How to make a man think about you? How to find out if a man thinks about you?

How to make a man think about you? How to find out if a man thinks about you?

Detailed instructions for women about men's thoughts.

In order for the chosen one of your heart to not forget that he is a chosen one, he needs to help. Namely: try to think about you, even when you are not there. In this article, we will teach you small harmless tricks that psychologists advise using.

How to make a man think about you: Psychology

We women, very emotionale. And when we fall in love, all our thoughts are busy with a loved one. Naturally, in response we are waiting for the same. I so want our man to think about us, remember during the day.

But, unfortunately (or fortunately?), The brain of a strong half of humanity is arranged differently: it only thinks about what is busy at a particular moment. If a man is not yet among your gentlemen, then follow the following recommendations:

  • Try to please the man externally.It's no secret that men love pretty well -groomed women. Plus beautiful clothes that emphasize the figure (or, conversely, hiding its shortcomings), a stylish hairstyle and a high heel - and feel free to catch his eye as often as possible
  • divide it with him hobbies, Men really appreciate women who are passionate about the same things as he himself. Learn about his hobby, and go ahead - for the morning run, volleyball. Talk to him about fishing, chess, football. Of course, first you need to read the relevant literature, and for playing sports, buy beautiful sportswear
  • smile more often. Men love cheerful and positive ladies. Try to tell you as much more fun and interesting about how you visited some exhibition or performance. If a man gets to this event, he will definitely remember you
  • coquet - this technique acts without fail. Talk to him in a playful flirty manner. All men love when they build their eyes. But do not overdo it. He should not think that you are easy prey
  • be mysteriousth. Remember that men are always attracted by a woman shrouded in a veil of secrets. No need to tell him about yourself in the smallest detail. Do not rush to lay out who called you now and what they did last night. Leave a little space for speculation
  • call in a man a sense of hunting. Remember that the strongest floor appreciates those women who are difficult to achieve. Do not agree immediately on a date, give him the opportunity to overcome all obstacles and obstacles on the way to you
Koquet with a man
Koquet with a man

Now let's consider psychological ways to make a man think about you if you are already in a relationship with him.

  • give He will use what he will use constantly.
    It is wonderful if you give him something that he can use every day-a belt, a keychain, bag. A beautiful unusual cup is suitable for these purposes. Then starting the morning with a cup of coffee, he involuntarily starts his day with thoughts about you
  • write cute SMS. Remind the man about yourself through short messages. He will be pleased to get a wish for a good morning or a good day. You can congratulate on some insignificant funny holiday: the day of the invention of an electric bulb or the day of independence of Zimbabwe. Of course, this advice is suitable if your chosen one has a sense of humor.
  • try like his friends. Although men do not admit this, the opinion of their friends about their lady’s heart is very important to them. Therefore, your task is to charm his whole company and find a common language with it.
  • "Forget" he has something. If you are sometimes in his apartment, “accidentally” leave some thing there: a hairpin, a scarf, earrings. This will remind him of you
  • have own hobbies. A man quickly loses a passion for a woman who lives only by his interests. He must know that you live a rich life, you have many friends and your own hobbies. If you refuse a date with a man for the sake of training in Macrame courses, you can doubt it, he will be very surprised and will think about you
  • do not always be affordable. Use the technique " closer - further". Sometimes move away from him: refuse a date, turn off the phone for a while. And after time, show special tenderness and affection. And be a little cold again. Do not hesitate, this will make the man guess what exactly you feel for him at the moment
Send the SMS to the man
Send the SMS to the man

A very effective psychological way to tie a person to himself is the method of the so -called “anchor”. It consists in the fact that some sensations of a man (of course, pleasant) be associated with you:

  • aromas -choose for yourself the perfumes that your knight likes, and use them constantly. The bedroom should also have its own pleasant smell. And if a man hears a familiar aroma somewhere, he will definitely remember you
  • touch -choose the moment when he experiences strong positive emotions (fun, joy), and touch before him. The next time you touch on this part of the man’s body, his subconscious will work, and he will feel satisfaction. Of course, to do such a “focus” with an “touch of touch” is necessary at least 7 times
  • the words.Psychologists assure that if during orgasm Men, say any statement (Love me, think about me, wish me), then he programs it to fulfill it. Of course, a request to buy a necklace or rewrite an apartment on you here will work in the opposite direction. Or in moments when your gentleman is very good, name some word appropriate in this situation. Subsequently hearing him, the man will remember those minutes and about you
Touch a man more often and say pleasant words
Touch a man more often and say pleasant words

Video: How to make a man think about a woman?

