eye. The sociability and responsiveness of the pet contributes to his rapid training.

Important: however, the sociability of Kacadu can not everyone like everyone, given that it often requires attention with loud cries. An excessively energetic bird rarely gives me to sit in silence.

The price for it is within the limits from 1000 to 2500 dollars. It does not depend on how trained in the kakada.

Sociable and loving to talk a parrot Kakada
Sociable and loving to talk a parrot Kakada

Ara - Parrot for real aesthetes. It looks exactly like the first association with the word "parrot" - colorful plumage and grace in movements. Ara never does not scream for no reason, does not fuss and not capricious about leaving Behind him.

As for training, then Ara it is considered an intellectual - Let it most often are able to learn about 20 words, but the words will be applied where necessary. Pet will be able to build an associative chain And connect the words with events.

There is another interesting feature - Ara often reproduces what they heard sounds in addition to human speech. This refers to barking, creak, cough and so on.

Important: as for the price, it can be slightly higher than on other parrots, and reach $ 3,000.

Ara - colorful and intellectual parrots
Ara - colorful and intellectual parrots

Wavy parrots -The most common breed of parrot-boltunes in Russia. True, they do not always reproduce words, but this is more than replenished traction to training and communication. The boletus parrot is enough for contact with people of 10-20 words. However, you can try to include in his vocabulary and more terms.

Wavy parrots are not, care for them to everyone. Easily adapting to a new dwelling, they play and fly with great hunting, causing indescribable delight among the children.

As for the color, then an amazing variety reigns. You can purchase both a plain parrot and mottled - in total about 200 combinations For choice! The sizes are also different.

This happiness will cost inexpensively - about $ 20.

Wavy parrots - colorful and talkative pets
Wavy parrots - colorful and talkative pets

Corella - Unlike a wavy parrot, this view pronounces the words more clearly. Yes their vocabulary may be richer - For example, if you take care of training, it is quite possible to replenish it 200-250 words! Also very popular in our country.

The society of people loves very much, with pleasure he cares for what they say to him.

Important: True, despite all this, when learning Corella will have to stock up on fair patience.

Corella - this parrot is not so easily lending to training
Corella - this parrot is not so easily lending to training

Lori - are good to teach, remembering about 70 words. It is easy to tame them, having received in response sincere friendliness. These birds are very living, mobile.

The brightness of the plumage and the tendency to learning Often they cause a desire to immediately acquire Lauries. However, it is important to immediately understand that it is difficult to keep them - You have to carefully select the food, constantly control the temperature.

Lori parrot is sociable, but capricious
Lori parrot is sociable, but capricious

Indian collar - Able to remember impressive volumes of text,wherein Saying the words clean. There is a legend that the monks once held the birds, and their pets repeated prayers. It is these parrots in the state read excerpts from books, poems.

Just a magnificent find for those people who are looking for themselves a medium -sized bird, loving to chat.

Important: it is worth considering that these birds need spacious aviaries for a comfortable well -being. They need to fly often - only then you will receive a diligent student.

Indian collar parrot - winner of unique memory
Indian collar parrot - winner of unique memory

Quakers - They are much less than Jaco or Amazons, however pretty talkative. Quakers can repeat both words and various household sounds. They are sociable, playful, energetic, curious. These pets will be truly attached to the owners.

Quaker - a devoted and sociable parrot.jpg
Quaker - a devoted and sociable parrot.jpg

Eclectus - a good acquisition for those people who want to have not only a speaker, but also large parrot with bright plumage. If you competently organize training, parrot it will be good to imitate human speech. True, for this you will have to be patient and adhere to the schedule of classes.

Eclectus - a large and sociable parrot
Eclectus - a large and sociable parrot

Important: all of the above species amplified. Only one of the birds grasp the information faster, and someone is slower. Moreover, in each of the described breeds there are both talented representatives and mediocrity. Therefore, you should not buy a bird with the thought that you are guaranteed to have a boletus parrot.

At what age do parrots begin to speak?

It will not be possible to determine the parrot’s ability to determine in the store, but to increase the likelihood of successful learning, it is recommended to pay attention to the age of the bird. Given the fact that the parrot lives on average 10-12 years, it childhood lasts 28-35 days. Here you need a monthly parrot - Young people are much easier to teach.

There are, of course, cases of training in the speech of parrots, who are several years old. Undoubtedly, it is possible to start training at a late age, but a positive result will be, rather, with an exception. Experts argue that the situation with the parrots is the same as with children-the sooner you begin to teach something, the better the result will be.

Important: if you start doing with a pet as soon as possible, then already at 2 months he will clearly imitate a person. By one year old age, the vocabulary can reach hundreds of words and phrases - this is an especially active period. At 2 or 3 years old, the bird will be able to recite poetry or make long sentences. Of course, this data is conditional, but they illustrate what can be achieved when the parrot is trained from an early age.

It is best to learn to say a parrot from a month
It is best to learn to say a parrot to start from a month

Is it possible and how to teach a parrot in 5 minutes?

