What are the indications and contraindications of self -massage of the feet? What types of feet and legs are: the main techniques of movements. Where to start and how to do the massage of the feet: tips. Scheme of clicks for acupressure of the foot. How to do the feet of the feet with flat feet?

What are the indications and contraindications of self -massage of the feet? What types of feet and legs are: the main techniques of movements. Where to start and how to do the massage of the feet: tips. Scheme of clicks for acupressure of the foot. How to do the feet of the feet with flat feet?

In this article, we will consider all the subtleties and features of proper self -massage of the feet.

Massage is a procedure that combined useful and pleasant. The procedures of therapeutic massage help restore health and relax to the body. Our legs get tired most of all in a day, and therefore they need proper care. For those who do not have time to walk on SPA-salons, there is a wonderful alternative to self-massage of the feet. And how to do it correctly, we will talk below.

The purpose of the foot massage of the legs: indications and contraindications

Almost the whole day a person spends on his feet. From this, fatigue and pain appear, as well as diseases such as arthritis, flat feet and corns. The treatment method has proved its effectiveness more than once. Massage is a method of exposure by different movements, rubbing, kneading and presses on the muscles and tissues of a person.

He is capable of:

  • improve blood circulation in the legs;
  • remove swelling and fatigue;
  • activate the lymphat;
  • relax tense muscles;
  • restore performance;
  • improve the emotional background;
  • activate the immune system;
  • normalize appetite;
  • improve sleep;
  • prevent the manifestation of stress;
  • rejuvenate the body.

What can be cured by self -massage?

All techniques and massage schemes have one goal - to help a person restore his health. Of course, no one canceled the consultation with the doctor, but most often the foot massage is used in such cases:

  • for injuries of muscles or bones;
  • if there are diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis;
  • in the presence of flat feet;
  • with pain in the legs;
  • if there are convulsions.

If you do everything right, then there will be a lot of benefits. The swelling of the legs will disappear, and the lost forces will recover. Suddenly convulsions will not be disturbed, and joint mobility will be an order of magnitude higher. It will be possible to normalize sleep and get rid of stress manifestations, as well as the performance of the whole organism will increase.

When is it worth refraining from your feet massage?

It is necessary to remember the contraindications. Massage is a medical procedure, which means that they are present here. Such the main contraindications will be highlighted, during which massage is not recommended:

  • with open wounds and other skin injuries;
  • in the presence of skin diseases of a different nature;
  • with varicose expansion of blood veins in acute stage;
  • during bleeding or even during menstruation;
  • if there are infections or inflammation in acute stages;
  • at high pressure;
  • during a period of mental disorder;
  • with tumors and other formations of this type;
  • during hyperthermia.
Foot massage will help to relax after a hard working day
Foot massage will help to relax after a hard working day

What types of massage of feet and legs are there?

Each procedure, depending on the type, has its own diagrams and techniques of movements. Naturally, their role for the body has a completely different direction.

  • Relaxing Massage takes the first place, because it has the easiest set of movements. Its goal is to relieve stress after a working day. Easily performed independently. To do this, you just need to take a convenient pose and stroking, with smooth movements to massage the zone from the fingers to the calf muscle.
  • Acupressure - This is a well -known pressing technique for certain points. We will return to her, but at home you need to perform it with particular caution.
  • Chinese Massage has one feature - this is vibration. The feet are prepared in the usual massage technique. But after ironing, you need to take the little finger and shake your leg well, as if vibrating it. In conclusion, the master presses some points for a few seconds and abruptly releases. Here, until the last step, you can practice this type of massage and yourself.
  • Classic massage It consists in severe pressing and quickly patting. There is also an impact on certain zones. Due to the fast pace, it is independently played very hard.
  • Reflex The view may repeat at home. But this requires various sticks and rollers to change the power of pressure. This hides the main secret of this procedure.
  • Thai massage It goes with an emphasis on the muscles and tendons of the foot. There is twisting, bending and intensive pressing. Also, for better exposure to the desired points, a wooden stick is used.
Thai massage includes the use of a wooden stick for enhanced effects
Thai massage includes the use of a wooden stick for enhanced effects

The main techniques of movements for the effectiveness of massage of the feet and legs: characteristics

The massage as a whole consists of a number of movements that alternate among themselves, and must influence the massage zone positively. There is a simple massage technique and a technique of a certain point effect for massage of the foot area.

