What medicines you need to take with you on the road, by car, by sea, abroad, with the child, pregnant: a list of necessary medicines for the first -aid kit. What medicines cannot be taken abroad? What are the vaccinations and where to make to go abroad to exotic countries?

What medicines you need to take with you on the road, by car, by sea, abroad, with the child, pregnant: a list of necessary medicines for the first -aid kit. What medicines cannot be taken abroad? What are the vaccinations and where to make to go abroad to exotic countries?

Medicines for trips.

The presence of a first -aid kit on the road is simply a prerequisite. Some medicines do not stop taking with you at all. But, for some reason, we recall the correct list of necessary medicines immediately before the trip. And this is a very important component on which the quality of the trip will directly depend.

First -necessity medicines for a first -aid kit of a tourist: a list on the road

Such a list is also called a first -aid kit of a tourist. It should include the most necessary components, but, at the same time, it should not be too cumbersome. That is, you can pack many drugs that will come in handy (possibly), but at the same time they will occupy half the luggage.

Important: the quantity is also worth considering in advance. If there is such an opportunity, then it is worth taking mini - options or simply cut the required number of tablets. True, it is worth taking into account the duration of the trip and whether it will be possible to further purchase the necessary stock.

Here is a list of the most necessary drugs (on the road):

Antiseptic agents

  • Perhaps someone will not consider this the first necessity, but the hand antiseptic in the first-aid kit must be mandatory. Pure hands are a guarantee of protection against most intestinal diseases (and not only). And in the road, washing your hands properly is not always possible.
  • Also, we smoothly move on to the next drug - this is hydrogen peroxide. Everyone knows its disinfecting and antiseptic properties. Anything can happen on the road. And in time to disinfect a wound or even a scratch is extremely important.
  • Do not forget - green and iodine, too, indispensable assistants on the road. Just take into account the fact that with glass jars should be extremely careful. Moreover, with such drugs. Ideally, use them as a spray or a special marker.
Necessary medicines
Necessary medicines


  • Everyone knows that temperature is the first signal of infection in the body. For any disease. Therefore, it is important to have antipyretic drugs at hand. If the trip plans a long -term one, then you can even pack two types, for example, paracetamol and ibuprofen. Naturally, everyone can use their favorite medicines.

For stomach and intestines

  • Activated carbon! The fact is that on the road, a stomach disorder or, worse, poisoning can cause even an elementary change in water. If the product was not washed well enough or food that was cooked with it from the house, it has become a little stale.

Important: by the way, there may not be any obvious signs of damage. As an option, you can have a bite in a road cafe. But! It was indicated above that there is a change of water - this time. And secondly, one cannot be sure of their products.

  • Also, with an disorder of the stomach, it will not prevent the plate of an imodium or smect (bag).
  • If there are at least some problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, enzyme preparations must be without fail. Again, the change of water and food can be severity in the stomach and poor absorption of products. Therefore, Mesim, Festal or Pancreatin should be in a tourist first -aid kit.
  • If the nuisance with the intestines is acute, then take a furazolidone with you.


  • Tablets from the head. Any trip becomes tiring and often after a long (especially) trip, the head begins to hurt. The easiest Analgin will be to help. Well, or put your favorite drugs like citramin or ascophen. After all, as you know, everyone has their own characteristics of the body. Therefore, what helps one may not work on others.
  • Climate change or a change in weather conditions, of course, affects our pressure. It’s just that someone falls in someone, for others, on the contrary, it rises (both the head may hurt in the other case). Consider your body, so put at least the floor of the plate of citimon and captopril in the first -aid kit.

Important: any medication should be bought only after they consulted with their attending physician. The drugs indicate a general plan, but this does not mean that they are suitable for everyone without exception.

  • Means of spasmalgon or no-shpa indispensable painkillers in any first-aid kit. The first drug, by the way, relieves a headache perfectly.

From allergies

  • The good old diazolin is an allergy drug. Again, today there is a huge selection of such medicines. But at least a plate of such a medicine should be in the medicine cabinet when traveling.

