How to freeze a page in VK yourself: Instructions. How to freeze someone else's page in VK?

How to freeze a page in VK yourself: Instructions. How to freeze someone else's page in VK?

VKontakte is quite a multifaceted service and it allows you to do anything with the page, of course, within the framework of the rules. Sometimes you need to freeze your own or someone else's page and in our article we will tell you how to do it.

In the lives of people, something is constantly changing and some may consider that they have too much time on social networks and decide to abandon them. Or, on the contrary, a person actively uses VKontakte and suddenly it turns out that the page is frozen. In our article, we decided to figure out what the freezing of the page means, what it happens and how to get rid of it.

What is the freezing of the VKontakte page?

It is important to first understand what is the difference between a frozen page and a remote page. The fact is that both of these processes occur in different ways and besides, only the VKontakte administration can freeze the page.

If the user independently blocks the page, that is, removes it, then it is subject to recovery within 7 months. But in the case of frost, the decision is already adopted by the VKontakte administration. You can return to your favorite page after the deadline specified on the page. Although, in rare cases, it is possible to prove that the ban was undeserved, unless, of course, this is true.

What can VKontakte page freeze for?

The page is frozen
The page is frozen

The main reasons for freezing the VKontakte page are usually the suspicious actions of the user who violate the service rules. Thus, the freezing of the page is possible in the following cases:

  • Likes and subscribers. If you use special sites to receive free subscribers where everything is done for bonuses, then always be prepared for blocking. Perhaps it will not be imposed on you immediately, but over time it will certainly happen, and when you do not wait at all.
  • Sending spam. If you are actively sending a bunch of messages to the walls of groups, to personal correspondence to users and so on, then you can be blocked. This usually applies to advertising and links. Such activity violates the rules for working with VKontakte and is a violation.
  • Advertising in the tape. You can’t post advertising and links on your personal page. You will instantly be blocked by a robot. The same applies to materials for adults, insults, viruses and so on.
  • Suspicious activity. This concept includes the mass addition of friends, a huge number of likes in a short time.
  • Complaints of other users. If other VK users saw the forbidden content on your page or you insulted them with something, then you will be complaints about you. When there are a lot of them, you will be blocked.
Blocking by the administration
Blocking by the administration

If the administration decided to freeze, then you can remove the lock very quickly. As a rule, this takes a couple of hours. But, if you continue to do the same, then the lock will gradually extend until 6 months, and later your account can be frozen for good.

How to freeze your VKontakte page yourself?

If desired, you can temporarily limit access to your profile yourself. To do this, use the account settings. Unlike the page blocking, you can independently return access to it and freeze it back if you want. In the case of locking, you no longer decide whether to freeze the page.

Removal and lock is carried out manually almost the same, but with one difference - for complete removal you need to wait 7 months and not try to restore the page. To do this:

  • Go to the settings, clicking on your avatar at the top right and clicking on the desired point
  • Then select at the very bottom of the page "Removing the page"
  • The system will ask if you are sure of your actions, confirm that you are sure and the page will freeze
Delete the page
Delete the page

If you want to go back, then just click on the recovery button. If this is not done, then after a certain time the page will leave. The specific date of removal is usually attributed in the account.

How to freeze someone else's page in VKontakte?

There is a way to freeze other people's pages. To do this, send the user to the ban. It will be easy to provoke a simple freeze, but it is extremely difficult to make it unlimited. The owner of the page will constantly restore it and not even once, but they will not be blocked for good. In any case, to freeze the user, you need to send a complaint about him:

  • Open the page of the user you want to ban
  • Under his photo, click on the icon with three points
  • In the falling menu, click "Complain to the page"
Complain to the page
Complain to the page
  • A new window will open, where you need to choose the reason for the lock from several options
Choosing the reason
Choosing the reason
  • After choosing the reason, click on "Send"

There is another way of freezing and it is relevant if the user actively sends all kinds of advertising to the messages. To send a complaint, it is enough to press the “Spam” button in the dialogue. She automatically sends a complaint with constant complaints from different users, the page will be frozen.

How many complaints do you need to block the VKontakte page?

There are reasons when the administration instantly freezes the account even with one complaint, but mostly it should accumulate a lot so that the technical support blocked the account. Official figures are not called anywhere, but focus on about 5 complaints.

Video: How to freeze any page in VK?

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