Consider the movements of simple massage

  • Intermittent, simple stroking, light movement. This kind of stroking is used at the very beginning of the procedure and at the end of it. They are needed for soft first contact with the skin.
  • Intermittent accurate blows, light massage movements. They are used to increase muscle tone, relieve fatigue and stress prevention.
  • Rubbing the skin and tissues. Movements are performed without loss of contact. They are used to improve blood supply and before exposure to damaged and painful places.
  • Rubbing with a stop. Have a strengthening effect. Used to influence the human nervous system.

The technique of point influence has such movements in the arsenal

  • Nonsense, mild effect on the desired zones. It is used to treat chronic and other diseases at the initial stage and manifestations of an acute nature.
  • Moderate pressure. Used if the patient is too sensitive. With irritation of the cecum and glands.
  • Pressure with a mobile effect. It is used in painful areas and with increased tension.
  • Strong pressure with a mobile effect. It has a relaxing effect. It is used for chronic diseases.
  • Deep pressure with strong presses. It is used to massage places with hardening, inaccessible knots. It is often used for back pain and stagnation of bile.
  • Saturated touch with a slight effect. It affects the blood of a person and removes extra toxins from the body.
  • Quick and accurate pressing, lightning -fast nature. Aimed for massage of hardening, for blocking reflex zones.
Each type of massage has its own technique and a set of movements
Each type of massage has its own technique and a set of movements

Massage of the feet to yourself: where to start?

Preparation for self -massage, as for any medical procedure, is a very important stage. The climate in the room should be comfortable, and the situation should have a relaxing character.

  • In the cold, legs can freeze and chills will arise. High temperatures contribute to sweating, which is not very desirable in the massage procedure.
  • Even the massage of the feet must only be done an hour after eating.
  • But after the massage, you need to drink a glass of warm water or tea. The legs should lie down a little in a relaxed position under the plaid.
  • Also use a moisturizer or oil so that there are no dry hands too much and not rub the skin, and it will also provide sliding and soft movements. By the way, the cream is absorbed faster, so its consumption comes out more.
  • Before massage, the skin must be rubbed with light movements. We start massage from the bottom up.
  • If when clicking on some section, you will feel pain, then you need to devote a more thorough pressure to this place. This signals the salinization of some organ. In more detail, we will consider below which point of the foot is responsible for a specific organ.
  • You need to massage each site several times, but not to a baking state.
  • Self -massage should be regular. Enjoy yourself for 15-20 minutes in the evening to give your legs. This will protect from many ailments.
  • All the self -massage of the legs also includes the massage of the foot, then go up to the lower leg, and then even go to the femoral part. The upper parts can simply be grind or marked with pressing and stroking movements to simply activate blood circulation. But the massage of the foot will be considered in more detail. It consists:
    • from massage of the plantar part;
    • back;
    • and even kneading the outer part.
Be sure to use massage oil
Be sure to use massage oil

How to do the massage of the feet to yourself?

There is nothing complicated in self -massage. The main thing is not to forget to work with all three zones. Then it will be possible to really achieve comfort and even prevent many diseases.

We begin self -massage with the sole part of the foot

Before the massage, you need to take a convenient pose. The foot should be accessible, and for this we place the lower leg of one leg on the thigh of the second limb. We massage from the bottom up, alternating presses. First with your fingers, then palm or fist. We rub the foot and each individual finger, stretching it a little forward.

Important: If you feel pain or tingling, you need to stop and continue massage with light circular movements. We perform the foot massage, adjusting the power of pressing depending on its part and your sensations. For example, the skin on the heel is coarse and less sensitive, so the pressing force should be appropriate. We do all this for warming up before the main technique.