Despite the fact that the degree of talent in each bird is different, in any case you will need to spend a lot of time for training. As statistics show, so that the pet can clearly learn first word, you need to spend three weeks.

Also extremely systematicity is important. It is advisable to conduct classes not only daily, but several times a day. So, in the morning Before feeding the pet, it is worth highlighting 10-20 minutes for training, day-35-40 minutes, in the evening - again for 20 minutes.

As you can see, make a speaker out of an ordinary bird in 5 minutes it won't work out in any wayAs well as teach a lot of words for one sitting. You can only if there is not enough time, spend small lessons. For example, for starters let a feathered friend he will learn his nickname. Parrows are extremely favorable to hissing sounds, so nicknames like Kesha and Nyusha Suitable perfectly.

Monosyllabic words Also perfect for study at the beginning. For example, the word "food", uttered simultaneously with the stretching of goodies. Generally s thatets to pay attention to the words containing the sounds “a”, “o”, “p,“ p ”,“ t ”.

Important: the parrot is certainly necessary to give time to remember the word, at least a few seconds. You can start with sounds - this will not take much time, but it will benefit the pet.

Be sure to give a parrot to remember a word or sound
Be sure to give a parrot to remember a word or sound

How to teach a parrot of wavy-boy to talk?

The most important rule that needs to be learned initially - in no case should you shout at the parrot. It will definitely not be better, but worse - easily. It is extremely important to establish trusting relations With a bird and trying not to offend her.

Roomin which lessons are held, it must be comfortable and quiet. Remove from there all people and birds: if several people begin to train the parrot at the same time, it will be confused, and if several parrots begin to chat nearby, he will be distracted.

Important: it is believed that the parrot is best prone to assimilation of words in the dark - it is then not too active.

Do not strive in the first minutes after the acquisition of a new family member to take up training. Keep in mind that he I must get used to it to you. Do not let the bird out of the cage first, gently talk to her, bring your hand slowly and carefully. Ideally it is worth starting training only on the second or third day after the purchase.

Be sure to praise a bird, offering him a treat. Moreover, it is worth doing this with the hand - so the pet’s trust will only become stronger.

A parrot in the learning process must be encouraged with a treat
A parrot in the learning process must be encouraged with a treat

It is worth choosing one personwho will conduct training. It is believed that parrots perceive best children's or female voices - In a word, a high timbre voice.

Important: let the selected teacher conduct classes at the same time of the day on a regular basis. And do not be afraid that nothing will work out - the first word, as a rule, is always learned the longest. Then things should go better.

Try to develop regularity even in the case of intonation - The bird captures it unmistakably. By the way, praise should also be so that the student of intonation understands that they were satisfied with them.

In parallel, earnestly achieve the pet to look for your society. It is not so difficult to do this, because wavy parrots need constant contact. It is extremely desirable to the bird is used to sitting on hand - This is a clear signal that she is ready to listen. However, at first, you just need to carefully bring your hand to a bit, lure with food.

The parrot should get used to sitting on the hand
The parrot should get used to sitting on the hand

How to understand that your lessons are not wasted? If the student freezes on a bit or arm, while looking into a person's mouth - Everything goes as it should. The pupils of the bird when listening either are narrowed or expanded. Pronounce sounds or words loud and clearly.

Keep in mind that the parrot perceives best those words that are characterized by emotionality in pronunciation. It can be exclamations, questions. For example, for starters, going into the room, you can clearly pronounce the word "Hello!" Each time.

Important: parrots as children. In their presence, you can never pronounce swear words, otherwise you risk at one point to get this obscene region in response.

A good mood of the parrot is a guarantee of the fruitfulness of lessons. Please a pet hanging on a rope by a bell. And already the mirror is extremely necessary - Featins love to talk with their reflection. The latter, by the way, will serve as an excellent training.

Parrots love to talk with their reflection
Parrots love to talk with their reflection

New words are certainly good, but it is worth remembering the old ones. The fact is that the parrot is inclined to exclude from his memory already learned words that are no longer repeated. Many owners of birds are often in pursuit of the formation of a large vocabulary of the pet forget that repetition is the mother of teaching.

Try to conduct training so that your actions or a parrot coincided with the word you proposed. For example, if you see that Kesha is stretched, clearly say the word “hickle”. When leaving, do not forget to say goodbye to the bird. Over time, a feathered friend will begin to guess that words and actions are somehow interconnected.

Do not insist on training if you see that the parrot is completely devoid of concentration. The best way out in this case is to just wait and provide the bird with the opportunity to do your own business.

If a wavy parrot wants to play, set aside the lesson for another time
If a wavy parrot wants to play, set aside the lesson for another time

Important: long words and phrases should be saved for late lessons. In general, it is advisable to prepare a certain set of phrases, and vary the words from it in a different order.

Is it possible and how to teach to talk a wavy parrot-girl?

Females of a wavy parrot are usually cheaper. However, there is an opinion that they are worse than males to be trained. There is a share of truth in this statement, since speech abilities of girls are really limited.

However, ladies most often say words more clearly. Let you spend more efforts on training, but as a result you can become the owner of a clearly speaking bird.

