What names are male and female not inclined in cases in Russian? Rules for the declension of surnames of male and feminine in Russian

What names are male and female not inclined in cases in Russian? Rules for the declension of surnames of male and feminine in Russian

From this article you will learn what surnames according to the rules in Russian are inclined and which are not.

Most often, Russian citizens are interested in the question: whether their surname is correctly inclined, at the end and at the beginning of the school year, when the children graduate from school or the school year begins. And some surnames are not subject to declension. What are these surnames? We find out in this article.

What surnames are not inclined to cases?

The following groups of surnames are not inclined in cases:

  1. Surnames with the end of - (Short, gray -haired, remote). For example: Natalia Korotki's notebook, meeting with Viktor Sedykh.
  2. Foreign surnames ending with the letters E, E, Yu, and, y, y, o (Kikabidze, Rustaveli, Megre, Hugo, Shevchenko, Grishko, Glushko, Shapiro, Shoigu, Vaikule). For example: songs of Laima Vaikule, poems by Taras Shevchenko, meeting with Sergey Shoigu. In literary works, the declension of male Ukrainian surnames is found. For example: Taras Shevchenka’s paintings, a meeting with Rodzyanka, we go to visit Isenami, but if you follow the rules, then this is wrong.
  3. Surnames who came to us from abroad, if they end with the letter -a, and in front of it is also a vowel letter (Morua, Gamsakhurdia). For example: I love to read the novels of Andre Morois.
  4. Surnames coming from France, ending with the letters -a, -y, with stress on the last syllable (Dumas, Degas, Zola). For example: Emil Zola's novels.
  5. Surnames that came from Finland, ending on -and without stress (Pekkala). For example: a meeting with the Finnish politician Akhti Pekkal.
  6. Foreign monosyllabic surnames (Lee, preschool educational institution, RA). For example: Lee's notebook, I met with Alexander Dow.
  7. Disguised surnames (Pelmeen, nail, poplar, beetle, pepper). For example: Catherine's notebook, I met a nail on the street on the street.
    Some literary publications advise male names of this category to include. For example: fight with Alexander Usik.
  8. Female surnames that end in consonant letters (Circle, king, tea, Shiplevich, side, Tkachuk, Melnik, Merkel). For example: meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, songs by Natalia Falion.
    Male surnames of this category are inclined. For example: we had a meeting with Alexander Tkachuk.

Rules for the declension of the names of men and women in Russian

Surnames with ending on -ov, -ev

The surnames are widely known in Russia with the end of the –ov, -ev. They formed on behalf of the father (grandfather) with the accession to him -s. For example: Yuri - Yuryev, Yuryev; Vasily - Vasiliev, Vasiliev, Peter - Petrov, Petrov.

How to persuade the cases?

  • In the named after. Padezhe (who?) - Alexander Sidorov, Olga Sidorova, family of Sidorova
  • In the parent. case (whom?) - Alexander Sidorov, Olga Sidorova, Sidorov family
  • In Duteln. case (to whom?) - Alexander Sidorov, Olga Sidorova, family Sidorov
  • In vocational. case (whom?) - Alexander Sidorova, Olga Sidorova, Sidorov family
  • In the creature. case (by whom?) - Alexander Sidorov, Olga Sidorova, family Sidorov
  • In the proposal. Padezhe (about whom?) - About Alexander Sidorov, about Olga Sidorova, about the Sidorov family

Attention. When declining in a prepositional case, if the next word begins with a consonant letter, then “o” is placed, if with a vowel - “О” is placed. Example: about Ivleev, about Aliyev.

Surnames with ending on –in, -yn

Surnames who have ending on –in, -yn arose from the names that end with vowels or from the nickname of a person. For example: Thomas - Fomin, Fomin; Nikita - Nikitin, Nikitin; Gupyan - Tupitsyn, Tupitsyna, Krinitsa - Krinitsyn, Krinitsyna.

How to bow?

  • In the named after. Paudezhe (who?) - Sergey Krinitsyn, Alevtina Krinitsyna, Krinitsyna family

Attention. Foreign surnames, whose ending on –in, in the creative case ends on -om, unlike the Russians, with the end of it. For example: Green, Manon, Darwin, Clinton, Chaplin.

If the surname Chaplin was taken from the word “champ”, and the surname Kronin from the word “crown”, then in the creative case it will end on -y.