  • We fix the leg, holding the ankle with your hand. First we massage the fingers, and for this, with two fingers, we perform movements up and up.
  • Girth with a palm. When performing movement, it is necessary to compress the foot with different strength. Near the fingers we squeeze it easier, rising to the lower leg, presses stronger. The movements should be circular. Such movements will be somewhat from the part of the lower leg to the fingers.
  • We perform circular movements with a fist, gently holding the foot with a hand that is not busy at the moment.
  • We will engage in both palms. At the same time, two large fingers massage the rise of the foot, and the remaining eight of its inner part.
  • To massage the heel, we use a working palm. We squeeze the desired zone and gradually knead. We knead the heel tendon only with light strokes so as not to damage anything.
  • We finish the massage of the foot with simple strokes and light kneading.
  • We go to the second foot. The massage scheme is identical.
Take a convenient position before the massage
Take a convenient position before the massage

Do not forget about the massage of the foot on the back

The leg on which the procedure will be carried out is on the floor. For greater comfort, you can put it on a towel or blanket, folding it in the shape of a roller. We rub the massage zone with your fingers with simple movements and move on to the main process.

  • With your fingers, we find the lines between the fingers of our foot. With light presses, we massage each point the top and down several times.
  • With our fingers, we massage the zone near the tibia on both sides. Light movements, pressing from the bottom up several times. The hand that is massage is opposite to the massage side.
  • Again we return to the lines between the fingers. We press on each point with a bent index finger, or rather with its bone.
  • We finish the massage of the zone with stroking and light arbitrary rubbing.

We rise higher and massage the outer part

To massage this zone, you need to find a convenient place and lean with the back of a hard surface. The leg is sideways sideways so that the outer part is affordable. We bend her in the knee. You can put on a chair or another site. We rub the zone before the main stage of the massage. Just press the fingers and perform circular movements. After a two -minute warm -up, we move on to the stages of the main massage.

  • To begin with a fist, spread the foot from the outside, with chaotic movements, and for twenty seconds. We use the same rubbing, climbing up the ankle.
  • We massage the outer side of the ankle with a bone on the index finger. We press strongly, the movements are arched, focus on our own sensations.
  • We massage the part from the ankle to the toes. We use the bones of the fingers, perform circular movements, also massage the entire part of the foot. The movements are zigzag.
  • We rise towards the knee, massage the zone between the main bone on both sides with your fingers. Then rub the outer area with a bone from a bent thumb.
  • We massage the caviar muscle with the thumb. The movements are simple, pressing up and down.
  • With a fist, do not rub the leg much. Movement from the bottom up from the ankle itself.
  • We finish the massage of the zone with energy rubbing. We perform the movements with your fingertips, can be chaotic.
Do not forget for the upper part of the legs above the feet
Do not forget for the upper part of the legs above the feet

Surfacing Stop Massage: Pressing Scheme

It is believed that the human foot is a certain center that combines a large number of nerve endings. Particular attention is paid to the fingers. Since massaging the fingertips, we can affect the ears, eyes, nose and even the human brain. There are many points on the foot that are tied to internal organs.

Important: To make it easier to navigate where and which organ is concentrated on the foot, draw an analogy. The feet are parallel to our body. That is, the fingers begin with the head, and the heel ends with the triggers.

  • Massage of the lower part, that is, heels, is responsible for the genitals. Moreover, if you have pain or simply untidy sensations in the center of the heel, then this suggests the presence of inflammatory problems.
    • And in this zone the point is concentrated from insomnia, which is located in the center in the upper zone of the heel. In other words, in the genital area, but in the upper part.
  • The middle part of the foot is the effect on the liver, the adrenal gland (only on the steam leg), kidneys, spleen, stomach and gall bladder.
  • The upper part is responsible for such important organs as the heart, lungs and thyroid gland.
  • And, of course, fingers have a very extensive interpretation:
    • the pillows themselves, or rather their upper segment, are responsible for the head, or rather for the frontal part;
    • the middle of the thumb, in the place of frequent corns, is our brain. To be more accurate, it is the pituitary gland;
    • The “neck” of the thumb also responds in our body by the neck and throat;
    • and in order to increase pressure, you need to massage the point below 2-3 mm from this “neck”;
    • under two extreme fingers (from the little finger) there are points responsible for the ears and hearing;
    • and then similar two points responsible for the eyes and vision.