From flu and SARSI

  • Harvesting drugs should be put on the road even in summer. Believe me, they can be more useful at this time of year than in winter. It can be a couple of bags of Caldrex or Fervets. Also, you can capture four flu tablets. There are so many of them and the names may change or differ, so you need to ask directly in your pharmacy.
  • A remedy for a runny nose and cough. The choice is huge and, I think, everyone has their owned means. Therefore, you do not need to listen to the advice of friends and not to resort to experiments on the road, but to buy what has already been tested by practice and time.
  • Also throw a Seeptefryl record. If you often suffer from various diseases of the throat, then put a stronger remedy, for example, strepils or lizak.
Necessary medicines
Necessary medicines on the road

From "Sea disease"

  • Removing funds, for example, dramina. But again - this is a personal choice, some choose an aircraft model. Someone may enough ordinary mint chewing, and someone uses the old folk way-to chew a match.

Expendable materials

Also do not forget!

  • It is worth mandatory to pack the bandage, cotton wool and cotton sticks. And do not forget to put adhesive plasters. They will definitely come in handy. If there is a place, an elastic bandage will not interfere.
  • By the way, they came to another tool - this is an ointment with bruises and stretch marks. Perhaps it is not a strict criterion, but it will not hurt in the first -aid kit.
  • If there is such a necessity (this refers to the lack of the opportunity to buy in the future or too long a trip) is worth grabbing an antibiotic. For example, Sumamed (widely used) or augmentin (prescribed for sore throats and other respiratory tract diseases). But be sure to consult your local doctor!
  • Well, of course, you need to take the drugs that you take (undergoing a course of treatment or you must always have at hand).

What medicines do you need to take with you on the road abroad, to Europe, Turkey to an adult?

If you are going to go abroad, and even with your child, then do not skimp and do not spare a place for a first -aid kit. Firstly, there may not be such drugs there, more precisely, their name will differ. And the components can vary, like their dosage. Therefore, the effect will be different. And secondly, you will not buy medicines just like that. This will need a prescription from a doctor!

We will not repeat ourselves - all of the above funds must be taken without fail. Everything, without exception. It is only worth making some additions that will be required abroad.

  • Do not save on medicines! Take their maximum stock. Naturally, without fanaticism. Type of 10 plates is also not worth it. Of course, if you are going for several months, then take a greater stock. But there is one nuance - there are restrictions on the border (more on that later). Therefore, take into account the term of stay.
  • Sunscreen should be in the first -aid kit. Especially in Turkey or other hot countries. Cream, ointment or spray is a personal choice, as well as the manufacturer's company.
  • Put panthenol with you - this is a tool for burns. This drug will not hurt in cold countries (or cold season). Since, basking around the fire or brewing the next dose of warm tea, you can easily burn yourself.
  • It will not be superfluous to put an aspirin plate. Everyone knows his action - he perfectly removes heat.
Medicines on a trip abroad
Medicines on a trip abroad
  • And to measure the temperature, take the thermometer. Only, in no case, not a mercury thermometer. Firstly, it is very dangerous! The road is the road, so the danger is that it will always break. And secondly, they will not miss him on the border. The ideal option is an electronic thermometer.
  • Also, put the plate of the validol. If you have any heart problems, then it is not even discussed that it should be the first on the list. But! The tablet of such a medicine greatly helps from the bite of the bee. As well as from other poisonous (and not only) insects. With a bite, it is worth wetting the tablet with water and attach to the sore spot.
  • They smoothly approached another drug. True, he is not quite related to medicines. Take a fumigator with you. And also, funds from and after mosquitoes.

Now it turned out to be a complete list of drugs that will be useful to an adult during vacation abroad.

What medicines do you need to take with you on the road abroad, to Europe, Turkey for a child?

But here a first -aid kit for children slightly different:

  • Be sure to take an antipyretic product. And even better - two. For example, Nurofen (the main component of Ibuprofen) and Panadol (active substance - paracetamol). Everyone knows that they need to be alternated. But choose the one that your pediatrician advised.
  • The remedy for coughing, of course, should be taken by children's purposes. We will not indicate the names, since every mother prefers her drug, which helps her child.