How to make a man think about you at a distance?

It is not difficult to inspire a man about you when it is possible to periodically “flicker” before his eyes. But how to do it when you are not there? There are such techniques:

  • psychological.The easiest and at the same time the most difficult method is to make a man get bored. Do not call him the first few days. If he himself does not know how to make a call, remind of himself a cheerful SMS. You can arrange a pleasant surprise - order his favorite dish in the restaurant and send it to the address. But at the same time, do not forget to pretend that you have a lot of interesting activities and be sad from separation from a man.
  • another trick - indirect. But here you will need an assistant who often communicates with your lover at work or in the company. At every opportunity, he should mention you (of course, you need to say only good) or call you on what kind of “important” issue in the presence of an object of adoration
  • if a man is a user on social networks, join the group in which he consists, and take an active part in the discussion of topics. You can leave any witty messages on the wall
  • some psychologists advise borrow money from a man. Moreover, the longer the deadline for repayment of the debt, the stronger the thoughts of you will be. You can take this advice with a smile, but there is still a reasonable grain in this. Especially if when returning the amount to your hero, you will describe how he helped you
  • mental reception - This is a kind of hypnotic suggestion at a distance. Correctly directed thought sometimes becomes magical
Add to a man in a social network and learn about his interests
Add to a man in a social network and learn about his interests

Every day at night, when it is assumed that the object of your passion is sleeping, follow the following:

  • lie down, relax your body and free yourself from all thoughts
  • imagine the image of a loved one in all the little things
  • when this image is bright and clear, mentally move to his body and brain
  • send clear commands and images associated with you
  • perform this exercise every day at least one month, although the results may appear before
  • do not tell anyone about the practice, since other people's thoughts often interfere with the result
Before going to bed, think about a man
Before going to bed, think about a man

How to make a married man think about you?

As they say, you cannot order the heart. And many girls fall in love with men who are already married. These young ladies are ready for anything, if only the subject of their passion answered reciprocity. The technique that allows you to make a married person think about you is slightly different from the one that is used for a bachelor:

  • attract attention with appearance. Dress brightly and sexy so that the man involuntarily escorts you. You can ask if he likes your dress
  • intrigue. If, meeting every day in the office, you greeted, stop doing it. A man will definitely be guessed why this happened. Carry an unusual thing with you (pendant, office tool, clutch), which attracts attention with its appearance and gives rise to a lot of questions
  • show interest.Smile coquettishly while passing by. When talking, you are keenly interested in his opinion, ask questions. Show how interesting you are to communicate with him, even if it is boring at first
  • ask him for help. A man always feels like a hero if the lady asks to do what he herself "will never be able to"
  • do not impose. Do not throw a married person SMS - messages, gifts. Limit the number of calls, do not pass greetings through friends, do not set dates. All this man should want to do it himself in relation to you
  • show skill in sex. Remember that you should be better than your wife in everything, and in sex in the first place. Often the "married man" plunges into love adventures precisely for the sake of intimate variety
  • call jealousy.A man should know that he is not the center of the universe, and you may have fans. Try to “accidentally” see you with a bouquet of flowers or hear how affectionately you talk to someone on the phone. Of course, do not extend the stick, know how to determine the line for which it is dangerous to enter
  • appreciate his attention - always demonstrate how valuable and important his gifts are or just attention with which he gives you
  • be perfect, try to find out from a man what woman he always dreamed about, and become like that for him
Call a man jealousy
Call a man jealousy

But before using these tips, think about whether you need this person? After all, the destruction of a foreign family, especially if there are young children, does not always lead to the desired result.

How to make a man think about you: rite, conspiracy

All women have a piece of witchcraft. The passion for various fortune -telling, conspiracies are embedded in us by nature. Do you think magic happens only in fairy tales? Try conspiracies that modern magicians and sorcerers offer.