Surnames with the end of the –skoye, -stsky, -skoye, -stskaya

Surnames who have ending on –skoye, -tsky, –skoye, -tskoye Turned from Poland, Ukraine. For example: Ostrovsky, Dostoevsky, Razumovsky, Vysotsky, Trotsky.

How to bow?

  • In the parent. case (whom?) - Alexei Razumovsky, Nina Razumovskaya, family of Razumovsky

Surnames with the ending on –O, th, th.

Surnames who have ending on —y, th, th. (Great, black, cool), as the rule of the Russian language reads, are inclined in the same way as adjectives.

How to bow?

  • In the named after. case (who?) - Ivan Black, Elena Black, Black Family

Surnames with the end of

Surnames of men and women with ending on -a (Pearls, Friday, pan, currant, poker) are inclined in the same way as nouns in the female gender.

Attention. In the multiple number of the surname, in which the last letter is not inclined.

How to bow?

  • In vocational. case (whom?) - Ivan the pan, Anna Skovoroda, the family of the pan
  • In the proposal. case (about whom?) - About Ivan a pan, about Anna Skrokoga, about the family of a pan

Surnames with the ending on –K

Surnames who have ending on –K (Beetle, Melnik, Tkachuk, Fedorchuk, Logvinyuk) are only inclined if they belong to men, or her husband and wife taken together. The wife has a surname ending on -k is not inclined.

How to bow?

  • In the parent. Paudezhe (whom?) - Yuri Zakharchuk, Maria Zakharchuk, family Zakharchukov

Surnames belonging to the noun with the end of the consonant letter

Surnames in the form of a noun (Belous, Sazhotrus, coward) were formed from the nicknames of people. They are popular in the lands of today, Belarus. The husband and in the plural are inclined, the wife does not have.

How to bow?

  • In the parent. Paudezhe (whom?) - Fedor Sazhotrus, Irina Sazhotrus, family of Sajotrus

Surnames belonging to noun with runaway vowels

In Russia there were and are surnames in the form of a noun, in which when they are declined, a vowel letter falls. This applies only to men with appropriate surnames, female - are not subject to declension. For example:

  • Friday - forehead
  • The root is the root
  • Lapot is a bast shoe
  • Half - half a day
  • Volchek is the top
  • Grishkovets - Grishkovts

How to bow?

  • In the parent. case (whom?) - Alexei Kornya, Julia Koron, family of roots

Attention. In some families, traditions were so that the vowel letter from the surname does not fall out, and then the surname in the genitive case does not sound a bast shoe, a fox, a lion, but a bow, peshets, Leva.

Surnames with ending on —u (soft sign)

Surnames of men with the end of (Koval, baker, pharmacist, bondar) and the same surnames in the plural they are inclined, surnames of women - are not subject to decline.

How to bow?

  • In the parent. case (whom?) - Dmitry Pekar, Anna Pekar, the Family of the Baker

Surnames with the ending on -h

Men's surnames with the ending on -h (Martynovich, Fedorovich, Kopach, violinist) and in the plural are inclined, female - do not inclined.

How to bow?

  • In the parent. case (whom?) - Anton violinist, Alina violinist, violin family

Double surnames

In double surnames, if the surnames are inclined in separateness, then this happens with both, and if the first is not inclined, then only the second must be persuaded.

How to bow both inclined names?

  • In the parent. Padezhe (whom?)-Alexander Zinoviev-Ivanova, Nina Zinovieva-Ivanova, the Zinoviev-Ivanov family

How to bow a double surname, where the first part of it is not inclined?

  • In the parent. Case (whom?)-Grigory Kononenko-Borisov, Olga Kononenko-Borisova, family of Kononenko-Borisov
  • In the proposal. case (about whom?)-about Grigory Kononenko-Borisov, about Olga Kononenko-Borisova, about the family of Kononenko-Borisov

Attention. If the surname of a woman consists of two non -inclined names in a female gender, then the double surname is also not inclined. For example: Mary Bonch-Bruevich’s notebook, we were with Olga Sidorchuk-Romanenko's friend.

Armenian surnames with ending

If a carrier armenian surname with the end of It is a man, then according to the rules of the Russian language, it is inclined, the same thing happens in the plural, if a woman is not inclined.

How to bow?

  • In the parent. case (whom?) - Vladimir Grigoryan, Nino Grigoryan, family Grigoryanov
Surnames that are inclined and not inclined

So, in the Russian language some surnames are inclined, others are not.

Video: What surnames are not inclined?

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