Important: do not get carried away with the same drug constantly, since the body is addictive and you can not get the desired result in the future.

  • The same picture with drops or sprays for the nose. I only wanted to add that you would take the usual sea water with you. She rinses the nose well and removes inflammation.
  • With poisoning and other disorders, activated carbon or smect will save. If there is diarrhea that the infection caused, then it is worth taking, for example, nifuroxazide. It is available in the form of a suspension.
  • From allergies, it is necessary to capture claretin (in the form of a syrup), when the child is already 2 years old. After a year, you can use tavegil (also in the form of syrup).
  • Also, kids love to rub their eyes with unwashed hands and bring an infection. And they can drag a dirty toy into the mouth. Take eye drops (for example, albucid). And be sure to grab a furatsilin plate. He will help to rinse his eyes and rinse his mouth (for example, with stomatitis).
Medicines for children on a trip
Medicines for children on a trip
  • Enzymes and probiotics, as well as burns from burns are equally suitable for both children and adults. Therefore, you can save money and places in baggage.
  • For small children, Espumisan will need. It helps to fight colic and bloating.
  • Do not forget to take the candies from the throat or spray. An excellent option would be orasept. It is strong enough to cope with the infection. But at the same time, it can be consumed by children from year to year. And also, it is tasty, so giving such a medicine to the kids will not be difficult.
  • From antibiotics, you can take with you, for example, erythromycin or amoxiclav. They are suitable for purulent otitis media or tonsillitis. But be sure to consult your doctor! Perhaps he will make some adjustments.

All those that were indicated above for an adult and for the child should definitely put with you on the road. And, of course, do not forget to take panama from the sun for the whole family. And yet, the means from mosquitoes and the sun should be taken in such a way that there is enough for the whole vacation. And they will be spent a lot.

What medicines cannot be taken abroad?

Each country, of course, can have its own requirements. For reliable information, it is worth contacting the consulate of the country that you are going to go to. Or ask for such a list at the travel agency. I would like to provide a list of those drugs that categorically should not be taken across the border to any country.

  • It is worth noting that any drugs that may contain narcotic and psychotropic components are prohibited! And also, they are added to them:
    • means to reduce appetite or weight control
    • sleeping pills (any)
    • strong painkillers (and they are produced strictly according to the recipe, so even buying them a little problematic)
    • any drugs for the treatment of depression or other various nervous diseases
  • Cold drugs require a separate point, since phenobarbital is often found in their composition. It is prohibited in foreign countries. Therefore, carefully study the composition of your drug. For example, it is impossible to carry out corvalol and valocardin.
  • For example, a banal remedy for coughing, which contains codeine, also cannot be transported.
  • Ethyl alcohol and alcohol -containing medicines. In most countries, they are prohibited, so it is worth excluding misunderstandings.

How to carry through the border of medicines that are prohibited for removal?

It happens that you need to take with you medicines that are included in the list of prohibited medicines. This occurs when you undergo a course of treatment. Then you need to have the following:

  • A copy of the medical card
  • Recipe
  • Check from the pharmacy in which the drug was bought
  • A certificate from the attending physician with a diagnosis and prescribed treatment. The name of the drug, dosage and treatment period must be indicated
  • Next, it is worth filling out the declaration directly at customs, having a necessary list of documents with it.

Important: any drugs cannot be taken in an amount more than 5 units! We repeat once again - each country has its own list. Therefore, this information is worth asking at the Consulate of the country!

What are the vaccinations and where to make to go abroad to exotic countries?

It is worth noting that such vaccinations should be done at least a month before the trip. That is, go through the entire course (if so necessary). Again, in one country, the need for some vaccinations will be in the list of mandatory, and in others - completely unnecessary.

It is worth noting that two groups stand out:

  • mandatory
  • recommended. That is, the doctor suggested, and you already decide whether to do it or not. Also, not all countries have a need for them

Mandatory: this is a vaccine from yellow fever. It consists of one injection, its shelf life is about 10 years, and enters into force on the 10th day. That is, 10 days after vaccination, you can already visit another country. It is mandatory for all exotic countries!