Method 1:

  • during a joint feast, take a glass of wine from which you have already drank
  • splash a little in a man's glass
  • say: "Drink, finish, and remember me"
  • of course, this must be done imperceptibly from the subject of love
Add a man from your glass to a glass of wine to a glass of wine
Add a man from your glass to a glass of wine to a glass of wine

Method 2:

  • prepare a dough on yeast
  • put it in the oven (oven)
  • scribbled the source fluid three times and drink
  • say: "Next to my heart, the dough lies, and in (the name of a man) thought will arise about me"
Opara will be required for the ritual
Opara will be required for the ritual

Method 3:

  • take 3 thin wax candles
  • weave them together
  • say: "Between you, the candles of the retinue, and we will be merged with you"
  • light candles
  • continue to say: "I light candles, I kindle your love, I open your heart (name of a man). Amen"
    burn candles 9 times every day
Weave candles and say certain words of the conspiracy
Weave candles and say certain words of the conspiracy

Method 4:

  • dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of water
  • on the above the elbow of the right hand, tie the white fabric
  • tie the black fabric on the left in the same way
  • concentrate your thoughts on your loved one
  • in the forest nearby in the ground, stick three candles from wax on the cardinal points - south, north, east
    Light them
  • think about the chosen one and say his name three times
  • turn through the left shoulder three times
  • leave without looking around

Method 5:

  • prepare an infusion from lemon balm
  • stand until sunrise
  • wash your face with a cooked decoction
  • drink a little
  • simultaneously with these actions about a man, remember what thoughts you want to call
  • you can utter the words: “Fire of love, fly to the one who the heart beats. And let him think of me "
Wash the Melissa and say the words of the conspiracy
Wash the Melissa and say the words of the conspiracy

Method 6:

  • spend the rite on Friday to the growing moon
  • take two wax red candles
  • write your name for one, and on the other - the name of a man
  • light candles
  • gather the first drops of molten wax from each candle with different fingers
  • rub with your fingers about each other
  • in the following days, repeat the ritual by putting your photos under the candles and putting candles closer to each other
  • complete the rite on the next Friday
  • the wax that dripped in the photo, collect and put in a red rag bag
  • keep under the pillow
Red candles for ardent male love
Red candles for ardent male love

Remember, no matter what kind of words you pronounce during the rituals, the main thing is that it go from a pure heart and wish good.

Video: 10 ways to make a man run after you

Esoterica: How to make a man think about you

Esoteric knowledge helps a person control the material world through spiritual. In order for the man to whom you are not indifferent to recall you, experts suggest trying the following practices:

  • imagine you together. This is the simplest exercise. Famous yourself more often next to your chosen one. Draw bright pictures of joint pastime, where you are both happy and cheerful. Think about how great you are together. Positive attitude often attracts good events
  • inspire him with thoughts about yourself. While with the chosen one in the same room, mentally draw a beam of blue from the center of your forehead to the center of his forehead (you can to the back of the head). When you feel that the beam has become durable, pass the statements on it - orders like “you love (your name)”, “you think about (your name)”, etc.
  • dream your beloved. Do you think it is impossible to manage dreams? Esoterics claim the opposite. Before going to bed, lying in bed, think about a man who you want to dream. Imagine only good things about him, remember the pleasant events associated with him. And when you see enough, say the words three times: "See you (the name of a man) Light Dreams with (your name)"
  • charge food or drink. This method is often used by women in India. Before you cook dinner to your beloved, comb your hair back, put on clean clothes. Cook, singing a song about love and saying affectionate words about your man. Put all your love into the dish. Food, charged with such a positive energy, has, in truth, a magical property. Do not hesitate, your gentleman will only think about the woman who has prepared this miracle
Think more often about your beloved
Think more often about your beloved

In order for these actions to lead to a positive result, remember the mandatory rules:

  • perform exercises only with good health and emotional calm. If you feel unhealthy, set aside for a while
  • thoughts should be clear, without fuss. If you cannot concentrate, nothing will work out
  • person only Good intentionsi. Do not try to take revenge on a person with esoteric practices or have fun with his feelings. Your thoughts should be clean
  • be sure of success, and you will succeed

How to find out if a man thinks about you?