We will give you the schemes of such points with the relevant authorities. But keep in mind - it is difficult for a specialist to do not do a point of massage. For example, the standard procedure for the master takes more than two hours. The work is on 62 reflex zones. Nervous endings on the foot of a person are 72000.

Points on the feet in accordance with our organs
Points on the feet in accordance with our organs

How to massage the feet for yourself with flat feet?

We repeat that in this matter the main thing is to do everything regularly. Do not miss a single evening, and after 8-10 days you can feel noticeable improvements. Also consider that self-massage itself needs to be done 5-6 times. Let's look at the main scheme of such a direction.

  • Start with your fingers, rubbing them with smooth movements. Rising to the lower leg. You can use the above massage scheme.
  • But the fingers need to pay more attention. They need to be pulled out as well as possible and bend down. Sometimes a crunch may even occur, but do not worry - this is normal.
  • It is advisable to purchase a special massager with spikes in the form of a rotating ball on the handle. If there is nothing like that, then use the usual rubber children's ball, but with spikes. They often glow with a strong press. So you scroll it throughout the foot. You rise with him to the lower leg.
  • But also do not forget about the zone of the lower back. This can be done independently. An approximate scheme, as when working with a foot.
Well do self -massage from flat feet with a ball
Well do self -massage from flat feet with a ball

How to do foot massage yourself: tips

Self -massage of the feet is used to improve the general condition. It is desirable to carry out this type of massage often, better every evening. Also, arm yourself with certain recommendations on how to enhance the effect of any self -massage technique.

  • Before starting the procedure, a walk barefoot is recommended, and light exercises on socks. For example, pumping from toe to heel. Also, to achieve the maximum effect, a knife bath with cosmetic additives is used.
  • The pose in which you are sitting also plays an important role. First of all, you should be convenient. During massage, we use both hands, by the way, they should be warm.
  • You need to use a special moisturizer, and even better - baby oil or a special massage product.
  • The total massage of the feet should last at least three minutes, it is possible with interruptions. At the same time, if there is pain points, knead them for at least a minute.
  • After the end of the procedure, it is good to walk along a special massage rug or on an uneven surface with tubercles.
  • The conclusion may again be a pumping exercise from foot to leg and from the heel to the toe.
  • The massage procedure largely depends on the correct technique. But we must not forget about the right atmosphere and the right mood. Favorite music, flavored suppositories and preliminary walking barefoot will prepare your body and help massage to be more effective.
Do self -massage every evening
Do self -massage every evening
  • Stop massage can cause such undesirable reactions of the body:
    • strengthen urination and urge to a chair;
    • increase skin tone. It is also possible to increase sweating;
    • enhanced mucus secretion in the body. Moreover, in the mouth, nose and even in bronchi;
    • minor violations during sleep, waking up;
    • sometimes nausea and slight dizziness are observed;
    • slight increase in temperature;
    • manifestations of fatigue and headache;
    • in women, reinforced discharge is sometimes manifested during critical days;
    • perhaps a depressive mood.

Important: If you notice at least one of these symptoms, then you should stop the procedures. Such negative consequences are possible if you have not taken into account some contraindications or have taken up the implementation of complex equipment. Special massage requires special attention, because it must be performed with particular caution.

Our legs get tired more than the whole body, and the heat and cold also affect their condition in their own way. Of course, you can turn to a specialist, because he knows his job, and the result will be of high quality and fast. But the massage of the feet can easily be performed independently. For this you just need your desire, but the result will cost any efforts.

Video: How to do a self -massage stop?

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