As for training technology, then there is no particular difference between training for boys and girls. A female is the same parrot with the same physiological device. All the nuance lies in behavioral psychology.

Important: unlike the boy, the girl has a need not to strive to like, but in the choice. This means that in this case the owner should like the parrot - the only way will there be a chance to become a good teacher.

Wavy parrot-girl should be interested in the owner
Wavy parrot-girl should be interested in the owner

How to choose a wavy parrot to speak?

Above, we mentioned that it was worth purchasing Young individual. Her signs:

  • On the head, forehead and back are clearly stripes are visible. They are present until the first molting, that is up to 5-6 months. After it, the clarity of the drawing lines is lost.
  • Black eyes. Bright border, colored iris are characteristic of older birds.
  • Non -tree tail. Grows to usual size after 2 months.
  • Faded feathers and dark beak. In adults, the opposite is true.
The chick has a wavy parrot plumage faded, and the beak is bright
The chick has a wavy parrot plumage faded, and the beak is bright

Important: there is an opinion that the same talented chicks are born from talkative parents. You can, of course, try to verify this information, but you should not consider it the truth in the last instance.

Now we will learn how to distinguish The boy is from the girl. Look at the site above the beak, there are still nostrils on it. It is called voskovitsa:

  • The boys have a blue wax, silly or blue. Moreover, shades can vary from very pale to the brightest.
The wavy parrots have a blue or blue wax
The wavy parrots have a blue or blue wax
  • In girls The same place is painted in brown, beige tones

However during molting, the wax of the young lady becomes often blue, Therefore, it is easy enough to make a mistake in choosing. To avoid this, it is best to ask the seller when the last time the parrots had molting. The previous color of the wax is returned after 2 or 3 months.

The wavy parrots-girls are beige wax
The wavy parrots-girls are beige wax

But we remember that it is desirable to buy a bird before it turned 2-3 months. In this case, help only a specialist can determine the floor.

Pay special attention to how exactly the birds are contained. It is advisable to come directly to the breeders, since transportation to the market can mentally injure the parrot. A cramped cage and the presence of other counterparts in them also often affects negatively.

Important: watch the behavior of the chick. The most suitable parrot will suit you. In addition, a weaker representative will quickly see a leader in you, wants to obey everything. But to take too weak the chick is also not recommended.

The parrot recognizes the leaders of the person who went out
The parrot recognizes the leader in the person who came out

How to teach Corella to speak?

As in the case of a wavy parrot, corella must completely trust his master. A good mood and well -being of a feathered is also the key to his successful training. Generally the principles of Corella training are the same as that of a wavy parrot.

Corella is famous for the fact that they mastroly copy melodies. And, in general, the only thing you need is to- to let the bird listen to a melody more often.

It is not difficult to determine the musical Corella - One has only to listen to the chick of the chick. Notes in it give out a talented student. But any talent needs to be fastened - in the case of Corella, this can be done by fangments of sunflower seeds.

Important: if this bird likes some kind of melody, then get ready for the fact that you will listen to it constantly. Therefore, pick up something unobtrusive. And do not be surprised if suddenly your pet begins to imitate the sound of barking or food combine.

According to statistics, of the 1000 young Corell, you can teach to speak 872 individuals. However, if after 2 months of stubborn and regular training there are no results at all, most likely you came across a two-hand student.

If you want to have a melodic bird, get Corella
If you want to have a melodic bird, get Corella

How to quickly teach a parrot to say: phrases

We bring to your attention list of necessary or just funny phraseswho can teach a bird:

  • be healthy
  • Behave yourself
  • Everything will be fine
  • Turn on TV
  • Gosha is good
  • Where is my gift?
  • Good morning
  • Good evening
  • Let `s play
  • Close the window
  • How are you doing?
  • Drive the cat
  • Are you glad to me or not glad?
  • I want to drink
  • Want to eat
  • I'm watching you
  • Nerve cells do not restore
  • Chita-Drita, Chita Margarita
  • Birds are all on a twig, and I, poor thing, in a cell

Audio recording to teach a parrot conversation

The idea of \u200b\u200bputting a player near a cage to play phrases comes to the owners of birds often. How correct is it? Definitely, such tactics can also bring the result - The bird will play repeatedly heard.

Important: however, much more willingly the pet will study with the owner whom he trusts, and not with technology. The parrots are generally very difficult to endure their loneliness.

However, if you are turning on when you turn on the one in the same room with a pet, You can sometimes use this method of training. The fact is that if the bird remembers the phrases heard thanks to the recorder, she will be so used to talking alone that she simply does not want to do this next to you. But it is the dialogue that is important.

The parrot still prefers to arrange a dialogue with the owner
The parrot still prefers to arrange a dialogue with the owner

But if you are still tuned to conduct a couple of lessons using a recorder, wait at least that time, When the parrot will have a few words in its arsenal. And then it will be possible to use this advice:

Whatever type of parrot you decide to purchase, remember that in any case you will have to spend a lot of time and patience for training. And then there is no guarantee that you came across a smart cache. However, try and, perhaps, after a while you can deserve to be proud that you are the owner of a grilled pet.

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