When we are in love, all our thoughts curl around the subject of sympathy. And we are very interested in what a man feels in relation to us, does he reciprocate? Pride does not allow you to ask, and not always men will tell the truth.

How to find out? Let's try to figure it out using the advice of psychologists. In the event that you are still little familiar with the man, the proof of his indifference is behavior, gestures, facial expressions:

  • "Flashes" before my eyes. If a man has become interested in you, he tries as much as possible to get into the field of vision more often and constantly spins nearby, asking questions (in your opinion, rather stupid) and trying to draw into the conversation
  • he behaves unusually - he begins to brag about his feats, deliberately laughs loudly at your jokes, tries to attract attention
  • following posture. When a man wants to show himself in all its glory, he stands in front of you, trying to drag his stomach, his legs can be slightly placed
  • the feet are deployed in your direction. The interested man's socks of shoes will be turned towards you
  • touches you during a conversation - holding your elbow or shoulder, a man seems to show the world his rights to you
  • shares his things, offering a sweater or jacket, a man shows that he is ready to share everything he owns with you
It is not difficult to understand that the man is interested in you
It is not difficult to understand that the man is interested in you

Now we will tell you how to understand if a man with whom you already be in a relationship thinks about you. The thoughts of your chosen one are always occupied by you if he:

  • often calls - He calls you several times a day, just to hear a voice and ask the banal "How are you?"
  • writes SMS -He writes to you in the morning the message “Hello”, “Good Day”, “I miss”, and during the day he sends any pictures or funny photos
  • be sure to call back, does not disregard your calls. Seeing the missed, at the first opportunity it calls and is interested in what you wanted
  • angry if you do not answer the call. Seeing a bunch of missing calls from your loved one, you call, thinking that he will be delighted. But in response, you can hear the irritated "What were you so busy?" Or "And why do you need a phone at all then?" Do not hesitate, he just worried and thought about you
  • jealous,hearing that you are talking on the phone with a man, he will definitely ask who he was and what he wanted from you. And he also does not like male colleagues
  • he does not put on things that you do not approve. The man refuses his beloved T -shirt, hearing that you cannot stand her. He can also refuse a mustache if you don't like them
  • does pleasant surprises. He remembers what flowers you love, what perfume you prefer. And it can quite unexpectedly give the book that you once mentioned. This means that he listens to you and thinks about how to please
  • he asks your photo, constantly demands to send your photo, and if he does not receive it, she takes pictures of you himself and puts you on the phone. Therefore, we still advise you to send our successful photo, which he will show everyone
  • tells your friends about you. And not only tells, but also mentions for any reason: how do you prepare what you read, what you are fond of
  • plans a pastime. Not yet having time to leave, already talks about what you will do on the weekend and where you will go
Lovers men often make surprises
Lovers men often make surprises

We hope that our tips will help to properly interpret the behavior of a man, and unnecessary anxiety will not overshadow your mood.

Video: How to make a man think about you? Strategy for behavior with men

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  1. Hello! I want to share my story. We lived with my husband for 20 years, met in his student years, mutual sympathy arose, which almost immediately grew into love. After half a year they played a wedding, began life from rented apartments (communal apartments) in general began to talk with a spoon and forks. We finished their studies, organized a small business, gave birth to 2 wonderful children, lived a soul in the soul. A bad business grew into a rather large company. They bought real estate in the city and outside the city, in general they achieved everything in life (it would seem to live and rejoice) but a year ago my husband seemed to be replaced, became irritable, rude, constantly hid the phone, began to disappear for several days, (he said that the business trip is supposedly) . Snowed, I believed, I thought it was possible to have problems in the company. One fine day, my husband arrived home early, went to the shower and left the phone on the table and at that moment SMS came, "we'll meet a dear one in an hour." I immediately understood the reason for his business trips, but my husband only dismissed all my questions about the mistress. The recognized person also had problems with her husband, advised me to put wiretap on her husband’s phone. I turned to people who helped to find out the whole truth. I was able to control the whole correspondence of her husband as well as all incoming and outgoing challenges. In the end, we divorced my husband, but I do not regret nothing, I think that it is better to live knowing the bitter truth than to constantly live in lies.

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