Mandatory vaccinations for leaving for another country
Mandatory vaccinations for leaving for another country

Recommended vaccinations consist of the following injections:

  • diphtheria and tetanus
  • polio
  • hepatitis A and B
  • cores and mumps
  • typhus abdominal
  • rabies
  • japanese encephalitis
  • meningococcal infection
  • tick -borne encephalitis

All vaccinations are made directly in your clinic. If there are no vaccinations in stock, the attending physician will definitely send the right institution. Before traveling to exotic countries, it is worth taking a consultation with a local doctor. And already he will directly give the necessary list of vaccinations to every country!

What medicines do you need to take with you on a pregnant woman?

We will also not conduct the entire list of the above drugs. Most drugs coincide with those that are suitable for children. Therefore, it is worth focusing on their list. But there are funds that every mother must have with him.

  • Folic acid. If you continue the course, then do not forget to take it with you.
  • The prescribed vitamins are also no exception. For example, iodomarin. It needs to be taken by all trimester of pregnancy.
  • With the tone of the uterus, it is worth stocking up on no-shpa, papaverine or Magne B6.
  • From temperature, it is worth taking nurofen or Panadol children's drugs.
  • From headache, future mothers can be taken by paracetamol or ibuprofen. They also help from temperature.
  • Faculty alcohol will help the expectant mother with fainting, if any can happen.
  • Also, it does not hurt to capture the device for measuring pressure. Since, in pregnant women it often jumps.
  • And in general, consult your gynecologist. Only he knows your picture of well -being and will advise you to take the most necessary and necessary medicines.
  • If a general deterioration of the pregnant woman arose, pain in the abdomen or, even worse, bleeding occurred, then urgently go to the hospital!

What to put the first necessary medicines on the road?

Correct packaging also plays a large role. It is worth highlighting several criteria that will help to correctly store and transport medicines.

  • There are no high temperatures at once. Most drugs spoils from them. And such a medicine acts just the opposite. Also, medicines do not like sunlight. Therefore, the thermo-shoe will be a great option.
  • Check the juices of suitability! On the road it is worth taking those that have a long time. Yes, and at home, take it a rule regularly to clean the first -aid kit, checking the dates of drugs.
  • It is advisable to pack each medicine in a separate hermetic bag. Or at least divide them into groups - from the stomach, from cough, from temperature, etc. You can even sign them. So finding something will be easier.
  • Any glass containers are worth packing separately! If the container is damaged and the contents flows out. Thus, all drugs will not spoil.
  • Be sure to store the instructions. Naturally, for example, citimon or peroxide does not require this. But antibiotics or even children's nurofen (just in case) requires the presence of instructions nearby.

Video: Patch of a traveler - School of Dr. Komarovsky

In principle, the main list of medicines for the adult and the child was indicated above. But Komarovsky has already become so popular among young mothers that they cannot do without his recommendations. Yes, it really gives many sensible and useful tips. Here are a few links where you can see clearly and in detail what to take on the road to the sea with the baby.

Video: Traveling with a child. Councils of Komarovsky

Good vacation! And let your first -aid kit need a minimum amount of medication!

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Comments K. article

  1. My list of drugs is not particularly large on the road. But the first thing I definitely put in a first -aid kit is a panthenolsprey. And if it is necessary on vacation, then I use it in sunburn. Since it is based on dexpanthenol, the skin is restored, burns are healed great. Only when buying a spray, I always watch that there is a smiley on the package, since it is this original, therapeutic spray, and not a fake.

  2. Thank you for the article.

  3. Rimma, I completely agree with you. In the first of all, in the first -aid kit in the summer I put the pantenolprey, so that they can process sunburn, which I have on every vacation. And by the way, you write correctly about the smiley, I also only take this, because it is produced in Europe, which is also indicated on the bottle now)))

  4. thank you for the article

  5. Yes, yes, I fully support the girls about Panthenolsprey. Also, by the way, I take with an emoticon and signed in Europe, it is so blue, it is difficult not to notice it. More than once this spray has helped us out on vacation with sunburn, since it restores the skin great with its effect.

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