What is the closest planet to the ground? What is closer to the ground, Mars or Venus? Is life possible on Mars and Venus?

What is the closest planet to the ground? What is closer to the ground, Mars or Venus? Is life possible on Mars and Venus?

The closest planets to Earth.

After the first powerful telescopes appeared, the study of neighboring planets, as well as stars, began. Astronomers regularly watched heavenly bodies, were interested in whether there was life on other planets and stars that are near the Earth. In this article we will talk about the closest planets that are near the ground.

What is the closest planet to the ground?

According to scientific data, it is believed that Venus is as close as possible to the Earth. The minimum distance is 38 million km. Such a distance is observed when the planets become one after another. As the planets are moving around the sun, each in its orbit, the distance increases.


Interesting Facts:

  • Venus very often is called the sister of the Earth, because the density of the planets, as well as their size, are similar, because these are planets of the earth's type and consist of solids. But despite the fact that Venus is the closest planet to Earth, it is not studied enough. This is due to a very aggressive climate on the surface of the planet.
  • The fact is that almost all flying objects and satellites that transmit the characteristics of the planets to the Earth do not receive images from the surface, due to the presence of acidic clouds. The atmosphere on the planet is very aggressive, due to the fact that there are active volcanoes and craters. Due to this, the average temperature on the surface is 400 degrees Celsius. This value is high, which completely rejects the presence of life on the planet.
  • It is believed that Venus has no companions. But more than once a hypothesis has been put forward that until a certain time it was Mercury that was a companion of Venus. Then, for some reason, he got off his orbit and changed the direction of movement. This hypothesis would explain the fact that Venus is very high. Until a certain point, it could be quite tolerable for life, such as on Earth. But after the resonance and the rupture of the connections between Mercury and Venus, the atmosphere has changed significantly, becoming unsuitable for life.
  • Venus is outwardly similar to the ground, but in terms of its characteristics it is very ill -owned. Frequent eruptions of volcanoes are also observed here, acid evaporation are underway, which interfere with the planet with the help of research devices. Many research devices tried to penetrate the planet. In conditions of acidic clouds, most of them were destroyed.

What is closer to the ground, Mars or Venus?

The second most close planet is Mars. At the most close point, the distance to the ground is a little more than 40 million km. At the same time, Mars was studied much better than Venus, due to the fact that the atmosphere is somewhat different and allows planting on the surface of different flying objects. More than one expedition was sent by Mars. But still it is quite difficult to live on Mars. Because there is a huge amount of carbon dioxide, which does not allow a person to breathe on his surface.

Features of Mars:

  • Scientists believe that life could once be on Mars, because this planet is as close as possible in its composition and features to the Earth. Although it is also somewhat warlike.
  • The fact is that our ancestors tried to see this planet, saw a huge red spot, and therefore called it warlike. Although in fact the planet is very calm, quiet. The red surface of the surface gives the oxide of iron, there is a lot of it there.
  • Due to the strong wind and high spare atmosphere, strong fake storms occur, which raise this red dust up. Under the thickness of the ice, the remains of water were found. Therefore, it is quite possible that there were once and will be living organisms. Because the aquatic environment is quite favorable for the development of living organisms. Due to the high content of carbon monoxide, life is currently impossible here. Maybe something will change over time and the Earth successfully colonize Mars.
Military planet
Military planet

Is life possible on Mars and Venus?

One of the features of Venus and Mars is that these planets rotate quite slowly. Venus really moves very slowly around its axis. The day on it is as much as we have for a whole year.

Despite the fact that Mars and Venus are significantly different from each other and are the closest neighbors of the Earth, at the moment life is almost impossible on them. Because on Venus the average temperature is more than 400 degrees, and on Mars -80. The most interesting thing is that on a warlike planet, just like on Earth, in the North Pole, there is a decrease in temperature to -150 degrees, and at the equator it reaches -50.

Despite the huge thickness of ice, some life is possible here. Because on Earth, even at the North Pole, in the huge permafrost of thick ice, microorganisms were found, which may well exist in conditions of so low minus temperatures.

Earth and Venus
Earth and Venus

At the moment, Venus and Mars are unlikely to be suitable for ordinary life, as on Earth. Because the atmosphere of these planets is quite aggressive. This is especially true for Venus. Here is high temperature, as well as the air is saturated with various aggressive substances that cannot be inhaled. On Mars is not enough oxygen and low temperature.


Now scientists have sufficiently studied the planets of the earth's group and those that are in the field of the solar system. Because since life on the nearest planets is unlikely, they took up the search for exoplanets, which is quite possible to live on. But they are far enough from the solar system, so it is almost impossible to get there. Maybe in a few thousand years our descendants will be able to get to one of the exoplanets and make friends with its inhabitants.

Video: planets close to Earth

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